The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1485: selfish

A Bao was heard that Yan Hengzhong was enshrined as a Prince. The first reaction was that the news was wrong. Eight?? One Chinese network W=W≠W≈. ≈8=1≠Z=W≥. ≥COM because she knows that Yan Wushuang likes Yan Hengli, and also intends to make Yan Hengli a prince.

The close-fitting female guard, Ganyi, said: "The big princess, this news is absolutely true, there will be no mistakes." Such a big thing, how could it be wrong? Just don't know what happened, it will make the emperor book Feng Hengzhong.

A Bao immediately rushed to find Yan Wushuang.

At this time, no minister had an anecdote in the royal study room. A Bao went straight into the royal study: "Father, why did you seal the fourth child?"

Yan Wusou looked up at A Bao and said: "Ask your mother to go." This is what Han Yuchen did, and she must bear the consequences.

A Bao was in anger, and immediately heard this saying: "Father, if you dislike the identity of the mother, why should you marry her? Yan Hengzhong is comparable to my emperor? Because this is not necessary The reason, you have to deprive him of the opportunity to compete for the prince." Her emperor smashed Yan Hengzhong Sanjie Street. The seal of Yan Hengzhong is the prince, and where is her emperor.

Yan Wushuang's face is a bit ugly: "I said, this matter asks your mother to go, she will tell you the answer."

A Bao was surprised to hear that there was something in Yan Wu’s words: "Father, what do you mean by this?"

Yan Wushuang is in a bad mood, and he will solve the problem for Abao: "The next time you want to come in, let the father-in-law pass, don't be so arrogant."

A Bao listened to this, tears came: "Father, are you abandoning your children?" A Bao's temper, that is able to stretch.

Yan Wushuang has some headaches: "How big a person will lose his tears when he is still moving. Go to your mother-in-law, and wait for me to finish the matter. If there is anything, say later."

Ah Bao snorted and wiped his tears and went out.

When I saw Yuchen, Abao asked: "Mother, the father said that Yan Hengzhong was registered as a prince to be related to you. Mother, what is going on?"

Although Yuchen feels that he is doing the right thing, this time he does not know how to answer the question of Abao.

A Bao grabbed the arm of Yuchen and asked: "Mother, isn't Xiang Shuzhen grabbing you and threatening you? Mother, you tell me, I will solve it for you." Xiang Shuzhen, this woman, really The comfort time has been too long, I don’t know the taste of the whip.

Yuchen touched A Bao's head and said softly: "Mother has no handle to grasp, and the mother-in-law does not want Achi to be the Prince."

A Bao was shocked: "Mother, what are you talking about?"

Yuchen repeated the words again.

Abao can't accept this fact: "Mother, why? Why are you doing this?"

Yuchen said: "The mother-in-law only wants that both of your brothers and sisters will be safe and healthy."

A Bao asked: "Mother, what are you talking about? I am safe and healthy with the emperor, and what is the relationship with the prince?"

"This prince is looking at the scenery. When the Ming army comes in, it will be a reminder." Even if the Ming army hits in, it will not be the life of the Prince, and will be imprisoned for life.

Just like the beginning, Zhou Wei said that it was an emperor, in fact, it was a shackle under house arrest. She looked at Zhou Hao's struggles and pains with her own eyes, so she didn't want Achi to repeat this fate.

A Bao unbelievably asked: "Mother, because you think that the emperor is a prince, and when the Ming army comes in, he will have the life of the emperor, so you will let the father of the royal family seal Yan Hengzhong as the prince?"

Yuchen nodded.

A Bao was very angry and shouted: "Mother, you are too selfish. Why did the emperor always stay in the dangerous place in Tongcheng, that is, he wants to prove to his father that although he has no martial arts, he can guard the same. Jiangshan. But now because of your self-righteous thoughts, he has been working hard for so many years."

Yuchen’s face was instantly bloodless: “A Bao, I am good for Achi.”

A Bao will not want to talk to Yuchen again: "You can keep talking about the emperor!"

After saying this, A Bao left.

When Guiyu entered the house, he saw the tearful face of Yuchen: "Mother, don't be sad, wait until the princess is mad." The mother and daughter of the dear, there is an overnight vengeance.

Yuchen looked up and looked at Guiyi with tears and asked: "Hey, don't you agree with me?"

Guilu does not really agree with Yuchen’s move: "The maiden, the grass does not remove the roots, and the spring phoenix is ​​born again. If the Ming army really calls, they will not let go of any emperor." So Yuchen’s move In addition to making it possible for Xiang Shuzhen and Yan Hengzhong to make their situation difficult, others are meaningless.

Yuchen shook his head and said: "As long as Achi is not a prince, when Yunqing is sent out, he can leave Liaodong." If it is a prince, if he does not fight, he will escape. With Achi’s temper, he will certainly not be willing to flee before the war.

Gui Yan said: "The goddess, the old slave knows that you are good. But you thought about it, if the three emperors would not die when they arrived?" If the three emperors are afraid of death, he will not It’s been a few years in Tongcheng.

Zhizi Mo Ruomu, Yan Hengli’s temperament Yuchen is not clear: "He will not go, I will die in front of him."

