The Reborn Wife is Farming

Chapter 1263 Protecting Weaknesses (Part 2)

The courtiers all looked at Yan Du in horror. Could it be that Prime Minister Right really intends to agree to Qi Wenjin's proposal?

At a time like this, shouldn't he not wait for the other party to finish speaking and smash his thoughts to pieces like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves?

Let the people supervise the imperial court officials, just kidding, the people are so stupid, if they are deceived or bribed to falsely accuse them, isn't this putting everyone in the court at risk?

With Qi Wenjin's character, they felt that his proposal was not the most daring, only bolder.

Rong Xuan also took a strange look at Yan Du. Yan Du came from a family. Although he was gentle and humble on the surface, he was the most proud in his heart. It was okay when Taifu Yan was around. At most, he loved to be close to the children of the same family. He is still gentle and polite to poor students.

But in recent years, it may be that the power of the poor family has become more and more powerful, and he has been in the top position for a long time, and his requirements for officials from the poor family are almost harsh. He even has opinions on the children of the poor family entering the court as an official, so how can he allow ordinary people to dictate the government?

Rong Xuan looked at Xiao Xiong with worry.

Ordinary people don't know a single word and have little knowledge. How can they participate in government affairs?

Xiaoxiong didn't know that everyone's brain waves were not on the same channel as his, so he still said confidently: "There is no need to do it specially, as long as there are a few laws."

Little Xiong said: "The first rule is that the people sue the officials no longer to take the killing power, and the government must accept them all. If they reject it, they must have a reasonable reason."

All the ministers were taken aback for a moment, obviously they didn't expect Xiao Xiong to mention this point, and after a while, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment was the first to react and asked: "What if it is a false accusation?"

"Of course, it is dealt with according to the false accusation in the law. This is the second article I want to say. The criminal responsibility of the people for false accusation against officials should be the same as that of officials for false accusations against officials. Otherwise, the criminal responsibility of officials for false accusations against officials should be adjusted to that of civilians. It’s the same as falsely accusing an official, you can discuss it yourself.” Xiaoxiong said to the emperor: “Your Majesty, remove the item of killing power stick, and let Yushitai strictly supervise it. Naturally, they will go to the Yamen to file a complaint, which is what the minister said about the supervision of the people."

Xiao Bao also turned around and bowed to his father, "Whether the parents are good or not, who else has more say than the people under their rule? Father, my son thinks that Wen Jin's method is very good."

Rong Xuan pursed his lips and smiled, glanced at Yan Du, and came out and said: "I also think this law is very appropriate. The common people have always been afraid of the government. Even if this law is amended, the common people will not dare to sue the officials if it is not difficult to survive. .”

The officials who were about to say that "there are too many common people are troublesome" hesitated for a moment, and did not dare to come out.

Qi Xiuyuan glanced at everyone, looked at Yan Du, and asked, "What do Yan Qing's family think?"

Yan Du went out with a straight face and said: "What the left minister said is true, but the people are ignorant, and they are afraid that the wind will turn into rain. False accusations against officials will inevitably make all the officials feel cold. Moreover, the people's lives are hard, and it is inevitable that they will value profits. If there are ulterior motives As soon as people are seduced, false accusations will become more common, so I think this matter should be cautious."

Xiao Xiong immediately retorted: "The body is not afraid of the shadow slanting. The officials' actions are misunderstood by the people. The explanation is that the people are ignorant. The officials who are the parents' officials should explain to the people carefully and considerately. Wisdom; as for the false accusation of the briber, is it possible that now that there is a killing stick, people with ulterior motives can’t find someone who is willing to sacrifice their lives for it? Besides, the logic of the right prime minister is also very strange, shouldn’t we condemn the briber even more? False accusers, why did they focus on the people who were bribed in the middle?"

Yan Du choked.

Xiao Xiong continued: "My Ministry of Punishment, Dali Temple and Yushitai are not vegetarians anymore. If it is found out that it is a false accusation, then the falsely accused officials will be released from suspicion, so what should I do?"

The people below saw that the two prime ministers supported and opposed, and they also started to discuss. In the end, most officials still felt that it would be detrimental to them to relax the restrictions on people suing officials, and expressed their opposition one after another.

However, nearly a quarter of the people expressed their support. Undoubtedly, the relaxation of this restriction will reduce many cases of corruption and violation of the law, and make the administration of officials in Daqi clearer.

Qi Xiuyuan obviously also took a fancy to this point, so although he didn't express his position, seeing that nearly half of the people in the court expressed their opposition, he didn't immediately obey their opinions, but asked them to discuss it again.

Everyone obviously understood what the emperor meant. Since so many people objected and still called for re-discussion, it must be that their opinions did not suit his wishes.

Yan Du frowned, a little regretful, he knew that he would not have asked Qi Wenjin that question before, so that he could expose the matter with a few words at that time.

If even a villager wants to sue an official, then what is the authority and status of the official?

Although Yan Du was angry in his heart, his face was still expressionless.

So Xiaoxiong didn't know that he was angry at all, and still had a good time with the courtiers below. Seeing that these people were not enlightened no matter how much they quarreled, he lost his temper and immediately cursed: "What a bunch of elm bumps, you just guard your ancestors!" The old system, like the Tang and Zhou Dynasties, first prospered and then declined, and then the country was destroyed two or three hundred years later. You civil servants and military generals are just one of the many officials in many dynasties. Who will remember you in future generations? Not a single one! "

After scolding Xiaoxiong, he turned his head and said to Xiaobao: "Brother Prince, they don't make sense, let's ignore them. In short, you will teach your son well in the future, and let your son teach your grandson well. The grandson will teach the son, and the son will teach the grandson." In short, our Qi family will never be a fatuous emperor, let these rotten trees bear the crime of subjugation."

How did he say what they said in private?

Xiaobao winked at him in a hurry, but the angry little bear didn't see it at all, and rushed forward to pull Xiaobao out, deciding not to be with a group of rotten wood.

The entire court fell silent. The courtiers stared at Little Xiong Xiaobao and then at the emperor with wide eyes. Their eyes expressed a unified meaning. Your majesty, if you can endure this, then you can be called number one in the world. Filial father!

This is still the first generation of Daqi. Some people cursed Daqi to destroy the country. If the person who said this hadn't been surnamed Qi, they definitely suspected that this person was the royal family's mortal enemy.

Qi Xiuyuan was also very angry, but he felt that he couldn't dismantle the child's stage, otherwise the little bear would be buried with saliva, so he said calmly: "I think what Wen Jin said is not unreasonable. Think about it, if you only think about the step-by-step work, what is the difference between Daqi and the already subjugated Dazhou and Tang Dynasty?"

The ministers almost vomited blood, thinking that the emperor doted on the child so much, would everyone agree with this?

Those who refused to admit defeat immediately jumped out and questioned the little bear, "The son thinks that we will perish if we follow the rules of our ancestors, so how can we not perish according to your suggestion?"

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