Chapter 255 Difficult

Grandma Wang hurriedly knelt down and said, "Old lady, please calm down. This slave has always remembered the old lady's teachings and did not dare to relax at all.

 Lao Nu is the old lady’s servant. Not only the old slave, but also the old slave and his whole family are the old lady’s servants. The old slave will not do anything to disgrace the old lady. "

Mrs. Yang closed her eyes and said slowly: "Get up, remember your words. Let me keep an eye on Wenyuan Pavilion and Shuying Garden."

Grandma Wang bowed down and responded. "Yes, I understand."

Gu Huayu came out of the British government residence and asked Qingyu to drive to the house near Cuiping Road for half a day.

Junshi Dexin came out and said, "Princess."

Gu Huayu nodded and asked, "Are you here? Han Shi didn't come here today?"

Junshi leaned forward and said, "Brother Han went to the east of the city. There was a letter from over there saying that someone from Guiyung Pavilion came to the door. Brother Han said he went over to have a look."

Upon hearing this, Gu Huayu got into the car again and told Qing Yu, "Qing Yu, go to the east of the city."

"Okay! Sit down, Princess." Qing Yu jumped on the carriage, raised the whip in his hand, and drove the carriage to the east of the city.

Qingyu’s driving skills were excellent, and he chose streets with few people to walk on. He rushed from the west to the east of the city in more than half an hour.

 The car drove near Dongshui Gate, and the air was filled with a disgusting smell of feces.

Qingyu retched twice, "What does it smell like? It really stinks."

Gu Huayu took out a handkerchief and covered her nose, sighing secretly that she was reckless. At that time, she only focused on venting her anger and ignored the feelings of the people around her. She said sorry to the people in her heart.

Qingyu said: "Princess, this place is too smelly. How about I send you to Chang'an Restaurant and let Han Shi and others come to see you. Is that okay?"

Gu Huayu shook her head, "No, let's go."

Qingyu drove the car to the backyard where he had been relaxing for a long time.

“Why is Qingyu here?” Junxin asked.

Qingyu stopped the car and said, "Miss, Junxin is in front."

When Qingyu spoke, Gu Huayu had already lifted the curtain and jumped out of the car.

When Junxin saw Gu Huayu, he hurriedly came over and bowed to greet her. When he was about to call the princess, Qingyu reminded: "There are many people, so call me miss."

Gu Huayu asked: "What's going on? Where is Han Shi?"

Junxin leaned forward and said, "Miss, Brother Han has gone to the Yamen. At noon today, shopkeeper Huang from Guiyunge brought people to our shop to throw excrement, and the people in our shop started fighting with them. Later, someone reported it to the government. Someone came and took everyone to the Yamen."

Gu Huayu asked: "Did you come here with Han Shi?"

Junxin nodded and said, "Yes, I came here with Brother Han. Brother Han asked me to wait here. If the young lady comes over, let the young lady wait for him at Chang'an Restaurant."

Gu Huayu then asked: "Are any of our people injured?"

 Junxin nodded, "I heard from the neighbors that there were injuries on both sides."

Qingyu asked: "Is the Yamen far from here? Let's go and have a look?" Qingyu looked at Gu Huayu when he said the last sentence.

Gu Huayu nodded and said, "Let's go forward. We will reach the Yamen after turning two corners."

With that said, Gu Huayu got into the car, while Qingyu and Junxin sat at the front of the car.

When the three of them arrived at the Yamen, they saw that the three floors and three rooms outside the door were crowded with people.

Qingyu parked the car on the side of the road, and with Junxin protecting Gu Huayu, they squeezed in until they reached the entrance of the Yamen Hall.

 The lobby was full of people kneeling on their knees, and it was completely dark.

Qingyu whispered to Gu Hua: "Miss, the person kneeling in the middle of the first row is Brother Han."

Gu Huayu also saw it and nodded, "I see it."

 “Miss is here.” Su Er’s voice sounded from behind.

Gu Huayu turned to look over, nodded towards Su Er, and asked, "What's going on now?"

Su Er said in a low voice: "Guiyun Pavilion may have said hello, a few adults are leaning towards that side, the situation is very unfavorable for us.

Guiyun Pavilion insists that we poured excrement into their store last night, so they came to the door today. "

Gu Huayu looked at the presiding judge sitting in the high hall and asked, "Who is this person? Where did he come from?"

Su Er followed Gu Huayu's gaze and said, "Sitting in the middle is Cui Mingqing, the young master of Jingzhao Mansion.

 This man is the cousin of Cui Mingyuan, the Minister of Civil Affairs. I used to work as a fellow magistrate in Jingzhou and was transferred to the capital last year.

To the right of Cui Mingqing is Zhang Zhi, a judicial officer of Jingzhao Prefecture, who was a Jinshi in the eighth year of Changping.

To the left of Cui Ming is Mu Zaixin, the chief secretary. This person was the same year as Zhang Zhi. "

Just when Gu Huayu was about to ask a question, there was a sudden "pop" sound in front of her, which startled her.

