The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1477: Painful

The female officer who had a pre-footed message came out of the family, and the back foot He Yan came over. Eight? One? Chinese W (one) W? W?. (8) 8?1 (eight) Z (eight) W?. COM

As soon as I entered the yard, I saw Zhou Shiya dressed neatly out of the inside. That way, it is clear that you have to go out.

He Yan asked: "What are you going to do? Are you going back to your home."

Zhou Shiya did not look at He Yan.

He Yan said with anger: "You will enter the palace tomorrow to see the Queen's Empress. Now, don't take the opportunity to clean up and go back to the house to do it?" He didn't like Yun's very much. Zhou Shiya is already a family member, but this old woman is It must be managed, and the hand stretches too long.

Zhou Shiya said coldly; "The Queen Empress summoned me to have a relationship with you?" Because the grandfather of the old man was an official in Shengjing, the family and the house of the Hejia were taken away by the court. Now this house is still a dowry of Zhou Shiya.

Since moving here, Zhou Shiya has been too lazy to do the work, let He Yan live in the front yard.

He Yan’s heart was a fire: “You are my wife, do you have anything to do with me?”

Zhou Shiya listened to this and said with a smile: "Your daughter-in-law? When we left our mother and son three people and fled back to the capital alone, how can you not remember that I am your wife?"

After listening to this, He Yan was embarrassed: "How many years have passed since then, why are you entangled?" At that time, he thought of being attacked by the rebels and he only thought about the distance. Escape from that place. What about his wife and children?

After a cry, Zhou Shiya was too lazy to talk nonsense with him: "I will get out of nothing if I have nothing to do." She is now disgusted with He Yan and does not want to see it at a glance.

He Yan is not angry: "What is your attitude? I am your husband."

After sweeping He Yan, Zhou Shiya said: "Give him out." Nowadays, all of them are Zhou Xiya's dowry. The servants who stayed at the beginning of the family, all let He Yan take away. If she doesn't take it, she will sell it.

Sitting in the rag trolley, Ms. Luo held the hand of Zhou Shiya and said, "Mother, don't be sad."

"Unless I don't see him, I will remember the child who has not come to this world when I see him."

Luo mother does not know how to comfort.

Zhou Shiya went out not to return to her family, but to go to the streets to buy new clothes and new ornaments, to prepare for tomorrow's entry into the palace.

When I bought something back, I heard that He Xiangfei and He Yun were waiting for her in the room.

He Xiangfei took the exam in the past year and is now working at Taichang Temple. His wife is the youngest daughter of Tai Chang's Temple and entered the door at the end of last year.

Zhou Shiya smiled and asked: "How come you?" Only in the face of children, Zhou Shiya will reveal a true smile.

He Xiangfei said: "Mother, I heard that the Queen summoned you. Why did the Queen, Queen Empress suddenly summon you?" If you care about the childhood friendship, you have already summoned his mother, there is no need to wait until today.

Zhou Shiya said with a smile: "Although I don't know the reason, it is definitely not a bad thing for the Queen Mother to call me."

After a few words, Zhou Shiya let his daughter-in-law Lin and his daughter He Yun go out, leaving only He Xiangfei.

He Yun took Lin's hand and said: "Da, you said that the Queen's maiden suddenly summoned the mother, will it be a bad thing?" If it is a good thing, her mother should bring her into the palace together. But her mother did not tell her about this, He Yun always felt uneasy.

Lin smiled and said: "Mother and Queen Empress is a good friend in the middle, which will be bad for the mother." If the mother-in-law can resume the relationship with the Queen, it is also beneficial to the future of the husband. It’s just that, she just thought about it and didn’t dare to say it.

He Xiangfei, like He Yun, is also uneasy. He always feels that this Queen has summoned something bad. As a result, what Zhou Shiya wants to say to him is completely incompatible with what he thinks.

Zhou Shiya said: "Feier, wait for Xiaoyun to marry, I will be with you." He Yun has been detained, her fiance is He Xiangfei's classmate Zhang Xiaofan. It is also a matter of fancy character, and I want to marry my sister He Yun.

Zhang Xiaofan has a talented person and was a former official. Later, the family fell, his parents passed away a few years ago, and they can rely on their brothers and sisters. That brother and sister are all generous, or else they will not be studying for Zhang Xiaofan. Although Zhang Xiaofan tried to drop the list last year, he asked the meaning of He Yun after the assessment. Zhou Shiya finally agreed to the marriage. The wedding period is scheduled for the end of September. When He Yun married, her heart was gone.

He Xiangfei stunned and stood up: "Mother, you can't..."

Looking at Zhou Shiya's calm and waveless eyes, the most words are all swallowed back.

After a bitter smile, He Xiangfei asked: "Mother, have been in the past for so many years, can you still not let go?"

Zhou Shiya did not speak.

He Yan was doing too much in the past, but He Xiangfei still didn't want Zhou Shiya to follow He Yan and leave: "Mother, why must we stay away from it? Isn't that right now?"

