The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1478: Time (1)

Early in the morning, Zhou Shiya got up and groomed. ??八一中文?W?W?W. 81ZW. After COM had used the breakfast, I started to apply makeup.

He Yun saw Zhou Shiya, who finished the makeup, stunned, and then said with tears: "Mother, don't go to the palace!"

Zhou Shiya looked at He Yun’s look, worried, and asked: “Rhy, what's wrong with you?”

Holding Zhou Shiya, He Yun cried very sadly: "Mother, don't go to the palace. Mother, I don't want you to have something." It is also Yuxi's fierce name. This time I suddenly want to see Zhou Shiya, plus He Xiangfei came out from the main courtyard last night. A look of sadness. He Yun knew that she didn't sleep well after one night. She was worried that Zhou Shiya would never go back.

Zhou Shiya knows that He Yun’s thoughts can’t be laughed and laughed: “What do you think about, I’m thinking with the Queen’s Empress, how can she be bad for me? The Queen’s Empress has been busy, and now I’m busy calling me into the palace.”

When I paused, Zhou Shiya said: "Don't listen to the nonsense outside. The Queen's Empress is the most charitable, never killing innocent people." Even an ant who is reluctant to step on the death, how to change, will not change Become a killer.

He Yun did not believe and asked: "Why did my brother feel sad in yesterday?"

Looking at the sky early, Zhou Shiya said after retreating everyone: "I told your brother yesterday that when you marry, you will be separated from He Yan, and you brother does not agree."

He Yun did not expect it to be for this matter.

Zhou Shiya held the hand of He Yun and said: "A rhyme, don't blame the mother, the mother is really unable to go with him." As long as she thinks that she can't live with her, she can't eat and sleep. .

He Yun does not object to Zhou Shiya and He Yan. She knew that if not for their brothers and sisters, Zhou Shiya left the family home early. He Yunhong said with a sigh of relief: "Mother, I have suffered for my brother for these years." This is the difference between a son and a daughter. Daughter, will be more distressed mother.

After he paused, He Yun said: "Mother, my brother just didn't turn around for a moment, I will advise him."

She did not hide her daughter Zhou Shiya, and said it again to He Xiangfei.

He Yun is a bit embarrassed: "Mother, Grandma and the uncle are very good to us. They are really suffering. If we don't care, is it too ruthless?"

Zhou Shiya said: "This matter, you can't take care of you and me. After you get married, you can live with Xiaofan. Don't mix with the family."

He Yun is very embarrassed. If it is for her to let go, it is really difficult.

Luo mother said outside: "Mrs. We should leave. If it is late, it will be disrespectful." Queen Empress called, should not be late.

Some things are not said in a few words. Therefore, Zhou Shiya did not say more, just let He Yun go back to embroider the dowry.

Zhou Shiya leaned back on the carriage with a tired face.

Luo mother asked: "Mrs., have you said these things to the girl?" Seeing Zhou Shiya nodded, Luo mother sighed: "The uncle and the girl, I really don't understand my wife."

"Not at home, I don't know if the rice and oil are expensive. After Ayun is married, I won't think so." Hejia big house is not a couple of people, it is more than 20 people. The industry she has set up, the annual output can make their family a few people very relaxed. You can raise more than 20 people, and you can only guarantee that you are not hungry.

If the family of Hejia is really good to her, she may help. In fact, the people of Hejia are just good at her.

After saying these words, Zhou Shiya said: "I will sleep, wait until you come to tell me." She has to make up her mind, raise a god, or else she will have no spirit.

After nearly half an hour, the master and the servant went to the palace gate. After the carriage, the signature was handed to the guard of the goalkeeper. After a while, I walked out of the old man.

The old lady gave Zhou Shi Yafu a gift and asked her to go to the soft car. No way, the palace is too big, if you walk to Kunning Palace for half an hour. The average son-in-law is not the way to go.

Zhou Shiya sat in the center of the soft sedan, although the two had a good relationship before, but later she deliberately alienated Yuxi. I want to come to Yuxi to blame her for this, or else I will never see her after returning to Beijing.

After walking for about two quarters, Zhou Shiya got off the sedan. This time, I switched to a young palace lady.

Zhou Shiya did not dare to look at it casually, and followed the palace girl with a low eyebrow. As for Luo’s mother, seeing the surrounding guards is closely attached to Zhou Shiya.

After walking for more than a minute, I finally came to the door of Kunning Palace. At this time, a woman wearing pink clothes came out from the inside.

Mei Lan smiled and gave Zhou Shi Yafu a ritual, then smiled and said: "Mrs. He, you can be considered. From the beginning of yesterday, the Queen Mother has been chanting you!" Also seeing Zhou Shiya is very nervous, so deliberately said Let her relax.

Upon hearing this, Zhou Shiya’s heart was loose.

Leading Zhou Shiya into the small living room, Meilan retired. If the old man is old, she will not bother.

