The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1475: Wonderful

Liu Er did not want to fall into the face of Chang, but her request was too strong. August 1st Chinese website? W?W?W. 81ZW. COM

"Mother, I can't do anything about it. Please forgive me." She had to get the lotus fog into the school, which was equivalent to tearing down her mother.

Chang is not an unreasonable person: "It's okay, but I think it's easier."

Liu Er is not a nosy person, even if she knows the problem of sealing the lotus fog, she does not want to take care of it. This kind of thing is managed with a moment of gratitude. If the management is worse, it will blame for a lifetime. She is not willing to do such a thankless thing.

After two sentences, Liu Er went back to the house.

Chang smiled and said to Xin mother: "The second princess is really everything." Now it is the wife of the family, or an attitude of being out of the house, which makes her feel a little uncomfortable. But this daughter-in-law is too high, and even if she is uncomfortable, she can't put her face on it.

Xin mother hesitated and said: "The second princess is the arrogant woman of the sky. It is also reasonable to ignore this common thing." This is just a relief for Chang's words. Who does not know that the palace is Liu Liu is dealing with. If she is willing to help, it is easy to make a chores in the school.

"Forget it, it means that I can't rely on her, or I have to find a way." Feng Yan's fog is like a stone pressing on her heart, making her sleepy.

Xin mother hesitated and said: "Mrs., saying something wrong, grandmother is not suitable for going to school." This school was founded by the Queen Empress. When she came to the accident, her wife would definitely have to bear it.

Chang smiled bitterly: "This is not the case, it will not work. I really don't know what to do."

The best way is to marry her, but this is what Xin mother dare not say.

Feng Zhixi saw Liu Er and smiled and asked: "What did you want to do in the past?" Chang is not a strict person, and Liu Ye is definitely not a rule in the past.

There is nothing to hide in this matter. Liu Er said: "Mother let me help my eldest sister find a job in the women's school..."

Waiting for Liu Er to finish Feng Zhixi busy said: "Liu Er, you did not agree?" I heard Liuer refused. Feng Zhixi breathed a sigh of relief: "If you want to talk to my older sister in the future, you should ignore it."

"I am afraid that Niang will be upset." In fact, she is not afraid of Chang's dissatisfaction, but she does not want to think about it.

Feng Zhixi shook his head and said: "If you are not happy, you will not be happy!" If you want to make Chang happy, then their days will be difficult.

Liu Er frowned and said: "Zhi Xi, it’s not a big sister to go on like this!"

"What can I do?" Nor can they drive out their mother and son! He was angry with the fire before, but it was something that was done under anger. On weekdays, you can still avoid it.

After that, Feng Zhixi took Liu’s hand and said, “Don’t think about it. Anyway, we will move out and live in a few days, and then we can’t get in front of you.”

After the election, Feng Zhixi said, "The two **** people will send your dowry to the princess palace!" More than one hundred dowry, each carrying a good thing in the box. His eldest sister had previously been able to see a jade Buddha, and he was not allowed to look at other things. In order to guard against this kind of thing, I will send things to it earlier. Otherwise, his older sister went to the princess to ask for something, and the face was lost.

Originally intended to live in the Princess House for three days, I can seal the army and hope that Feng Zhixi and Liu Er will live in the British government for a few more days, and wait for him to move again. Feng Dajun only had half a month's leave and lived in the British government for half a month. This requirement was not excessive, and Liu Er agreed.

Liu is very surprised, but she didn't ask much, just smiled and nodded and said, "Okay."

There was nothing at home, Feng Zhixi said with a smile: "The second princess, or we go out to go shopping." He heard that Liu Er liked shopping, and made this suggestion.

Liu Er shook his head and said: "Let's go to the garden!" Just went out and ran outside, it was not decent. But when you move to the Princess House, no one can control it, and the two can go out and walk.

Lunch is eaten in the main courtyard. Feng Dajun is at home, and the whole family is eating together. According to Feng Dajun, the family is not only busy in eating, but also enhances feelings.

When they were eating, everyone was quiet. After dinner, the son-in-law went to the room of Chang’s house.

"Cough..." Just sitting down, the lotus fog began to cough.

Chang asked with some worries: "Is the lotus fog, is it cold?" Then it was bad, and it was born of oneself. There is a headache, and I am worried.