Gu Huayu turned around and looked over, and saw Cui Mingqing sitting in front of him holding the gavel in his hand, staring at the person kneeling on the ground with piercing eyes.

As soon as the alarm bell sounded, everyone looked at Cui Mingqing.

Gu Huayu swallowed back the words that came to her lips, folded her hands on her chest, and waited for Cui Mingqing's next words.

Cui Mingqing looked at Han Shi who was kneeling in the middle and said in a deep voice: "In this dispute, it took half a day to make mistakes.

It is reasonable for Guiyunge to come to discuss the matter.

Due to the behavior of the idle waiters for half a day, Guiyunge cannot do business normally.

 Therefore, I order half a day's leisure and compensate Guiyun Pavilion for three days' running time, which is one thousand and fifty taels of silver, plus one hundred and fifty taels of cleaning expenses.

Furthermore, for half-day leisure, you need to pay for the medical expenses of the injured Guiyunge employee, lost work expenses, etc. This part of the expenses is evidenced by the receipt from the medical clinic.

As for the lost wages, it is calculated as 500 yuan a day, and the injured worker will be paid as long as it takes for him to recover.

 Shopkeeper Han, are you convinced? "

Gu Huayu listened to Cui Mingqing's verdict and had the illusion that "the Calabash Monk judged the Calabash Case".

Chui Mingqing dared to judge the case like this, did he have half a day to spare and no backstage?

Indeed, after Cui Mingqing received the case, he sent people to investigate, and the feedback came back that he had no background in half a day's work.

Han Shi replied: "Sir, the common people are not convinced."

Cui Mingqing slapped the gavel in his hand and said sternly: "You are bold and unruly, and you still make excuses after doing evil. Come here and give me thirty slaps."

Qingyu was surprised and said: "Is this a fight? Is he trying to use subjugation to make a move? Miss, what should I do?"

Seeing that the officer was about to step forward to pull Hanshi away. Gu Huayu said: "Slow down!"

Cui Mingqing glanced at Gu Huayu and said in a deep voice: "Who is it? If you dare to disturb the order of the court, come and let me catch you."

Han Shi turned to look at Gu Huayu, leaned forward and said, "Princess."

Cui Mingqing was stunned when he heard Han Shi's title. He turned to look at Zhang Zhi and asked, "Princess? Which princess?"

Zhang Zhi shook his head and looked at Gu Huayu with a blank expression.

 This princess is very cool. No, he knew all the princesses in the capital.

Cui Mingqing turned to Mu Zaixin, and Mu Zaixin also shook his head, indicating that he did not recognize the person in front of him.

Cui Mingqing's eyes fell on Gu Huayu again.

Gu Huayu had already walked up to Han Shi, looked around, and said in a loud voice: "I am Gu Huayu. I am the Princess Yanran who was bestowed upon me by the emperor not long ago."

After Gu Huayu finished speaking, there was an uproar in the lobby.

Cui Mingqing looked at Gu Huayu and then at Zhang Zhi beside him. He had a bad intuition...

Gu Huayu raised her hand and pressed it down, then made a silencing gesture.

Suddenly, the whispers stopped, and the lobby was as quiet as the wilderness on a winter night, without a sound.

As the Shaoyin of Jingzhao Mansion, Cui Mingqing is naturally concerned about current affairs in the capital.

The fact that the emperor granted Hua Yanran the title of princess was the most talked about thing among the people in the capital after dinner. Together with Hua Yanran's experience, the fire in Hua's family fifteen years ago, Hua Ling's death, and the mysterious Longyingwei became a teahouse The talk of the town nowadays.

Therefore, Cui Mingqing has heard about Princess Yanran, but only through his ears, just like the stories told by storytellers in teahouses and restaurants.

Cui Mingqing never thought that one day, this legendary princess would stand in front of him and question his judgment in public.

Chui Mingqing has been up and down in the officialdom for many years, and he has his own way of controlling emergencies, and he quickly recovered from the shock.

Guo Huayu said: "Yan Ran County is the master of the county. From the order of maintaining the public hall, how can you come here to make fun? Still interfere with the judgment of the official in the public hall?"

Gu Huayu glanced at Cui Mingqing and sneered. This guy was saying that she didn't understand the rules and blamed her for stretching her hand.

Gu Huayu smiled lightly and said, "What Mr. Cui said is inappropriate. Mr. Cui went to court to hear the case, and I came to watch and learn from it. How can I just join in the fun?"

 After speaking, Gu Huayu looked around at the people watching, and finally cast her eyes on Su Er, asking, "Are you here to join in the fun?"

Su Er immediately replied: "Back to the princess, I'm not here to join in the fun. I'm here to see how Mr. Shaoyin judges the case fairly and justly."

Gu Huayu nodded and looked back at Cui Mingqing, "Did Mr. Cui hear that? The people who came to watch were not just to watch the excitement.

They came to see whether the man sitting under the mirror had a fair heart and whether he was the great master in their hearts. "

Cui Mingqing felt it was extremely harsh when he heard Gu Huayu's strange words, and asked with a sullen face: "Princess, are you questioning the unfairness of my handling of the case?"

