The Reborn Noble Girl is Hard to Find

Chapter 112: The death of Abi (2)

Shu Hong's always calm face couldn't help but show anger and hatred, and said, "It's cruel." When Shu Hong was out with her family when she was a child, her parents were killed by bandits, and she was caught by traffickers after she escaped. To sell it into a brothel, Fang Hao met Wang, and Wang was kind, so she bought Shu Hong to be Han Yan as a maid. Therefore, Shu Hong respects the Wang family very much, and it is not without reason that she is loyal to Han Yan. And her parents died at the hands of rogues, so she hated the slaughter of people.

"After all, it's all my fault." Han Yan's eyes were very sad: "If I were more careful, these lives would be counted as what I owe."

"Miss, don't blame yourself, it's not your fault." Ji Lan comforted her: "These people are so cruel, they killed dozens of lives in vain."

Han Yan lowered her head: "It's not a sacrifice in vain, at least now I'm sure... Those people must be members of the royal family."

Only a member of the royal family would have such a quick hands and feet, and such a large handwriting, and those wounds were neat, many of them were killed by one knife, it seemed that it was the work of the guards in the big inner circle. Who can mobilize the inner guards so easily, just to kill a little Abi, and slaughter all the villagers directly, this method is too ruthless, and there is no room for it. A strange feeling floated in Han Yan's heart. This feeling was a bit similar to that of the Donghouwang family who destroyed the family many years ago.

Could it be that the reason why the Donghou Palace was destroyed was just because of one person in the palace?

Han Yan shook her head, this is all just her own conjecture, Abi's clue has been broken. But who else knows what happened the day he was born?

What did the emperor do? not necessarily.

Thinking of this, she took out the handkerchief in her sleeve and looked at it carefully.

There is a scorpion embroidered on the handkerchief. It is very strange, but there is a flower hanging on the tail of the scorpion. Next to it is a word: Joe.


His mother's boudoir name does not have the word Joe. And this handkerchief is obviously made by a woman, but any woman's handkerchief, or writing poems or paintings, always mention her name in the lower right corner.

This woman is not a mother, let alone Abi from a poor family, so who is it?

Han Yan stroked the square handkerchief, a strange feeling surged in her heart. This handkerchief is delicate, not like a common product, but...

Thinking of this, she said to Ji Lan, "Let's go to Ruyi Building."

On the first day that Zhuang Yushan entered the palace of Wei Wang, he felt very aggrieved. Because she was a side concubine, she couldn't enter from the front door, and she couldn't make it public, so she could only carry a soft sedan chair from the back door. She was annoyed, thinking that if she wasn't from her own background, she would definitely be an upright concubine. Although he is now a side concubine, as long as he captures Wei Rufeng's heart and is favored, it is naturally good.

Thinking of this, she felt a little more comforted. What about the wife of the Zhuang Mansion, she was not favored, and in the end, she was not killed by her own mother, but her daughter was not easy to deal with. It's just that now she is destined to be the concubine of the Xuanqing Palace, Zhuang Yushan tightened the veil in his hands, her appearance is not half as talented as her own, how could she be born so lucky!

Thinking so, he also entered the Wei Wangfu.

At this moment, Wei Rufeng was drinking with the seventh prince in the mansion, and the seventh prince glared at him with a cold tone: "Now that your concubine has entered the door, don't go to accompany her, what's the point of drinking here!"

There were many empty jugs in front of Wei Rufeng, and he was already drunk. Hearing the words of the seventh prince, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth: "It's just a cheap concubine."

The seventh prince fiddled with the jug and said, "You still remember that Miss Zhuang Si, no." He smiled: "It should be called Princess Xuanqing now."

"Humph." Wei Rufeng stretched out his hand and filled the wine cup in front of him, then lifted his head and drank the wine in his hand.

The seventh prince leaned closer: "Are you willing that the woman you love is about to become someone else's wife?"

Wei Rufeng looked gloomy: "But I can't help it!"

"This hall can help you." The seventh prince raised his head, saw Wei Rufeng's eyes, and asked eagerly, "What can the seventh prince do?"

"It will be Concubine Mu's birthday in a few days." The seventh prince said, "If you really can't let Miss Zhuang Si go, you might as well cook rice with her. By then, it will be a done deal, and no one can do anything about it."

Wei Rufeng was startled and most of the time sobered up: "It's absolutely impossible, not to mention how to behave in the palace, she is now Princess Xuanqing, if I have an affair with her, the emperor will definitely not forgive me."

The seventh prince looked at the wine cup in his hand slowly: "This prince came forward to testify for you, proving that she seduced you, how about that?" He looked at Wei Rufeng still in disbelief, and said, "You only need to tell your own wine. When she was drunk, she blamed all the faults on her. When King Xuanqing had such an unclean princess, he would definitely become the laughing stock of the world, and Miss Zhuang Si, not to mention punishment, would have a skin-to-skin relationship with you. , such a notorious woman, no one will want her again. You will marry her in the door, whatever you want, and most importantly, you will have a magnanimous reputation. "

Wei Rufeng's expression began to hesitate, and the reason that made Fu Yunxi the laughing stock of the world made his heart move. In his heart, it was Fu Yunxi who robbed him of what should have belonged to him. Now that he has got what he wanted, he can still attack Fu Yunxi, which is a rare good thing.

However, after thinking about it, he said: "But Your Highness, if Zhuang Hanyan does something like this, doesn't obey women's laws, is not chaste and unclean, the emperor will blame it, and in case of death..."

"What if she was killed on the spot?" The seventh prince narrowed his eyes: "Even if she were to die, it would be better than marrying King Xuanqing. Do you want her to become Princess Xuanqing? You will have to meet both of you in the future. Salute to her?"

Thinking that Han Yan might die because of this, Wei Rufeng hesitated a little, but he was still reluctant for her in his heart. But she didn't want to watch her marry Fu Yunxi, just as the Seventh Prince said, if you don't get it, you will be destroyed. But……

The seventh prince looked at him calmly, and his eyes flashed a trace of cruelty: "No poison is not a husband, and a person who has made a big deal should not have a long relationship with his children."

Wei Rufeng gritted his teeth: "Your Highness Youlao."

The seventh prince patted him on the shoulder: "You and I have a common enemy, and we are people on the same boat. This hall solves a problem for you, and you will repay it later." He smiled and said: "It's just your side. The concubine is still waiting in the backyard house now, men must relax their eyes and try, after all, she is also a great beauty."

Wei Rufeng had already drank a lot. Hearing the seventh prince say this, the smell of alcohol rose up, and he couldn't help feeling swayed. He said with a smile, "Then I'll go take a look.

The Seventh Prince waved at him, and seeing Wei Rufeng's swaying figure disappearing outside, he waved and called out a man who looked like a servant.

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