The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1480: And away (1)

Zhou Shiya sat in the chair and burst into tears. August 1st? Wen? W (1) W (eight) W?. (8) 8 (one) 1 (one) ZW. COM

Luo mother holding Zhou Shiya, said: "Mother, he is gone, don't be angry."

Zhou Shiya grabbed Luo's clothes and shouted: "I am stupid. The things of the year are not enough to learn the lesson. I still have illusions." She thought that the two children were his flesh and blood, and would not care. As a result, she was wrong. When they were able to drop three of their mother and son, how can they now manage the flying and rhythm.

Mother Luo took Zhou Shiya’s hand and said, “Mrs., bear with me for a few days, and wait for us to get substantial evidence and leave with him.” There is no money to raise a small donkey and no money to give his son a wife to buy a dowry for her daughter. Really shameless.

"I can't stand it any day."

Luo mother shook her head and said: "Mrs. I have been for 16 years, not bad for these few days."

Just saying this, I saw He Yun flew in. Seeing Zhou Shiya sitting on the ground, He Yun also cried: "Mother, mother, what's wrong with this? Is it because the grandmother and the uncle, the queen angered us." The family was driven out of Hefu, she was Frightened with courage.

Luo mother carrying He Yun, shaking her head toward Zhou Shiya.

Zhou Shiya listened to Luo’s words in the end and wiped her tears and said: “Whatever thinking, the Queen’s Empress will find me to talk about the old.”

He Yun does not believe: "Why is that why the mother cried?" Still crying so sad.

Luo’s mother replied to Zhou Shiya: “The lord asked the wife to ask for money, and said that she would give her to the younger sister and the second master.”

At the time of Hefu, Li Yan Niang was not afraid to step on Zhou Shiya, so He Yun was very disgusted with her.

After listening to this, He Yun was very angry: "One child can't give them." Would rather take the dog than the Li Yan Niang.

Zhou Shiya listened to this and felt a lot in her heart. In any case, at least the daughter is facing herself.

Under the intentional propaganda of Luo Mama, this matter quickly spread throughout the house. Lin, who helped manage the affairs, naturally knows.

Lin heard this news very uncomfortable. He said this to He Xiangfei that night: "Fu Jun, these moneys are all dowry of the mother. How can the public servant want to raise money with her mother?" It is too shameless.

He Xiangfei said vaguely: "We are not good at this." He paused and He Xiangfei said again: "If you are a mother, you will help to persuade. A family, it is better to have peace with Lele."

Lin’s heart is a little wrong. The mother-in-law has a husband and a son, and the money can be their husband and wife. Now it is taken by the public servant to his niece, what is this? To put it bluntly, it’s still that my mother-in-law is too weak, and even a diverticulum can’t hold it.

After two days, Zhou Shiya called Lin to the main courtyard and said, "You go with me to Happy Street."

Lin looked at Zhou Shiya strangely, and Happy Street was not the place where Li Lanni lived. It’s definitely not a good thing to go this time. Thinking of her husband, Lin hesitated and said: "Mother, I have something to go back to my mother's house, can't go to Happy Street with you."

Zhou Shiya glanced at Lin, and his eyes were disappointing: "You have to go back, then go back!" This daughter-in-law is not dependent.

He Yun knows that in the future, life and death will follow Zhou Shiya. Zhou Shiya originally refused to let the fear of breaking the reputation of He Yun. Under the persuasion of Luo’s mother, she finally agreed.

Zhou Shiya took He Yun to the Happy Street. Accompanied by a group of family members. These people, but she borrowed from her family.

Li Yan Niang was applying nails and ran into her panic and saw her face: "Grandma, not good, my wife is coming."

Li Yan Niang said: "Come on, what are you afraid of?" It was just a paper tiger, and she was crushed to death when she was at home. Now, she doesn't even look at it.

The result was beyond her expectations.

He Yan got the news back and saw that the two doors were unloaded. As for the inner house, both the furniture and the ornaments are all smashed, and the flowers and plants are all trampled to death. The whole house is said to be a ruin.

Li Yanniang, holding the face of the flower, pulled He Yan and cried, and said while crying: "Master, the wife brought the people to the yard and took away my clothes."

After saying this, Li Yan Niang fainted in He Yan's arms.

He Yan was so angry that he gave up the sky and handed Li Xiiang to the donkey. He turned and went to Zhou Shiya to settle accounts.

Going back to the house, He Yan went directly to the backyard. As soon as he entered the living room, he saw Zhou Shiya sitting upright, and He Xiangfei was with Lin and He Yun.

He Yan rushed toward Zhou Shiya, but unfortunately, Zhou Shiya was stopped by a woman from Niu Gaoma: "If you have something to say, don't move your hands." In this case, it is hard to say that he did not put He Yan at all. In the eyes.

He Yan is not stupid, can be a fool in the test. As soon as he looked at it, He Yan knew that Zhou Shiya was prepared: "You said, what do you want to do?"

Zhou Shiya is now watching He Yan, just like watching it. If she didn't care for her children, she could still have He Yan standing in front of her.

