When Mu Yangling received the manuscript, he said in amazement: "Hasn't our Times been soliciting manuscripts from outsiders all the time? Why didn't we send it to the newspaper office, and sent it to the palace?"

Zhu Liang coughed lightly, and said: "Madam, the manuscripts of the newspaper have always been written by the adults in the court or the gentlemen and students in the academy, because there are enough manuscripts sent by them every day, so they are not widely distributed. Hire it, otherwise..."

Otherwise, their newspaper office would not have been buried?

Mu Yangling touched his nose and realized.

This era is not the era when writing articles in the previous life required royalties. Scholars are looking for fame. As long as they can publish articles in the Times, they are willing to pay even if it is paid.

But is Mu Yangling the kind of person who takes advantage of others?

She handed the manuscript to Zhu Liang and said: "Send it to the newspaper office for them to read, if it is qualified, send it out, and call me the manager of the newspaper office, I have something to discuss with him."

Now more and more people are submitting manuscripts to the newspaper, and sometimes the emperor will notify the people of the whole country through the newspaper when encountering important events.

Last time during the Lantern Festival, didn't the emperor publish an article about having fun with the people in the Times?

What's more, the Times originally wanted the people all over the world to understand the country's policies and popularize the laws, so as not to be fooled by local corrupt officials, so these alone took up a large page, leaving little space for others to publish.

So Mu Yangling planned to open a few more newspapers.

Of course not too many. Rare things are more valuable. She doesn’t want newspapers to overflow to the point where the people have no choice but to add three or four. One is dedicated to serving the world’s students and publishing some articles or political opinions of great Confucians or ministers. , as well as collected poems and essays, various historical views, etc.;

One is dedicated to serving women all over the world, talking about how to manage the family and raise children, how to deal with the relationship between parents-in-law and husband-wife, and then quietly promote feminism, and gradually improve the status of women;

One is dedicated to serving children all over the world, and it publishes various fables and principles of life;

The last one is the reproduction of the Times, which has various layouts, and then focuses on customs and wonders in various places, so that the manuscripts sent by wanderers will have a place to go.

Except for the Times, which must be unified across the country, other newspapers can be run separately by state newspapers, and then combined every six days to select excellent publications from previous newspapers so that people across the country can read them.

Mu Yangling and Guanshi Sun said: "This matter must be published in the Times in advance, and more editors must be recruited, and all submitted manuscripts must be reviewed one by one."

Steward Sun's eyes sparkled, "Don't worry, ma'am, now many high-ranking scholars are willing to work in our newspaper. In some academies, students even flock here. It's not difficult to recruit editors."

"So you have to manage it even more. When the forest is big, there are all kinds of birds. You can discuss it with a few gentlemen and come up with an editorial code. Officials must abide by the laws of the country, students must abide by the school rules, and our editors must naturally abide by theirs. Rules. Only with constraints can this industry last for a long time.”

Guanshi Sun understood that their newspaper had a special status, publishing articles by literati from all over the world, and was sought after by literati, but if the newspaper didn't treat them fairly, it would surely arouse resentment from literati.

Their pens are not weak, and if the newspaper loses a good reputation, then it really has nothing.

Steward Sun nodded solemnly and said: "Don't worry, Madam, I will start to handle this matter tomorrow, but I'm humble and low, I'm afraid I'll humiliate them if I invite a few gentlemen."

Literati are arrogant. Although Guanshi Sun is in charge of the newspaper, he is still a servant. If he really wants to invite people, not only will he not be able to invite people, but he will also offend people.

Mu Yangling also thought of this, and said distressedly: "Should I let the prince go?"

Steward Sun looked at the princess pitifully, and Mu Yangling sighed, "Then I have to go."

Haoran didn't know what would happen.

Mu Yangling sighed, "It seems that we still need to find a museum owner."

Steward Sun twitched his eyebrows and opened his mouth, but he still didn't say anything against it.

The newspaper office is becoming more and more important, and there are still many places to deal with literati in the future. His status is low, and the literati must not be convinced. For long-term development, it is inevitable to hire a highly respected person as the newspaper office.

Mu Yangling was worried about who she could invite to be the curator. Qi Haoran couldn't see her entanglement, so he let out the news directly. The next day, Mu Yangling received a bunch of invitations for an unprecedented time.

You must know that the rumors that she is not sociable are as famous as her fierce reputation, so except for the necessary birthday banquets and flower viewing banquets, few people will send her posts.

She hadn't received a few invitations all year long, and she received a dozen or so at once. Not only Mu Yangling was curious, but Zhu Liang also sent the invitations in person, asking, "Your Majesty, are you going?"

If he wanted to go, he would prepare presents earlier. His concubine didn't like to go out as guests. It would be great if he could lighten up his communication skills this time.

Mu Yangling flipped through the invitations, and gradually saw the way. Among these invitations were those from the Hanlin family, those from the Guozijian Sacrifice Restaurant, and those from various Confucian schools in Beijing, and even Fang who had just been promoted to the crown prince. Zhiyuan.

"Are you all interested in the position of the newspaper owner?" Mu Yangling asked hesitantly.

Qi Haoran took the post from her hand and flipped through it, curled his lips and said: "This is too few, wait for another two days to see if there are any better candidates."

Mu Yangling looked at him, "Even Taifu Fang jumped out, who else do you want to wait for?"

"Fang Zhiyuan is not suitable," Qi Haoran said, "He is the prince's teacher, so he cannot manage the newspaper."

Seeing that Ah Ling was a little confused, he waved Zhu Liang back and said, "You think your newspaper is just a newspaper? Now it bears the heavy responsibility of leading the public opinion in Daqi. If it weren't for the private property of the palace, you have always acted fairly. Those ministers in the DPRK have already got their hands on it."

"Every day when the newspapers in the capital are published, all officials, academies and students will have a copy, and ordinary people who can read will be willing to spend five yuan to buy a copy, and all restaurants and teahouses will also buy dozens of newspapers. Copies are either read aloud or placed at the front desk for people to borrow, and all counties and towns near the capital can receive them. At least seven out of ten people can see the times, Ah Ling, the edict issued by the imperial court is nothing more than this."

Mu Yangling was not a naive girl, so she quickly understood and asked, "Brother Huang, don't you want to take the newspaper as your own?"

"What's the difference between my hand and my elder brother's? But it's different when it's passed on to the children," Qi Haoran said: "This thing is a big killer. It can't be handed over to the royal family alone, nor can it be completely in our hands." Li, let alone give it to the imperial court."

So people from all sides have to intervene in order to balance?

Mu Yangling stared at him, "Why don't I know what you think?"

Qi Haoran coughed lightly, and made an excuse and said, "Isn't it necessary to adjust slowly? Anyway, it's not in a hurry. As long as I'm still alive, this newspaper will remain the same."

Mu Yangling looked at him suspiciously, couldn't help pinching the soft flesh around his waist, and asked, "Tell the truth."

"Aren't I afraid that you will be angry?" Qi Haoran said: "The newspaper is your property, if you hand it over again, how many things do you have left?"

Qi Haoran didn't say anything, but he felt guilty in his heart. Ah Ling was not very good at doing business, and produced few things, but every item was focused on the lifeline of the country, so that he always had to give up.

Not only him, but also the eldest brother felt a little ashamed, how could he dare to ask Ah Ling to give up the newspaper office again?

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