Chapter 355 I blame you

Du Bin noticed someone was following him. When he paused and looked back, he saw that the silver needle in Wang Qin's hand had already left his hand.

Five silver needles were shot at the same time. Du Bin jumped up and avoided the silver needle thrown by Wang Qin.

Wang Qin felt a chill in her heart and thought to herself, fast enough! Come again.

Wang Qin reached out with his left hand and stabbed Du Bin with five silver needles.

When Du Bin saw the silver needle flying towards him, he quickly did another backflip to avoid the silver needle Wang Qin threw at him again.

However, Wang Qin predicted that Du Bin would avoid this way, and followed with his right hand to throw five silver needles.

Du Bin had no time to make a move, so he could only lean back to avoid the flying silver needle.

This time, he only avoided the four silver needles at the top, and one at the bottom was inserted into his right leg.

Wang Qin counted like Hua Yanran, one, two, three, four. Before he could count to five, Du Bin was already kneeling on the ground.

Han Shi and Liu Guang hurriedly **** Du Bin and stuffed him into a carriage not far away.

At the appointed time, Wang Qin returned to the princess' mansion.

 Seeing Lonicera standing on the corridor, she knew that Hua Yanran was still in the study. Hurry to the study room.

When Hua Da saw Wang Qin coming back, he stood up and asked, "Did you succeed?"

Wang Qin nodded, "We succeeded. We climbed on Lu Chao's roof for more than half an hour. There is no doubt that the person with the word 'wind' tattooed on him is a British citizen."

Su Er said: "This old immortal has ruined the British government, and he still won't stop! What does he want to do?"

Hua Yanran sneered and said, "I'm just trying to die! What else can I find out?"

 Hua Yanran looked at Wang Qin.

Wang Qin continued: "I heard the conversation between Duke Ying and Du Bin, saying that King Qi will take action against King Qin today. For some reason, King Qi changed his plan and did not take action. For this reason, Duke Ying is very dissatisfied."

Hua Yanran said: "The prince's return will hit King Qi the hardest. He wants to get rid of the prince, which is within our expectations. The prince is on guard and will not let him succeed easily."

Hua Da asked: "Is there any more?"

Wang Qin thought for a moment and said, "By the way, the Prime Minister was also involved in the assassination of the princess."

Hua Yanran nodded and said: "The people in Prime Minister Wang's Mansion hate me to the core. Aunt Wang, thank you for your hard work. Uncle Hua, Du Bin is very important. You should review it carefully. Don't be hasty. Take your time. They are anxious." They wanted to kill me because they were afraid that I would find out what happened back then. On the other hand, they must be the ones who knew about the Hua family."

 The flowers are so big that I can't bear to do anything.

Hua Yanran continued: "Let people keep an eye on the Lu family and the people in the Wang Prime Minister's Mansion, don't let them escape."

“Yes, I have written it down.”

Hua Yanran stood up and said, "It's getting late. It's time to rest. Let's all go and have a rest. By the way, I told the master in the temple at Chaoyang to ask the master and the others to perform rituals for her for three days. He will be buried in three days. Then I will send him off."

 “Okay!” Hua Da leaned over again.

The next day was the day when Shi Mansion sent the dowry. Hua Yanran got up at midnight, had breakfast and went to Shi Mansion.

When Mrs. Ping saw Hua Yanran, she asked with concern: "Three girls said you went back to the house, what's the matter? Is there something going on at the house?"

Hua Yanran didn’t want to affect Mrs. Ping’s mood, so she shook her head with a smile and said, “Something happened at Bansi Xian’s shop. Uncle Hua and the others asked me to go back and make an idea. Grandma, don’t worry, it’s been solved.”

Mrs. Ping did not doubt it, "That's good. Yingzi said, there are many guests in the house today. If you feel noisy, just rest in your small courtyard instead of hanging around outside."

Upon hearing this, Hua Yanran knew that Mrs. Ping also knew what happened yesterday, and was afraid that she had not had a good rest last night, so she asked her to have a good rest.

Hua Yanran nodded, "Thank you grandma, thank you Aunt Ping, I can handle it, don't worry about me."

Hua Yanran chatted with Mrs. Ping for a while, then Mingzhi came over and bent her knees and said, "Princess, my lady is here to invite you."

Mrs. Ping said to Hua Yanran, "Go and talk to the third girl."

Hua Yanran went to Mrs. Ping to wish her good health, and followed Ming Zhi to Shi Yamei's courtyard, Meiyuan.

Shi Yamei saw Hua Yanran coming over and asked Mingxin to take the servant down.

Asked bluntly: "Xiaoyu, how did you handle Chaoyang's matter?"

Hua Yanran leaned back on the group chair and said, "We are now stopping at Ci'en Temple and asking the master in the temple to do rituals for her for three days."

  If a murder occurs on a day like yesterday, people who should know will soon know.