When I saw Zhou Shiya, Yuxi stunned for a while. In the memory, Zhou Shiya is a lively and lovely girl with a beautiful color and a smile. But now standing in front of her, it is a different day from the impression.

I saw Zhou Shiya wearing a water red, silver and gold butterfly scorpion, with a ginger-brown skirt and a head of peony. On the raft, a pair of gold, silver and silver plaques were inserted, and two silver-plated inlaid stone beads were worn on the horns. Although wearing a festive dress, but the cheeks are thin and calm, the whole person is sullen.

As soon as Zhou Shiya entered the living room, he immediately squatted on the floor and said: "The Queen Mother is a thousand years old and a thousand years old."

Yuxi quickly walked over and lifted her up, then took her to sit down.

Seeing Zhou Shiya is very restrained, Yuxi said: "This time you are invited to enter the palace, you want to talk about the old sister. So there is no queen here, only our sisters." She was only two sincere friends when she was a child. One is Duan Xinrong, and the other is Zhou Shiya. Later, Duan Xin dissolved things, and only Zhou Shiya was a friend. She treated Zhou Shiya as her sister, but she was alienated because she had a few words from the monk. She did not show up even when she married. Although she understood, she was saddened for a long time. So after returning to Beijing, she did not see Zhou Shiya.

After listening to this, Zhou Shiya grabbed the tears of Yuxi’s hand and brushed it: “Yu Xi, I’m sorry, I’m really sorry.”

Yuxi took her hand and said with a smile: "If you have been in the past, don't mention it again. In addition, you were also involuntarily."

Zhou Shiya said while crying: "My mother won't let me go, but I really want to send you a trip. She can't stop it. It's my own weak selfishness, so I didn't go to see you last." She used to Responsibility is pushed away from the mother, but now she can no longer deceive herself.

These words made Yuxi somewhat surprised: "All passed, you don't think about it any more." After that, he took out the hand and gave it to Zhou Shiya: "Don't cry, I haven't blamed you. He said that it is so infiltrating. When you are young, you will be afraid and normal. If you are me, I am afraid it will be like you."

Zhou Shiya shook his head and said: "No, change to be you, you will not only believe, you will definitely marry the old vulture." In the same sentence, when Xin Xiang dissolved his family, she was scared to go out at home. Yuxi has asked the Ming cousin to save. This is the difference between her and Yuxi.

Yuxi heard this and smiled and said: "You are right, I have never believed in those idiots."

After that, Yuxi called Meilan to get in. Zhou Shiya cried, and the makeup was spent.

Wash your face and the two sit back again. Looking at the face of Yuxi Guangjie as jade, Zhou Shiya smiled very bitterly: "Yu Xi, you are more beautiful than before." Faded the young girl's youth, more women's maturity and femininity. And she is like a dad.

Yuxi looked at the white on Zhou Shiya's head, and some said with no sorrow: "How do you become like this? Is it not good for these years?" Yunqing also has whiteheads, but only a few, but Zhou Shiya has a lot of It’s white.

Zhou Shiya didn't want to tell Yuxi about those bad things: "Nothing, very good."

Yuxi said to Zhou Shiya: "Let's go to the Imperial Garden." Staying in the house is a bit stuffy, and the air in the garden is fresher.

"it is good."

Walking on the road, Yuxi and Zhou Shiya talked about the matter when they first married Yucheng.

When I heard the wedding night, someone even attacked the generals in the night, and Zhou Shiya was stunned. She knows that Yuxi’s marriage to Yucheng will definitely be very difficult at first, but she did not expect such a sword.

After a long time, Zhou Shiya asked: "Yu Xi, are you not afraid at that time?" If it is replaced by her, the security will be scared to death. Even if you are not scared to death, you have to be scared.

"How can I not be afraid? But what is the use of fear? Fear, can not solve the problem." Although she was calm when faced with Xu Wu, God knows how scared her heart. You know, you have to lose your life if you are not careful. Fortunately, they all came over.

That is to say, there are several people who can do it. Zhou Shiya thinks that changing to her is absolutely impossible.

Yuxi said this, and then he said to Zhou Shiya: "There is nothing in this world that can't go wrong, no matter what happens, you have to be wider, so that you can live a good life."

After listening to this, Zhou Shiya understood that the things that Yuxi had just said were to comfort her. Therefore, she was moved by her heart.

"Yu Xi, I am different from you." At this meeting, Zhou Shiya did not evade again, and he said that He Yan had left their mother and son to escape to the capital. After the talk, Zhou Shiya said: "The moon has not fallen well, and every time I go to the spring, I will hurt my whole body. I will hate it once."

These things, Yuxi actually knows: "You have come over this for more than ten years?"

Seeing Zhou Shiya nodding, Yuxi also knows why she has so many whiteheads. In such a day, it is not an exaggeration to say that the day is like a year.

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