The county magistrate Huang also said: "Every year, due to the competition for water and land, there are often fights between clans, but at first it was just a personal dispute, then it became a family dispute, and then developed into a clan dispute. The family is for It is for the protection of the tribe, and the tribe strengthens the family, this is a complementary thing, but the family is powerful and constantly steps on the line of the law, we are neither light nor heavy."

Xiao Bao asked: "Is there no way to benefit?"

"The power of the family has been greatly weakened after the Sui and Tang Dynasties. After the Five Kingdoms Rebellion, Emperor Sejong ruled the world and tried his best to suppress the family. Even the power of the clan is also weakening. This should be regarded as the limit," Huang County magistrate said: "I I really can't think of any safe way for the imperial court to weaken the power of the clan."

Qin Xianwei also nodded, and said: "The family is nothing to fear now, and today is kind, can't you just use troops to weaken the family like Emperor Sejong?"

Xiaobao said solemnly: "The family has not committed any crimes, so the emperor will naturally not do such unrighteous things."

County Magistrate Huang and County Captain Qin also sighed.

Little Xiong looked at this and then at that, puzzled and said: "The clan is powerful, so why don't we let them be so powerful?"

Xiao Bao rolled his eyes at his younger brother, "Aren't we just thinking about how to weaken the power of the clan?"

"That's not easy, just emphasize the rights of the individual, and don't let them pay so much for the family?" Xiao Xiong said indifferently: "Isn't the reason why the clan is so powerful because it constantly squeezes individuals and makes them give up their ego for the family?" Does the family pay? If they can be persuaded to think more about themselves, and no individual pays regardless of personal interests, how can the clan grow?"

The other three people on the table were stunned and stared at Little Bear dumbfounded.

Little Xiong stared at them for a moment, then asked hesitantly, "Did I say something wrong?"

"No, you're right," Xiao Bao smiled happily, "This is a good idea."

County Magistrate Huang and County Captain Qin glanced at each other, feeling turbulent in their hearts. Such an approach is very sinister, and, "This, emphasizing selfishness, will make people selfish..."

Xiao Bao smiled and said: "Emphasis on the clan is also selfish. If you really want to fear that the people will become selfish, it is better to emphasize the family and the country, so that everyone can have both."

County Magistrate Huang and County Captain Qin were stunned. They felt that they were too old to keep up with the pace of young people.

Xiaobao waited until the county magistrate Huang and the county captain Qin had left before he went to pat the little bear on the head, "You brat, why didn't you say something sooner if you had a good idea?"

Little Bear felt wronged, "Didn't I just think of it? I'll tell you as soon as I think of it."

Xiaobao's eyes lit up, "We have to figure this out slowly, we directly emphasize that the world may not pay the bill, they have to think for themselves, and if you want people to think, you have to ask first, little bear, now I finally know why my fourth aunt wants to There's a newspaper, and with that newspaper, we don't know how much we can do."

Little Bear scratched his head in confusion, and asked, "What are you going to do?"

Xiaobao laughed and said, "Let's publish the experiences we have seen along the way in the Times. Doesn't that newspaper have a page dedicated to all kinds of strange events and stories? Let's write a letter and get that page from my fourth aunt."

He thought of these things from the matter of Zhao's mother and son. Even if those people couldn't think of these things, he could raise the issue and plant seeds for them first. One day these seeds will germinate and grow into big trees.

Xiaobao and Xiaoxiong wrote to Mu Yangling that night, and not only asked her for a layout, but also sent the first manuscript, which was about the Zhao mother and daughter.

When Mu Yangling received the letter, she was amazed at the sensitivity of the two children. In the time she lived in her previous life, after wars and reforms, the power of the family had weakened a lot, at least it was difficult to override the law.

But now Daqi laws are important, but the power of the family is everywhere.

It would be great if the two children could really further weaken the power of the family.

Mu Yangling blurred out the places and people's names in the manuscript, and then sent it out, "Let the Times send it out, and I will leave a space for the strange things and weird stories in the future for Xiaobao and the others to use."

I found another strange story and sent it to them. The writing skills of the two children are really not flattering, so let's learn how other people write these strange stories.

It was already several days after Xiaobao and the others bought the Times Times with his article published in the local area, and they had already left Qiu County.

At this time, they were still staying in Qiu County.

Niu Niu has come to her senses, she respectfully kowtows to Xiao Bao and Xiao Xiong.

Qin Xianwei found a helper for Mrs. Zhao from a wealthy household in the county. She has about 300 Wen a month. The key is that the master's family covers three meals a day, so her expenses are not big. .

Mrs. Zhao rented a place to live in the county, and hid all the money Zhang Dazhu left her, planning to leave it to Niuniu as a dowry.

Xiaobao and Xiaoxiong stayed in the county for two days. Seeing that the Zhao family had stabilized, and Zhang's mother and Zhang Erzhu had no possibility of leaving, the official who went to the small village promised to take more care of Zhao's mother and daughter, and the two were satisfied leave.

The beautiful scenery that the two enjoyed during the journey and the strange things and people they saw were all written and published in the Times. There were injustices, and there were also admirable good people and good deeds.

At the beginning, not many people paid attention to this page in the Times. As more and more things were published, this page became the most popular page besides the political page, and many people began to look forward to this page.

Xiaobao and Xiaoxiong published an article in the Times in the name of students studying abroad. People who read it can guess that the other party may be a student in their teens. This makes the students studying abroad moved. Since these two students studying abroad If they can publish what they have learned during their study tour in the Times, can they also?

Isn't what the literati pursue is to become famous in one fell swoop?

However, in the ancient times with inconvenient transportation, it is very difficult to do this unless you have great talent or great moral character.

And how many people in this world have great talent and great moral character?

The writing of these two travel notes published in the Times is worse than theirs. If they can, why can't we?

They have also seen beautiful scenery, experienced many injustices, and also seen all kinds of strange things. No matter in terms of experience or ability, they are not weaker than these two teenagers.

The Times is now available in every county, and with just one article, they will truly become famous in one fell swoop.

Many scholars became excited, and some people began to write a tentative travel note and deliver it to Prince Rong's Mansion.

Zhu Liang, who was sorting out the greeting posts, was speechless when he saw this article, but he still sent it to Mu Yangling in the backyard.

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