"Mother, why are you?"

Yuchen wiped her tears and said firmly: "I have already suffered the pain of losing a child, and I can't bear the second time." I would rather hate her, and I don't want Achi to lose my life.

Gui Yan sighed and didn't continue to talk.

Yan Wushuang had to deal with the matter and came over. Seeing that A Bao was not turning back to the former dynasty, he did not say anything to Yu Chen.

Although annoyed Yan is unparalleled, but Yu Chen does not regret it. Just when she thought that this matter had been nailed, she did not want to have a reversal in the next day.

Xiang Shuzhen heard that Yan Wushuang said that after Yan Hengzhong was appointed as the Prince, he would let him go to Tongcheng to supervise the war and immediately fainted.

After waking up, he and Yan Wusou said that Yan Hengzhong was young and ignorant, and could not afford to be a heavy servant of the prince. Tongcheng is fighting every year. It is a common practice not to guard the injury of Qiu Dashan. Yan Hengli has almost lost his life several times. If you let your son go to Tongcheng, it is likely that there is a life to go back. Although the location of the Prince is tempting, there is no life important for his son.

Yan Wushuang angered Shu Shu, and then returned to the former. However, I did not expect that in the afternoon, Yan Hengzhong would lie in front of Yan's double-sided, saying that he could not be as good as Yan Hengli and would not be the Prince.

After Yan Hengzhong, who will be unable to climb up, he will go out and say to Yan Gonggong: "Let's check it out and see what happened?" Yesterday, the sacred book was sealed by Yan Hengzhong as the Prince. Xiang Shuzhen was so happy that he couldn’t keep his mouth shut. This day, the attitude changed a lot, and there must be something in it.

This matter is very good. After half an hour, the father-in-law will tell Yan Wushuang: "The emperor, the big princess and the Shu-Yi girl said that if the four emperors became the princes, they would have to go to Tongcheng to replace the three emperors. ""

"anything else?"

The grandfather shook his head and said: "No."

Yan Wushuang slaps a slap in the royal case, roaring: "nonsense." Xiang Shuzhen is afraid of his son's accident, please resign the position of the Prince, can also be said to be a woman's shortsighted. However, Yan Hengzhong was afraid of death, which is equivalent to fanning Yan’s unparalleled slap.

The father-in-law hates not to shrink his head to the bottom of the table.

With this out, the position of Yan Hengzhong's Prince is naturally gone.

This is like a farce.

There was a minister who made a discount and requested the seal of Yan Hengli to be a prince. Whether it is ability or courage, Yan Hengli is enough to take the position of Prince. However, Yan is unparalleled, but it is not to approve the fold.

Yuchen knows that Abao has stirred up the book of the Prince. It is really angry and annoying: "I know that you are not satisfied with the practice of the mother, but I am doing this for Achi, why can't you understand the pains of the mother. ”

A Bao said calmly: "Mother, you said that you are thinking about us, but have you ever thought about it, we don't need your pains." If the emperor himself does not want to be this prince, she has nothing to say. Say. Ke Yuchen made decisions for them, she is determined not to accept.

Yuchen’s chest is rising, and it’s very uncomfortable: “A Bao, are you blaming me?”

A Bao sincerely said: "Mother, I have not blamed you, but we have grown up, know what we are doing, and know what we want. What will happen in the future? I hope that you can ask me first and my brother. Opinions, then make a decision."

Yuchen’s face is a bit ugly: “You are growing up now, your wings are hard, and your mother is not holding you.”

A Bao does not retreat from this: "Mother, the future is our own, you can not replace us."

After that, Abao said with a wry smile: "In fact, I have imagined that I could go to the edge of the city to build a career." But because it is a daughter, you will not let me go. Mother, do you know? I have always regretted that I was at the beginning. Did not stick to the end."

"Are you blaming me?" Waiting for A Bao to open, Yuchen said: "I am for you. This army is a man. You went to that place in a girl's house. How do you marry in the future?"

Because jujube dates do what she can't do, she has been paying attention to jujube dates. I also know very well about the situation of jujube. A Bao said, "Isn't the same marriage married? She not only married people, but she still has children." No one knows how envious she was when she heard that Yunxiao had risen to the Sanpins with her military skills. Envious of Yun Yun can make a career with her daughter, and envy her a pair of enlightened parents.

When Yuchen heard this, he felt that he had suffered 10,000 points of damage. His voice was suddenly louder: "Who are you better than others, why do you have to compare with Yunxiao? So what is a man's wife?"

"Mother, Yunxiao just did a lot of things that women can't do. Why do you say she is a man?" After a moment, Abao looked at Yuchen and said: "Han Yuxi is in charge, not only men, even women. Also said that she licks the chicken morning? In my opinion, whether it is Han Yuchen or Yunxiao, they only prove one thing, women are not worse than men."

Yuchen said: "Do you think I can't compare Han Yuxi?" Although it is a fact, she is very sad to hear these words from her daughter's mouth.

"Which people in this world can compare with Han Yuxi?" Although they are enemies with Han Yuxi, she admire Han Yuxi's ability and courage.

Yuchen is silent.

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