The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1484: Gap (2)

Yuchen is ill. August 1st? Wenwang?W?W(1)W?. (8) 8?1 (a) Z?W (eight). COM

The news was passed to Yan Wushuang’s ear. He called Zhang Tai’s doctor and asked: “How is the disease of the nobles?” He actually suspected that Yuchen was sick, or else he was good yesterday, and he was sick today.

Zhang Taiyi said with a sigh: "The niece was cold, and when the minister went, he still burned."

This is a real illness, not a disease. Even so, Yan Wushuang did not change his decision. Did not even visit Yuchen, but continue to review the fold.

A Bao is a very filial child, knowing that Yu Chen has been with her since she was sick. Even if Yuchen is afraid of giving her sickness, Abao is not willing to take a step.

When Yuchen drank the medicine and slept, Abao found Guiyan and asked: "Hey, why is the mother's good end sick?" Yesterday at the hot spring Zhuangzi was still good, and today he was sick. The dragon in the palace burned, and the scent is very careful, it is impossible to get cold.

A Bao is somewhat like jujube, and he grew up being petted, so he won’t look at it. Even if Yuchen had a lot of troubles yesterday, she did not show up.

Gui Yan did not take A Bao, said the girl of the enemy two girls: "The niece was worried that she couldn't sleep last night, and she was so annoyed that she opened the window." It is still very cold at night, and it is blown by the cold wind. It is cold.

Abao is not a person who doesn't know anything. After listening to this, he said: "Hey, Uncle Qiu has been guarding Tongcheng for many years, and he has worked hard. So he wants the emperor to marry his daughter." The two daughters of the enemy are different. Years old, it’s just that the girl who hates the family is in the city of Tongcheng, and she will not be the second girl.

Gui Yan also knows this, but he said helplessly: "The emperor is good for the three emperors, and the empress also knows. It’s just that the girl, it’s really..." She can’t say bad things about girls, after all, this is natural, not Learned the day after tomorrow. I guess this girl is not willing to grow up like this!

A Bao is not a reckless person, not because Yuchen does not like the enemy two girls, she went to find Yan Wushuang. I have to see it myself, so I can open my mouth.

Yuchen's body is still very good. After taking a day's medicine, the disease is so good.

A Bao saw this, and this went to the enemy. Stayed in the enemy for a long time, then returned to the palace.

Yuchen was well informed, and she did not need to say that she went to the enemy. When A Bao came to see her, Yu Chen asked: "Have you seen the girl of the enemy?"

A Bao nodded.

"Do you want her to be your emperor?" If the daughter can stand on the same line with her, it is possible to convince Yan that she is unparalleled.

A Bao shook his head and said: "The girl of the enemy is like this. It is really not appropriate for the emperor to marry her. I just went to the royal study and wanted to tell the father, but he is busy. Later, I will go find him again. ""

Yuchen sighed and said: "How can you grow up like this?" Even if it is ordinary, it is just like a hated girl!

A Bao said: "Mother, the father's temper, you also know that if you go out, you will not take back the truth. We try our best!" But Abao feels that he wants to convince her father to retreat, hope is not big.

As Abao expected, even if she came forward to say that the enemy girl is not suitable as a real wife of Achi, Yan Wushuang did not loosen.

Yan Wushuang looked at Yuchen and said: "You pick two to go to the government office. When the two girls learn the rules, they will not be like this now." Qiu Dashan, has been sealed by Yan Wushuang. The title is loyalty.

When Yu Chen saw it, he knew that there was no room for reversal.

Yan Wushuang did not change his decision, but he was not in a good mood. He asked Achi to hate the two girls, one is to let everyone know that he favors the old minister; the second is also to add a chip to Achi. After he was ready to wait for Achi, he was booked as a prince.

Called Mengnian to come, Yan Wushuang said: "Why didn't you tell me that this girl is so charming and charming?" This woman is a stunner, it is easy to get a man's favor. When the test is no problem, it is not appropriate to be a wife.

Meng Nian was confused, because Yan Wushuang had never asked him what his hatred girl looked like.

"I told Dashan to let Achi to marry his little daughter. The result was that the girl saw the girl and said that the girl was charming and charming." Even A Bao said so, there would be no mistake.

Meng Nian is busy with sin: "It is the negligence of the minister." He said that he did not know what the girl of the enemy had grown up. However, if Yan Wushuang asked him a sentence, he would definitely let people check. As a result, he decided without asking.

Yan Wushuang said very depressedly: "Forget it, things have been so far, more to say no benefit." I only hope that after the girl learns the rules, she can become dignified.

