The Reborn Wife is Farming

Chapter 1262 Protecting Weaknesses (Part 2)

Mu Yangling rushed back to the capital that afternoon, which surprised the officials staring at Prince Rong's mansion, and felt a little guilty.

As soon as they bullied the younger ones, the older ones came back. Don't come back to protect their weaknesses, right?

With this doubt, these astute courtiers all reported honestly at the court meeting the next day, instead of asking Qi Wenjin for his opinion on everything like yesterday.

This disappointed the little bear who had been waiting for a long time. Last night he was so excited that he didn't sleep all night, but no one asked him.

Little Xiong drooped his head, and those ministers who were secretly watching him were relieved when they saw him.

But not everyone has this vision. Some officials have long been displeased with the arrogance of Prince Rong's family.

Everyone made things difficult for Qi Wenjin yesterday still deeply imprinted in their minds, so they thought that Prince Rong's mansion had caused public outrage, so they naturally wanted to gear up and do a lot today.

So when Xiao Xiong was drooping his head in disappointment, a censor standing in the middle and rear came out solemnly and said: "Your Majesty, the idea that the prime minister has too much power and causes troubles is proposed by the Princess Rong, and the son of the Prince Rong is brought up by the Princess." Da, Fang Shi should have the clearest understanding of this point, what is your opinion on this?"

The hall was silent for a moment.

The previous adults really discussed whether or not to weaken the Prime Minister's power, and how to weaken it. At this time, it was appropriate for the censor to suddenly stand up and raise this question, but anyone with eyes could see that his question was aimed at the little bear.

Seeing this young censor standing in the middle of the hall with his head bowed proudly, everyone couldn't help showing sympathy for him, only the doctor censor glared at him.

Little Bear's eyes lit up, waiting for this question.

Little Xiong gave a serious cough, and tried his best to stand out with a sullen face: "Return to the emperor, I believe that the power of the prime minister should be cut!"

Yan Du's eyes sank, while Rong Xuan looked at him with a smile to show his encouragement.

Qi Xiuyuan gave an "oh" in interest, and asked enthusiastically: "Then what method do you think should be cut? The prime minister is the head of all officials, and the left and right ministers have their own powers. If their powers and responsibilities are cut, Who should be responsible for the cut off?"

Yeah, that's what everyone is arguing about.

You have weakened the power of the prime minister, which means that he can take care of less things, and who will take care of the responsibilities that have been cut out?

The powers and responsibilities of the officials below have already been determined. If they are handed over to them, the entire official system will have to be changed. If it is to weaken the powers and responsibilities of the prime minister, this big move will not be worth the candle.

Little Xiong couldn't think of this before, but yesterday Xiaobao chased him out and explained it to him thoroughly, and his mother taught him again when she came back, now Little Xiong understands it very well.

He triumphantly raised his head and said to the emperor: "Your Majesty, the prime minister's powers and responsibilities remain unchanged, we just need to increase the number of prime ministers."

The court was quiet again, and then shouted loudly: "Increase the number of prime ministers? Is it possible to add a middle prime minister between the left and right prime ministers?"

This is blatant mockery.

Qi Xiuyuan coughed lightly, thinking that if the number of people increased, it would be a problem how to call it.

Little Xiong didn't seem to hear their taunts, and continued according to his mother's intention: "A cabinet can be set up, with four adults as the cabinet ministers, who will be in charge of the affairs of the six ministries, and military and state affairs must be decided by several cabinet ministers. Prime Minister The rights and responsibilities have not changed but changed from two people to four people, and the rights owned by each person will naturally become smaller."

Qi Xiuyuan pondered. After Ah Ling's article came out, there was a commotion in the courtroom, but he never expressed his displeasure with her. One of the reasons was that what she said hit his mind.

The prime minister is in charge of all the officials, and the power is indeed great. He wanted to weaken it, but he didn't do it because he didn't have a clue, because he was afraid that people would die if he acted rashly.

Of course, it is impossible for him to die in his position.

But for now, he is quite satisfied with his left and right sides, not to mention that Rong Xuan is still his good brother, he doesn't want to get rid of him by political struggle at this time.

But at this moment, he felt that the suggestion put forward by Little Bear was very feasible. Why didn't he think of it before?

The ministers also looked at the little bear complicatedly, why didn't they think of such a good idea before?

The powers and responsibilities of the prime minister remain unchanged, from two to four. Doesn't that mean that the chances of worshiping the prime minister are greater?

Although they only have half the power of the original prime minister, their chances have increased, okay? What should they do if they are happy about this?

Qi Xiuyuan asked: "Then tell me specifically how the cabinet should operate. Are the four cabinet ministers only in charge of the powers and responsibilities of the prime minister, or are they also holding other official positions?"

Little Xiong blinked, mother didn't seem to mention this point yesterday.

Xiao Xiong said confidently: "Your Majesty, you should discuss and formulate the specific matters with all the adults. The minister is still young, and although he has quick wit, he has little experience, so it is not enough to make a conclusion on this matter."

Yan Du said indifferently: "Since the son made this suggestion, he should think about how to do it. Everything has its origin. You don't just think about this, do you?"

Everyone also looked at him suspiciously, yes, all the people present were more experienced and talented than him, why did he think of it when everyone didn't expect it?

Little Bear smiled and said, "Of course it's more than that."

He raised his head solemnly and said to the crowd: "Your Majesty, I think that not only the prime minister's powers and responsibilities need to be restricted and shared, but other official positions are also the same."

"There is a folk saying, 'The magistrate who destroys the family, the governor who kills the family', is this true for all the county magistrates who assassinate the history?" Xiao Xiong said seriously: "Of course not! There are many good officials in the world, but they can be extorted and extorted. There are also violent officials. We can't just teach them with virtue, let alone check and deal with them after the fact, or there is no chance to check at all. The minister thinks that we have the opportunity to stop if we know before or when it happens. , Only by saving people and preventing the people from destroying their families due to violent officials is a good official system."

Qi Xiuyuan said: "The Censor Terrace monitors all officials, and there are Censors sitting in various places. Do you want to increase the number of official positions? It will inevitably be redundant, and it will waste the people and money."

"That's why the minister suggested that it is better to let the common people supervise."

Qi Xiuyuan's eyebrows twitched, feeling a little ominous in his heart.

Sure enough, Xiaoxiong continued to say enthusiastically: "The county magistrates and governors are all parents and officials. They may be good or bad. The common people may not be able to judge because of the lack of information before, but now the Times has been sold to all parts of Daqi. It is not difficult for the common people to know the policy, but it is difficult for them to use the court's laws to corrupt the law. The censor may be negligent, but the common people will never be negligent, because it is related to their own interests."

Before Qi Xiuyuan could speak, Yan Du asked, "How do you plan to let the common people monitor the officials?"

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