Because the seed demand for Dry Rice No. 1 this year has directly increased by more than five times compared to last year, Mu Yangling went to the village to inspect the performance of the seeds.

She planted the ground before, and the seeds were only planted at this time. Even though her teeth were already teething, she was worried whether the seedlings would survive the cold spring, so she dug some seeds to check, who knew the seeds dug out from a randomly picked field But a lot of Upland Rice No. 1?

Upland Rice No. 1 is made by Mu Yangling through continuous hybridization of wild rice sent by Qi Haoran and rice grown in the north. This is the first generation of hybrid rice. The sub-fields are dedicated to planting this rice seed, and Mu Yangling took the little bear to cultivate it in person, so she is very familiar with this rice seed. Even if her teeth are teething, she can tell that it is not her seed.

This year is Qi Xiuyuan's first nationwide tax collection since he came to the throne. Before that, he vigorously supported her Harvest Grain Shop, and even demanded that no less than 30% of the dry rice that meets the growth conditions should be planted, just to collect more taxes. , to ease the pressure on the treasury.

For more than three years, the treasury has been supported by Fan Zijin's business and borrowing from east to west. This is a country, and this will not last long. Fan Zijin also told them that three years is his limit, and the treasury will have no more income. Well, the business in his hands may have to be sold to repay the debts of those wealthy businessmen. At that time, the national treasury will completely lose its income, and the country will inevitably be in turmoil under the fluctuating hearts of the people.

This is a crucial year!

She absolutely does not allow problems to arise, let alone allow them to occur to her!

The seeds were also checked at various levels before, but unexpectedly there was still a problem. Mu Yangling turned around and said, "I don't know if our Zhuangzi is the only problem, or there are problems..."

"Don't be afraid," Qi Haoran patted her on the shoulder and said, "There's me too. I'll go see Liu Qing tomorrow and ask him to take the officials down to investigate. It's still early, so I found it fairly Timely, just turn the land and replant.”

Mu Yangling worried, "It's so simple, even if there are extra seeds, there won't be many. It's okay if the range is not wide, I'm afraid..."

Mu Yangling was always a little uneasy, afraid that this kind of thing would be on a large scale, otherwise who would dare to do this kind of thing against their Rongjun Palace alone?

Mu Yangling was worried all night, and the guards who stayed at the farm the next morning brought the head of the farm and the two farmers to see him.

Qi Haoran and Mu Yangling didn't care about breakfast, handed the children to Wang Ma, and hurried to the flower hall to meet them.

Zhuangtou knelt on the ground tremblingly, with two farmers tied behind him, fell to the ground, seeing the prince and concubine were a little terrified.

"My lord, I found out that it was the two farmers who exchanged the seeds in private when they distributed the seeds to the tenants." The guard stepped forward and reported.

Qi Haoran looked at Mu Yangling and signaled her to take care of it. The affairs of the mansion were always left to Mu Yangling, and he would not intervene when it was not necessary.

Mu Yangling looked at Zhuangtou and asked, "Do you know the two of them?"

"Yes, yes, Li Er is Xiao's wife and brother, and Zou Da is Xiao's farmer. They signed a death contract with the palace. They usually do some odd jobs in the village and also cultivate the fields."

Landlords and tenants are different. To a certain extent, tenants still have their own people. They just rent the land of the master’s family. In their free time, they help the master’s family to cultivate the fields or do some chores. But it is very simple to dissolve the relationship, as long as the rent is paid and the land is no longer leased, the household registration has always been a good citizen, and the tenant can also have his own private property.

But the dealers are different. Most of the dealers have signed death contracts, and most of them are living contracts. But no matter what kind of contracts they are, they are the master’s servants. Not to mention that life and death are all in the hands of the master, at least the master has control over them. Generally speaking, farmers are much more loyal than tenants.

Hearing that it was the Zhuang household who betrayed the palace, Qi Haoran couldn't help squinting his eyes, conspiring, thinking that they must be instigated by someone to lurk in his Zhuangzi.

But the actual situation is that Li Er and Zou Da like to drink and gamble, and they owed some money abroad. They were forced to use the power of the palace to renege on the debt, but Mu Yangling was very strict in running the family, so he left a message early, Anyone who uses the power of the royal family to commit misdeeds outside will be punished with a third class crime, so he has been hesitant to move forward.

But the casino couldn't just let them owe them all the time, so they came to the door and planned to chop off their hands to pay off the debt.

They themselves are slaves, they cannot be sold, they can only chop their hands, and someone escaped by repaying their gambling debts, but that person’s money is not free, he only has one request, he wants the seeds of Upland Rice No. 1 , the more the merrier!

The seeds of Upland Rice No. 1 are not expensive, you can just buy them if you want, but in order to prevent the gentry and landlords from monopolizing the seeds, Fengshou Grain Shop requires that the number of seeds purchased by each household should not exceed the number of seeds needed for the fields owned by the family. Moreover, each household can only buy a maximum of 50 acres of seeds to sow. To buy seeds, you must show your household registration certificate. Anyone found reselling seeds will be permanently blacklisted by Fengshou Grain Shop. Within ten years Do not sell any kind of seed to him and his relatives.

This method of buying and sitting has greatly guaranteed the cultivation rate of ordinary farmers, and also cut off the road of gentry monopoly.

Although she offended a large number of people, Mu Yangling stood behind King Rong and the Emperor. This was his own dowry business, and no one could say anything. Who told her that she was the only one who had this kind of dowry?

So that person wants more Upland Rice No. 1, but it won’t work from Fengshou Grain Shop, but the farmers who planted Upland Rice No. 1 last year bought it, and the seeds they bought were not very good. There was no way. At the beginning, Mu Yangling The seeds are all on credit, and they have signed a contract with the farmers. After harvesting, they must first use the best rice seeds to repay the credit. If they want to sell grain, they must also give priority to Fengshou Grain Shop when the price fluctuation does not exceed 80%.

The purchase price of the Fengshou Grain Shop has always been on par with other grain shops, which means that the best batch of rice seeds and millet have returned to the Fengshou Grain Shop, and all they can buy is the rice left by the farmers. , It takes thousands of choices to select plump, large-grained rice seeds.

But everyone knows that to choose rice seeds, you must first select the ears of rice, not just one grain, because a grain of rice may be full, but it may appear on the ears of rice with short ears and few grains. The rice seeds are more likely to be harvested after planting.

Li Er and Zou Da cried bitterly, "My lord, he only said that he wouldn't ask for too much, so the younger ones gave him the seeds from the fields they were in charge of, and he used another kind of rice." However, who knew that when he turned around, he regretted it and asked for more seeds. Sixty percent of the tenants in the village had planted No. The rice seeds came to change, because the rice seeds he brought were also plump and large, and there was no difference in roughness, so the small ones boldly changed."

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