The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1482: Draft

The list of the showgirls was sent to the royal study by the court of the Ministry of Education, Gu Taining. Eight?? One Chinese network W=W=W=. =8≤1=Z≤W≈. ≥C≤O≥M

Yunqing took the list, skipped the name and the family, and only looked at the total number. After reading it, Yunqing frowned and said: "How can only 36 people choose?" There are hundreds of civilian officers and men of four or more. This show is only such a number.

Gu Taining turned back and said: "The emperor, only these 36 people meet the conditions."

This draft is different from the previous one. The former dynasty is a hard requirement and reaches the grade. If there is a girl of the appropriate age at home, they must stand for election. Of course, there is no way to have no daughter at home or if the age is not right. In this draft, the first request is a prostitute, and must be a married wife, not counting in the name; secondly reading literacy; the third is between the ages of 13 and 16; It is only one company; its five are unwilling to not stand for election, not to force.

When today, women’s literacy is a minority. Even a lot of bureaucratic girls, many have never read a book, know a few words at most. Therefore, only this condition is half washed. In addition, the request is a prostitute, and this has gone to a large number of people. It is also a relatively wide age, but it is even smaller. As for the fourth condition, as long as the girls who meet the first three conditions are basically elected. The reason is very simple. Everyone knows that Queen Empress is a daughter-in-law, so this draft is definitely not for the emperor to choose a small wife, but for several emperors.

When Yunqing heard this, he put down the list. He certainly wouldn’t care about the specifics of the election. He nodded and said, "I know this."

When Gu Taining just left, Yuxi walked in from the outside.

Yunqing handed the list to Yuxi and said: "Exactly, this is the list of candidates sent by Gu Taining. Look at it."

Yuxi glanced at it and put it down.

Yunqing handed a copy to Yuxi and said: "Put up 200,000 yuan and go out. Should it be enough?" The money that the treasury had just saved was quickly used up.

Disaster relief, maintenance of dykes, and officials’ salaries are all money. The biggest one, of course, is military spending. With millions of troops and horses, only military and food are a huge sum of money every year.

When the generals were not able to deliver the grass and the grass in time, he and his subordinates did not know how many times the court was. This will sit in this position and know how hard it is.

Yuxi said with a smile: "It's still good now. It was really difficult in the past few years." Last year, the weather was smooth, and there was no big war in front. The tax collected was barely coping. The money that Tian Yang gave her, she still hasn’t moved in the bank.

"It’s hard for you." In the past few years, he focused on military affairs, and government affairs were handled by Yuxi. Although I don’t know how to make money, I don’t have such a profound experience.

Yuxi smiled and said: "If this year and next year can be as smooth as last year, then we will be much easier." Although there are also natural disasters, such as last year there was an earthquake, but the scope is very small, only one county. Jiangnan and Shandong and other places are all big harvests.

"God is kind, it will always be good weather." Now the money is a bit nervous, but the government's granary is full of food. If you have food, your heart will not panic.

Yuxi heard this and smiled and said: "If this is the case, then we can send troops to Liaodong for up to five years." Yan Wushuang is a thorn in the heart of their husband and wife. Not in addition to Yan Wushuang, sleepless food. It’s just that the Liaodong Army’s combat power is no less than that of the Northwest Army. If you want to fight, it will be a long-term battle. If you can fight, you need money. At that time, the state treasury could not get a penny. In this case, the most important thing is to restore the production and exhibition economy. However, the conditions are ripe, and it is definitely going to send troops to Liaodong.

Yunqing heard this, and his face was a bit dignified: "Liaodong has been planting artichokes these years, and the food is not as nervous as before." Although the weather in Liaodong is only suitable for planting once. The production of artichokes is high, and only one season has greatly eased the pressure of Yan Wushuang.

This kind of thing, Yuxi did not expect: "The total benefit is still the people." The promotion of artichokes benefited the people of the world.

Speaking of this, Yuxi told Yunqing a good news: "Tianyang brought the sweet potato from the Fan, nearly three thousand kilograms per mu. After the promotion, even if it encounters natural disasters, the people will not be there for a while. It’s broken.” The artichoke also needs water. Can be sweet potato, but it can be grown in dry land.

Yunqing is also very happy: "Let Tian Yang pay more attention to it, and find more high-yield foods to come back." More than found, the people on the table have more food for hunger.

Yuxi smiled and said: "This is still used by you. You can't always go to this businessman, but these years are not the money that Tian Yang does to make a business. We must have had a harder time." However, the profit for the year has reached four or five million. These silver money have greatly eased the pressure of Yuxi.

Yunqing also has his insistence: "In the end it is to compete with the people for profit, it is not appropriate. After the treasury is full, this business should not be done again."

Yuxi said: "Businessmen are not profitable, but they also bring business tax. And by relying on them, goods will be circulated, and the economy will be able to move quickly." Without them, the economy cannot be exhibited. . The economy cannot show up, and the increase in taxes is an empty talk.

