Chapter 37 Doubts

 After a while, the waiter bent his waist and led the two of them upstairs.

It wasn't until the young man's figure disappeared around the corner that Gu Huayu stood up to pay the bill and left with a bag of items.

Gu Huayu returned to Huang Ji. Gu Dechang had already returned and was drinking tea and chatting with shopkeeper Huang.

Gu Dechang looked at the baggage in his daughter's hand and said, "Xiaoyu is back. It looks like the harvest is not small. What did you buy?"

Gu Huayu smiled and patted the baggage, "Gifts for my brothers, sisters and brother Sui. Have you finished your father's business?"

Gu Dechang shook his head, "No, the organizer is out and will come back later."

Shopkeeper Huang poured a cup of tea for Gu Huayu, "Miss Xiaoyu, come and have a cup of tea. Mr. Gu rarely goes to the city, so he will rest here for one night and come back tomorrow."

Gu Dechang was not polite and said bluntly: "I'm really going to bother Brother Huang today."

"Mr. Gu is out of touch when he says this. There are two people here. Mr. Gu can come, but it's too late for me to be happy. Is Xiaoyu hungry? Are you going to eat now?" Shopkeeper Huang said enthusiastically.

Gu Dechang turned around and asked: "Xiaoyu, are you hungry? Let's eat now?"

Gu Huayu nodded, "Okay, let's eat."

 Huang Zhang immediately asked the waiter to pass the dishes.

Shopkeeper Huang and Gu Dechang were drinking and chatting, while Gu Huayu was busy eating.

Every time Gu Huayu raised her head, she would always meet shopkeeper Huang's staring and inquiring eyes... Only when he saw her raising her head did shopkeeper Huang look away.

Gu Huayu had some doubts in her heart, but she pretended not to know and continued to eat by herself.

After she finished eating and put down her chopsticks, a girl of fourteen or fifteen years old came in and bent her knees and said to her: "Girl, slave Chun Tang, please take the girl to the room to rest."

Gu Huayu looked at Gu Dechang.

Gu Dechang put down the chopsticks in his hand and said, "Xiaoyu and Chuntang go."

Shopkeeper Huang warned: "Have a good time serving the girl."

Chuntang bent his knees and bowed.

So, Gu Huayu followed Chuntang and left.

Chuntang was extremely careful and reminded her as she walked: "Girl, be careful where you step."

Gu Huayu looked up at the stairs and asked, "Go to the second floor?"

Chuntang leaned forward and said, "Girl, we do business on the first floor and people live on the second floor."

Chuntang took Gu Huayu to a room at the end of the second floor. "The shopkeeper told me that the girl will live in the orchid room, which is not facing the street and is quiet."

Gu Huayu smiled and thanked her, and while looking around the room, she asked, "Did you come to Shicheng with Uncle Huang?"

Chuntang shook his head, bent his knees and said, "Girl, no, my home is in Shuibian Village not far from the county seat.

When the slave was nine years old, her father fell ill and passed away. The elder brother wanted to sell the slave to the Li Zheng family in the village so that the slave could be the wife of the Li Zheng family's crazy son. The slave ran out secretly, but the master rescued the slave. "

"Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't know..." Gu Huayu wanted to inquire about shopkeeper Huang's past, but she unexpectedly mentioned Chun Tang's injury and said apologetically.

Chuntang bent her knees and said, "Girl, don't worry, it's all in the past. Do you want to take a rest now?"

  Feeling a little sleepy after the meal, Gu Huayu nodded and said, "I'll take a rest."

Chuntang made the bed, waited for Gu Huayu to rest, and said, "Young lady, rest in peace. My servant is right outside the door. If anything happens, just call me."

Gu Huayu nodded in agreement. Chuntang exited quietly.

 Gu Huayu woke up and turned to look out the window. The afterglow of the sun filled the window sill.

Gu Huayu turned over. Chuntang heard the movement in the room and opened the door and came in. "Is the girl awake?"

Gu Huayu nodded and asked, "When is it?"

Chuntang replied: "It's time for the wedding. I'll wait for the girl to wash up."

Gu Huayu smiled and thanked her.

Gu Huayu came down from upstairs, and Gu Dechang had already returned from the Yamen.

 (End of this chapter)

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