Chapter 354 Clues

Junxin took the words and explained: "This Qingyu Alley is originally an alley famous for its snacks, and there are usually a lot of people. On a good day like today, it is even more crowded."

Wang Qin lifted the curtain and took a look. It was crowded with people, and the shouts of hawkers kept coming and going.

Wang Qin turned to Chaoyang and said, "Let's get out of the car and walk from here."

Chaoyang nodded in agreement, "Okay!"

Wang Qin stood up and bent down to get out of the car first, followed by Chaoyang.

After Wang Qin got out of the car, he turned around and stretched out his hand to Chaoyang. Chaoyang held Wang Qin's hand and jumped out of the car.

 “Thank you, Aunt Wang.”

Wang Qin smiled and said, "Let's go."

 After saying that, Wang Qin took Chaoyang's hand and walked sideways through the crowd, squeezing towards the backyard where they had been busy for half a day.

Just seven or eight steps away from the back door of Ban Ri Xian, a force came from the east and pushed Wang Qin and Chaoyang's hands away.

Wang Qin hurriedly shouted, "Don't crowd, everyone, please stop crowding."

There were shouts and yells.

 Soon, someone screamed, "It's dead, it's murder."

Wang Qin was startled and quickly turned around to look for Chaoyang, shouting loudly: "Chaoyang!"

The crowd that had just come over started to retreat. Wang Qin was pushed back a few steps, shouting Chaoyang loudly as he retreated.

Wang Qin shouted several times, but did not hear Chaoyang's response. Her heart sank involuntarily, and she pushed and pulled her way through the crowd in panic, "Give way, please give way."

Wang Qin squeezed her way into the crowd and saw Chaoyang lying in a pool of blood with her eyes wide open in fear. There was an extremely sharp and **** dagger not far from her.

Wang Qin hurriedly rushed forward to hug Chaoyang and shouted over and over again: "Chaoyang, Chaoyang."

Wang Qin shouted while reaching out to test Chaoyang's breath.

Su Er squeezed in from the crowd and saw Wang Qin hugging Chaoyang. He hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "How are you doing?"

Wang Qin looked up at Su Er and shook his head.

Su Erzhan immediately stood up and jumped onto the table selling pancakes nearby. Looking around, he saw a man in black wandering into an alley.

Su Erdan got angry, stepped on the shoulders of the onlookers from the desk, and chased after the black shadow.

 The onlookers gasped at the sight.

Han Shi and Hua Da squeezed in. Hua Da stepped forward to check Chaoyang's wound and said to Han Shi, "Go and see Su Er."

Han Shi nodded and chased in the direction Su Er left.

Hua Da raised his head and said to Jun Xin, who had squeezed in after him: "Let someone report to the official."

 Junxin nodded in agreement and turned around to make arrangements.

After Hua Da finished giving his instructions, he raised his voice and said to the onlookers: "For the neighbors here, I am the steward of Half-Day Leisure, and the man who was stabbed to death is one of our Half-Day Leisure People.

 Who here saw the perpetrator just now? If you can provide some clues, you will be given one tael of silver. The more detailed your explanation, the more money you will be given. If you are willing to provide clues, follow this guy to the backyard where he has been free for a long time. "

As soon as the onlookers heard that there was money, they all followed Junxin and left for half a day.

Hua Da said to Shi Qing: "There may be associates of gangsters among this group of people. You should be careful."

Shi Qing nodded in agreement.

Hua Da said to Wang Qin: "Chaoyang has gone. Let's put her down first. After the official comes to check, we will take care of her funeral."

Wang Qin hugged Chaoyang in grief and stared at her pale face due to blood loss.

Just a moment ago, the person who was holding her hand, leaning on her shoulder, listening to her words, and acting coquettishly towards her was gone in the blink of an eye.

Everything happened so suddenly that she was caught off guard. Wang Qin was so heartbroken that she felt suffocated.

Chaoyang came into this home from Hongcheng and lived with them under the same roof.

The princess often said that it is a great fate to live under the same roof. Even if they are not relatives, they are better than relatives.

Wang Qin looked at Hua Da and said sadly: "Just now, I was holding her hand, and she was smiling at me."

Hua Da patted Wang Qin on the shoulder and said comfortingly: "I know."

Wang Qin looked down at Chaoyang and said with self-reproach, "I shouldn't have brought her out."

Hua Da knew that Wang Qin was feeling guilty and said: "Don't be sad yet, this matter is not simple, the other party's target should be the princess.

We must quickly find the gangster, find out the truth of the matter, and find the person behind the scenes.

In this way, the princess will be safe, Chaoyang's revenge can be avenged, and her blood will not be shed in vain. "

Hua Da’s words made Wang Qinfan come back to his senses. Yes, the other party must have mistaken Chaoyang for the princess. Otherwise, why attack a maid?

The Heaven Sacrifice Ceremony is a grand event celebrated by the whole country, and security matters are naturally a top priority.

