The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1472: Dew (1)

Feng Zhixi and Liu Er went to Kunning Palace, and they saw Yunqing and Yuxi and jujube and others. August 1st? Chinese? Network? W?W (eight) W?. (8) 8 (eight) 1? Z? W (1). ?COM

Jujube dates see the young couple wearing the same clothes, smiled and said: "Feng Zhixi, you are quite handsome in such a dress." She felt that she could also wear clothes like Jinyu.

After listening to this, Feng Zhixi smiled and said: "It is rare to hear the big princess praise me once." If you change the previous, the big princess will definitely say that he is dressed like a dog. Now she can get her praise, and she is blessed by Liu.

When the two were in Shandong, the jujube was often hit by Feng Zhixi.

After talking about the child in the jujube of the jujube, Feng Zhixi said: "The big princess, let me hug the longevity!"

Jujube dates will be handed over to Feng Zhixi.

Looking at the long, white, tender and rounded life, Feng Zhixi sighed: "It’s so good!" To die, his future child can be so good, then he will be content.

Jujube jujube said happily: "Envy! Envy will give birth to one, just to give birth to my parents."

When the words fell, Feng Zhixi screamed, then looked down and saw that his robes were wet.

Qi Hao smiled and said: "The second brother-in-law is so lucky that he was squandered by a long-lived boy."

Yunqing also found it very interesting: "Go and change clothes!"

Feng Zhixi waved his hand and said: "It is said that the boy's urine can eliminate the disease, I will wear him and ask for a Geely."

Jujube and jujube can't smile: "You want to be more interested in the happiness of my parents. Let's hold a big fat boy in the coming year!" She knew that Liu Er's first child wanted a son, so she deliberately said this.

Feng Zhixi smiled and said: "The girl with soft fragrance is also very good."

After saying two words, Yuxi brought Liuer into the palace, and the jujube dates with his longevity and then keeps up.

Yuxi looked at Liu's delicate appearance and knew that the young couple had a good harmony last night, so she did not ask, just said with a smile: "In the twinkling of an eye, you are all married."

Liu Er holding Yuxi spoiled the road: "Married is also the mother's daughter." But not for two days, she now misses Yuxi and Yunqing.

Jujube dates to Liuer’s eyes and asked: “Liu, how was it last night? Can you live well?”

Thinking about yesterday's business, Liu Er was a blush: "Big sister, what do you say?" This kind of thing can also be said, the older sister is really, too arrogant.

Jujube dates to Yuxi and said: "Mother, your book is really a good thing." Anyway, she has benefited a lot.

Yuxi shook his head helplessly.

Liu Er asked inexplicably: "Big sister, what book?"

With a sigh, Jujube looked to Yuxi and asked: "Mother, have you not given the book to Liuer?" She thought that Liu Er, like herself, had read the book.

"Give it new, let her give it to you later." After that, Yuxi smiled and said: "I am afraid that there are too many things yesterday, and I have forgotten between the new ones." It is as true as Yuxi expected. And I am too busy to forget this. I remembered when she went to bed at night.

Liu Er is not stupid. Hearing the date of jujube, he knows what the book is.

Jujube dates suddenly think of one thing: "Right, it is not difficult for you to seal the lotus in the morning?" The other people in the family are very good, only the lotus flower is not normal.

Liu Er said the morning thing. After he said it, he asked: "Mother, I heard that Feng Yuwu was very good when he was a girl at home. How did it become like this after returning?" Fog, that is really annoying.

Yuxi smiled and said: "Some people will have a big change in setbacks. Only some people become stronger, and some people will only complain and blame everyone."

After that, Yuxi said with a smile: "Feng Lianwu is so arrogant at home, and is also squatting at Chang's pet. Like her kind of bullying and hard sex, you don't need to give her a face, after touching the nail, she also I dare not provoke you."

Liu Er did not put Feng Fen in his eyes: "I don't care. Anyway, I moved to the Princess House in a few days. It is the cousin who often gets angry."

"The loss of the cousin was a big belly and went to Dingjia to support her. I didn't even think about it. I tried to toss at home. This kind of ungrateful person should not save her." Jujube dates most hate people who cross the river.

"The seven-seven temper is too soft." However, Feng Zhiyu is relatively strong, and the seven-seven temper is matched with the soft. It’s just that no one thought of sealing the lotus fog and leaving home.

After that, Yuxi said with a smile: "Don't say this, say something happy. Yi'an layman will arrive in Beijing in a few days. When Qihao's marriage is settled, he will start the women's book."

Jujube said: "Mother, I think the women's school should be riding this course. The girl is more active and beneficial to production." She heard too many women lost their lives because of production. Others did not say that her grandmother was dying of dying.

Yuxi smiled and said: "There is this course. It is time to learn to ride a shot or boxing or other, you can choose freely." The purpose of this course is to keep fit and improve the physical fitness of these people.

When I chat, time passes the fastest. Talking and chatting, it was time to use lunch.

After lunch, Liu Er and Feng Zhixi returned to the government office. Xuan Geer said: "Mother, I want to go back to the academy in the afternoon." I have been delayed for several days, and I can get back the lessons that I missed earlier.

Rui Geer is not willing to: "I am so anxious to go back and do what? I am not easy to come back, do not stay with me for a day," Rui Geer came back three days ago, but has been busy Liu's marriage, no time Sit down and have a good chat.

Xuan Geer said with a bitter face: "But I have dropped a lot of homework!"

"Second brother, there are many courses in the White Tan College. It takes a long time to get back home. You have to go out and play with me. I will accompany you." If you are too big, please take two days off.

Xuan Geer carefully looked at Rui Geer and said: "Second brother, I will accompany you well when I am in New Year. Can you see it?"

Upon seeing, Rui Geer took a slap on the shoulder of Xuan Geer: "Just kidding, you still take it seriously, of course, it is important to study."

Looking at his shoulder, Xuan Geer complained: "It hurts. Second brother, you are too heavy to start." Second brother, like the big sister, is so rude.

On the way back to Fufeng, Feng Zhixi asked: "What have you been talking about with the Queen Mother?" After chatting for a long time, I can really talk.

Liu Er said with a smile: "Let's talk about the women's school. Zhixi, I want to go to the women's school to teach."

"Teach what? Qin art?"

"Well, mainly teach piano. Others, look at the situation at the time." If the woman is not too busy, she may have to teach other courses.

Feng Zhixi said with a smile: "This is a good thing, and it doesn't cost you to study hard for so many years. I haven't heard you play the piano yet?"

"You want to listen, I will play it back to you when I go back." Jujube dates often secretly meet with Jin Jinyu, but Liu Er is a heavy rule. Before marriage, I only met with Feng Zhixi three times. Every time I said a few words, I separated.

Feng Zhixi said happily: "Okay!"

As a result, Liu Er played two songs, and now Feng Zhixi fell asleep.

When he took the coat and put it on him, Feng Zhixi woke up: "Liu, it’s so nice to play the song, I fell asleep without knowing it."

Liu Er is stunned.

When Xuan Geer returned to the White Tan College, it was already the end of the application. In the place where I lived, I met with Cheng Chengzhi.

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