Pointing at more than a dozen boxes against the wall, Zhou Shiya asked: "Fei Ercheng, Yuner set up a dowry, you told me that there is no money. How do the things in this box have to be five or six thousand silver? Since there is no money Where did these things come from?" The clothes and materials are together in a thousand and two. The value is the four-pieces that are full of ornaments.

You must know that the industry in Zhou Shiya’s hands is just seven or eight thousand.

He Xiangfei couple and He Yun, the three looked straight at He Yan.

He Yan didn't have a little embarrassment, and said in a cold voice: "Do you know how to hide money? Isn't Li Niang knowing to hide? These things are all the decorations that Li Niang used to wear." This means that Zhou Shiya searched for things, they are all What she had hidden before her mother was not what he had set up.

Zhou Shiya chuckled, and no longer talked nonsense with him: "Feier, Yuner, these things are half of you." She is not going to congratulate her family.

When He Yun saw the four scorpions, he rushed up and scratched the face of Li Yan Niang. If these things are not needed, they must be taken back by her to the monks, so she has no objections.

He Xiangfei refused: "Mother, I don't want to." He can ask for something of a mother, this should let outsiders know that he still can't laugh at him.

Zhou Shiya saw it and said: "Yue, since your brother doesn't want it, then it will be given to you."

When I came back to the palace, I went crazy on the same day. I went to the palace for a few days. He wants to use Zhou Shiya's identity to help him find his official position, and he does not want to endure it at this time. Seeing the behavior of Zhou Shiya, He Yan said coldly: "These are both the things of Li Niang and the things that I congratulate. You can't take the lead."

Zhou Shiya’s face showed a sneer: "These things are really family, but the place where you are standing now is my family."

He Yan said with a blank expression: "You are my housewife, and your things are naturally my family."

Zhou Shiya listened with anger and shivered.

He Yan did not look at Zhou Shiya, and shouted to the outside: "Come, bring things back to me."

He Yun walked over and held Zhou Shiya, who was still shaking, and cried and said: "Mother, you are with him, you are leaving with him now." If she is not separated, her mother will be driven crazy.

He Xiangfei listened to this words and said: "A rhyme, this is what you can say." Zhou Shiya is determined to stay away from him, he can not stop. It is unforgivable that he can make Zhou Shiya and He Yan away from each other.

Zhou Shiya looked at He Xiangfei, and the grief in his eyes made He Xiangfei not dare to look straight.

Zhou Shiya smiled, and the smile couldn’t tell the bleak: "He is like this to me, you even help her." It’s not that the daughter-in-law is not good, it’s the son’s heart.

Lin is not the one chosen by Zhou Shiya, but Lin’s father took a fancy to He Xiangfei’s initiative. He Xiangfei met Lin's side and was very fond of it. After Zhou Shiya also looked at it, he was not very satisfied. He Xiangfei was interested in her, but he finally asked the matchmaker to come to the door.

He Xiangfei lowered his head and did not dare to speak. Parental affairs, how can he be a son?

Luo mother walked to Zhou Shiya, whispered: "Mother, don't be sad, it is not worth it." Queen Empress can let her master go to the women's school, indicating that she still cares about the old friendship. In this case, there is no need to be afraid of He Yan. As for He Xiangfei, since he wants to filial He Yan, let her go to filial piety.

Zhou Shiya laughed, and the smile was full of bleak: "You are right, not worth it, it is not worth it."

He Yun is afraid of not doing it, holding Zhou Shiya: "Mother..."

With the rhyme, Zhou Shiya's look eased a lot: "Fortunately, the mother is not too bad." At least the daughter is standing on her side.

At this point, the family that He Yan brought has already set the box and ready to carry it out.

Zhou Shiya looked up at He Yan and said: "If you dare to let them carry things out, I will immediately let people report to the official." If you can't give rhymes, then you will be returned to the national treasury.

He Yan heard this and shrank, staring at Zhou Shiya and asking: "What do you want to do?"

Mommy took out the prepared pen and paper.

Zhou Shiya looked at He Xiangfei and said: "Feier, and you are writing from the book." This is her last chance for He Xiangfei. If she refuses, this son is also born.

He Xiangfei is not willing to Zhou Shiya and He Yan and away, how to write and leave the book. He Xiangfei looked at Zhou Shiya with pain in his face: "Mother..." wrote, not filial; not writing, but also filial piety. He did not understand why the mother who had always been gentle and kind, forced him to do this.

He Yun stood up and said: "Mother, let me write."

He Yan yelled: "You are a prostitute, you have to dare to write, I interrupt your leg." Although he did not go to Zhou Shiya, but he did not think about and away.

A woman, with a soft palate, will be pinched. These years, Zhou Shiya was beaten to death by the children of the family because of the two children. But now he has a feeling that Zhou Shiya has his control.

He Yun looked up at He Yan and said in one sentence: "You interrupt my leg, I have to write."

Zhou Shiya listened to this and said: "Yue, write according to what I said." Originally, I wanted my son to follow her daughter, but now she only wants her daughter.

He Yan said: "If you die this heart, I will never leave." As long as he does not sign and leave the book, they will not be able to leave.

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