Therefore, some people in Xixia proposed that Qi Haoran should not serve in the southwest and northwest borders for 20 years. Fan Zijin bargained with them, and made some concessions in the upcoming negotiation field. Finally, it was agreed that Xixia would return Qamdo—the east of Nyingchi to Daqi. , and Qi Haoran will not work in the Southwest within fifteen years, and the tax on Xixia merchants will be reduced by 15%.

Fan Zijin responded to this request very readily. The two countries have a good relationship, so it doesn't matter whether Qi Haoran goes to Qiannan or not, but if the two countries are against each other, if they go to war together, these alliances will naturally be torn up.

In Xixia's view, being able to keep Qi Haoran out of the Southwest for fifteen years is a big gain. Qi Haoran's ability to train troops was praised by General Yuan himself. Seeing that the Qiannan army is getting stronger day by day, their pressure It is very big, and there is always a sense of crisis that Qi Haoran will destroy the country at any moment. Of course, the reason why they agreed to this request is also because the piece of land they ceded is not very important.

It is already a plateau area, sparsely populated, and the land is barren. It snows in mid-September every year and does not melt until March of the following year. It can be said that the cold has occupied this place for a long time, and there are no famous pastures here. There are also very few herdsmen. They took this land at the beginning because it was on their way to the east. Now they have ceded this wasteland, and they don't feel bad.

If Fan Zijin continued to insist on the Hexi Plain, then Xixia would rather destroy the newly established diplomatic relations than agree.

Of course, if they knew that there was a gold mine with considerable reserves in this barren land, they would definitely not agree, but the point was that they didn't know.

And what Fan Zijin had been entangled with before was the Hexi Plain. This land was proposed by the Xixia envoy "reluctantly". Both sides made concessions and signed the letter of credence quickly.

The small Xixia nobleman who opened the gold mine privately had not received the news, and the land was ceded, but no matter whether he received the news, he dared not tell the Xixia court about the gold mine, otherwise he and his family would definitely There will be catastrophe.

No matter which country you are in, gold, silver, copper, and iron are all state-run, and the imperial court especially values ​​them, and the Xixia Kingdom has even more control over this. The little nobleman who opened the gold mine privately also saw that there were few people there, and there was no one within a radius of twenty miles. It was a barren mountain again, so he was so bold as to open a gold mine privately, but even so he was very cautious.

So more than a year ago, he didn't dare to say anything after he knew that the mine had an accident. Even if the mine had been vacant and more than 800 miners and more than 300 guards and stewards disappeared out of thin air, he didn't dare to make any noise. , He didn't even dare to start the mine again, so he could only quietly ask people to stare at the mountain, hoping to find out who discovered it.

For more than a year, he thought he couldn't wait, but the country actually ceded that piece of land to Daqi.

The little nobleman suddenly became unsure. Could it be that the people who discovered the gold mine were not from Xixia, but from Daqi?

Who has the ability to cross the border and come to Xixia, and snatch his gold mine under the eyes of the patrol soldiers?

Did the twelve hundred people die or were they taken away by him?

The little nobleman thought about the people of Daqi, and he could only think of Qi Haoran, but at this moment, he was so angry that he dared not say anything. It is easy to cover up his private gold mine when it is not discovered, but Once discovered, those who are interested can find him as long as they check.

Little Xiong heard from his mother that there was a gold mine on the land where he returned, and his eyes lit up like the morning star in the sky. He exclaimed, "Second Uncle is really powerful, even more powerful than Uncle Huang and Daddy."

Mu Yangling laughed loudly, touched his head and said, "I'll tell your father about this when he comes back."

When Qi Haoran came back in the evening, he heard Xiaoxiong's high respect for Fan Zijin, and he didn't even lift his eyelids, "If your father didn't discover the gold mine, could your second uncle go to the peace talks?"

Little Bear looked at his father reverently, squeezed into his arms, raised his head and asked, "Daddy, you are so amazing."

The corners of Qi Haoran's mouth couldn't help but curl up, and the two little ones who were playing at the side also rushed over and squeezed into his arms, shouting to compliment him, "Daddy, you are amazing."

"Father, you are the best!"

Mu Yangling couldn't help pursing his lips when he looked at the smiling Qi Haoran, and looked at the four of them with his chin propped up.

The two younger ones were just joining in the fun, but when they saw that the elder brother worshiped their father so much, they blindly respected him without asking why. As a result, until they left Qiannan, the three children followed Qi Haoran closely, like a soldier He also straightened his chest and followed behind his buttocks.

It took a lot of effort for Qi Haoran to persuade Xiao Xiong to take his younger brothers to ride in the carriage with Ah Ling first. Seeing this, Liu Dahei smiled and said, "Young princes adore you very much."

Qi Haoran made a supercilious look. Who does his son worship?

"Have you sent someone to visit the gold mine?" Qi Haoran didn't have time to chat with him.

When it came to business, Liu Dahei turned serious, nodded solemnly and said: "Yes, that little nobleman still sent people to watch the gold mine, my lord, do we want..." Liu Dahei made a gesture of wiping his neck.

Qi Haoran gave him a contemptuous glance, and said: "Can you kill him at his house? Leave him alone, the Xixia army is withdrawing now, and we will start mining after we build the guard and completely take over that area. It doesn’t matter if he knows, the gold mine has been half opened, and those mines and traces of mining can’t be covered up, so he doesn’t dare to say anything.”

"A year of gold is about 26,000 taels, and ten years is 260,000." Qi Haoran snorted coldly, "If the Xixia court knew that he had embezzled such a large amount of wealth, even if he voluntarily handed it in now, his family It will definitely be destroyed, he is sending people to watch the gold mine now because he is not reconciled, and wants to know who picked his gold mine."

So who said that King Rong was brave and foolish?

Liu Dahei yelled in his heart, if that person comes out, he will definitely not beat him to death, this is definitely a fox, who robbed someone's gold mine and swaggered in, isn't this throwing salt into the hearts of the people? ?

Qi Haoran didn't feel guilty at all, he said: "These belonged to me in the first place, and they have been taken over by them for so many years, so they have taken advantage of them for nothing. By the way, since there is a big gold mine there, there may be other places as well. You ask people to go to various places to investigate, if only a few more gold mines can be found."

Liu Dahei smiled "hehe", you think gold mines are big radishes, they can be found everywhere.

Qi Haoran was about to leave Qiannan, feeling a little melancholy. After all, this is the place where he stayed for five years. He patted Liu Dahei on the shoulder and said, "Don't interfere with local government affairs, but promote harmony among the Han and Miao people. I will hand over the southwestern border to you."

Liu Dahei bowed and said that he was able to become the Great General of the Southwest because of his loyalty and obedience to the emperor and Qi Haoran.

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