The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1471: conflict

Just dawn, Liu Er woke up. Eight? One Chinese network? W? W? W (eight). ?8 (one) 1? Z? W (a). When COM opened his eyes, he saw Feng Zhixi lying next to him.

Put on the cloak, Liuer will wake up Feng Zhixi and whispered: "We should get up."

Feng Zhixi looked outside and then pressed Liu Er back to the bed: "It’s still early, we will sleep again."

Liu Er shook his head and said: "Don't sleep, wait for the grandparents to see the ceremony, it is not good for them to wait."

Looking at Liu Bai's white and delicate skin, Feng Zhixi couldn't help but swallow a slobber: "Let's get up!" Yesterday, I was sorry that Liu Er was the first time, and did not dare to make a toss. Tonight, you can have fun.

When I got out of bed, Feng Zhixi said to the newcomer who came in and said: "My clothes are in the red cabinet of the West Chamber. You have to take a set."

Liuer, while wearing clothes, smiled and said: "Your clothes, I will prepare for you!" Feng Zhixi is very handsome, but he does not pay much attention to grooming. He wears gray or black on weekdays. Dirty clothes. In this respect, it is similar to jujube. Before I became a pro, I was too afraid to be jokes, so Liu Er would have no control. Now, she is not afraid of being laughed.

Feng Zhixi did not refuse. Became a family, eating and wearing these will let the daughter-in-law take care of it.

After washing, Liu Er changed his clothes. Liu Er changed the blue silk and the Tilian pattern of the Yunjin Palace, combing the moon, slanting a jade and exquisite, adorned with fine silver beaded tassels. Apply a thin powder on the face, condense the goose on the face, and sakura on the lips.

Seeing Feng Zhixi staring at himself, with a stupid. Liu Er said with some shame: "What are you looking at?"

"Women, you are so beautiful." It is his blessing to be able to marry such a beautiful and gentle wife.

Liu Er listened to this word sweetly, and said: "Change clothes!"

The handsome man, the beauty of the woman, can attract everyone's attention when they go.

As soon as the young couple walked into the living room, everyone’s eyes lit up in an instant. Seventy-seven is both a big sister and a cousin, and the speech is more casual: "The second princess, you and Axico are really talented and talented."

Liu Er smiled and said: "The big sister will tease me."

The lotus flower looks like a beautiful Liuer with flowers, and his eyes are awkward. When she first married Ding Jia, she was also beautiful and moving, and she was full of good imagination for the future. But in the end, it fell to such an ending.

The woman took the tea to Feng Zhixi and Liu Er, and the other put a mat in front of Feng Zhixi.

It’s not stupid to seal the army, let the princess kneel down for himself, and the ultimate benefit is the princess. Because this thing is spread out, outsiders can only say that the princess is gentle and filial, but those who dare to suffer this embarrassment will be considered to be ignorant.

Liu Er saw a smile on his face. It is worthy of being a person who is often praised by her mother.

Feng Zhixi was on the ground, and Liu Er was shackled. He handed the tea to the big army with his hands, and said generously, "Hey, drink tea."

Feng Dajun took the tea and laughed happily. "I have waited for twenty years for this cup of tea." After that, I finished the tea.

Seeing Liu Er’s first sight, he wanted to set this wife for his son. Although there were twists and turns in the middle, I finally got what I wanted.

Put the teacup down, and seal the army to give Liu a red envelope: "Here is two thousand and two silver, you can buy something you like." If it is jujube, send a good weapon. Liu Liu likes the things like Qinqi calligraphy and painting embroidery. He doesn't know anything about this. He simply doesn't need this god. Give money, the most trouble-free.

Liu Er took the red envelope and smiled and said: "Thank you."

After drinking the tea of ​​Liu Erjing, Chang’s also sent a face-to-face ceremony, which was a grandmother’s emerald jade. I also know that Liu Er likes jade ornaments and only picks this piece of jade.

When I was married in the seventh day of the day, I got a point of ruby ​​ruby, and the value was not lower than this piece of jade. So seven or seven, it’s no different.

Feng Lianwu looked at this jade look but it was a change. There is no such good thing in her dowry. What she said to her is the same as Zhi Zhi Zhi Xi, and she still believes this.

She also doesn't want to think about what it is like to marry her, and what is the situation now.

Then, the young couple gave a gift to Feng Lianwu.

Sealing the lotus fog to Liuer is a pair of red gold tired silk wishful gold. This meeting is also very thick.

Seven seven looked, the look did not change.

Feng Zhixi looked at the lotus fog with some surprises. His older sister was so generous.

Liu Er smiled and took his hands together: "Thank you, big sister." I don't have to think about it. This is not the case with Ruyi Jinqi. It is impossible for her mother-in-law to give her a face.

Feng Zhiyi also learned to seal the army and gave five hundred and two silvers a face-to-face ceremony.

Seventy-seven is a double-sided embroidered fan, and two goldfish on the fan fan swim leisurely under the lotus leaf.

Feng Lian mist sees, Pi Xiao meat said with a smile: "Zhi Zhi his wife, are you too shabby to meet this ceremony?" Even if it is double-sided embroidery, this fan is too small and the pattern is simple and not complicated. Just getting the market is worth a hundred and eighty dollars.