Feng Lianwu shook his head and said: "It is some cough. Yes, mother, I heard that coughing is the best way to eat bird's nest. Mother, is there still bird's nest in the house?"

There is no bird's nest in the house, Chang is not clear, because it is now seventy-seven in the housekeeper.

Not waiting for the seventy-seven to speak, Fenghuan said: "Sister, I want to eat the golden bird's nest."

Seventy-seventh one face awkwardly said: "There are bird's nests in the house, but there is no bird's nest." The price of the bird's nest is ten times that of the bird's nest, and Chang's occasionally eats bird's nest, so it is purchased.

Feng Lian looked at Liu Liu and said: "No, go buy it."

Seventy-seventh one face the embarrassed saying: "One and a half will, can not buy the golden bird's nest." This swiftlet nest is basically sent to the palace as a tribute, very few in the market. Things are rare, even if the government has money, seven or seven are reluctant to buy.

Feng Lianfu was very dissatisfied and said: "I don't know how you manage the house? Don't you know what to do first?"

Liu Er heard this and smiled and said: "If it is just a dry cough to eat radish tangerine sugar, the effect is better, if you cough, drink Chuanbei stewed Sydney, cold cough and drink brown sugar **** soup, lung heat cough and drink sugar candy Sydney."

After that, Liu Er smiled and said: "We are not doctors, nor do we know what kind of cough caused by the big sister. To be on the safe side, please ask the doctor to see it safely."

Such a face, how can seal the lotus fog, but she also cares about the identity of Liu Er: "even the bird's nest is not qualified to drink, which is for the doctor to see."

Liu Er heard this and was stunned. Although she had heard a lot of wonderful things about the lotus fog before listening to the seventy-seventh, she did not hear it with her own eyes.

Chang's face is a bit ugly, looking to the seven seven said: "You send people to go outside to see if there is a bird's nest, and if you buy two or two back."

Qiqi smiled and nodded: "Women will wait for people to buy."

The most annoying thing about sealing the lotus fog is to see the smile of the seven or seven, which is very hypocritical.

Liu Er glanced at Chang, and then turned his head. She finally knows why the lotus flower fog is so noisy. It turned out to be rooted in Chang.

Chang said with some exhaustion: "Let's go back!" Seeing Feng Lian also got up, Chang said: "Lian mist, you stay, I have something to tell you."

After waiting for the seven-seven and Liuer, Chang’s set off the lotus fog: “You want to eat bird’s nest and tell me directly, what do you mean when you are two brother-in-law? Is that I abused you?” Eat, she is the best to pick the lotus fog.

Feng Lianwu is also very wronged: "Mother, I don't want to eat a bird's nest. The family is not poor, and even the golden bird's nest can't afford it."

"Do you know how much one or two swiftlets are? My family is not poor, but I have not lost so." Just let Qiqi go to buy two or two bird's nests, that is to face Fenglian fog.

At this time, no outsiders were present, and the lotus fog would not have been avoided: "Mother, the second princess clearly has a swiftlet nest but she is reluctant to take it out to honor you. Niang, when she came back, she would look good on the face and could not get any benefit. ”

After listening to this, Chang’s anger was shaken: “These two **** stayed in the yard, don’t come out.”

Feng Lian, tears and tears brushed, and said while crying: "Mother, I know that you also suspect me, I think I lost you."

The husband did not understand her, and the two sons also complained about her. She did so much for the lotus. Unexpectedly, the seal of the lotus can actually say such a thing.

Chang can't help it anymore: "Yes, I am guilty of you, I think you are humiliating. I am hungry, you are still freezing you, so that you are so unkind and always want the things of the second princess. The second princess is Can you remember?" Although it is something to calculate, it will definitely be intensified if you don't suppress her again.

The seal of the lotus is not uttered.

Chang Shi red eyes said: "Lianwu, give you two choices, one is to move out to live, the second is to remarriage. Lotus fog, you choose it yourself!"

Feng Lianwu heard this and the whole person was stupid: "Mother, I don't move out, I don't remarriage. Mother, I will stay at home to take care of you."

"Take care of me? You don't want to be mad at me." It is also anxious that she will say this, it is not really necessary to let Fenglian fog move out or remarriage.

Feng Lianwu cried back to his yard.

Liu Er did not return to the yard where she lived, but followed the seven seven to see the fruit and sugar. Of course, this is just an external statement. In fact, she wants to talk to the seven or seven.

