Qi Haoran wanted to borrow some money for emergencies, but in fact Mu Yangling didn't spend much to open this grain store.

Because she has her own Zhuangzi.

In addition to buying a shop, her village can sell all the grain she sells. As for the corn seeds, the cost is not too high. She only needs to give two thousand taels to the caravan going north.

They will continue to transport a large number of corn seeds southward.

Uncle Liu Ting also wrote to tell her the good news that their upland rice seeds have finally made progress. This year, the Zhuangzi of the Mu family has begun planting in places with little water and drought. It seems that the growth is good so far. He will send some After the seeds are down, let her do experiments and cultivate them in the south.

If Dry Rice No. 1 is successful in the Northland, then the grain production in the Northland will increase by at least half in the future. Individually speaking, this growth rate is not large, but when it is generalized to the whole Northland, one can imagine the impact.

The northern land is vast and sparsely populated. If the grain output is stable, the grain price will definitely fall, so Mu Yangling plans to transport the grain from the Mu family to the south. The harvest of the dozens of hectares of land they leased is enough for her. The food store was consumed.

Not everyone wants Mu Yangling to intervene in the grain store business. Not long after Mu Yangling's caravan set off, everyone knew that Mu Yangling wanted to sell the corn seeds from the North to the South, and those families who monopolized the corn moved one after another. stand up.

Half of the courtiers and Qi Xiuyuan filed a complaint, feeling that Mu Yangling was fighting for the interests of the people, lowering his status, and disgraced the royal family. They hoped that Qi Xiuyuan could let Qi Haoran restrain her a little bit.

In private, someone approached Zhu Liang and the others and expressed their willingness to bring Mu Yangling to make a fortune together, but only hoped that Mu Yangling would not open a grain shop.

This move not only annoyed Mu Yangling, but also Qi Xiuyuan.

He didn't expect that there would be so many objections from courtiers who were officials. They were simply greedy for profit and completely disregarded the interests of the country.

The corn seeds in the Northland were promoted by Qi Xiuyuan. No one knew more about the yield and the significance of people's livelihood than him. As Emperor Sejong said, if the corn seeds are planted well, they can be used in times of famine without famine.

Yes, it was his fault that the corn seeds in the north didn't flow to the south before, but at that time he was General Qi Xiuyuan of the Western Camp, and he had the idea of ​​rebellion. Now he is the emperor of Daqi, and Mu Yangling wants to It was with his consent that the seeds were shipped to the south. They thought he would be as stupid as Emperor Jingyan, allowing the gentry to control the seeds, but instead allowing the people to suffer from disasters and famines?

When Qi Xiuyuan got angry, he wanted to take the initiative to send the seeds over, but Rong Xuan hurriedly stopped him and said, "General, this is not an appropriate move. In this way, we will be confronted with those southern gentry who hold the seeds, and it will also cause chaos." Aling's plan."

Rong Xuan said: "Isn't Ah Ling just trying to make the grain shop famous through this matter? The general might as well help her, and temporarily avoid the sharp edge of those gentry."

Seeing that Qi Xiuyuan's face was still ugly, he knew that he was angry at the selfishness of the officials, so he said in a low voice: "General, follow the example. Most of these officials are left over from the previous dynasty. Emperor Jingyan only thinks about himself, and the officials below will naturally follow suit." , After you ascend the throne, the imperial examination will be held, and a group of officials will be re-appointed, and they will be replaced slowly."

Now that Qi Xiuyuan has not ascended the throne, and his position is not very stable, he still has to endure what should be tolerated.

Qi Xiuyuan put away the anger on his face, and said: "Let the people along the road pay attention to ensure the safety of the A-Ling caravan," Qi Xiuyuan snorted coldly, "I want to see who dares to reach out."

Rong Xuan said with a smile: "Don't worry, General, Haoran has already given orders."

Qi Xiuyuan nodded in satisfaction. Ah Ling has a stubborn temper and a fiery personality. He has always been soft rather than hard, and he has always been grateful for the suffering of the people. He wants to see what those gentry of the family can impress him.

As for the court, Qi Xiuyuan wasn't worried at all, he was on Mu Yangling's side, and needless to say, his younger brother was a wife slave.

All the soldiers who came out of the North respected Mu Yangling, and those civil servants who wanted to shake Mu Yangling's position were simply overconfident.

Qi Xiuyuan intends to temporarily leave this matter behind to deal with other matters, but Qi Haoran rushed into the palace angrily.

Qi Xiuyuan planned to support Mu Yangling secretly and let it go on the surface, but Qi Haoran didn't want his wife to be wronged, so Mu Yangling was attacked and annihilated in the morning, and he ran into the palace in the afternoon.

Just as Qi Xiuyuan was about to appease him, he heard Qi Haoran's first words, "Brother, don't you want to attack the aristocratic family and take money from them? Leave this matter to me, and the master will take the people there himself."

"Nonsense," Qi Xiuyuan said with a downcast face, "I have handed over this matter to Jiang Ze, so you don't need to take care of it."

"Then when will Jiang Ze do it?"

Qi Xiuyuan looked at him suspiciously, "What do you want to do?"

"Don't do anything, just plan to bite them, to see if they dare to stare at Ah Ling, why does Ah Ling just open a grain shop, their grain shop has monopolized the entire Jiangnan, and the price of grain is like riding a horse Going up, why, don’t you want my family, Ah Ling, to feel sorry for the people and lower the price of food?"

Qi Xiuyuan rubbed his forehead with a headache, and said, "Don't worry, we are still sitting here, no one can bully your wife."

Qi Haoran saw that his eldest brother was unwilling to tell him the exact time, so he bit his lip and left like the wind.

Rong Xuan worried, "Hao Ran won't cause trouble, right?"

Qi Xiuyuan was very relieved, "He has grown up a lot in the past two years, and he will be able to do things properly."

Qi Haoran, who does things properly, went directly to Zhang Cheng's house and asked him about the Lumi he wanted to save, Qi Haoran said: "Master Zhang, anyway, you have to sell your endless Lumi to the grain store, so it's better to sell it to your wife." If you go to the grain store, we will give you the same price, and in the future, the guys from Lumidu’s store will come to collect it, how about it?”

There were three items of salaries given to officials in the Great Zhou Dynasty, one was silver, which had a relatively small proportion, one was Lumi, and the other was Lutian. A high-ranking official like Zhang Cheng, Minister of the Ministry of Households, received decimals of silver, but There are a lot of lutian and lumi, and with the grain in his own village, don't hoard too much grain.

Not every official chooses to open a grain store. Most of them sell the excess to the grain store, and among them, Lumi must be sold. Don’t ask why, will they eat the grain issued by the government?

All of them were sold as low-grade or medium-grade rice.

Generally speaking, this kind of family has a grain shop that they cooperate with regularly, and the Zhang family is no exception, so facing Qi Haoran's request, Zhang Cheng is a little bit crazy.

But he was blocked when he came back for lunch, and he had to go to the palace in a while, so he had a lot of things to do.

Zhang Cheng knew that many people now objected to Mu Yangling leaking corn seeds to the poor, so Zhang Cheng sneered at the behavior of those people.

He is also a member of Monopoly Seeds, but he is not stupid. He also knows that behind Mu Yangling is the future emperor. This is not Emperor Jing Yan. You can listen to their fooling around. He would not allow this situation to continue, so he knew that in the future, the situation of corn planting in the south would be the same as that in the north, and the poor people would become the main force.

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