The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1474: Women's School (1)

The layout of the houses outside the White Sands College is similar, and they are all living behind the shops. In August 1st, the text network? W=W≤W≈. 81ZW. The house rented by COM Xuan Geer has a lot more than other houses. However, because of this well, the rent is also 30% higher.

Xuan Geer and Lan Yanghui walked into the yard and saw the buddy lying on the rocking chair and basking in the sun.

Lan Yanghui hurriedly asked: "What are the pastries brought by the four halls?" You brothers bring cakes every time they come, and never re-sample.

You geer reached out and said: "The silver is brought." The first time I saw Lan Yanghui, You Geer was also happy that Xuan Geer had such a good roommate who was good at character. The result has been getting along for a long time, this product is a faceless skin, every time I ran to eat white food.

Lan Yanghui said with a smile: "The four halls, what is the relationship, how can you talk about money, talk about money and hurt your feelings." Really gave money, then he had to eat the soil in the following days.

You brother cut a voice: "I have nothing to do with you, only limited to know."

Xuan Geer laughed and said: "Ayou, don't tease A Hui. What kind of cake did you bring this time?" He was not very interested in cakes, but Lan Yanghui liked it, and he would follow a few.

"With a plum cake and sugar taro. Plum cake can be eaten directly, sugar taro must be cooked to eat." Things to eat hot.

After taking a sip, Lan Yanghui’s eyes suddenly brightened: “This is the best plum cake I have ever eaten. How is this pastry made under the four halls?”

You geer smiled and said: "This is a special snack in Jiangnan. I asked the pastry chef of the imperial kitchen to do it." He is only responsible for eating, and he did not pay attention to what he did.

Xuan Geer busy called the cook to cook the sugar taro, and turned to Lan Yanghui and said: "You can eat less plum cake, or you will not be able to eat sugar taro."

Seeing the bright red sugar taro, smelling the scent, Lan Yanghui did not hold back, Bara had a sugar taro to his mouth. As a result, the mouth was burned.

You brother laughed haha

Xuan Geer was very helpless and said: "Slowly eat, no one will grab you." I hope that only the brother is a foodie, but did not expect Lanyang Hui to exaggerate than the brother.

After eating a bowl, Lan Yanghui asked: "The four halls, this sugar taro is so delicious. Four of you, can you tell me this?" So, you can eat it later.

"Tell you that the recipe is useless. This thing has to be done by the pastry chef." The same ingredients, different people make the taste is not the same.

Lan Yanghui knew that the buddy said that he was not imaginary, and immediately said with a bitter face: "That should be brought a few times after the four halls!"

The three men talked and laughed in a piece, and it took a little while. Xuan Geer looked at the sky too late and said, "Ayou, you are going home! You can't go back before dark, and you must be anxious."

Before Lan Yanghui said that Yan Muxuan’s brother is true, outsiders said that the Lan family’s family was clear, but the Lan family’s houses were also secretly fighting. And his mother-in-law is also more dependent on the younger brother and the younger brother, so he has the talent to be valued in his reading, or else it must be ignored. Xuan Geer is also in the middle and still stupid, but the emperor and the empress did not ignore him, and everything was considered for him.

You buddy white Xuan brother said: "I told my mother in the morning that I would not go back at night, stay here." I thought he was so unreliable.

Xuan Geer listened to this and looked at Lanyang Hui: "Then I will not go back at night, what about you?"

Lan Yanghui will not be so blind, even if he has a good relationship with Xuan Geer, but it is better than others.

"Would you like to go back to someone to give you a holiday?" The White Sandal Academy is very strict, and often checks the night at night. Once you find that you are not in the house and have not taken time off, you will be punished.

Xuan Geer smiled and said: "Then there is work for you."

When he left, Lan Yanghui gave his brother a look. Subsequently, You Geer found an excuse to go out.

"What is it? So mysterious and mysterious?" Can't say in front of his third brother.

Lan Yanghui said that Cheng Zhizhi’s business: “There is a lot of utilitarianism in this person’s mind. I am afraid that Ning Xuan will suffer.” Although Ning Xuan’s identity is not afraid of Qi Chengzhi, he still has to tell Yu Geer.

You Geer laughed and took the shoulder of Lan Yanghui and said with a smile: "Next time I will let the master make crystal dragon cake and flower folding goose cake for you to eat."

"Thank you." Although Lan Yanghui likes cakes very much, if the relationship is not good, he will not move the delicious cakes. It is also felt that the two brothers of Xuan Geer are worthy to make, he is so casual.

Lan Yanghui took a box of plum cake and went back.

Xuan Geer asked with a puzzled look: "What did Ah Hui say to you?"

"Let me send a few pastry recipes to him. This is the master's thing at the bottom of the box. How can I give it to anyone!" It's easy to get rid of Xuan Geer.

The two brothers said a little bit of a day, then they fell asleep after practicing the word. At this end, Yu Geer did not mention Qi Chengzhi. However, it is a small shrimp, and you don’t even look at it.

