Chapter 54-Su Zhiwen Becomes a Demon Again

[Ding, the host solves the villain before the protagonist, prevents the protagonist from pretending to be forced, changes the trend of the plot, and rewards the villain with a value of 500][Ding, the host is domineering and leaking, pretends to have a good hand, and gets the favor from Chen Yurou plus 10, the current intimacy is 10, and the reward is 200 for the villain]

After Lei Bao took his little brother away, Su Zhiwen received the system prompt as he wished.

Why does he want to shoot? Isn’t it just to prevent Yang Yifeng from being forced?

Getting used to reading all kinds of novel routines, Su Zhiwen guessed what would happen next when he saw Hao Jian bringing someone to make trouble.

Yang Yifeng, with a combat power of 100, wants to clean up these stinky fish and shrimps, it is not too simple.

Su Zhiwen would not give him a chance to pretend.

“Shao Shao, you looked so handsome just now!” As Su Zhiwen’s number one fan girl, Xu Yueyan saw Su Zhiwen’s domineering side leak just now, her eyes were full of little stars.

Not only Xu Yueyan, but Chen Yurou’s eyes looking at Su Zhiwen were also a bit strange. Su Zhiwen was indeed a little handsome just now.

Seeing Xu Yueyan who looked admired, Qin Shiyu was sour. Although she also thought that Su Zhiwen’s appearance was very domineering, but she would not say it like Xu Yueyan did!

Not at all reserved.

[Ding, the heroine Qin Shiyu is jealous and rewards the villain with a value of 200]

‘Uh…’ Su Zhiwen was very fortunate that he didn’t choose to attack Qin Shiyu’s mission at the beginning, otherwise this heroine who overturned the jealousy at every turn would definitely be his biggest stumbling block in attacking other heroines.

“That, is Hao Jian really your cousin?” Chen Yurou asked in confusion.

When Hao Jian was called Su Zhiwen’s cousin, she was very surprised. Su Zhiwen not only looks very handsome, but also has a personable personality and three views.

On the other hand, Hao Jian was arrogant and domineering at school, bullying his classmates, and shameless, pestering her all day, it was annoying.

Is this really a family?

Su Zhiwen nodded, “He is indeed my cousin, but I am not the same person with him, and I rarely interact with him.”

Then he smiled and continued: “You can see that you hate him. If he dares to pester you in the future, you can tell me that I will help you clean him up.”

Chen Yurou had been annoyed by Hao Jian for a long time, and she was delighted to hear that Su Zhiwen was willing to help him solve the trouble, but when she thought about it, she was not familiar with Su Zhiwen, and it was not good for Su Zhiwen to solve it for her.

Yanran smiled and said, “Don’t bother you? I guess he won’t dare anymore.”

Hao Jian still dare not Su Zhiwen doesn’t know, but he won’t find it bothersome.

“It doesn’t matter, you are Shiyu’s friend, that is, my friend. It’s okay to help friends.”

“Well then.” Chen Yurou no longer refused, accepting Su Zhiwen’s kindness.

“With me here, I won’t let that Hao Jian pester you again.” Yang Yifeng, who was sullenly eating at first, stopped gorging at some time, and interjected lightly.

Yang Yifeng has a sense of crisis. If Su Zhiwen really solves Chen Yurou’s troubles, then he will be fine.

Then his salary is not reliable.

“Eat your meal, if you don’t speak, no one will treat you as dumb.” Seeing Su Zhiwen talking and laughing with Chen Yurou, Qin Shiyu’s jealousy came up again. She was very upset, even with a temper. “Why didn’t I see you just now, I knew how to eat, why didn’t you die!”

“…” Yang Yifeng didn’t speak, and didn’t know how to explain it.

He was ready to do it just now. Who knew that Su Zhiwen was so powerful, he kicked Hao Jian. The helper Hao Jian invited saw Su Zhiwen as a mouse and a cat. .

Of course, what Yang Yifeng thinks is great, not that he is great, after all, he only has confidence in his own skill.

He thinks Su Zhiwen is great, but his identity background is great.

But this can’t change the fact that he didn’t make a move and watched the play on the sidelines.

“I heard classmate Yang Yifeng say to protect you before, he is yours…” Su Zhiwen pretended to be surprised and asked Chen Yurou curiously.

Seeing Su Zhiwen asking about her relationship with Yang Yifeng, Chen Yurou hurriedly explained: “Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing to do with him.”

Afraid that Su Zhiwen would not believe it, Chen Yurou told what happened yesterday.

It turned out that Chen Yurou’s father didn’t know where he got the contact information. He found a bodyguard from the mountain, Yang Yifeng, who was responsible for protecting Chen Yurou’s safety.

But when Chen Yurou saw Yang Yifeng, her worn-out clothes made her look down. What’s more, she had always lived in a villa by herself. Her father actually let Yang Yifeng live in the villa. How could she agree?

After protesting with her father to no avail, and unable to drive Yang Yifeng away, she went directly to live with Qin Shiyu in a fit of anger.

“Oh! So he is the bodyguard you talked about last night,” Qin Shiyu suddenly said after hearing Chen Yurou’s words.

Then he looked at Yang Yifeng up and down again, and said strangely: “Just like this you can be a bodyguard? How many have you played?”

“Puff, cough, cough” Yang Yifeng was drinking water, and when he heard Qin Shiyu’s questioning, he was directly choked.

Indeed, Yang Yifeng does not look very old, looks very thin in his clothes, and is too far away from the bodyguard in the impression of ordinary people.

According to Qin Shiyu’s meaning, it doesn’t look like it can be hit.

“Shi Yu, you don’t have to doubt, since Uncle Chen spent money to invite classmate Yang Yifeng to be a bodyguard, it shows that he still has the ability,” Su Zhiwen said with a smile.

Like a peacemaker, I have been saying good things to Yang Yifeng.

“As far as Hao Jian is, how can classmate Yang Yifeng hit ten?” This was to Yang Yifeng.

Yang Yifeng smiled, he didn’t understand whether Su Zhiwen was really praising him or belittling him.

As far as his skill is concerned, let alone ten Hao Jian, even one hundred is not enough for him.

But thinking that Su Zhiwen is just an ordinary person, he probably doesn’t know a cultivator. According to ordinary people’s understanding of masters, one dozen is already very strong.

He couldn’t explain to ordinary people what a cultivator was, so he nodded silently.

“Since you are Chen Yurou’s bodyguard, it is enough for her to have you, and there is no need for my classmates.” Su Zhiwen laughed at herself.

“Who wants him to protect? I don’t need protection.” Chen Yurou was unwilling. She was very reluctant to ask her father to find her a bodyguard.

Yang Yifeng completely ignored Chen Yurou’s cannibalistic eyes, “Sorry, my employer is Uncle Chen, I only listen to the employer’s arrangements.”

“Well, don’t be noisy, Chen Yurou doesn’t want bodyguards, then you should be here to go to school, and you don’t have to follow them every step of the way. After all, there is no problem with safety in school,” Su Zhiwen interrupted.

He first said to Yang Yifeng, then turned to Chen Yurou, “Just treat him as an ordinary classmate, not a bodyguard.”

The solution proposed by Su Zhiwen made both of them ponder.

If this were not the case, Chen Yurou would not be able to drive away Yang Yifeng, and Yang Yifeng would also disgust Chen Yurou.

Chen Yurou also agreed with Su Zhiwen’s solution in her heart, but there was another point she couldn’t accept.

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