Feng Dajun frowned. This daughter is really living more and more back. The daddy is the princess's cousin, and the relationship between the two is close. She still doesn't know what the princess likes. I am afraid that this thing is not expensive, but it will definitely be liked by the princess.

Of course, it is mainly that Feng Dajun knows that Qiqi is a wise man, or else he is so sure.

Liu Er took the fan and said with a smile: "The ceremony is not expensive, but in the mind. Dad, I like this gift very much." She likes beautiful embroidery, especially double-sided embroidery.

Fenglian fog is a bit ugly. She just said that this thing is shabby, and the second princess said that she liked the gift. It was not intended to be a face.

Seventy-seven to send this group fan to Liu Er, naturally there is her reason: "This group fan is embroidered by the Queen Mother."

Yuxi used to be a girl who would rarely embroider things, and the embroidered double-sided embroidery was even less, because doing this thing hurts the eyes too much. The double-sided embroidery that was made before the marriage was added, and there were no more than thirty pieces added. Later, Yuxi rebelled, and most of the embroidery she left in the capital was burned down. After Yuxi married, he only embroidered two embroidered pieces. Up to now, Yuxi embroidered double-sided embroidery, but the world is only ten.

The seal of the lotus is a stagnation.

Liuer’s eyes lit up in an instant, and she took a group of fans from the seven-seven hands and carefully observed it: “It’s beautiful.”

"Thank you for your big sister." Liu Er’s hands now have two Yuxi embroidery, each of which is very precious.

Elders or older people have to meet Liuer, and Liu also wants to meet the juniors.

Although I don't like to seal the lotus fog, but in the case of the two couples of Feng Dajun, Liu Er will not treat it differently. Therefore, she gave the same gift to the fruit and fruit sisters and the Dan sisters and sisters. They are all the red gold collars.

After seeing the ceremony, the next step is to use breakfast.

Looking at the seven or seven and Liu, who were sitting down, Feng Yuwu couldn’t help but say: "After I got married to Ding, I used to serve my mother-in-law every day." Some people with big rules are going to give the bride a stand. Rules. However, Fengjia did not have this rule, not to mention that Liu Er is a princess, that is, she was not allowed to serve her.

On the face of Qiqi, there is still a smile like a signboard.

Liu Er had no worries, and said with a smile: "That big sister is really diligent. I am lazy, and I practice piano writing and writing on weekdays." I want her to serve Chang, and Feng Lan can dare to speak.

Feng Dajun said with a cold face: "If you don't want to eat, go back." I don't want to be tempted to be pinched, but I am also embarrassed to say these words in front of two younger wives.

Fenglian’s eyes are red.

Feng Zhixi is so angry that he must die. It can be seventy-seven with Liu Er, and he can’t be so angry that he can’t seal the lotus fog like he did the day before.

Chang held a shrimp with a chopsticks and gave it to Liu, and said with a smile: "The second princess, this shrimp is doing very well, you have a taste." She knows that Liu Er likes to eat jade shrimp.

After taking a bite, Liu Er smiled and nodded and said: "It's so delicious. It seems that there is a good fortune in the future." This shrimp is much worse than the white mother. However, in order to give Chang's face, she deliberately said so.

After using the breakfast, Liu Er and Feng Zhixi want to enter the palace. Others just returned to their yards.

Sitting in the carriage, Feng Zhixi and Liu Er said: "If you say what my sister said, don't put it on the letter." Putting it in your heart will affect your mood.

Liu Er said with a smile: "You can rest assured that I am not so stingy." She is not as useless as the lotus fog, and such a hard maiden will be bullied. If Feng Lianwu dares to provoke her, she will not be polite.

Liu Er didn't get angry, but he could seal the army but he was so angry: "I told the princess that the new wife must serve her mother-in-law? Is she a bad brain?"

Chang’s persuaded: “Lianwu is also an unintentional language. Don’t worry about it.” In fact, she is also very depressed, but who makes Fengfeng fog crawl out of her stomach.

"Unintentional, is she a three-year-old? I dare to say anything like this."

After a fire, Feng Dajun said: "Give her two ways, marry or move out. Both, you let her choose one."

Chang does not agree.

Feng Dajun said: "Leave her at home, I am afraid to bring down the children at home."

Seeing Chang’s or shaking his head, Feng Dajun said: “I am not consulting your opinion, I will just tell you.” Then, by Fengfeng’s fog, this home must be messed up.

Chang Shi is not willing to: "Isn't it so harmful to you now? Now that the child has been hit by a temper, there is some left, you are too abandoning? Are you so embarrassed?"

The more I said the more sad, Chang's tears brushed down: "I am such a daughter, I want her to have a long and two short, I can't live."

Feng Dajun said: "Let's find a good family to marry her. You said that my heart is also ruthless, anyway, she is determined not to stay at home again. She stays in the house, she will have no family, and later Children must be affected."

"Which is so good to find? If she marries her rashly, if she is like Ding, then she really can't live."

Feng Dajun said: "Well, I will give you a year, you will find a good one for her. If you have not found a suitable candidate, then let her move out." Feng Dajun does not understand, he is so Smart Chang is not stupid, how to have such a stupid daughter.

Chang knows that this is the limit of the army, and can only nod.

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