“What a pity, Chaoyang is such a good girl, smart and sensible, and always has a smile on her face.” Shi Yamei sighed.

Hua Yanran nodded, "Yes, Chaoyang is very good. Knowing that she was killed, Liu Ma cried several times."

"Have you found it? Who did it?" Shi Yamei asked.

Hua Yanran shook her head and said, "Uncle Hua and the others are still checking, and they will have a letter soon."

 “Don’t be too sad because people cannot be resurrected after death.” Shi Yamei comforted him.

Hua Yanran smiled bitterly at Shi Yamei, "Yes, I know, don't worry about me. When will you start giving dowries?"

Hua Yanran changed the subject.

Shi Yamei looked up at the hourglass and said, "It's almost time. My mother-in-law said the makeup will be delivered soon."

“It’s almost time, let’s go over and take a look.”

 Hua Yanran was at Shi Mansion to see her makeup delivery.

Lu Chao, who was quietly parked in the private room of the teahouse, walked around the room countless times when he finally heard footsteps coming from outside the door and hurried towards the door.

Wang Xiangzheng raised his hand to push the door, and the door opened from inside the room.

Lu Chao pulled Wang Xiang into the room and said, "Finally you are here."

 Wang Xiang looked at the impatient Lu Chao and asked, "What's the matter? What happened?"

 “Du Bin is missing!” Lu Chao said in panic.

Du Bin has been with him for decades and has long since become his hands, his feet, and even his brain...

The Prime Minister was also shocked, his face suddenly changed, and he asked: "How long has it been? How could a living person disappear?"

 Wang Xiang has known Lu Chao for many years, and he knows very well what Du Bin means to Lu Chao.

Almost all decisions made by Lu Chao were made by Du Bin... Du Bin falling into the hands of others is equivalent to Lu Chao falling into the hands of others.

Lu Chao said with a sad face: "I don't know either. When he left my study last night, he agreed to come here to see you this morning.

 As a result, this morning, I waited and waited, but I didn’t see him.

So he sent someone to the east wing to summon him, only to find out that he was not in the room.

 I asked everyone at home, but no one saw him.

 The concierge said that after he returned home last night, he did not go out again.

 But there is no one in the house. Du Bin just disappeared out of thin air. "

Wang Xiang pinched the beard in front of him, shook his head and said: "How can a person disappear out of thin air? If you want to see a person alive, you will see a corpse if you die."

 “Then where did Du Bin go?”

Wang Xiang met Lu Chao's gaze and replied: "Will it fall into the hands of that girl?"

Thinking of Hua Yanran, Wang Xiang couldn't help but shudder when he thought of the corpse dumped at the door of his house a few months ago.

Hua Yanran’s maid died just yesterday, and Du Bin disappeared in the evening. This had to stop him from thinking too much.

Lu Chao immediately shook his head and denied, "It's impossible. Du Bin's skills are among the best in the capital, and three or two people can't do anything to him. Those people around Hua Yanran couldn't have kidnapped him quietly."

"That's strange. How could a living person disappear out of thin air? Have you checked the property? Did Du Bin flee with the money?" Wang Xiang asked with a frown.

  The person is no longer there, either taken captive or left on his own. If you leave on your own, you will not be purified.

 “I checked, and the money in the house has not decreased.”

The Prime Minister thought for a moment and said, "We have to prepare for the worst in this matter."

“What do you mean, Mr. Prime Minister, Du Bin fell into the hands of that little girl?”

Wang Xiang looked at Lu Chao and asked: "It is very possible that if Du Bin falls into the hands of that girl, will he confess? How sure are you?"

Lu Chao looked at Wang Xiang and was speechless for a moment.

Wang Xiang got the answer from Lu Chao's expression and said: "Even if Du Bin has been with you for decades, you can't guarantee whether he can survive being tortured to extract a confession. You will never do what you asked him to do." Reveal half of it to the outside world, right?

 Human beings are made of flesh and blood. Being beaten will hurt, and not everyone will be fearless in the face of danger. Therefore, we have to prepare for the worst. "

 “What are we going to do? At this point, we are already at the end of our rope.”

Having been in office for many years, they both knew very well that once what they had done was revealed to the world, the only way out for them would be death.

The Prime Minister walked around in the room, and after a while, he said, "Let's make two preparations."

 Lu Chao asked: "Which two hands?"

 Wang Xiang walked to the table and sat down, "Send away those who can be sent away at home as soon as possible."

Lu Chao said disapprovingly: "Where to send it? The world is so big, can it be the king's land? Where can we escape to?"

 Wang Xiang thought for a while and said: "Go to the sea and escape overseas!"

"Going to sea is so dangerous! How many people who go to sea can come back alive?"

 Lu Chao is extremely resistant to unknown things.

Wang Xiang said: "If you stay here, you will only die. Why don't you go out and have a chance? There is still a chance of survival. What if you survive?"

