The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1479: Time (2)

The past has been said to be useless. Yuxi only cares about the future: "What should I do in the future? Is it so stunned?"

Zhou Shiya shook her head and said: "I wanted to leave and leave, but I was afraid that He Yan would continue to sin two children.? Eight? One? Wen W? W? W?. (a) 8 (one) 1? Z (eight) W?. (eight) C? O (eight) M Now my son has married, The daughter's wedding period is also scheduled for September. When she marries, I will follow He Yan and leave. "This aftermath, there are several who will be good to the original wife.

Yuxi said: "Why wait until September and then leave, go back and go with him." If Zhou Shiya is willing to squat, she will not take care. Since it is decided to leave, there is no need to wait a few more months. Staying with such a man for a day is a disgusting day.

Zhou Shiya shook her head and said: "Now and away, I am worried about the influence of Yun's marriage."

Yuxi’s idea is exactly the opposite: “You have nothing to do with leaving He Yun. If the person retires because of this, it proves that this person cannot be entrusted.”

Zhou Shiya smiled bitterly: "This is the case, but once Zhang family retired, it would be difficult to find a good relationship with Yunhe in the future."

Seeing that Zhou Shiya was unmoved, Yuxi said: "You want to wait for He Yun to marry again and again. Then you have thought about it. If you have a family, you will be angered by this matter or you will not be allowed to communicate with you again." Then, what about you? When you regret it later, it will be late. "Retirement, you can find a good family." If it is to marry and leave, it is impossible to find someone else.

Zhou Shiya really did not expect this embarrassment.

"You are now with He Yan and leaving, just to test the attitude of Zhang Jia. If Zhang family came to retreat, then immediately retired, saving the child to marry the past and sin." Suddenly, Yuxi said: "Married The person who treats the sincere heart. If you only value the family and the talents, how can the children live well in the future?"

After listening to this, Zhou Shiya thought of her own experience. On the same day, her mother picked He Yan, but it was because He Yan’s family and good looks were good. As a result, this man has only himself. If Zhang Xiaofan is such a person, then her daughter will repeat her mistakes. She has been suffering for a lifetime and she does not want her daughter to return to her path.

Thinking of this, Zhou Shiya decided to go back and follow He Yan and leave.

Yuxi thought about things more comprehensively and asked: "Do you want to talk to the children with He Yan and you?"

"That, I told them yesterday." Zhou Shiya finished, see Yuxi looking at her: "This matter will tell them sooner or later."

Yuxi thinks Zhou Shiya thinks that things are too simple: "If you trade like this, your children will definitely disapprove."

Zhou Shiya has always been a man who has no intentions: "My son does not agree with me and He Yan."

This is entirely in the expectation of Yuxi. For those who walked the career, the parents He Lin is not a glorious thing.

Yuxi said: "If it is because of the separation from He Yan and the children, and you are separated from your children, then you will be guilty of these years."

Zhou Shiya thought of He Xiangfei's attitude and did not speak.

Yuxi has never liked to intervene in other people’s chores. The situation of Zhou Shiya is quite special, so I have a few words: "If it is wrong with He Yan, then you will be with him, and the children will not be able to blame you."

"Wrong in He Yan?"

Yuxi shook the topic with a sigh of relief. Some things can be reached until now: "Do you still remember Xinsang?" After living together for many years, he still couldn't grasp He Yan's mistake. It only shows that Zhou Shiya is very incompetent.

This topic successfully attracted Zhou Shiya's attention. Zhou Shiya asked excitedly: "Yu Xi, Xin Rong, she is still alive?" If it is dead, Yuxi will not mention her.

"Yes! She is still alive, now in Pingcheng. Let her go back to Beijing, she is not willing to come back." Beijing has no relatives, so Duan Xinrong is not willing to return to Beijing.

Zhou Shiya was busy asking: "So she is doing well?"

"When I was in Liaodong, I was a bit tempered, but now I am very happy." The Beibei people have been destroyed by the cloud, and Pingcheng is very peaceful. She followed her husband with three children and lived there very well.

"Happiness is good, happiness is good." Although she is not doing well, she also hopes that the sisters will be happy.

"People can't be smooth in this life. Those who are in the past will be fine." After the meeting, Yuxi asked: "And what are you planning to do?"

"I am so old, can I still have any plans? And it will be the same as now." As long as I think that there will be no connection with He Yan in the future, my heart will be relaxed.

Yuxi said: "I don't know if you heard about it. I started a women's school and I am going to start school in September." Jujube is still worried that no one will sign up, and the result will be less than two days.

Zhou Shiya heard from Yun.

"The school needs a lot of people. If you don't want to give up, you can go to the school to help." Zhou Shiya's current state of mind is very bad, always staying in the house sooner or later is going to ill. Going to school to be a bad person, and getting in touch with people outside, can quickly come out of the pain of the past.

Zhou Shiya was very surprised and also missed Yuxi’s heart, but she still shook her head: “I didn’t read many books and taught those children to miss them.”

Yuxi originally did not intend to let Zhou Shiya be a woman. She is very aware of the details of Zhou Shiya. Although the Zhou family was a giant at the beginning, it only made the girl in the house read a little book and was blind. At this point, how can I be a gentleman? Yuxi said: "You can do other things, but not much money."