Gu Huayu asked without fear: "As for today's case, Mr. Cui dares to swear by the black gauze hat on your head and say frankly in front of everyone that you are not biased at all?

Mr. Cui dares to say that you have investigated the case clearly, clearly and with reasonable evidence.

 Mr. Cui, dare to say that your judgment did not bend the law for personal gain? Your judgment is worthy of the official uniform you wear.

 Master Cui, as the Shaoyin of Jingzhao Mansion and the official parent of the people in the capital, cannot allow the people to question him? Could it be that Mr. Cui wants to cover up the sky with one hand? "

Cui Mingqing gave Gu Huayu the right to speak, and Gu Huayu cherished it so much that he asked several questions in a row, unhurriedly, cadenced, and loud.

  The eyes of the onlookers shone brightly, and the officials present were trembling.

The reason why Cui Mingqing was able to make Gu Huayu speak out was because he expected that she wouldn't be able to say anything.

In Cui Mingqing's eyes, Gu Huayu is just a girl who grew up in the countryside.

 How brave can a little girl be?

He has been in the officialdom for more than 20 years, from the local area to the capital, starting from a small county magistrate, to where he is today. He has experienced so many scenes, large and small, that he can't even remember them.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he has met countless people, not to mention a little girl, even the wife of a clan who has been in charge of a large family for many years stands in the court with trepidation and fear, and her words are incoherent.

Cui Mingqing never expected that Gu Huayu could be so calm and calm.

 After Gu Huayu finished speaking, Cui Mingqing was stunned on the spot, not knowing how to answer her words.

Zhang Zhi saw that the momentum was not right and quickly took over the words, "The princess' words are serious, the words are serious.

 Master Cui naturally puts fairness first when he hears cases.

 The facts of the case that we have learned are that Ban Rixian acted unreasonably first.

Of course, we have to check whether this is the specific case.

Master Cui is asking Shopkeeper Han if he agrees. If Shopkeeper Han is not convinced, he will explain why.

After the rest of us listened, we decided who was right and wrong between Ban Ri Xian and Gui Yun Pavilion based on what Shopkeeper Han said. "

Mu Zaixin nodded and said, "Yes, that's what Zhang Canjun said. This is the process of the trial."

Gu Huayu sneered and said without mercy: "You don't have to fool me. I know that you two are just trying to cover up Mr. Cui with your official accent.

 What is the process of reviewing a case? Are you lying to people or ghosts?

 Sir Cui's half-day penalty has been calculated. Is this the procedure for reviewing the case?

How about I go into the palace tomorrow to ask for an audience with the emperor and ask him if our Daxing system of punishment is like this? "

Gu Huayu didn't follow common sense and hit several adults with such a powerful punch that they couldn't react. In the end, they brought out the emperor's Buddha to calm the situation.

 As soon as Gu Huayu's words came out, the expressions of Cui Mingqing, Zhang Zhi, and Mu Zaixin all changed.

None of the three of them can be sure whether Gu Huayu will go to the palace to see the emperor tomorrow. They know in their hearts that it is not easy for others to see the emperor, but the princess in front of them is Hua Ling's daughter.

 Who is Hua Ling? Back then, Ying was by the emperor's side, someone who accompanied the emperor.

If Gu Huayu really goes to the palace tomorrow and speaks in front of the emperor...their brothers' career in the officialdom will be over, and they may even bring trouble to the family.

They are all people who have been in the officialdom for many years, and they are all good people. Cui Mingqing gave Mu Zaixin a look.

Mu Zaixin immediately smiled and said, "Sit here, Princess. Come on, let's sit down and talk."

 Gu Huayu shook her head, with an expression that said, "I won't be fooled by you." "No, Chief Mu, please tell me if you have anything to say."

Mu Zaixin did not force himself and said with a smile: "Today's matter is really according to the procedure.

As for the fine that the princess mentioned, it was actually not a real fine. Mr. Cui said that he wanted someone to hit Shopkeeper Han’s board, but he didn’t really want to hit it.

 The so-called military art is strange. What is virtual is real, what is real is virtual. These are all procedures for reviewing a case, and the purpose is to find out the truth and try not to make an unjust, false or wrong case. "

 Zhang Zhi saw that Mu Zaixin had put things into perspective and quickly nodded in agreement: "It's true, it's true."

Cui Mingqing regained his composure and said, "The princess's interruption has made it impossible to continue the trial of my case.

 Should the princess say something about her behavior? In order to successfully hear the case, irrelevant personnel are not allowed to enter the yamen. Come and clear out the irrelevant people. "

Cui Mingqing just wanted to get the difficult Gu Huayu out as soon as possible.

 Immediately, a servant came forward and said to Gu Hua: "Princess, please."

Gu Huayu glanced at Cui Mingqing, and said to the officer with a faint smile: "Master Shaoyin said that we are cleaning up people who have nothing to do with the case. This princess is related to Banri Xian and is not within the scope of the cleaning."

 (End of this chapter)

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