The Reborn Noble Girl is Hard to Find

Chapter 114: Tangmen Shu Brocade (3)

Hearing her laughter, Fu Yunxi bowed her head and happened to see her two far-away buns touching her chest. Those Qiushui eyes were squinting at the moment, but they were not as cold as usual. Bo He sneered, it was sincere happiness and satisfaction, there seemed to be a round dimple at the corner of his mouth, and the long eyelashes like butterfly wings trembled slightly, making people feel pity when they looked at them.

This is a well-behaved, docile, and weak little girl, but her heart is very strong, she is fierce and ruthless, and she does not leave room for things. But should she really look like this, she should laugh wildly, not be surrounded by intrigue, and live a healthy and happy life.

The heart that originally accepted her as a concubine in order to take care of her seemed a little shaken, his eyes were softer than he expected, Ma'er's pace slowed down, he pursed his lips, and after a while spit out a word: "Silly. "

Han Yan didn't hear anything else, but he heard this sentence. He turned his head and glared at Fu Yunxi in dissatisfaction, and said angrily, "You are stupid."

Fu Yunxi raised the corners of her mouth happily and did not speak. The horse ran for a while and stopped on a hill in the east of the city.

Seeing the green mountains and green waters here, and the environment is very quiet, Han Yan couldn't help but admire: "This is a good place."

Fu Yunxi glanced at her: "Have you never been here?"

Been here? Han Yan was stunned and shook his head: "It seems to have been here, but I can't remember clearly."

In the last life, she followed the rules and rarely left the mansion after the age of five. She studied the female commandments and virtues in the mansion with peace of mind. After the incident with the bandit, she lived in drowsiness all day long, and her memories of the past were only left with her mother and mother. Brother Ming. In this life now, the past is empty, and it is impossible to recall the past.

Fu Yunxi's expression didn't change, just a faint "um" for a lifetime, Han Yan noticed that his expression had changed, but couldn't figure out why. He sat down in front of the stream, picked a leaf of water plants next to him, and played with the water on his own.

However, Fu Yunxi walked to the stream, and as far as his eyes could see, there were no fish in the clear stream with colorful fish, only the calm water like a mirror. It seems that nothing has changed in the surrounding scene, but the people have changed.

"I'm back," he said.

Han Yan said strangely: "What did you say?"

Fu Yunxi looked at her: "Why are you looking for Jiang Yulou today?"

Han Yan thought about it for a while, instead of telling Jiang Yulou to tell him about it, he might as well say it himself. However, he omitted where he got the veil, and only said that it was something of an old friend. She asked, "Can you help me find out if there is someone named Qiao in Tangmen, Sichuan?"

"It's not difficult." Fu Yunxi came over and sat down beside her: "Don't go out these days."

Han Yan looked at him: "Why?"

"The Xirong people have sneaked into the capital." Fu Yunxi's expression was serious: "I'm afraid there is some big move. The capital is not safe day and night. If you go out, you may be in danger."

Han Yan stared at him: "You arranged those people in the Zhuang Mansion?"

I had noticed for a long time that someone seemed to be monitoring his every move in the past few days, but there was no special move, so he naturally thought of Fu Yunxi, maybe someone he sent. Now that Fu Yunxi's own admission, she didn't know what to say for a while, so she lowered her head sullenly: "Thank you."

"You're welcome, Princess." He read the word "Prince" very slowly, as if reminding something. Han Yan turned her head and stared at the handsome and uncommon face: "Why are you being so kind to me?"

This question has been hidden in my heart for a long time, but I dare not ask it out, what are my worries or scruples. Now that his marriage to him has been settled, this person will become his husband. If you are a husband and wife, you must be honest with each other.

Fu Yunxi patted her head, as if to appease a small animal: "Stupid."

But he didn't say anything. When this person said that he was stupid, stupid, stupid, and said too much, Han Yan didn't take it seriously, but he still didn't say why, Han Yan didn't ask any more questions, but he was relieved.

Maybe sometimes it is a good thing to not know the truth, and it is rare to be confused.

On the other side of the forest, a tall man in a black robe stood with his hands behind his back.

"Brother." A woman in yellow walked behind her. This woman was extremely beautiful, and her watery eyes were astonishingly charming. Although the complexion is slightly darker, the facial features are extremely delicate and gorgeous. Her yellow dress is just tulle, and in this winter, she doesn't feel cold. There was a small snake wrapped around her exposed skin, and this woman had a seductive color all over her body, as if every meal was a good meal.

"Brother, when are we going to do it." The woman's voice was also very graceful. There seemed to be a magic power in her ears, which tempted people to look at her.

"Irina, I've told you many times, don't act rashly." The man turned around, blue eyes like a lone wolf, arrogance and ambition, all appeared on this mighty face. It was Zhuo Qi.

The woman ran to him, took his arm, and rubbed coquettishly: "Irina just wants to see him quickly. My brother said that as long as you come to Dazong, you can see him."

"He is from the enemy country." Zhuo Qi said: "Irina, you better remember this." The tone seemed a little bad, with a warning.

The woman also heard the meaning of his words, and quickly assured: "Brother, I will be obedient, as long as we win, you promised that Lina would not kill him, and you would bring back Xirong to be my husband."

Zhuo Qi seemed to sneer: "When Fu Yunxi was fourteen years old, 10,000 soldiers defeated my 100,000 elite soldiers. He was a deep man and didn't know how to deal with it. I'm afraid it's not that easy to capture him."

The woman pouted and said unhappily, "Brother will definitely not lose. Linna only likes him, as long as you marry him." When she said this, she thought of the handsome young man who was on the battlefield seven years ago. The cold and indifferent appearance, the thousands of soldiers and horses are still calm at present. She grew up in Xirong, where the men are enthusiastic, and there are not a few people who are courteous to her, but she just fell in love with this man who refused to look at her directly. enemy generals. He is the most beautiful man in her heart. She hasn't seen him for so many years, and she has never forgotten him. Zhuo Qi agreed. If this time went well and captured Fu Yunxi, he would bring him back to Xirong to be his concubine.

"Irina, don't get too caught up, he has a princess." Seeing the woman startled, Zhuo Qi cruelly interrupted her delusion.

Irina said unhappily: "It's just an unloved daughter. I heard that she hasn't reached the age of marriage this year, so she's just a little girl." A trace of disdain flashed in her eyes: "He won't like that kind of little girl who knows nothing. , Da Zong's woman is made of water, and tears are shed at every turn. A person like him should be with our daughter of Xirong, bold and unrestrained, like an eagle, this is decent." She touched the wound around the The little snake on the arm: "The flowers in the greenhouse are really disgusting."

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