Meng Nian hesitated, I don't know if I should tell Yan Wusou about the news I just got.

"If you have anything to say, what do you grind?" Can it still fall down?

Mengnian took a look at Yan's unparalleled and carefully said: "There is news from the Beijing side, saying that the show's showgirl has continued to the capital in 66."

Yan Wushuang knows a sentence, there is no following.

The matter of the Beijing draft was quickly passed to the ears of Yuchen. At that time, she was taking medicine. When she heard the news, she was in a bad mood. The medicine could not be drunk, and she was letting her go down.

Gui Yan knows this, and glances at the golden leaf: "You have been around the goddess for so many years, don't know what to say, what should you say?" It is normal to say that these things don't matter, but now the goddess is sick. If you block this kind of heart, you have to say it.

The gold leaf was trained to be tearful.

Shi Xiang opened the curtain and said to Gui Yan: "Hey, the goddess calls you in."

Jinye looked at Guiyu into the house and wiped her tears and said to Shixiang: "Sister Xiang, thank you." According to the sin of Gui, I was afraid that she could marry her for half an hour. Being jealous is a small matter, the key is to be shameful. Lost a decent, there is no prestige, the following small palace **** and other people in the palace will not listen to her words.

"The niece is sick, how can you tell her these bad things, don't you find it?" Shi Xiang also heard the news, but she did not say anything.

Jin Ye bowed his head: "Sister Xiang, I will not be in the future."

Shi Xiang went to the kitchen to eat food for Yuchen, and Jin Ye followed her.

At the corner, Jinye saw the people around him didn't pay attention to her, and then he lowered his voice and said: "Sister Xiang, sister, is so old, how can she still go out to be raised? What does the girl have to say to her?" I want to tell you." Gui Yan is so old, and he talks to Yuchen on weekdays. Specific things, she does not care. Shi Xiang is to assist Yu Chen in the administration of the palace.

The scent of the scent is generous and good for the people around. Good sex, does not mean that there is no temper: "You are now more and more courageous, and this kind of words dare to say it?"

Jinye lowered her eyes and said: "Sister Xiang, I am also trying to hold the injustice."

Shi Xiang sneered and said: "I will say this next time, I immediately replied to the niece and squatting, and will take you out." I want to provoke her to confront her, it is daring.

The most important thing for Yuchen is Guiyu. If there is any private words, it is only told by Guiyu that the incense has been used to these years. She was trained by Gui Gui. Although the Guilin people are stricter, people are not bad, as long as they are bad, they will not be sorry for them.

Gold leaf 讪讪.

Gui Yan entered the palace and looked at the sorrowful appearance of Yu Chen. He persuaded: "Women, why bother you for this matter!" This is completely uncomfortable for yourself.

Yuchen leaned on the half-old water blue pillow and sighed and said: "Yu Xi can choose a daughter-in-law through the draft, what about me? If you don't know, the daughter-in-law will be sure." If this is a daughter-in-law The candidate is a good one, and she has nothing to say. This girl who can't choose Yan is not allowed to stand on the table.

Gui Yan sat on the stool next to him and said, "You are not satisfied with this marriage. Some of them are retreating. Why do you have to go with yourself?" If you can't do it, you will come to the dark, why is it like this?

Yuchen shook his head and said: "This door is retired. Qiu Dashan always guards Tongcheng, and his prestige is extremely high in the army. If he is reluctant to recruit his dissatisfaction, he will turn to others and he will be unfavorable to Achi." Qiu Dashan is undoubtedly loyal to Yan. For this matter, betrayal of Yan Wushuang is not enough, but Yan Wushuang is not only a son of Achi. She can't harm her son because of her own preferences.

Gui Yan sighed and said: "The goddess, there is no way. As long as the training, the enemy two girls can not come out to see people." If it is for the side room, you can shrink in the back of the house. It can be a positive room, and social entertainment is indispensable.

"Hope!" When I said this, Yuchen was awkward and didn't have any spirit. Yuxi can choose her daughter-in-law all over the world, and what about her? This gap is already one day and one place, and it is simply not comparable.

Gui Yan knows about Yuchen again, and he said: "Mother, I want to be more helpless." Han Yuxi is a person who keeps pace with Yunqing. Not to mention Yuchen, there are few people in history who can compare her.

As Gui Yan said, I don't think much about it. In addition to adding trouble, there is no benefit. Yuchen said with a wry smile: "I don't want to think too much, but sometimes I can't control it. Hey, you said that if Yunqing led troops to fight in Liaodong, what should Abao do with Achi?"

