The Reborn Wife is Farming

Chapter 818 Large Range

Mu Yangling and Qi Haoran looked at each other, their hearts sank, and they asked, "No one notices such a big move of yours?"

Li Er wiped his tears and said: "He is the only one in Zou's family. Because the weather is still a bit cold, we go up the mountain to collect firewood to sell every day. When we come back, we will transport the rice seeds back to his house. Let's inquire about it early. After paying the amount reported by the tenants, we weighed the rice seeds in advance, and then discussed with the head of the village about distributing rice seeds to those tenants. When we passed by Mr. Zou, we just exchanged the rice seeds we had prepared before, because it was still early , and no one noticed."

And Zhuangtou couldn't read a few words, and the bags had simple numbers and symbols written on them. Because of the first two years of experience, it was not difficult to find out what he wrote on it.

Therefore, it is easy to imitate. Moreover, no one in the farm can read handwriting, and naturally no one will doubt it.

"Who is the one who pays your debt?"

"He asked us to call him Second Master Qin, but he didn't know where he came from, nor his name." Li Er looked at Mu Yangling carefully, and knelt on the ground anxiously.

Mu Yangling looked at them coldly, and asked, "Do you have any more of the seeds he gave you?"

"Yes, yes, there are some leftovers, and they are still in Mr. Zou's house."

Mu Yangling looked at a guard, who bowed and stepped back to get the seeds.

Seeing Mu Yangling looking at them indifferently, Li Er and Zou Da couldn't help but shudder, and begged Mu Yangling for mercy.

"Apart from these, what else?" Mu Yangling said: "It is impossible for us to forgive the mistakes you made. You can only think about whether you can make meritorious deeds."

Cold sweat rolled down Zou Da's forehead. He was not as eloquent as Li Er. Li Er had been the one who said before that even if he committed crimes and meritorious service, he might not have a chance. He swallowed his saliva quickly, and Qin Er's words kept flashing in his mind. The kind of face of Master Qin, a light burst out in his mind at last, he rushed forward and shouted: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, I know, I know, Second Master Qin not only ordered us to buy seeds, but also ordered other people, Seeds have been replaced in many places."

Mu Yangling's face turned cold, the table under his hand collapsed and dismembered instantly, the teacup lost its support and fell to the ground, both Zou Da and Li Er looked at Mu Yangling's hand in fear.

Mu Yangling withdrew his hand calmly, took out a handkerchief to wipe it, and asked, "How did you know?"

Zou Da said with cold sweat all over his head: "Small, I saw him talking to others, and then I secretly paid attention to it, and found that when we went to get the seeds, there were a lot of piles in it, but the seeds in it decreased a lot every day, isn't it? What we take is naturally taken by others.”

Qi Haoran's face was as cold as water, and he asked: "Do you remember who were those who came and went with him?"

Zou shook his head.

Qi Haoran looked at Li Er, and Li Er shook his head again and again.

They conspired to dig the wall of the palace, and they were worried, wishing that no one would see them, so how could they come to Qin Erye when he was with others? Even looking at it from a distance, I wish I didn't know him.

Qi Haoran waved his hand to ask someone to take them down, and looked at Mu Yangling, "This matter is not easy, and the palace can no longer be the only one to come forward. I will tell Liu Qing and tell him to bring the yamen servants to help."

"This matter involves a lot, and it should be investigated."

The guards who went to arrest people according to the address provided by Li Er and the others returned empty-handed, saying: "Reporting to the lord, the princess, when we went, the building was already empty, and the people who rented the yard nearby had been there as early as five days ago." left."

It was already expected that if that person did such a big thing, would it be difficult if he didn't leave and still waiting for someone to catch him?

Mu Yangling and Qi Haoran ate breakfast without knowing what to eat, and Fan Zijin rushed over after hearing the news, lowered his head and thought for a while, and said, "Let Zhu Liang take someone to my village to see if someone has changed the seeds too .”

Qi Haoran raised his eyebrows and asked abruptly, "Is this just for the two of us, or for the whole of Lingnan? Or, for the whole of Daqi?"

Both Mu Yangling and Fan Zijin had serious eyes, Qi Haoran snorted coldly, and said, "I'll write a letter to my eldest brother, and ask him to order the prefects of various places to investigate. Also, in the early spring, the county governments in various places started harvesting The grain shop bought a batch of seeds to resettle the refugees and the poor, but I don’t know if the seeds they received are genuine or not.”

Mu Yangling got up and said: "I'll issue an order to get the grain shops in various places ready to gather the seeds of the dry rice No. 1 left in the warehouse, and then find a way to raise corn seeds and other grains. If there is a problem with it, replace it immediately.”

Fan Zijin said: "I'm going to tell the commercial companies in various places to pay attention to see who has been buying grain seeds arbitrarily since last year. If his movements are big enough, it is impossible not to reveal any clues."

Qi Haoran's eyes were as deep as water, "I will let the army martial law and enter the military defense."

The three acted separately, and the news from various places was collected into the hands of the three people one after another. First, the shopkeeper Chen found out the list according to the account books, and then Liu Qing checked them one by one according to the list. About 10% of the people on the list were listed. The seeds of the rice were replaced, and most of them were gathered together. For example, as long as one person was found, 70 to 80% of the villagers in his village who had not sown upland rice No. 1 were replaced with seeds, just like the farms of the Wangfu.

Fortunately, there is no problem with the grain seeds distributed through the yamen, so the seeds that have problems are all the seeds bought at Fengshou Grain Shop, and, without exception, they are all the seeds entrusted to others to bring in a unified manner.

Liu Qing was sweating profusely and came to Mu Yangling with the roster, and said, "Look, most of the replaced seeds are villages that are at least three days away from Juzhou's capital. These villagers can't come to buy seeds one by one. The number of seeds brought back from the yamen is limited, and some families are not even included in the quota, so they will recommend the respected people in the village to buy grain seeds, and the grain seeds are replaced during transportation."

"Can you find out who did it?"

Liu Qing regretted, "I only said it was a person named Qin Erye, but everyone's stature and appearance were different, obviously they were not the same person, and some villages didn't even see anyone, and they were confused. Changed the rice seed."

"The farther you are from the Juzhou capital, the more chaotic. There are people in the front who have carefully designed to separate the grain and rice seeds to ensure that the rice seeds reach the hands of farmers who have not sown upland rice No. 1, but behind, the person who replaced the seeds directly sent If the rice seeds are replaced, those who have planted upland rice No. 1 may have doubts, but because it is too far away from the Juzhou capital, they will keep their doubts in their hearts. If we hadn't asked the county magistrates to investigate strictly, I am afraid that they would not be able to find out. .”

"The situation is so serious? How is the overall disaster situation?"

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