The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1483: Gap (1)

The Shengjing in April was still relatively cold, and the cotton jackets on everyone were not replaced. ???Chinese?W≤W≤W≤. ≤8=1≈Z≈W≠. ≥COM

When Yuchen went out, Gui Yan asked Le Er to take the cloak and put it on her: "It’s cold outside, you have to wear good clothes." Gui Yan is bigger than the whole cockroach. Now it is almost seventy years old. Last winter and now she is afraid to go out in a house with a dragon. The winter here is very cold, and I have to get sick when I go out and blow it by the cold wind.

Yuchen has actually been dressed very thick and does not need a cloak. However, she did not want to confess the heart of Gui, and she did not refuse. On the other hand, Yuchen said with a button, and said with a smile: "Hey, you can rest assured, I will pay attention to the body." Because it is well-developed, although it is almost seventy, Gui Yan's body is still very tough.

Just out of the house, I saw A Bao happily walked out from the outside: "Mother, hello, then let's go out!" Then, stepped forward and took the hand of Yuchen.

This time, Yan Wushuang will take their mother and daughter to go to the hot springs. Otherwise, Yuchen will not go out.

When I arrived at the hot spring Zhuangzi, Abao took the hand of Yuchen and said: "Father, we will soak the hot springs and we race." After returning to Liaodong, Abao practiced very hard, no longer like two days in the capital. network.

"Okay! Look at your riding and shooting progress." Yan was a small time, but both civil and military. Later, in order to escape the shooting, I did not practice again, but the martial arts did not leave. Later, the identity was clear and they were picked up again.

Gong people took A Bao to go to another place to soak in the hot springs. Yuchen is with Yan Wushuang.

Lying in the hot spring pool, Yan Wushuang had a comfortable voice.

Yuchen walked over to give him a massage.

Yan Wushuang pushed Yuchen and said: "No, you can come down for a meeting!" After that, spread his hands and lean against the pool.

Yuchen faded his coat and went to the pool. Come to Yan Wushuang, Yuchen said: "The emperor, Abao and Achi are also seventeen years old this year, and the family should be on the agenda." The twins are only one day older than Qihao, and the two are still not full. year old. However, folk customs, born in the New Year's Eve, are also one year old.

Yan Wushuang is most concerned about Achi, his marriage has long been concerned: "I have already said to Qiu Dashan, let his little daughter give Achi as a daughter-in-law."

Yuchen had a meal before, but she didn’t say anything to her before. If she didn’t ask if she had to wait until she had decided to kiss her, she would tell her about it.

Qiu Dashan’s wife and two daughters moved to Shengjing three years ago. Not to mention the banquet in the palace, Mrs. Qiu only brought the eldest daughter Xue Lei into the palace, that is, the jade of the jade on weekdays, she only brought her eldest daughter into the palace. So that Yuchen didn't even know what the little girl looked like, and she didn't understand her temperament.

But even if he is dissatisfied, Yuchen does not dare to show it: "The emperor, does this matter know?"

"I haven't told him yet." Marriage is a matter of the parents' life, and people choose to inform him.

After Yuchen decided to go back, she asked Mrs. Qiu to bring this little girl into the palace. How about it, you have to take a look.

"A Bao's marriage is not anxious, and it will not be too late to settle down in two years." Qiu Dashan is his confidant, and has now been declared a national. When the title is at the top, it has been rewarded, so it is simply a family.

Yuchen hesitated and said: "The emperor, Abao has been stunned, and it should start to look like. If there is a suitable one, first settle the pro, and then marry again in the next two years." The son is still no problem later, the daughter should be early It’s right.

Yan Wushuang thought about nodding: "Yes."

After bathing, Yan Wushuang took A Bao to go horse riding. Yuchen did not follow and stayed on Zhuangzi.

Shi Xiang looked at Yuchen's brow and locked, and asked: "What is it?" It is not a good thing.

Yuchen sighed and said, "The emperor gave Achi the enemy's little daughter. This little girl doesn't know what kind of temperament it is." Qiu Dashan had nothing to say about the five big three, but after all, the man relied on it. I have a meal; I can be a good-looking lady. If Qiu Xueman is like her mother, what can I do?

After the scent of the scent, he said, "The maiden, how could the wind not be heard before!"

"The emperor set it down." She knew why Yan Wushuang had to set a hateful snow, nothing more than a mountain of enmity. Now I only hope that this girl looks good. Otherwise, it would be awful.

Waiting for the look of Yuchen, she was relieved of her: "Mrs. Qiu is a temperamental, and the girl of the enemy is also a dignified and gracious person. The girl of the enemy is certainly not bad."


In order not to sweep A Bao's interest, she did not show a little unhappy look.

Going back to the palace, Guiyi knew that her mood was not good when she saw her: "Mother, what's wrong with this?" The emperor deliberately brought the chaise and the big princess to the hot springs on Zhuangzi. It was originally a happy event.

Yuchen said that the marriage of Achi has been fixed: "This hatred girl has been in Shengjing for almost three years, but she has never been to the palace once. I always feel wrong." She is worried that the girl is ugly. Or what is the problem, otherwise why Mrs. Qiu has never brought her out.