Lu Chao didn’t want to leave his hometown and go overseas, so he asked: “What about the second way? What is it?”

Wang Xiang said: "The second way? That is to give it a try. Tomorrow, Ye Minghao of Duke Chengguo will get married. The emperor treats Duke Chengguo so favorably that he will definitely come to congratulate him in person..."

Before the king could finish speaking, Lu Chao interrupted him: "What do you mean, to get rid of the emperor while he is out? This plan will not work. You have to know how many people are there in the open and secret guards when the emperor is traveling? How many people are there in the court? If the emperor takes action, isn't that going to death?"

 Wang Xiang turned to look at Lu Chao, feeling extremely bored and annoyed.

He said: "You are afraid of death when you escape from the sea. You are also afraid of taking action against that person.

What can you accomplish with your foresight and hesitation?

At that time, if it weren’t for you, would King Duan have been defeated?

The situation was so good at that time, but because you were worried about this or that, and did not take action when it was time to take action, and were indecisive and hesitant, King Duan missed the opportunity, thus costing the lives of King Duan and the Queen Mother.

It is true that things are easy to change, but character is hard to change. It has been so many years since the incident, but you still haven't learned a lesson from what happened back then, and you're still like this!

You, you still act like a gatekeeper, do things in a sloppy manner, and are not decisive at all. "

  Wang Xiang shook his head as he spoke, showing great disgust and contempt for Lu Chao.

Lu Chao's face turned red after being talked about by Wang Xiang. He knew in his heart that his biggest problem was hesitation and hesitation.

 But it’s one thing to know it, and it’s another thing to be accused.

Lu Chao frowned and retorted: "Why do you talk like this? Can you blame me for what happened back then?"

You claim to be smart and are known as a good fortune teller. You can calculate everything clearly. Why didn't you calculate the existence of Long Shadow Guard?

 Was it my fault what happened back then? It was obviously bad because Long Shadow Guard suddenly disrupted the situation.

I have everything settled, who knew that Hua Ling would appear out of thin air? You didn't even think of this! How can you blame me? "

The Prime Minister waved his hand, "Okay, I won't bother you with the past. We have come to this point, and you know in your heart whose responsibility it is."

Lu Chao said reluctantly: "We've said it all, so let's make it clear. What do you mean you don't want to argue with me? What did I say?"

The Prime Minister looked at the red-faced Lu Chao and felt extremely annoyed. He knew clearly that the man in front of him was extremely vain and wanted to lose face. Okay, what did he do in the past? Isn't this causing trouble for yourself?

Lu Chao saw that Wang Xiang was silent and said to Wang Xiang: "Don't look at me like that. If you have something to say, don't curse in your heart."

The Prime Minister knew that if he didn't apologize, Lu Chao would pester him all day long, so how could he have time to spend with him here?

Then he said: "The past has passed. No matter how clear we manage it, it won't help. It was my fault just now, and I shouldn't bring up the old things again. I'm sorry, I apologize to you."

 Lü Chao did not acknowledge Wang Xiang’s perfunctory apology.

“You apologize so reluctantly and unwillingly, it’s better not to apologize at all. I know that you have been complaining about me all these years, thinking that I ruined the important matter between King Duan and the Queen Mother.

 Let me tell you, what I did for King Duan and the Queen Mother was no less than yours. "

The Prime Minister said in a deep voice: "You are crazy. You dare to say anything outside. Don't you understand the principle that walls have ears?"

Lu Chao glared at Wang Xiang angrily and said, "Didn't you instigate this?"

“Okay, okay, I was wrong, and I solemnly apologize to you! Keep these words in your stomach, and no one is allowed to say them again.

Understand? " Wang Xiang explained seriously.

Lu Chao forgot about it when he saw Wang Xiang bowing seriously to him.

Prime Minister Wang said: "Since you think these two options are undesirable, what do you think we should do? Wait for them to find out Du Bin's words, and then settle the score with us?"

Lu Chao thought for a while and said: "Wait a minute, there's no telling whether Du Bin is in their hands or not. What if Du Bin just went out to do errands and didn't fall into the hands of that girl at all? We can't scare ourselves here. alone?"

 Wang Xiang looked at Lu Chao speechlessly and looked, here he comes again. Co-author, the person who was anxious when he entered the door just now was because he was dazzled and saw it wrong.

The Prime Minister said angrily: "What if Du Bin falls into the hands of that girl? Let me tell you, that girl is cruel.

 Do you remember the corpse dumping case at the door of my house before? That girl probably did that thing nine times out of ten. "

Lu Chao thought for a while and said, "Du Bin is a man, he shouldn't betray us."

Lu Chao said it with his mouth, but he had no clue in his heart.

 Wang Xiang sneered and said, "I advise you not to place your hopes on others. In this way, you will be much less disappointed."

 (End of this chapter)

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