Zhou Shiya shook her head and said: "Every time I see him, I think of your poor brother and the sins of our mother and son three years ago. A Yan, some mistakes can be changed, and some things have no turning back." With two children hiding in Tibet, the horror was afraid of causing the fetus, and then Xiaoyuezi did not sit well, and the result fell. After so many years of cultivation, her hands and feet are still cold.

After that, Zhou Shiya tiredly leaned back in the chair and said: "I wanted to leave when I returned to Beijing. But at the time you were too young, I was afraid that you would be sinned at the Hejia, so I endured it. Now you have married. Ayun is about to marry soon, and I have nothing to worry about." She has been forbearing for so many years, she can't stand it anymore.

He Xiangfei had already made a note in the past, and he also complained about He Yan. So in these years, he is not close to He Yan.

He Xiangfei said after a long silence: "Mother, if you don't want to see your father, let him move out." He can read the official wife to the wife of the heart, these are his mother's credit. As for him, he was thinking about making another official position all day, never minding his brother and sister.

Zhou Shiya shook her head and said: "I don't want to be buried with him after a hundred years." If she does not die, she must be buried with He Yan. When she was alive, she endured for more than ten years for her children. When she didn't want to die, she looked at the beast of the beast.

This time, He Xiangfei has nothing to say.

Zhou Shiya thought about it and said: "Feier, although the mother does not understand the outside things, I think the Yan Dynasty will definitely die. When you come back with the uncle, you said that it is a tube or not? Tube, we don't have this. Ability; no matter, it will be accused of cold and bloodless." If Yan is defeated, the family and the house of all officials of Yan Dynasty will be confiscated. When they return to Beijing, they must be looking for He Yan and He Xiangfei. As long as she is separated, she has nothing to do with the people of Hejia. These people, no matter how it is not her business.

He Xiangfei listened to this and his face turned red: "Mother, grandma and the uncle they want to return to Beijing, we can't care."

Zhou Shiya originally had a lot of words to say to He Xiangfei. After listening to this, she immediately changed her mouth: "You have to control me not to stop, but I will not manage it."

Since the death of He Yan, Zhou Shiya put the dowry in his hand, and the silver is tight on weekdays. Because of the chaos of the world, she did not dare to buy the field, and all the silver was saved. Later, after the family of the He family left, she hid the silver and the fine gold and silver. Otherwise, even if the house is taken back, the family’s livelihood will become a problem, and there will be money for He Xiangfei’s wife and a decent dowry for He Yun.

He Xiangfei did not understand Zhou Shiya's behavior and said: "Mother, grandma and uncle have always been good to us."

Zhou Shiya laughed, and the smile was full of sarcasm. The grandfather of He Jiada is also a hypocrite who is a poet. It is that Mrs. He is cold after she is tired of He Yan. Only these, Zhou Shiya did not intend to say with He Xiangfei. Because she knows, it is useless to say: "Feier, this house is my dowry. Now all the expenses are also my dowry. The things of the family are not with silver money, and the mother has not touched it."

He Xiangfei did not understand the meaning of Zhou Shiya.

Zhou Shiya said: "After the Hejia people return to Beijing in the future, you have to control me not to stop, but they are not allowed to go to this collar." After the departure, she will also drive He Yan out. But this thing, she does not intend to say it now.

He Xiangfei didn't understand why Zhou Shiya suddenly became so cold: "Mom, why?"

Zhou Shiya smiled and said: "You are a family member, and I am not. After I am separated from He Yan, I don't want to see other people again."

He Xiangfei listened to this, both sad and embarrassed: "Mother, I am also a family of people. Mother, don't you even want to see me?"

After listening to this, Zhou Shiya’s whole person froze. After half a box, she lowered her head and said, “Let’s go out!”

He Xiangfei also realized that he had made a mistake: "Mother, I am not..."

Zhou Shiya was very tired and said: "I am tired, go back! What are you going to say later?"

Luo mother came in and looked at Zhou Shiya's look a little surprised: "Mrs. What's wrong with you?"

Zhou Shiya leaned back in the chair and said, "I told Feier that I want to follow He Yan and leave."

As a mother of Zhou Shiya, Luo’s mother can’t know her thoughts. If she wants to say and leave, her own master will not have to suffer any more: "Mrs. Even if the uncle does not agree, you can't give up." Looking at Zhou Shiya's self-satisfaction all day, she was distressed.

Zhou Shiya smiled bitterly: "He didn't object. I told him about the big house. I worried that they would return to Beijing after the demise of the Yan Dynasty, so I told him about Feier."

After knowing the reason, Mama Luo said: "Mrs. You shouldn't talk to the uncle about this matter. After the separation, the uncle is not good for you to manage the family."

Zhou Shiya nodded and said: "It is a little anxious."

Mama Luo said: "But let the grandfather know that the silver money in your hand has nothing to do with the family. So, if the He family returns, he will not ask for money from the wife."

Zhou Shiya smiled bitterly: "He just wants to reach out to me, and I will not give it." Her money will only be reserved for her grandchildren. Others, don't even think about it.

Mother Luo sighed and said: "I hope that Grandpa can understand his wife's pains."

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