The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1473: Dew (2)

Qi Chengzhi didn't expect to encounter Xuan Geer so unexpectedly. He measured it in his heart: "Xuandi, I heard Mr. said that you have something to go home. August 1 Chinese W≠W=W≈.≈8= 1≠Z≠W.COM mysterious brother, but what happened at home?” Listening to this name, outsiders thought they were more intimate!

Xuan Geer hesitated. He does not like to lie, he feels that lying is against the gentleman.

Upon seeing it, Qi Chengzhi asked with a look of concern: "But what's hard to do? Mystery, if it's useful, I will do my best to help you."

If Lan Yanghui hears this, he will definitely sneer at it, and Cheng Chengzhi can not even help himself.

Xuan Geer is feeling his heart. With this idea, the vigilance will be relaxed: "There is nothing wrong with it, that is, my second sister married me home to help me yesterday." He is the distant house of Mu Qingsi, and now he said that his sister came home to help, listen. I know there is a problem.

Yan Chengzhi’s heart was shocked. It seems that his guess is correct. Ning Xuan is not a distant relative of the university, but a child of the honour of the capital. Ning Xuan, it is estimated that it is just a pseudonym.

Yan Chengzhi pretended to be relieved: "It turned out that your second sister married, I thought that your family had an accident, and this time has been worried for you."

"Thank you!" Lan Yanghui always said that Cheng Chengzhi's eyes are multi-person hypocrisy, but now I can see that Yan Chengzhi is an enthusiastic person! Lan Yanghui can look at this time.

After a few words, Xuan Geer said with a smile: "I have to go back, and we will talk again the next day."

"Okay, let's talk again on the next day." Make up your mind and make sure the bottom of Xuan Geer is clear.

I know that Lan Yanghui doesn't like Yan Chengzhi. After returning, Xuan Geer did not tell him this episode.

Although Cheng Chengzhi couldn’t immediately know Xuan’s identity, he was very calm and knew that this matter had to be slow.

After two days, it is a holiday. He went to Xuan Geer, but Lan Yanghui was making lessons for Xuan Geer. He is a very interesting person, and naturally he did not bother.

Lan Yanghui looked at the back of Qi Chengzhi and frowned. "How many times have you told me not to talk to this person? Why don't you listen?"

Xuan Geer said with a good temper: "A Hui, you have a prejudice against Yan Chengzhi. He is actually very good. You have to contact him several times and you will know."

"I have said that this person is hypocritical and sinister, why don't you believe it?" The three emperors are not bad at reading, but this is really true.

After listening to this, Xuan Geer was very disgusted: "If you don't understand Qi Chengzhi, he said that he is hypocritical and sinister. This is not what the gentleman did." It was said that Lan Yanghui did the villain.

Lanyang Hui almost spurted out an old blood.

Xuan Geer also said with a good understanding: "A Hui, find a time I ask you to eat with Qi Chengzhi. When you get along for a long time, you know who he is."

Lanyang Hui laughed with anger: "Forget it, since you don't listen to me, I will not complain if I suffer from losses in the future." The four shrewd people are so savvy, how the three halls are almost innocent. In addition, the cast is well voted, there is a strong backing, or else this temper will definitely be dismantled.

But thinking about Yunqing and Yuxi, Lan Yanghui couldn't help but laugh. He is worried about a hairy, and there is such a strong slut. If Cheng Chengzhi dares to count Ningxuan, he is afraid that he will die without a burial place.

Xuan Geer looked at Lan Yanghui and couldn’t help but shudder: "Don’t laugh, you’re not willing to do it."

Lanyang Hui smiles more brilliantly: "Ning Xuan, to be honest, I actually envy you."

"What do you envy me?"

"Envy you will reincarnate! You look at the dynasties of the dynasties, it is all intrigue. But your four brothers are loving each other, and we are more dear than our brothers!" Lan Yanghui has a brother and brother, three Brothers have a good relationship. However, after seeing Xuan Geer's relationship with Yu Geer, he was a little sad. His brother is not as good as his brother.

Xuan Geer heard this saying: "My mother always said that brothers and sisters should be united, so that outsiders can't bully."

After the election, Xuan Geer said: "My older brother is the eldest son, and I should have succeeded to the throne." The triplets have no idea of ​​the throne. This is also due to the clear attitude of Yunqing and Yuxi, so that the triplets knew that Qihao was the heir. In addition, let the triplets know that Qi Hao has worked hard to inherit the family business.

There is nothing in this world that should not be. However, Lan Yanghui did not say this. Let the multi-hearted person know that he has provoked the feelings of the emperors: "I have always heard that the Prince is intelligent, but unfortunately I can't see it."

"I said, if my eldest brother took the expedition, it would definitely be the champion." The triplets are also convinced that Xuan Geer is also proud of the great brother who has such a great power: "I don't want to see my big brother." I will see you when I am an official."

Lanyang Hui is speechless: "Who told you that you can see the imperial elders when you are an official?" The small official of Liuqipin, where is eligible to see His Royal Highness Prince.