Almost the whole city mobilized its efforts to ensure that the celebration went smoothly. Therefore, from the beginning of the winter month, all the guards and soldiers of the Jingzhao Mansion were on full alert. No matter whether it was day or night, the number of patrols and the number of patrols were doubled. times.

Yesterday afternoon, officers and soldiers transferred from the Yulin Army and the Gyeonggi Camp joined in the security.

 The news of the stabbing in Qingyu Lane soon reached Jiang Ying, who was in charge of this area.

 Jiang Ying is the commander of the North District of the Five Cities Soldiers and Horses Division. Gongchen Road is in the north of his city. Today he happens to be in charge of this section of Gongchen Road.

These days, the superiors convened meetings every three days to discuss the security of the celebration. Finally, the superiors decided to assign responsibilities to people and adopted methods of rewarding and accountability for those responsible.

After hearing the report, Jiang Ying cursed: "Damn it, I'm really afraid of what will happen. I've lost my salary for three months, and I've lost this year's Zhuo. You stay here and keep an eye on it. Come with me and take a look."

After Jiang Ying complained angrily, she ordered her deputy Ma Mingsheng to stay and asked Zhang Ju to go with him to take a look.

Jiang Ying took Zhang Ju and a few servants to Qingyu Lane. Su Er and Han Shi had already returned.

Jiang Ying didn't know Hua Da for a few days, but Hua Da and others knew him.

Hua Da leaned forward and said: "Commander Chiang, hello. I am Hua Da, the steward of Princess Yanran's residence. The person who was assassinated was Chaoyang, the maid of our residence."

As soon as Jiang Ying heard that the deceased was a maid from Hua Yanran's house, she immediately became cautious, turned around and ordered, "Let someone ask Wu Wu to come over."

 Zhang Ju immediately sent people away.

Jiang Ying learned about the case from Hua Da...

 When Hua Yanran, Shi Yamei, Li Jing and others were looking at the dowry in the yard, they saw Wang Qin and Liandong talking on the corridor.

 Subsequently, Honeysuckle came to the yard.

 Why does Wang Qin appear here? Something happened in the house? Something happened to the shop?

In an instant, a series of questions popped up in Hua Yanran's mind. She walked towards Lonicera and asked first, "Why is Aunt Wang here?"

 Landong replied: "Aunt Wang said that she has something urgent to do to see the princess."

Hua Yanran nodded, turned to Shi Yamei and said, "Yamei, I have something to deal with. I'll go back to my house first."

Shi Yamei said: "Okay, come back after you finish handling the matter. I'll wait for you. Let's continue the topic from last night in the evening."

Hua Yanran nodded, "Okay."

After Hua Yanran said goodbye to the people in the Shi Mansion, she quickly walked towards Wang Qin. "Aunt Wang, what happened?"

Wang Qin took Hua Yanran's hand and walked out. As she walked, she said, "Princess, let's get in the car and talk."

Hua Yanran nodded and followed Wang Qin to the second door.

 At the second gate, Wang Gu turned around and said to Lonicera: "You, Haitang and Lihua are in the next car."

 After saying that, Wang Qin got into the car behind Hua Yanran and ordered Qing Yu to drive.

Hua Yanran waited for Wang Qin to get in the car and asked, "What happened?"

Wang Qin paused and choked with sadness. "Princess, the morning sun is gone!"

"Gone? What does "gone" mean? Dead?" Hua Yanran asked with confusion on her face.

Wang Qin nodded and explained what happened in the morning in detail.

After hearing this, Hua Yanran was silent for a moment and asked, "Where is Chaoyang? Where is he now?"

"Hua Da asked Junxin to send her to Ci'en Temple, and asked the master in the temple to make a temple for her, and then bury her generously."

Hua Yanran said: "Then let's go to Ci'en Temple first, and I'll go burn incense sticks for Chaoyang."

Wang Qin hesitated a little, "Princess, you have a distinguished status..."

Before Wang Qin could finish speaking, Hua Yanran interrupted her, "Firstly, the dead person is the most important. Secondly, Chaoyang died because of me. I should go and see her, both emotionally and rationally."

Seeing Hua Yanran’s insistence, Wang Qin had no choice but to nod.

  It was already You hour when Hua Yanran returned to the Princess's Mansion from Ci'en Temple.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when she came back.

Hua Yanran looked at everyone, said nothing, and went straight to the study. Hua Da and others followed her to the study.

After entering the house, Hua Yanran looked at Hua Da and asked, "Uncle Hua, do you have any clues?"

Hua Da bowed and replied: "Back to the princess, I didn't find the gangsters who attacked Xiang Chaoyang, but I found seven people with the word wind tattooed on their right wrists."

Hua Yanran’s face became stern and she asked: “Wind tattoo? Whose is it? The Prime Minister’s Palace or the British Duke’s Palace?”

Hua Da admired Hua Yanran's sensitivity and said, "Shi Nan followed them to the north of the city and met Du Bin beside the British duke."

