The reborn demon cultivator picked up a zombie planet at the beginning

The reborn demon cultivator picked up a zombie planet at the beginning


607 Chapters Ongoing Status

Chu Xuan traveled through the Cangxuan world and became a demon cultivator in the Wuji Sect.

The so-called cultivating demons means plundering the essence of heaven and earth and seizing the essence of all things.

Slaughter tens of thousand


Chu Xuan traveled through the Cangxuan world and became a demon cultivator in the Wuji Sect.

The so-called cultivating demons means plundering the essence of heaven and earth and seizing the essence of all things.

Slaughter tens of thousands of people to become the Great Demon Lord.

However, killing is forbidden by human nature.

The Wuji Sect was also destroyed by the Zhengdao Sect.

When he was in desperation, Henry Chu accidentally obtained the blood mirror, which allowed him to travel to a doomsday planet full of zombies!

He suddenly discovered that this place was simply a paradise for demon cultivators!

If he dares to sacrifice millions of mortals with blood, the human race’s heaven will cause thunder and fire to chop him into dregs and burn him to ashes.

But if he sacrifices blood to millions of zombies, not only will there be no disaster, but gold flowers will fall, the sky will be filled with rays of light, and merit will be added to his body!

From now on, disasters will be eliminated, disasters will be reduced, blessings will be increased, longevity will be increased, and luck will be wrapped around you!

At this moment, Chu Xuan realized!

Demonic cultivators are terrifying!

Demonic cultivators with immeasurable merits and virtues are even more terrifying!

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