Liuer was married, and there was no major incident in the DPRK. The government was busy. Yuxi, finally, has time to vacate the women’s school.

Since the school is running, it must be recruiting students. Yuxi plans to recruit 100 students, and did not go to recruit students in a big way, but first let go of the news.

Jujube dates know that this matter is a bit worried: "Mother, this big family in the capital will ask the gentleman to teach at home." Not rigid, she is afraid that she will not be able to recruit students.

Yuxi said with a smile: "This kind of thing, pay attention to your feelings, I am willing to force them to lose the original intention of starting this school." Can for the first time, can it be forced again.

Jujube dates are still somewhat unreliable.

Yuxi said with a smile: "Only if you are afraid of a small number of places, you will not be able to recruit students." In Yucheng, those generals will also send their girls to the women's school to study. Therefore, if the house of the generals of the military has a school-age girl, it will definitely be sent to the women’s school to study. As for Wen Chen, these people will most likely observe the words. This women's school was founded by her, and they would not support it.

Jujube dates to Yuxi and said: "Mother, I hope that every state and county will have a school for women."

Yuxi music: "Are you not the most hated of studying? How is this so hearty?" This is somewhat out of Yuxi's expectations.

"This is still a loss of my mother has been forcing me to practice. Mother, you do not know, the people under my hand on the day saw the words I wrote, and immediately served." This is a bit exaggerated, jujube can accept the hand The soldiers underneath rely on her high martial arts. Of course, reading a book is one of her strengths. After entering the army, jujube dates only know that the book in the military is very rare. A lot of middle-level generals can also watch a military newspaper, and the folds will not be written.

Yuxi heard this and said with a smile: "Who was unwilling to study, let you go to school and cry."

Jujube jujube holding Yuxi's arm: "Mother, this is not the age of the old and not sensible! After the birth, I must ask him to study."

"I hope that the longevity looks like him, not like you, or you have to cry." At the beginning, their husband and wife and Huo Changqing joined forces to suppress, so that they had a five-year book. The longevity should be as noisy as the jujube, and Yuxi can't imagine what it is.

Jujube is busy saying: "Mother, the foreigner seems to be jealous, and the longevity will definitely be with Kaihao and Ayou." To be like her, I can't stand it.

When the news of the women’s school to recruit students was released, Lu Xiu immediately returned to her family.

Seeing Lu Gang, Lu Xiu said: "The women's school is going to recruit female students between the ages of six and ten. Jingzhen and Jingfu are just the right age. I want them to go to school." Jingzhen and Jingfu are Luhan's daughters, but Lu Han and his wife are in Henan at this time, and the child is placed in front of Lu Gang.

Lu Gang is not a corrupt person. Granddaughter can go to school to study. It’s better: “Jing Zhen and Jing Fu are going to go, will it be more difficult?”

Lu Xiu smiled and nodded and said: "As long as you promise, I will go to the Queen Empress." This face is still there.

Lu Gang is hesitant. Because of the serious injury, Lu Gang had to take medicine all the year round. Although Luhan is now a general of five products, but because of his reasons, the family has also been relatively tight.

Lu Xiu said with a smile: "Without how much money, two people together will not be worth a hundred and two silver a year." Lu Xiu often sent some herbs and cloth, and the silver was never given. However, this also helped the Lu Gang family to ease a lot of burden.

One hundred and two silver, the home is still affordable. Lu Gang nodded and agreed: "You have to trouble you again."

Lu Xiu pretended to be unhappy and said: "Big brother, my brother and sister said that this is too foreign. Big Brother, don't think too much, raise your body. You are the backbone of the family. If you fall, this may be scattered. "Although Lu Gang fell ill, the big things in his family are all his ideas."

Lu Gang said with a smile: "You can rest assured that I will raise my body well." He also thought that his son would earn a knight to return, and he would die.

When Chang heard the news of the women’s school in the women’s school, he immediately found Liu.

Liu Er nodded and said: "The school is ready to recruit students, but the age is between six and ten years old." The oldest Dan sister in the old age, only four years old, is not eligible.

"Is that Mr. Lady?"

Liu Er said with a smile: "Mr. Mr. has already found it." If the gentleman did not find it, he recruited the students who would teach.

Chang hesitated and said: "Your elder sister is thinking at home, and the second princess, you can see if you can find a errand in the women's school." Chang also knows that this is a bit difficult, or else he will not ask. Shangliuer

Liu Er stayed for three seconds, then shook his head and refused: "My mother-in-law, I can't promise this." If other people want to get a job in the school, she might consider it. Not enough knowledge can't teach students, you can do other things. It can seal the lotus fog, that is not a decision.

Not waiting for Chang’s opening, Liu Er said: “The school is a place to educate children, so my mother’s request for the woman and the poor person inside is particularly high. Big sister can’t meet my mother’s request.” This is already euphemistic. It is. Just seal the lotus fog, how can I go to school?

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