Hua Yanran knocked the tea cup in her hand heavily on the table and cursed: "This old man is looking for death.

Liu Guang, Han Shi and Wang Gu, you three go and capture Du Bin, lock him up and torture him severely. "

 Liu Guang, Han Shi, and Wang Gu bowed to accept the order, turned around and walked out.

"Wang Gu, wait a moment." Hua Yanran called to Wang Qin.

Wang Qin turned to look at Hua Yanran and asked, "Any other instructions, Princess?"

Hua Yanran handed over a silver needle and said, "Take this with you."

Wang Qin bowed and thanked her, then stepped forward to take the silver needle.

At Qiwan Lane in the north of the city, the British prince was circling in the room angrily, while Du Bin stood beside him with his head lowered.

“You are a waste of a county, what kind of look do you have? Even the maid and the young lady can’t tell the difference.”

Lu Chao pointed at Du Bin and scolded.

Du Bin leaned forward and said, "Old Master, I don't blame them for this. If you want to blame, just blame the maid. She's such a nice girl, why is she wearing a nice Shu brocade?"

The finest Shu brocade is a tribute. Is it something that a maid like her can wear if she has money but no land to buy it?

Lu Qi and the others have never met Princess Yanran, so they can only judge her from her clothes. So is the maid. If a maid wears Sichuan brocade, isn't she going to die? "

After hearing Du Bin's words, Lu Chao became less angry, then turned around again and argued angrily: "If I change my clothes, I won't be able to recognize him? A maid is a maid, a young lady is a young lady, how can they behave the same? "

Du Bin defended: "Old man, you are really making things difficult for them.

 Old man, think about it, where did Princess Yanran grow up?

 A princess who grew up in the mountains behaves worse than a maid. How do you tell them to tell the difference?

From a young point of view, I really don’t blame them for this matter.

 They did a very good job today. They killed the people according to the old man's instructions and escaped unharmed. This mission was very successful.

The old man should praise them instead of blaming them. "

Lu Chao felt much better after hearing Du Bin's words.

Du Bin saw that Lu Chao's expression softened and continued: "Lu Qi and his gang usually practice in isolation and have too little actual practice.

 It is the same as when the old man led troops to fight in the past. Really brave and capable generals are trained in battles.

This time, we should give them a chance to practice. "

Lu Chao nodded, "What you said makes sense, this time it's just practice.

 Tell them that although it was just a maid who died today, it happened today and the Yamen could not ignore it.

Let them stay indoors and be careful not to come out. "

Du Dian leaned forward and said, "Don't worry, old man. The younger one has already been told. Let them not go out for seven days. If they have food and drink, someone will send it to them."

Lu Chao nodded with satisfaction, then sighed again, and said with great annoyance: "What a great opportunity we have today, but King Qi didn't take action. If he had taken action, I would have removed two stumbling blocks for the prince today."

Du Bin comforted him and said, "Don't be sad, old man. There is nothing to be upset about.

 Let us make complete preparations, and there will be many opportunities in the future.

 Next month is the twelfth lunar month, and there is the Laba Festival in the twelfth lunar month. In order to win the support of the people, the King of Qi has personally given porridge on Laba day for several consecutive years.

Although King Qi is just showing up, as long as he shows up at the porridge shed, it will be our opportunity. The same is true for King Qin. "

Lu Chao nodded, "Yes, be prepared, there are plenty of opportunities. You are tired today, so go down and rest. You will go out with me early tomorrow morning."

"The old lady is going to Jingbo Teahouse to meet the king? Or?" Du Bin leaned over and asked.

The Prime Minister sighed and said quietly: "Yes, the matters in the court can only be known through the Prime Minister. I'm going to see the Emperor's attitude towards today's events. In addition, there are some things that need to be discussed with the Prime Minister."

"Okay, I understand. The old man is tired today. I will help him rest."

Lu Chao shook his head and said: "I'll sit here for a while, you go and have a rest. Just let Jinhua do the work of serving others."

 Jinhua is a newly purchased girl. She is pretty and has a charming look on her face and eyes, which makes people like her very much.

On the first day Jinhua entered the house, Lu Chao called her to her side and asked him to serve her closely.

Du Bin immediately understood what Lu Chao meant and bowed to say goodbye to Lu Chao.

Lu Chao waved his hand and motioned for him to leave.

Du Bin came out of Lu Chao's study, returned to the east wing, and sat down to drink tea.

Thinking about what Lu Chao said, Lu Qi and the others had to stay out of the limelight.

Just now, he just followed Lu Chao's wishes and did not tell Lu Qi and others not to go out.

Du Bin thought of this, immediately stood up, came out of the house, and climbed over the wall.

Han Shi saw Du Bin climbing over the wall and gestured to Liu Guang and Wang Qin, asking them to follow.

 Liu Guang and Wang Qin nodded towards him.

 (End of this chapter)

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