Xuan Geer said with a smile: "My older brother is now in the middle of the squad, waiting for you to go to the cadres in the examination, can you see him."

Lanyang Huibai took a look at Xuan Geer and said: "Do you think that the cadres are so good? The cadres are in charge of the promotion and appointment of the officials in the world, even if a small official from the seven products is also vying for blood." There must be vacancies in the first place, followed by human beings, and the third must have real talents, and the three are indispensable.

"If you want to enter the crotch, I will say to my older brother when I arrive." For his older brother, this is a small matter.

Lan Yanghui said with a smile: "It is a good thing to lose the pie in the sky, but unfortunately I have not planned to enter the sergeant."

"Why?" Just because he knew that the cadres were difficult to enter, he thought about finding help from Kaihao.

Lan Yanghui had already planned for her future, and she did not change it because of Xuangeer’s words: "When I waited for the Jinshi, I will stay in the Hanlin Academy for three years and then let go."

"Isn't Jingjun not better?" Although Xuan Geer is simple, some common sense is still known. For example, local officials want to transfer to the capital.

"The Beijing official is of course good. It’s just that I am still young and should go to the place. Only when I get to the place can I really understand the people's livelihood." This is what Landde said with Lan Yanghui. Starting from the local officials, step by step, you will be able to walk far and steady.

Xuan Geer said with a voice: "My sister-in-law and big brother both like down-to-earth officials. You start from the local officials, but it is also very good."

Seeing Xuan Geer’s thoughts for himself, Lan Yanghui couldn’t help but talk too much: “Please do not talk to the second person if you are busy with this.”

"I am not stupid, how can I casually say to people." It is also to take Lan Yanghui as his own person, he will only think of this. Other people, he will not say.

In this case, I can say that the export is not stupid enough, and I am fortunate to meet someone who is so high-spirited. To change others, don't use them thoroughly. I have to say that Lan Yanghui is actually quite narcissistic.

Lan Yanghui asked Xuan Geer: "Even if someone asks you for help, you can't ask for a prince. Remember?" There is one and two. If you ask for more, the Prince will definitely have opinions. As for the stupidity of Ning Xuan, it is definitely not a good day after the loss of the Prince’s shelter.

"Remember." I feel that Lan Yanghui has become more awkward than Yuge.

Just in case, Lan Yanghui forced Xuange to swear. It’s really Xuan’s heart. This person’s heart is soft. If someone is pleading for help, he promises: “If you break the promise, you will become a Lai Pei dog in the next life.” He knows that Xuan Geer is most afraid of dogs, and The fur dog is still the ugliest of the dog. This is absolutely unacceptable for Xuan Geer, who pays attention to grooming.

Xuan Geer began to be unwilling, but was forced to lure by Lan Yang Hui, and could only helplessly swear.

Waiting for Xuan Geer to swear, Lan Yanghui asked with a smile: "Ning Xuan, what are your plans for the future?" On the simple lie of Ning Xuan, the emperor and the prince will definitely not let him be an official. .

"It is better to read thousands of books than to travel thousands of miles. My mother promised to wait for me to be sixteen years old, let me go to study. I have grown so big, have not gone out yet!" Three brothers, he has not yet traveled far.

After listening to this, Lan Yanghui looked sad, Ning Xuan grew up at least in the city, and then entered the capital, he has not been out of Beijing for such a long time. In fact, he also wanted to go to school in the past, and went to see the growth and knowledge. Unfortunately, this can only be thought of.

On the two-day holiday, the blink of an eye will pass. Qi Chengzhi chatted with the people in the dormitory: "The wedding of the princess was very grand in the past few days. Have you heard about this?"

The roommate surnamed Wei, called Wei Kaiwen. He didn't think much when he heard this. He smiled and said: "Yes! Hey, Ma Ma led a hundred and eight officers to meet, not to mention the prestige. Although it was raining, many people deliberately went to watch. "Because the ruins canceled the condition that Hummer could not enter the official position, everyone would no longer discriminate against Ma Ma.

Qi Chengzhi pretended to inadvertently ask: "So good days, I think a lot of marriages on this day."

Wei Kaiwen heard and smiled: "When the second princess is overjoyed, who will choose to marry on this day, isn't this the second princess?"

Yan Chengzhi’s heart is thumping, but it’s still a pure look: “You mean that only two princesses are married this day, and others don’t do happy things?”

"In the capital, there will definitely be no one to choose a happy event on this day." Other places, then I don't know.

Ruan Chengzhi went outside today to find out the names of several people in Qihao. On the way back, he guessed that the three emperors of Xuan Geer, now Wei Kaiwen's words even more confirmed his guess.

If you can climb the three emperors, the future must be bright. Thinking of this, Yan Chengzhi was excited.

Looking at Qi Chengzhi's look is not quite right, Wei Kaiwen asked strangely: "What's wrong?"

Yan Chengzhi said with a smile: "I feel that the British prince is blessed and can marry the princess."

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