The Reborn Wife is Farming

Chapter 1266 Argument (3)

"Throughout the ages, many talents have been born, but who can keep a dynasty alive? No!" Mu Yangling looked directly at them and said, "Do you adults know why?"

"Because the common people don't have enough to eat, don't wear warm clothes, have no house to live in, no medical treatment for illness, no way out for their children and grandchildren, and no guarantee of life. As long as these problems are not solved for a day, they will still rebel when they are pushed to the extreme!"

"People are like springs. When oppressed by tyrants and stupid officials, they can only stretch their bodies as far as possible to submit, continue to submit, and keep submitting until the tyrants and stupid officials push them to a corner, and then there is a 'bang' spring. If it is loosened or broken, whether it is the former or the latter, the pressure of the rebound will always pull the spring and get injured, and the more you pull it before, the more serious you will be injured."

Mu Yangling said: "My son's proposal to reform the official system is just to see that Daqi will follow the old path of Dazhou in two or three hundred years."

"Many of you present here are adults who stayed from the previous dynasty. You should understand how chaotic the bureaucracy was in the previous dynasty. There is a saying among the people in the south of the Yangtze River, 'One year clears the magistrate, one hundred thousand snowflakes silver!', one by one A prefect with an annual income of 100,000 silver dares to call himself clean, but what about those prefects who are not clean?"

"The imperial court issued three orders and five orders not to be greedy and cruel. The capital has the Yushitai and the Ministry of Punishment, and there are also censors in the localities to inspect, but why can these corrupt officials stand still?"

Mu Yangling said with a sullen face: "Because you officials protect each other, because you are all involved in it, because you all get benefits, including the superior Emperor Jingyan, who also embezzled the people's money!"

What Mu Yangling said made everyone's faces turn green.

But it's not over yet.

Think Qi Wenjin's words are ugly? Mu Yangling will tell them with practical actions that there is no worst sound, only worse.

"It's been less than three days since Qin Fang's incident. You must still have an impression of his greedy money? If tens of thousands of officials in the Great Zhou Dynasty drank soup, then what he ate was meat, and what Emperor Jingyan drank is blood!"

"Why is Daqi's official administration so clear? Because the sage is honest, diligent and thrifty, and Daqi has only been founded for thirteen years. Your lords have not forgotten the bloody storms in the first few years of Taikang, so that's why the hand didn't stretch out longer. This is the same as above and below!"

"However, success depends on the character of the superior. People's hearts are the most difficult thing to guarantee in this world. Instead of pinning your hopes on it, it is better to pin your hopes on the system. Even if one day there is a extravagant emperor on the throne, the government should be clear or clear. It will be clear! So this official system has to be changed, and it has to be changed a lot! To prevent one day there will be an extravagant and stupid king in the upper position, and the officials below will not follow the trend to search for the people. Anyone who reaches out and is found should be chopped down and exiled Then go into exile, only in this way can I guarantee the long-term peace and stability of Daqi."

All the ministers were stunned. Is this going to force them to die?

A fourth-rank young official sitting cross-legged at the end couldn't help but said, "Then what if the emperor forces us to search for the common people?"

Before Mu Yangling could speak, Xiaoxiong already despised him, "If it's not a reasonable thing, you just refuse it directly, and you are not a courtier, why are you so flattering and obedient to the emperor?"

All the ministers looked at the emperor's face again, and were disappointed. The emperor's energy-raising skills became more and more powerful, but his face didn't change at all.

Qi Xiuyuan, who was sitting on it, was already mad in his heart. Is it really good to confuse the officials so that they don't listen to the emperor?

Rong Xuan felt that what Mu Yangling said was too idealistic, and asked, "Then how do you think this official system should be changed?"

Mu Yangling sat upright and said: "First of all, the prime minister has too much power. Although Yushitai can supervise the prime minister, it also has many restrictions. It is better to abolish the prime minister, establish a cabinet, and let the four adults share the power of the prime minister. Decentralization will not only weaken the power of the four cabinets, but also exercise the administrative ability of hundreds of officials."

Mu Yangling continued: "Then came the reform of the local government system, my lord, now the North and West have been taken back, but the place names use the Han names from decades ago, and also use the names of Dajin and Xixia. The local government affairs are chaotic. , Some places are even under the jurisdiction of several state capitals, and the affiliation is unclear, so that even the common people don't know which state capital they belong to."

Qi Xiuyuan immediately said: "The magistrates from all over the country have written papers and submitted them. However, since the west land has just been taken back, there are many questions. I asked the left minister to verify with the Ministry of Officials and Household Affairs. I wonder what is going on now?"

The Minister of the Ministry of Officials and the Minister of the Household Department looked at each other, and immediately looked at Rong Xuan, Rong Xuan bowed his head and said: "I have discussed it with you, but it has been ceded for 30 to 40 years because of the loss of land. I don't know what the princess thinks?"

Mu Yangling said: "Re-allocate the provinces." Mu Yangling paused and said: "I'm talking about the whole Daqi will be re-allocated, and even the powers and responsibilities of local officials must be re-determined to clarify their respective positions. Jurisdiction and powers and responsibilities, and some powers should be delegated."

There was an uproar in the court, and this action was too big, even more shocking than Qi Wenjin's amendment to the law.

Not only the officials, but even Rong Xuan expressed objection, he said tactfully: "This matter is of great importance, we should take it easy!"

"Of course," Mu Yangling said, "I didn't tell you to do it right away."

As soon as everyone was relieved, they heard Mu Yangling say: "But you have to know it first, it's all in such a mess anyway, since the provinces need to be re-allocated, what's wrong with reaffirming the powers and responsibilities of officials? Most of it won't change anyway."

Most of them will not change, but who knows what fatal place you want to change?

All the officials regretted it. They knew that she would not be allowed to speak. I don't know if it is too late to stop her now?

Of course it was too late, Mu Yangling continued after finishing one point, anyway, every court meeting was recorded truthfully by the historian, and if they forgot what she said, then let the historian look for the records.

"Since it is necessary to reiterate the powers and responsibilities of local officials, it is natural that the official system should be revised at the same time. At present, officials can only rely on the rumors of the censors, or the Ministry of Punishment and the Yushitai inspect local government affairs every year, but none of them can become officials. Fool, no one will make the whole world know about corruption and bribery. As for the officials of the Criminal Ministry and the inspectors, it is easier to deal with them. The time they stay in each place is limited, as long as the local officials have enough control over the place People will not find out about them, so I think Wen Jinti’s proposal to amend the law and loosen the restrictions on people suing officials is not enough.”

All the ministers looked at the official who proposed to allow Princess Rong to go to court to defend herself. If you come out, we will definitely not kill you, but just maim you.

The official obviously knew that he had caused trouble, and sat on the mat with his neck curled up, trying to minimize his sense of existence.

Mu Yangling continued to smile and said: "I think the supervisory system should be changed, and more powers and responsibilities should be given to the censor."

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