The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1481: And away (2)

He Yun looks at Zhou Shiya. In August 1st, the text network? W≥W=W≠. ≤8≥1≤Z≤W≥. ≤C≤O≠M

If Zhou Shiya did not hear He Yan’s disagreement and disengagement, she would like to let her continue to write.

He Yan can only make a killer: "If you are away from you, you are not a housewife. After that, you will have nothing to do with you."

He Yun is so scared.

Zhou Shiya looked indifferently to He Yun: "Well, don't pay attention to him!" After eating the loss of not studying, Zhou Shiya took the pressure exerted by Hejia and asked a female teacher to teach He Yun for six years.

In these years, she did not leave for two children. But now He Xiangfei has grown up and married, and has his own ideas, no need to worry about her. As for He Yun, she is ready to take it away. When Yuxi’s words were in front, she was not afraid to take the rhyme.

He Yan ignored Zhou Shiya's count of his crimes. He only heard Zhou Shiya saying that he would take He Yun away, and immediately sneered: "The rhyme is the girl of my family, you want to take her away."

Zhou Shiya simply did not pay attention to her, but continued to read, let He Yun write.

Lin's heart was upset, pulling He Xiangfei's hand to let him talk. However, He Xiangfei did not say anything. Since ancient times, parents have been separated from their fathers.

And the book is quickly written, and after writing it, blow it to Zhou Shiya.

Zhou Shiya took a look at it again, and then said to He Yan, who was standing in the middle of the living room: "If you sign it, look at Feier's share, I don't want to make things big." Although He Xiangfei did not act as her behavior. Cold heart, but in the end she was born in October.

He Yan is still the same sentence: "I will not be separated."

Zhou Shiya heard this and handed it to her mother Luo. She said, “Let the big housekeeper personally send it to Jingzhaofu.” The official sentenced the same and the result was the same.

He Xiangfei said painfully: "Mom, do you really have to go this step?"

Zhou Shiya said with a voice: "I don't want to have any more connection with this beast." After this happened, she would not see this beast in the future.

He Yan said that he was not right. He said to the family member who was brought: "Block her, and she is not allowed to go out."

Zhou Shiya laughed and ate. He Yan thought that she was still the silly woman more than ten years ago. She was not prepared to face her face in front of her children.

Looking at the entourage, the six strong men who were all walked in fell to the ground, and He Yan’s face was very ugly.

Looking at the clean and honest skills of these two people, they know that they are practicing the family. Not to mention Zhou Shiya, that is, Zhou Jia’s hands are not so capable.

The anxiety of He Yan’s heart was once again on his mind. But this time, Zhou Shiya has been reluctant to talk nonsense with him, pointing to He Yan and said: " throw him out to me." She could have sent the book directly to Jingzhao House. As long as the Jingzhao government has decided, it will also take effect. In order to let the children see the true face of He Yan, she endured the disgusting or goodbye to this person.

He Yanzhen wants to split: "Zhou, you dare..."

When the words were not finished, the sturdy man who was coming over unloaded his chin and picked him up like a chicken.

Going to the door, I said to a group of people who fell to the ground: "Are you walking by yourself, or let us throw it out?" These people were also ordered to act, so they just knocked them down to the ground and did not have a heavy hand. However, if they are blind, they will not be merciless.

After listening to this, the group quickly climbed up and ran out of nowhere.

He Yan, finally like a piece of rag, was thrown out of the door by a strong man.

Zhou Shiya looked at He Xiangfei and Lin, and said: "You also go to clean up and move to Happy Street tomorrow!"

Lin was scared, she thought that she would be out of He Yan, but she didn't even think they had to go: "Mom, are you going to drive us away?" The public servant is so confused, how can he follow him? The days have passed.

Waiting for Zhou Shiya to open, He Xiangfei should say: "Well, we will move tomorrow morning. Mother, you have to take care of yourself." They all rushed to catch people, and he could stay again.

Zhou Shiya nodded: "I will take care of myself. I will not be with you in the future. You have to take care of yourself!" He Xiangfei will choose He Yan. In fact, Zhou Shiya had expected it, but his heart was uncomfortable. He Xiangfei has grown up and she doesn't have to worry about it anymore.

The husband is a wife, even if Lin is not willing, she can't say anything. Just when I went out, I still saw more than a dozen boxes.

He Yun looked at Zhou Shiya and whispered: "Mother, will the government leave?"

"Yes." After a pause, Zhou Shiya and He Yun said: "Rhyme, I am with him and may be affecting your marriage. Zhang, it is likely to be retired because of this."

He Yun stunned and said: "Retreat and retreat! For this matter to retreat, such a family is also worth marrying." Before the pro-heavy He Yun saw Zhang Xiaofan, feeling bad or not bad. It’s just that Zhou Shiya and He Xiangfei both said that she did not object.