"Liaodong is getting better and better now, and Yunqing can't come in." After the meal, Gui Yan said: "Is there a case, the emperor is not saying that there is an arrangement?"

Yuchen shook his head and said: "Which is so simple..." After that, she refused to say.

Gui Yan was waiting to open his mouth and persuaded him to hear that the scent of the scented scent had come out.

After drinking the millet red jujube porridge, Yuchen let the cassia and the scent of the scent go down. She didn't sleep, but looked outside.

In the evening, Yan had no time to visit her. The story of the girl of the enemy is his negligence, so Yuchen is sick for this, and he is also awkward.

Yuchen came down from the bed and said before Yan had no double-sided: "The emperor, the courtier wants to ask the emperor for something."

"I said that this marriage can not be retired." Although there were no six rites, since this promised Qiu Dashan, this family member would not be able to repent.

Yuchen shook his head and said: "It is not a retreat. The emperor, I know that you are interested in Li Achi as the prince. The emperor, the court pleads you not to set up Achi as the prince."

Yan Wushuang’s face flashed with anger: “Do you know what you are talking about?”

Yuchen nodded and said: "The emperor, the court begged you not to set up Achi as the Prince."

Staring at Yuchen, Yan Wushuang asked: "Why?"

"I don't want him to lose his life because of this position. Emperor, you said that you can protect Abao and Achi. But if Achi is a prince, if they fight in the Ming Dynasty, can they let Achi? Even if you let Achi invisible name to escape, but even if you escape to the ends of the earth, Yunqing and Han Yuxi will not let him go." The grass does not remove the roots, the spring breeze blows again. This is no simpler.

After that, Yuchen said: "And Abao, she will marry a child in the future, can she escape with her husband and the child?" So many people, even if they escape, they will soon be caught. .

After listening to these words, Yan’s unparalleled look became unusually calm: “You have no confidence in me?”

In the past, Yuchen will definitely kneel down and sue for sin. But now it is about the lives of her children. She would rather die than return: "The Donghu people who had the wolf's ambitions before, and the Ming army who had the eyes of the tigers, did not have confidence."

Silence for a long time, Yan Wushuang looked at Yuchen and asked: "You don't regret it?"

Seeing that Yuchen nodded and said no regrets, Yan Wushuang asked: "You are not afraid of Achi to hate you?"

Yuchen reveals the color of pain, but quickly and firmly said: "Hate hate, it is better than no life." If it is for Chu Jun, I really wait until the Ming army comes in, and then the surrender of the other party may not accept.

Yan Wushuang said with a voice: "That is what you want." In fact, not only does Yuchen have no confidence, but Yan Wushuang has no confidence in himself. Even if Yunqing and Han Yuxi did not send troops to Liaodong because of their rest, the Donghu people were not harassed, and the war did not stop.

Yuchen did not because of this sentence, it was easy. On the contrary, she feels extraordinarily heavy.

Yan Wushuang was not angry. The reason why he did not make Achi as a prince was because he was very entangled.

Three days later, Yan Wushuang undertook the sacred decree, the son of Xiang Shuzhen, the four emperors Yan Hengzhong was the Prince.

"The emperor, why suddenly changed his mind?" Meng Nian knows that Yan Wushuang belongs to Achi, ready to wait for his marriage to be set down as a Prince. Now suddenly came this way, Meng Nian did not understand.

Yan Wushuang did not answer and asked: "Do you think that if Yunqing sends troops, can we have a few chances?"

Meng Nian hesitated and said: "Five percent."

"Without Donghu people, I have a 70% grasp of Liaodong. But in this world, there is no such thing." Because Donghu people, he did not even have a 30% chance of winning. Although the reality is cruel, he never escapes reality.

Meng Nian understands: "The emperor, for this reason, did you book the four emperors as princes?"

Yan Wushuang did not deny that this is actually admitted in disguise.

Xiang Shuzhen did not know that Yan Wushuang was pushing her son out to stop the disaster. She only knew that her son was a prince. This is what she dreamed of, so after confirming that this was true, Xiang Shuzhen smiled and tears came out.

Gao Wei thinks this is a bit weird. As everyone knows, the emperor is the most loved and most dependent on the three emperors, crossing his book to seal the four emperors as princes, how to see how embarrassing. Just looking at the excitement of Xiang Shuzhen, even if there is doubt in my heart, I did not say it.

Ps: With children, even the best plans are empty talk. ~~~~(>_<)~~~~, I miss the days of singles.

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