The Reborn Noble Girl is Hard to Find

Chapter 113: Tangmen Shu Brocade (2)

The name of Sichuan Tangmen's use of poison is well known in the world. Tangmen is a family-style Jianghu sect. It is a family of hidden weapons that is well-known in martial arts. Tangmen are good at designing, inventing and using all kinds of hidden weapons and poisons, with amazing power. The Tangmen disciples in the middle of Shu rarely walked on the rivers and lakes, and the Tangjiabao was surrounded by many organs, full of hidden weapons, and it was very difficult to enter. Therefore, although the Tangmen was famous, it was always covered with a mysterious veil. Tangmen people rarely walk on the rivers and lakes. Tangmen people act secretly, and they don't play cards according to common sense.

The Tangmen disciples acted secretly and acted erratically, giving people a feeling that they were both righteous and evil, and could not be understood. The righteousness of martial arts and the righteousness of the nation are meaningless to everyone in the Tang family, who only live in their own world. He neither wants to make friends with famous people, nor does he disdain to associate with evil demons. However, many martial artists in the Jianghu are afraid of the unparalleled hidden weapons and poisons of the Tangmen, and they suffer from being unable to peep the true face of the Tangmen in Shu. The disciples of the Tang Sect did not care about the comments of the world at all, and they were still alone and walking around the world.

Tangmen people are good at designing, inventing and using various hidden weapons, and are good at poisoning. The ancestor of the Tang Sect has the "Poison Classic" handed down, and his legacy is to "lead a hundred poisons to relieve people's misfortune." People keep it, so as not to harm the martial arts and damage the reputation of Tangmen.

And the handkerchief in Han Yan's hand is the special Shu brocade, also known as Tianguang brocade, made by Tangmen after being soaked in the potion. Because Tangmen women were arrogant and arrogant in those days, their personal belongings should be unique. Tianguang brocade is tougher and brighter than Shu brocade. Therefore, it was used by the female relatives of the Tang Sect, and it became a symbol of the people in the Tang Sect.

Han Yan said strangely: "Then, do you know what the scorpion on the veil means?"

Jiang Yulou smiled: "I don't know, but it is also a sign of people in the Tang Sect. Scorpions are poisonous, and the Tang Sect is good at using poison."

"In that case, the owner of this handkerchief is a member of the Tang family." Han Yan thought for a while, then looked at Jiang Yulou: "Young Master Jiang is walking around the rivers and lakes, have you ever heard of a Tang family member surnamed Qiao?"

Jiang Yulou laughed: "Everyone in the Tang Sect is surnamed Tang, how can they have the surname Qiao?" Seeing that Hanyan was still staring at him, he couldn't help touching his nose: "I didn't lie to you, I really didn't listen to you. A person from the Tang Sect surnamed Qiao."

Han Yan lowered her head, the matter seemed to be getting more and more complicated, and it actually involved the affairs of the rivers and lakes. If Abi was her mother's personal maid, and her mother was related to King Donghou, this veil became a clue between her mother and King Donghou, but this veil belonged to the people of Tangmen in Sichuan. Is it possible that you have to go to Sichuan by yourself? This is naturally impossible, not to mention that Zhuang Shiyang will not allow it, how can the mountains and rivers be long? After thinking about it, I felt more and more that this matter was unremarkable, and I couldn't help sighing deeply.

"What's going on?" A familiar cold voice appeared in his ears, Han Yan thought he was hallucinating, and when he looked up, he saw Fu Yunxi standing at the door of the bead curtain, looking at him lightly.

Jiang Yulou's smile froze: "Yun Xi, it's your daughter-in-law who came to find me. I didn't tell her without telling you." Then he stood up, clenched his hands into a fist and coughed twice: "I'll take my leave first, and you can talk slowly."

Han Yan supported his forehead, this is his shop, how come he and Fu Yunxi are like masters, but Jiang Yulou is a guest instead. But just heard Jiang Yulou speak, it seems that he and Fu Yunxi have a very close relationship. He raised his head and said, "The relationship between Wang Ye and Young Master Jiang is better than that of ordinary people."

Fu Yunxi said, "He helped me."

Han Yan felt a little uncomfortable: "You don't have to explain it to me, I'll just say it casually."

Fu Yunxi didn't ask why she was here, but just walked up to her and asked, "Would you like to go out for a walk?"

Han Yan's eyes widened: "Let's go?"

Fu Yunxi turned around and said, "Mu Feng, Mu Yan."

Two guards with knives appeared behind him with a "swoosh": "This subordinate is here."

Fu Yunxi took Han Yan's hand: "Give your maid to the two of them, let's go."

Han Yan was holding his hand in a daze. His hand was cold and slender, and he just wrapped his small hand in the palm of his hand. Although it was still cold, it seemed to have a hint of warmth.

Fu Yunxi led her to the outside of the building, and there was a black horse tied to the outermost part of the stable below. Rub against Fu Yunxi. Seeing the novelty of Han Yan, he stretched out his hand and wanted to touch its hand. Unexpectedly, when the horse raised its head to avoid Han Yan's stroking, it neighed and startled Han Yan.

"Zhan Chen." Fu Yunxi called out, and the horse bowed its head obediently again, kicked its front hooves, and became quiet. Fu Yunxi held Han Yan's hand and taught her to slowly stroke down the horse's mane. The black horse was very comfortable to stroke, and the whole thing relaxed, and she was not so vigilant when facing Han Yan.

"It's called Zhan Chen?" Han Yan asked with a smile, "It's a nice name."

Fu Yunxi lifted the reins that tied the horse, and said, "It was picked up on the battlefield. It's a good horse since it's grown so big."

Zhan Chen also seemed to understand that Fu Yunxi was complimenting himself, the tip of his nose made a low muffled sound, becoming more docile and cute.

"However." Han Yan tilted her head to look at him: "What did you bring me here for?"

Fu Yunxi turned over and got on the horse, and stretched out his hand towards her. Before Han Yan could react, he put one arm around her waist and supported her arm with the other, and hugged her completely onto the horse.

Why does this Fu Yunxi always frighten herself when she is calm!

Han Yan patted his chest and glared at him: "Why are you always like this!"

However, Fu Yunxi was about to laugh. He had always looked indifferent, like a big ice cube with no expression, and his whole body exuded a respectful aura. Now that he is so laughing and unspeakable, the whole person seems to have changed.

"You... Hey!" Before Han Yan could finish speaking, he swung his whip and the horse galloped out. When Han Yan leaned up, his back touched Fu Yunxi's chest, and his cheeks flushed in shock. , even forgot to speak.

Being held by such a handsome man in his arms, jumping on a horse and whipping the whip, was something that Han Yan had never dared to imagine in his previous life. In the last life, her life was imprisoned in the small four-cornered sky in the mansion, and she has never stepped out of the confinement to take a look at the outside world, but in this life, she has lived up to this hard-won opportunity to be reborn. She spared no effort to pay it back, and she herself will get better and better!

There was a feeling in her chest, and a rapid sense of pleasure came. The depression brought about by Abi's affairs in the past few days was swept away, and she laughed out loud like a real child.

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