Well, Zhou Shiya said: "If Zhang Jiazhen retreats, my mother will find you a good one." Before this matter was born, the son in Zhou Shiya’s heart was fine. But now this idea has been subverted. There is a saying that the object is to gather people to group, his son is so pedantic, and Zhang Xiaofan, who has made a good deal with him, is estimated to be similar.

After an hour, the official verdict was sent to Zhou Shiya’s hand. As Zhou Shiya wished, He Yun was awarded to her.

Luo mother asked Zhou Shiya: "Mrs. How do you deal with those things? Should you carry them to the girl's house?" Those things are very valuable, and it is not safe to put them in a small living room.

Zhou Shiya shook her head and said: "Take it for silver!" Those things were worn by the monks, and she didn't want to touch her daughter.

More than a dozen boxes of things, and finally changed four thousand six hundred and two silver. Although He Xiangfei said no, but thinking of the virtue of He Yan, she is still prepared to give this money to him.

In the evening, Zhou Shiya called Lin to say: "The animal is an unreliable one, and the flying child is not a good one. Your little family still wants you."

Lin didn't want to leave here to go to Happiness Street: "Mother, I don't want to leave, do you let us stay well?" Zhou Shiya never puts on her mother's shelf, and she is not worse than her. She married over these days, and her days are better than her parents.

Zhou Shiya shook his head and said: "You are a housewife, it is not suitable to live here."

In this sentence, Lin’s next words are all blocked back.

Zhou Shiya also did not want to say more, handed the 2,300 silver tickets to Lin, and said: "Those things are sold for 4,600, and the children are half with the rhymes. Do not fly, this money you Hold it!"

Lin grew up from small to large and has not taken so much money. Her dowry, together, is not worth a thousand.

"The money, you take it well, don't fill in the hole of the family. After you have a child, the cost is also big. This is also my heart for the grandmother to do for them." And this is also for He Xiangfei. The last thing I did.

"Thank you." Holding the silver ticket, Lin's heart is also solid. With this money, even if He Yan is eccentric, regardless of them, she is not afraid.

On the second day, He Xiangfei took Lin to come to Zhou Shiya, but Zhou Shiya did not come out in the house.

He Xiangfei was in front of the door and gave Zhou Shiya three heads. He said with tears: "Mother, you take care."

Zhou Shiya cried a pass, then called He Yun over and said: "Yue, I am going to sell this house, go to the South Street and buy another house."

He Yun has no opinion, as long as Zhou Shiya takes her, no matter where she goes. However, she has some doubts: "Mom, why do you want to go to South Street to buy a house?" The reason for selling this house is very understandable, nothing more than because she lived here and she was too angry. I can't understand it when I go to South Street. After all, her ancestors can be in East Street.

Zhou Shiya told her that she was going to the women’s school in September. “The women’s school is in South Street. After that, it’s a bad day in the school, and I can go home at night.”

He Yun’s eyes widened and said after a while, “Mom, why don’t you say this early?”

"It’s not too late to say now." If it is said earlier, how can the two children see the true face of He Yan.

Although only mother and daughter, Zhou Shiya did not want to lower their living standards, but also bought a three-in-one yard in South Street. A few years later, the house of this women's school has turned over ten times, and there is still no price.

After the number of rebellious capitals dropped sharply, the purchase of a house was very smooth. After ten days, I will choose it.

The only thing that surprised Zhou Shiya was that Zhang Xiaofan knew that she was away from He Yan and did not want to retire. Instead, take the initiative to ask if you want to help.

Zhou Shiya is very pleased. Although I am ready to retire, it is natural to not retreat. Besides a family member, it is not only difficult to choose the favorite, but also toss.

When Lu Xiujin entered the palace, he told Yu Xi: "The spirit of Shiya is much better than before." Zhou Shiya was covered with a resentment, which made people look uncomfortable.

"That's good."

Lu Xiu said with a smile: "The goddess, I heard that you let Shiya go to the women's school to do things. Niangni, I also want to go to the women's school to do things."

Yuxi said with a smile: "Then I can't ask for it, I am afraid that you don't have time."

"The things in the house are given to Shun and Aner. Their daughter-in-law is." After that, Lu Xiu said in his heart: "I hope that the school can do it. Later, my granddaughter will grow up and have a place to study." "Lu Xiu didn't go to school seriously. The words she knew were taught by Mrs. Lu.

Yuxi listened to this and nodded: "The girl's school will be handed over to the second school." A school is good, not only has a good gentleman, but also has to manage. Lu Xiu acted thoughtfully and handed over the school to her. Yuxi was still very reassured.

Lu Xiu said with a smile: "I can only manage some trivial things. I can't do it by teaching and educating people."

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