The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1476: Women's School (2)

The women’s school is grounded, and Yuxi is chosen in South Street, only half a quarter of an hour away from the most prosperous area of ​​South Street. August 1 Chinese W ≤ W ≤ W =. ≥8≠1≥Z≤W=. ≈C=OM

Jujube dates with longevity, looking at the words on the door of the "women's school", laughing and talking to Yuxi: "Mother, you can not give the school a name? Women's school, this is too simple."

Yuxi said with a smile: "The school was first built, and it is more appropriate to call the women's school directly. After the scale is getting bigger and bigger, it is well known, and it will not be late to change the name."

"At that time, I changed my name, how bad it is!" It is as if the name of the person has been called for more than ten years, and he has become accustomed to it.

Yuxi has her own thoughts: "Now is the starting stage, and there will be more and more women's schools in the future." At that time, students from other schools will be selected to study.

"Then I will wait and see." After this woman wants to study, she does not need the family to go to the female gentleman. It is enough to come to the school directly.

When the group just stepped into the gate, they heard Liu’s call: "Mother, big sister, you wait for me."

Jujube dates to look at Liu Er, deliberately asked: "The National Government is not too far from here, how come you come so late!"

Feng Zhixi was busy taking responsibility for the past: "It's all my fault, I am grinding and delaying time." He thought that Yuxi and jujube were not so fast!

Yuxi glanced at the couple and then smiled and said, "Go in!"

Liu Er looked at only one date, and asked: "Big sister, why didn't the big brother come?"

"My mother-in-law was cold, and Jin Yu took care of her at home!" Because she was going to feed her children, she didn't take care of her.

This house is the residence of a former two-person official. This official home is in Gansu, so the house is relatively rough.

After turning to the front yard, jujube said to Yuxi: "Mother, it is bare everywhere, let people plant evergreen trees!" Evergreen trees grow up, summer can shade, winter can add a touch of green .

Yuxi said to Liu Chun who followed them: "There are some pine trees and cypress trees in the front yard, and some fruit trees and flowers in the garden." The house was vacant for two years, and the house has been cleaned. The flowers and trees in the forest are basically dead.

Liu Chun was the first to follow Yuxi, and now he is almost sixty years old. Being able to work under Yuxi for so many years, the ability and character are definitely no problem. The reason why Yuxi would choose him to run the women's school is because he is doing a good job and doing things carefully. Yuxi attaches importance to the women's school and naturally does not allow any mistakes.

After listening to Yuxi’s instructions, Liu Chun responded with respect and respect: “The Queen’s Empress, whether the yard of this backyard should also plant flowers or trees.”

Yuxi nodded.

Jujube said with a smile: "Mother, Jinyu is fine at home, and the planting of flowers and trees is given to him."

Liu Er felt that the idea was quite good: "Mother, my brother-in-law has a set of flowers and plants, and he will definitely be able to do it."

Jujube said with a smile: "If you don't have to pay for it, then I should do my best for the school."

Yuxi turned his head and looked at the jujube jujube. He smiled and said: "Who have you seen the son-in-law who gave the wife a mother to work and have money?"

Feng Zhixi felt very strange, although Liu Er told him that Yuxi was very peaceful. What you can hear and see with your own eyes, it feels completely different.

Jujube dates are happy: "Mother, you have made up your mind to make Jinyu a white worker!"

"In any case, he has nothing to do, no need to use it." In fact, Yuxi originally intended to let Master Yu come over. However, the level of Jinyu planting flowers and plants is not worse than that of Master Yu, so Yuxi is also relieved to do this.

Liu Er asked: "Mother, where is the piano room?"

Yuxi smiled and said: "The front yard is a classroom, you have to be quiet. The piano room and the training ground will be arranged in the backyard." In the planning stage, it will take some time to get it right. It is also for this reason that the start of school is only in September.

Feng Zhixi is a bit strange: "After the mother, the school also teaches martial arts?"

Yuxi said with a voice: "In addition to teaching martial arts, I also need to teach mathematics, pharmacology, farming, etc."

Feng Zhixi said with a smile: "I thought it was to teach the chess and calligraphy to make tea and spice up these things!"

"These also have, but specifically what to look at personal choice." She just provides this platform, as for what to learn is his choice.

Feng Zhixi couldn't help but admire: "Mothers think really well." These things are not practical, just a pastime. The calculation and pharmacology are of substantial use.

The school is not big, but it took about half an hour to stop and go.

Back to the front yard, Yuxi did not rush back, but went into the living room to rest.

Looking at the longevity that slept in Feng Zhixi's arms, Yuxi said with a smile: "When you are doing the month, you will tell you not to hold him. If you get used to it, you can't take it off. As a result, you will be my words. When the wind is blowing."

Jujube said with a smile: "Nothing, anyway, some people hold." Zeng Mama and Molan Moxiang and others can take turns to hold the children.