Gui Yan said with a smile: "The goddess, don't think about it. The emperor likes the three emperors most, and will choose the second girl of the enemy. It must be that this girl has something extraordinary."

Yuchen called the scent to come in and told him: "You personally went to the enemy and said to the wife of the enemy that she hopes that she will bring two girls into the palace tomorrow." Since the emperor agreed with the vengeance of the enemy, it is impossible for the wife. know.

The scent came and died.

Early the next morning, Mrs. Qiu took her two daughters into the palace. Seeing Qiu Xueman, Yuchen stunned.

The girl's appearance is not as ugly as the imagination of Yuchen. On the contrary, the girl's **** are fat and fat, and she is very charming.

The mother and the daughter together gave Yuchen a gift: "See the noble lady."

Yuchen only heard the voice of Zhang and the girl, and the second girl did not speak at all. Yuchen immediately had a bad feeling, this girl is a dumb.

Squeezing the thoughts of the heart, Yu Chen said with a smile to Zhang: "Mrs. Qiu, you are really, how can the two girls look so beautiful and not brought out?"

"This child is very happy, this palace is too busy, I am afraid that she is not happy, she did not let her follow." The scene, anyone will say. The reason why she does not bring her little daughter into the palace naturally has her reasons.

Yuchen waved at Qiu Xueman and said with a smile: "Come, come to this palace."

Qiu Xueman was a little embarrassed, but in the end he went to Yuchen in the direction of Mrs. Qiu.

Yuchen smiled and asked: "How old is this year?" In fact, she knows that Yao Xueman is only one year younger than Achi. But looking for a topic, see if Qiu Xueman is a dumb.

Qiu Xue hangs his head and does not speak.

Mrs. Qiu’s heart sighed, but the face did not reveal a half point: “Where, the noble woman asked you, how can you not answer?”

Qiu Xueman only looked up and looked at Yuchen: "This year is fifteen."

Hearing the voice of Qiu Xueman, Yuchen finally understood why Mrs. Qiu did not bring her into the palace. The girl’s voice was a little bit of a demon, and she was slightly charming. Coupled with this appearance, I don't know if I thought it was a specially trained girl!

Seeing Yu Chen looking at himself, Qiu Xueman’s eyes flashed in a panic. However, she did not dare to push open Yuchen. Once pushed open, it was not rude, but it was over.

Yuchen soon returned to the gods and smiled and said: "I didn't expect you to have a good voice." The enchanting look and the soft voice of this person, she decided not to let it become Achi Wife's.

After chatting for a long time, Yuchen showed a look of exhaustion.

Mrs. Qiu was also a very intelligent person. She immediately returned home with her two daughters.

Out of the palace, Qiu Xueman took Zhang’s hand and said, “Mother, why did the noble lady suddenly see me?” Her heart was very upset and she always felt that it was not a good thing.

Zhang took her hand and said softly: "Don't be afraid, nothing." The daughter looked like a good woman, which also led her to dare to bring Qiu Xue into the palace. Although the girl is always married, she can marry the three emperors, or forget it.

Yan Wushuang is dealing with government affairs, and he heard that Gong Gonggong said that Yu Chen asked for advice. Yan Wushuang said, "Please come in."

Liaodong is the place where he has lived for more than 20 years. He is familiar with this land. Therefore, Yan Wushuang is also doing his best to manage this land. The effect is also very significant, and there has never been a lot of people starving to death.

Into the royal study room, Yu Chen said with a low eyebrow: "The emperor, the courtiers just saw the second girl of the enemy."

"You are not satisfied?" If you are satisfied, you will come to find him if you don't meet someone.

Yuchen did not deny, saying: "The emperor, the enemy girl is not a good match for Achi."

"Why is this? Mo Feiqiu girl is very difficult to see?" This will be said, because Qiu Dashan and Zhang are not very good. The girl of the enemy family is too ordinary, and it is the kind that can not be found in the pile of people.

"It's not hard to see. On the contrary, it looks very enchanting and it is very hooky." This girl is still a shackle, and it is impossible for her wife to be a wife. Huo Dashan was born and died for Yan Wushuang. He was honored by the landlord and his niece.

"I have already set up with Dashan, and this matter cannot be changed." The gentleman said that it was difficult to chase after him. He could not be the one who lost the letter.

Yuchen was anxious and said: "The emperor, let A Chi Min, such an unscrupulous wife, how to survive the following people."

Yan Wushuang said to Yuchen: "In any case, it will only become a parent in two years. During this time, you send a teacher to the enemy, and teach her well." Looks enchanting, can be corrected by makeup. As for the voice hook, this is not something that cannot be changed.

At this time, the minister came to anecdote. Yan Wushuang turned to the ugly jade of the face: "You go back!" This is not the day after tomorrow, it is born like this, how can I use this as an excuse to retreat.

Yu Chen’s heart was not good enough, but she did not dare to resist Yan’s unparalleled. She could only bless a ceremony: “Chen Chen retire.” Even if she did not let her see each other, she would set a marriage, which is entirely a lifelong event for Achi. Children's play.

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