Into the bedroom, retreating everyone, Liu Er asked: "Cousin, she has been like this since she came back?" Seeing seven or seven nods, Liu Er said: "When you still saved her out of the wolf nest, she will return you? "It’s always a white-eyed wolf.

Seven Seven is also very puzzled and said: "There was no such thing in the city of Yucheng!" Who knows that after Feng Yuwu arrived in Beijing, he changed like a person.

Now it is no point to investigate why the lotus flower fog has become like this. Liu Er said: "Cousin, is it so mad by her?" The money has to be tempered, and only the good-tempered Qiqi can be accepted.

"This is only the case for the time being." Fen lotus is no longer good, and she can't turn her mouth.

Liu Er shook his head and said: "Cousin, you are too tempered, let her lick her nose."

"The father-in-law and the mother-in-law are very good, and the husband is also very good to me. I am quite content." The in-laws and her husband did not face her because she had two daughters. Responding to the peaches, and closing the lotus fog, she is also awkward.

Everyone has their own way of doing things, and Liu Er no longer said more: "Cousin, Zhixi said today that I will send my dowry to the Princess House on these two days. Cousin, is there anything wrong?" Seven is not her cousin, the relationship is not so close, Liu Er will not ask directly.

At seven or seven o'clock, I said something about the birth of the dowry makeup: "Zhi Xi has to slap her. So, don't mention it again."

"Oh, even my things are remembered, and my daring is really fat." After that, Liu Er remembered the thing just now: "Cousin, you said that she just said that she wants to eat the golden bird's nest, is she wanting to let? I give her to eat?"

Seven Seven smiled and said: "You only reacted!"

"How can I know that she dares to remember even my things?" After finishing, Liu Er smiled and said: "She is like this, she is completely indulgent."

Seventy-seven is not good to say bad things about Chang, no matter how wonderful the lotus fog, Chang has always been very good to her.

Liu Er also knows the nature of the seven seven, immediately transferred the topic: "Cousin, I am going to teach in the women's school. Cousin, are you interested?" Although the women's school please please Mr., but the quality is certainly not good.

Seven Sevens shook his head and said: "There are old and small people who need my care, and I can go." She thought, but there was no such time.

"That's a pity." In fact, Liu Er also expected this result, but in the end there was a hope.

Seventy-seven laughed: "The plan can't keep up with the changes. If you are pregnant, you can't coach."

Liu Er heard this and laughed: "Whoever says that he can't go to class when he is pregnant?"

Seventy-one and one-seven faces disagreed and said: "When the female gentleman can do it, can't take the child to joke." Every time pregnant, Qiqi is cautious.

"My older sister is pregnant and still practicing swords and punches. I teach the children to read and literate and practice the piano without any god. Moreover, walking around is also beneficial to production." After that, Liu Erdao said: "I hope that when I have children, I can Like my older sister." Even if you can't be like a date, don't be guilty.

This point, seven or seven is to agree: "Before the pregnancy is late, it is more to move. But in the early stage, it is still necessary to raise the tires."

Jujube is pregnant in the palace, so there is something to be aware of during pregnancy: "Qin Tai doctor said that as long as the body is healthy, as long as avoid strenuous exercise, the rest will be the same as usual."

Seventy-seven did not say more, and Liu will not be so relaxed after pregnancy.

The two said a little for a long time, until the sugar sugar cried, Liu Er only went back.

At this point, Feng Zhixi is already in the yard. When I saw Liu Er, I smiled and asked, "Don't you take a nap?"

Liu Er nodded: "Well, I have to sleep for two quarters of every day at noon." This habit has grown up since childhood, and if you don't sleep, there will be no spirit in the afternoon.

Feng Zhixi did not have the habit of taking a nap, but he also went to bed to accompany Liu.

Lying in bed, Liu Er said: "The older sister said that she wants to eat the golden swallow nest. There is no such thing in the house. This thing is not easy to buy. I want to go to the big sister and come over two or two."

"Don't worry about her." She wants to eat dragon liver and phoenix, they have to find it.

Liu Er explained: "The bird's nest is a nourishing sacred product, but my mother said that we don't need extra supplements when we are in good health. The big sister heard that eating bird's nest is good for children, and then took some bird's nest and went back to eat."

Feng Zhixi is still the same sentence: "You don't care about her."

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