"You can't go along with your children, you have to raise a little bully, and you will receive it later." After that, Yuxi added: "You have to take care of your children in the future, don't think about throwing it with you." ""

Jujube dates are very sad to look at Yuxi, don't always look at the boundaries of the line! I don't know, she thought she was coming: "Mother, no, it will be very embarrassing after a long life."

Two years later, jujube dates know that this is too early.

Resting, Liu Er asked: "Mom, are you going back to the palace now?"

"I told you, I used it for lunch." She has been back to Beijing for three years, but because she is busy, she has no time to come out and walk. It’s rare to have nothing to do, and certainly can’t go back so soon.

Liu Er said with a smile: "Mother, let's go shopping!" She is so big, she hasn't bought anything with Yuxi and bought it!

Jujube dates naturally have to go. As for the small tail, it is natural to bring it.

I went to the most prosperous street in Beijing and strolled around, and then the three mothers and daughters went to the moon floor to eat.

Jujube dates to the moon floor to eat several times, is also very familiar with this place, so she will order food. Four people, she ordered eight dishes and one soup.

Pointing to the halogen geese sent up, the jujube said with a smile: "Mother, this goose meat is delicious, smooth and delicious, and you can eat it if you eat it." She likes it anyway.

Liu Er listened to this, and laughed: "Big sister, the person who wants to eat is your own!"

Yuxi has always been eating relatively light, this jujube can not know: "Mother, these dishes in the Yuelou are really delicious, you must eat more today!"

"I am older with you, it is not appropriate to eat more. These things eat too much, bad for the body." Before Yuxi just let Yunqing eat some vegetables. Now she is asking Yunqing not to be big fish, especially for dinner.

Feng Zhixi listened to this and asked: "After the mother, can't eat more leeks when I am older?" Feng Dajun is also the owner of no meat and no joy, no meat can not eat.

Yuxi nodded: "If you want to live longer, you will eat more fruits and vegetables, less fish and more meat, and you should drink less." Yunqing was originally a heavy-smelling person, letting him eat light is as much as a torture to him. . At the beginning, all kinds of uncomfortable, Yuxi has been staring at him. After waiting for half a year, I am used to it now.

Feng Zhixi wrote down the words and turned his head to persuade him to drink less and eat less meat.

After dinner, Feng Zhixi went to checkout.

Jujube said with a smile: "My mother has money, let her please." Tian Yang earned her mother every year, no less than a million silver.

Greece seals is also a courageous, unlike Jin is so shy, hearing this said with a smile: "There is in my son, how can I still make dinner for my wife's mother pocket father know, I have to beat. pause."

Liu Er looked at the smile of Yuxi's face and pushed him to say: "Which is so much, go and pay the bill."

After Feng Zhixi went out, the jujube was deliberately said: "This small two is very fat, and even dare to use your mother."

"Apply my words, go more." After that, Yuxi ordered the forehead of the longevity: "I hope that the longevity will not be as timid as he is."

The jujube is busy: "It will definitely not be."

Yuxi smiled and handed the longevity back to the date: "Now it is just beginning, and you are still tired afterwards." Whether it is outside or home, you have to rely on the date.邬金玉 is a display, and 啥 指 指 。 。 。. Of course, these words have been said before the jujube. It’s just that the jujube insists on marrying, and she has no choice.

Jujube said with a smile: "Mother, I can handle it." Tired is tired, but she is as sweet as it is.

"That's good."

Liu Er asked: "Mother, are you going back to the palace now?" If Yuxi returns to the palace, she will also return to the government.

"Well, go back to the palace, you can go home too!" It’s time to go out and go back.

The mother and the daughter were separated by halfway. Opening the curtain and looking at the scenery outside, Yuxi suddenly remembered the childhood. It was rare to go out at that time. She and Zhou Shiya were excited to go shopping all day, until she was dark.

Zhou Shiya, I haven't seen it for many years, and I don't know if it has changed.

Thinking of this, Yuxi said to Meilan: "After returning to the palace, you sent someone to ask Zhou Shiya to enter the palace."

Because Yuxi and Zhou Shiya have never met each other, Meilan does not know who Zhou Shiya is, but he nodded and said: "Good." After returning, he asked the mother of the song, and wanted to come to the song to know who Zhou Shiya was.

Feng Zhixi smiled and said to Liu Er: "Look at you and your mother, not like mother and daughter, but like sisters."

Liu Er said with a smile: "You should have said this in front of my mother. When she heard it, she would definitely be happy."

He said that Yuxi’s attitude towards the jujube and the sisters was very casual, unlike some mothers who faced their children’s seriousness. Of course, it is also the power of Yu Xi, so he will think so.

Seeing Liu Er misinterpreted his meaning, Feng Zhixi did not explain: "It is really young to say that after the mother, it seems like two generations with my mother."

Liu Er said with a smile: "I have a good time to remember, my mother is very focused on health. She is in such a good state, and has a lot to do with this."

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