Yunqing knows Yuxi again. After listening to this, he asked Yuxi: "What do you want to do?"

"I want to abolish the three generations of businessmen can not take this law." The city's agricultural and industrial, merchants have the lowest status. If the law is abolished, the merchant’s son can also participate in the imperial examination, and the people’s business will not be scrupulous in the future.

Yunqing disagreed: "Then you have thought about it. If it is a businessman who can be elected, then it will be integrated with government and business."

Yuxi said with a smile: "If you add one, if you have a son who is not a good family member, you can do it."

Yunqing still feels wrong.

Yuxi laughed: "The three generations of merchants can't enter the official, and there are collusion between the government and the business. As long as the emperor is Mingjun, the people can live and work in peace. Others are not big problems."

Although Yunqing is somewhat old-fashioned, it has an advantage and can be heard.

After hesitating, Yun Qing said: "This matter, decided with the ministers to decide."

"They won't agree." Seeing Yun Qing looking at her, Yuxi said with a smile: "The sons of merchants can enter the official, indirectly, ruining their interests." The high official's home, basically all merchants sent it up. Filial piety. If the children of the merchants can also enter the official department, they will not only take up the number of scientific examinations with their children, but will not climb them again afterwards.

Yunqing thought and nodded and agreed: "Since you feel good, let us try." If the impact is not good, then it will be banned.

Beginning in mid-April, Xiu Nu 66 continued to Beijing. The court has a place to set up a beautiful showgirl, but if the showgirl wants to live with relatives and friends, it can be as long as it is within the prescribed time.

Yuxi called Yang Yuming to come over and said to him: "When the showgirls enter the palace, they will write down all their words and deeds." Although she has confidence in her own vision, she does not dare to ensure that she will not watch. Eyes. The choice of Prince Edward is not to be missed.

Yang Yuming nodded: "Yes." Today, Yang Lanming is the general administrator of the Department of Political Affairs. The official is not only five, but his duty is to supervise the officials. Therefore, the rights are great.

When Yang Lanming finished his work, Yunqing and Yuxi said: "I want Yu Zhi to secretly check all the girls in the dark."

The husband and wife are still very tacit, Yuxi said: "Are you worried that these girls have problems?"

"In case, Yan did not give a package, the consequences are unimaginable." It was also a snake bite for ten years. For Yan Wushuang, he must use the most malicious to speculate.

I feel that it takes a lot of manpower, material and financial resources to investigate all of them, and it is not necessary. Yuxi said: "When the people are selected, they will be investigated."

Yunqing nodded and agreed.

After two days, it was just Xuan Geer's holiday. Yuxi let Yugeer pick him up.

On this day, Xuan Geer returned to the palace with You Geer. When I saw Yuxi, Xuan Geer asked: "Mother, let Adi call me back, is there any urgent matter?"

"It's not an emergency, it's your lifelong event." To make this draft, I can solve all the marriages of the four brothers, and that will save her a lot of things.

Xuan Geer looked up at Yuxi and then quickly lowered his head. The face is not red, but the ears are red.

You buddy thinks that this is nothing to be shy. You don’t need Yuxi to speak: "Mother, I believe in your vision, you feel good, that is definitely not wrong."

Yuxi said with a smile: "Then you have to tell me what kind of do you like? Is it fat or thin, quiet or lively?"

Most people like girls with slim and slender figure, and the taste of You Geer is different from people: "Mother, you find me a fat girl!"

Xuan Geer said busyly: "Ayou, you have to think clearly. This fat girl will look good." He definitely does not want to find a fat man as a wife. For Xuan Geer, the value of Yan is the first requirement.

"The ten-seventy-eight-nine-nine-nine appetite is not good. I want to marry such a wife. When I eat with her, it will definitely affect my appetite." For a foodie, there is no more important than eating happily. .

After the election, You Geer added another sentence: "Mother, find a little fat, but don't be a big fat man."

Xuan Geer is unable to understand the preferences of You Geer, a little fat is not fat.

Yuxi smiled and said: "Besides this, is there any other request?"

You Geer also put forward a request: "To be lively, if you are too dull, don't talk to her. Others, the mother looks at it."

Yuxi turned to ask Xuan Geer: "What about you? What kind of things do you want to find?" The family is so strict that she checks the requirements of the children.

Xuan Geer is embarrassed to say.

You brother said instead of him: "The third brother likes to be beautiful and talented, and he has to be gentle and kind." After the meal, You brother added another sentence: "The third brother said that the second sister is too fierce, have to find a More gentle than the second sister."

Yuxi said to Xuan Geer: "The temper is too soft, too soft, and even the chores are not good." Goodness is good, but too good is weak. Such a woman, she can not see.

Xuan Geer is busy: "Mother is the master."

Ps: There is one more, it will be late, parents can watch tomorrow.

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