The Reborn Wife is Farming

Chapter 1265 Argument (2)

Qi Xiuyuan expected the beginning but failed to predict the end.

Because Mu Yangling appeared suddenly, the officials did not react for a while, so they watched Princess Rong walk to the center of the hall to salute the emperor in a daze, and did not react until she sat down in front of the table above Rongxuan.

Princess Rong is a super first-rank concubine, and her status is indeed higher than that of the Right Prime Minister, so there is nothing wrong with sitting there.

The hall was extremely quiet for a while, and no one dared to ask questions again.

For one thing, Princess Rong is a woman after all, and they can make things difficult for Qi Wenjin, because although the other party is young, he is the heir of Prince Rong's mansion, and now he is an official in the same dynasty, but this does not mean that they will also bully a woman.

Secondly, everyone was really afraid that after targeting Princess Rong, Prince Rong would come back to settle accounts with them. Their quarrel with Qi Wenjin can be said to be political disagreement, they are discussing political affairs, why are they arguing with a woman?

Therefore, all of them were as silent as a gourd with its mouth sawn.

If other officials were like this, Yan Du, who insisted on his own identity, would not embarrass Mu Yangling.

But Mu Yangling didn't appreciate them at all, and wanted to forget about bullying her son?

From her point of view, everyone's reticence at this time was obviously a guilty conscience towards her. Sure enough, Xiaoxiong must have been bullied terribly just now.

So Mu Yangling spoke first, and the first thing she said when she turned her head to the emperor was, "Your majesty, I heard that Wen Jin is fighting all the ministers and workers in the court, but I don't know why?"

Qi Xiuyuan quickly winked at her, telling her to say a few soft words and quickly drag the two children down when the officials were embarrassed, and the matter was over.

But Mu Yangling pretended not to see his eyes, turned to look at the opposite bear and asked, "Wen Jin, tell me."

Little Xiong had been waiting for his mother to come to support him. Hearing the words, he described the debates at the court meeting today in detail, and finally said: "Mother, Tang and Fu Zhou, whether it is the Tang Dynasty or the Great Zhou Dynasty, have all prospered, but both However, after two to three hundred years of effort, it has been completely defeated, and the prince and I do not want to see the future of Daqi. We have studied the history of various dynasties in private, and found that they will perish for only these three reasons."

Little Xiong said solemnly: "One is when the tyrant rules the ruler and makes the people miserable; Qi dare not say thousands of years, but it is always possible to be three or five hundred years longer than Fu Zhou in the prosperous Tang Dynasty?"

Qi Xiuyuan and the ministers were speechless, coauthoring you to do so many things just to make Da Zhou die later?

Which royal family's children don't think about their own dynasty for generations to come, why are these two boys thinking about the subjugation of the country all day long?

If it wasn't for the wrong place, Qi Xiuyuan really wanted to beat these two boys up.

But Mu Yangling felt that Xiaoxiong and Xiaobao were really excellent, and praised them with love in his eyes: "Be prepared for danger in times of peace, your husband taught you well, it is very good for you to think of this, they don't understand It's okay with you, I support you."

Both Qi Xiuyuan and Rong Xuan wanted to help their foreheads. Too bad, they forgot that the two children were taught by Mu Yangling, and they tried their best to wink at Mu Yangling, trying to make her shut up.

It's a pity that the two of them are not Qi Haoran, and Mu Yangling is not interested in looking at their faces, so he didn't notice their winks.

After Mu Yangling praised the child, he immediately pointed the cannon fire at the ministers, straightened his waist and asked, "What do you think the two children said is wrong?"

All the ministers looked at each other and looked at the emperor.

The emperor lamented in his heart, knowing that it would be impossible to confuse this matter, he could only wave his hands and said: "If you have any questions, please ask, there is no distinction between men and women in the court."

As soon as the words fell, some officials wanted to attack Mu Yangling. After all, he was the child he watched and grew up. Rong Xuan didn't want people to attack Mu Yangling. The reform of the official system was proposed by the princess, but he spoke in general terms, so I don’t know what the specific reform of the official system should be?"

This is a big question, and it's time for lunch after finishing talking, Rong Xuan felt that there is nothing safer than this question, it's better than letting everyone swarm her to discuss the government as a woman, right?

The officials below all looked at Mu Yangling provocatively when they heard the question asked by Prime Minister Zuo. They didn't think that a female generation would reform the bureaucracy. Qi Wenjin probably wanted to shift the responsibility to his mother to fool him. .

Who knew that Mu Yangling sat upright, straightened up, and said in a long-talking manner: "Mr. Zuo wants to talk about this question even if he doesn't ask about the concubine's identity."

"Although the three important reasons for the subjugation of the country that Xiaoxiong mentioned just now are a little superficial, they are also correct. Why is the dynasty in danger once a tyrant and a faint king appear in the past? Because the monarch is supreme, once the other party becomes emperor, unless there is a coup d'état, it cannot be changed! "

The officials looked at Mu Yangling in horror, and then looked at the emperor sitting above, shouting in their hearts, "Emperor, why don't you let Prince Rong and Princess Rong say such outrageous things in court?"

Qi Xiuyuan remained silent with a straight face.

Xiao Bao smiled gently and said: "Fourth Aunt is right, and you adults may not understand it in your heart. Since the word has come to this point today, everyone should have an open and honest talk."

The officials immediately lowered their heads and said in fear, "I dare not wait!"

Doesn't saying that they are thinking these words also push them on the fire?

Mu Yangling glanced at Xiaobao and told him to be quiet. It's better to let her do this kind of villain. Xiaobao is the prince, so let's sit obediently.

Mu Yangling leaned forward slightly and said, "My lords, please forgive me. I am a woman, and I have never read a book, so I read a few words randomly in private. If my words are wrong, my lords can advise Prince Rong afterwards. , Let him go home and teach me."

Mu Yangling turned around and said immediately: "But although I don't know a few words, I have lived in the troubled times of the border since I was a child. I can farm the land and know the suffering of the people. I can also fight wars. I barely know the general trend of the world. I read some history books myself, and I think I still know some truths about the world."

Only know a few words, plant a few acres of land, have fought a few battles, read some history books, and dare to talk about government affairs without shame? Then wouldn't officials like them who have read poetry and books be able to talk about the world?

Everyone slandered in their hearts.

"When I was studying history, I thought, if someone persuades those tyrants and stupid kings to do tyrannical and stupid things, and if someone can change the emperor after the persuasion fails, then the national power will not decline, and the people will not participate in the rebellion because of hardship. ? When there are traitors and sycophants, someone can deal with them, so that they can no longer do evil and frame the people, so the people will no longer be forced to rebel? If our Daqi is strong when there are strong enemies around, then Who else can destroy me Daqi? And my Daqi is rich in land and resources, why can't the national strength be compared with foreign enemies?"

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