Seeing that she was not her husband, Zhou Shiya immediately took it. Anyway, the daughter-in-law has already entered the door, and the government’s responsibilities can be handed over to the daughter-in-law. It’s okay to stay in the house, but it’s better to go to the school to help. As for the monthly money, she is not short of the two silver.

After talking for a long time, Yuxi let Zhou Shiya stay for lunch.

Not waiting for Zhou Shiya to open his promise, he saw that Speren had stepped over: "The Queen, Fujian has eight hundred miles to express the eager to deliver, the emperor let you pass immediately."

Eight hundred miles of expedited folding, indicating that something is a big deal. Yuxi apologized to Zhou Shiya: "I can't leave you for lunch today."

Zhou Shiya would like to mind this, and quickly said: "Let's go!"

When I arrived at the Imperial Study Room, Yuxi asked: "What happened in Fujian?"

"Tsunami, a tsunami that has been in trouble for a hundred years." Yunqing handed the deduction to Yuxi and said: "More than 400 people have died, and hundreds of houses have been damaged." What is most fearful is this kind of natural disaster. Last year, it was okay, there was no flood and drought, and the weather was good.

This is already a very serious natural disaster. It is necessary to immediately send money and food to disaster relief.

"Yu Xi, what do you think of sending people to the disaster? How about letting Ah Hao go?" Kai Hao used to experience disasters and experience.

Yuxi did not want to refuse it: "No, the situation in Fujian is complicated, and it is very dangerous to go to Qihao." Although the autumn family has returned to the court, there are still some members of the Fujian army who will be loyal to the former. Kaihao’s disaster relief in Fujian is tantamount to the sheep’s entry into the tiger’s mouth.

It also needs stability now, so I have not moved those people. When Jiangshan is stable, it is necessary to remove these hidden dangers.

"Let Zong Siyuan go!"

Yunqing listened and nodded and said: "That kid is not bad, let him go." Zong Siyuan in Guizhou Zhizhi County for three years, the local tax has turned over; after being transferred to Shandong Luzhou for five years, Not only did the tax turn over, but the local law and order was also good. Last year, Yuxi transferred him back to Beijing, and now he is in the Ministry of Housing.

Zong Siyuan’s promotion has risen so fast, not only because he is talented, but more importantly, he has entered the eyes of Yuxi.

On the way back, Luo mother looked at Zhou Shiya's face with a dignified look and asked: "Mrs., Queen Empress, but what do you want to do for you?" It should not be reasonable. You are a queen, and there are things that she can't do.

Zhou Shiya is trusting Luo’s mother, and she will retell the words of Yuxi. In the past few years, she did not care about He Yan, so she did not know what he did. It is naturally difficult to find his fault.

Luo listened to this and immediately said, "Mrs. I have been hesitating about something. I don't know if I should tell you."

Under the eyes of Zhou Shiya's doubts, Luo mother said: "A Shuang returned to Ning's house a few days ago, chatting with her nephew, her nephew accidentally said that she missed her mouth. It turned out that the day of Lili Niang in Happy Street is not what we listen to. Ah Shuangzi said that Li Yanniang is wearing a silk satin, wearing gold and silver ornaments, and smashing chickens, ducks and fish, and that day is more comfortable than in Hefu." Li Yanniang is He Yan's Ai Wei, gave birth to two sons for He Yan. Because Li Wei Niang had no less disgusting Zhou Shiya, and she still counted He Xiangfei, so the day when the family was copied and the house was confiscated, Zhou Shiya drove away their mother and son. Later, he knew that He Yan would settle them, and Zhou Shiya did not care.

"When did A Shuang tell you?" A Shuang is the daughter-in-law of Luo's mother, and her relatives of her nephew are the son-in-law of He Yan's heart. Since it is from her mouth, it is 100% true.

"One month ago."

Upon hearing this, Zhou Shiya was so angry that she would blow up: "The son who became a daughter will have to buy a dowry, let him pay for it and say that he has no money, but he has money to give his mother a scorpion to live a life of Jinyi jade food." However, the three days of the Lily mother and the mother were really good.

Luo mother quickly pressed Zhou Shiya and said: "Mrs. By this, you will be with him. I don't think the grandfather and the girl will blame you." This is why she supports Zhou Shiya and she left. Have such a disgusting man.

Zhou Shiya nodded.

Forefoot Zhou Shiya returned home, and He Yan came back. He Yan has always wanted to make an official, but unfortunately he has a brother who was an official in Shengjing and the black history of the official escape. The court did not hire.

Zhou Shiya saw him and lifted the vase on the table and went to He Yan. Unfortunately, He Yan avoided it.

He Yan yelled: "What is crazy about you?" If Zhou Shiya is still useful, he has already taken this crazy woman.

Luo mother hurriedly pulled Zhou Shiya and smiled at He Yan: "Master, the Queen Empress and her wife said something to make her wife irritated, and asked the lord not to blame." After that, turned his head and turned his head toward Zhou Shiya, now It's not the time to turn your face.

"Roll, give me a roll."

Luo Mama pressed Zhou Shiya and asked for He Yan: "Master, my wife is now on the head, let's go out first!"

He Yanyuan wanted to explore the news. If Zhou Shiya resumed the relationship with the Queen, he would be able to successfully seek official positions. You can see Zhou Shiya’s madness, and he knows that his hopes have been squandered. I am willing to stay and I am leaving.

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