Their convoy just entered the main street, and they saw people standing on both sides of the street. When they saw Qi Haoran's convoy, they knelt down one after another, and some even cried uncontrollably.

Qi Haoran was riding on horseback, and his eye circles couldn't help turning red. Liu Qing waited at the gate of the city with the officials of the government office. Seeing Qi Haoran coming over, he hurried forward to salute, and then let out the two old people behind him. An umbrella, knelt on the ground and offered it to Qi Haoran, "My lord, this is the Wanmin umbrella made for you by the people of Qiannan. Although you can no longer come to Qiannan, we all remember you in our hearts."

The people kneeling on the ground cried out in pain to set up a longevity tablet for Qi Haoran.

Xiao Xia wiped away her tears and said emotionally, "I never thought that the people in Qiannan would love Fourth Uncle so much."

Mu Yangling frowned. In her opinion, this is just a matter of changing the workplace. Is it necessary to be so emotional?

Although she was also very touched that the whole city would come to see them off when they left, but everyone knelt on the ground and cried bitterly, those who didn't know thought Qi Haoran had been wronged.

Qi Haoran was also a little surprised when he was sitting on the horse. He looked back at the common people who were kneeling on the ground and weeping bitterly. He got off the horse and helped the two old men up, and said: "This king was transferred back to Beijing, and he stayed here." General Liu is not weak, and the Qiannan army is strong and strong, don't worry, the Xixia people will not bully you."

The old man cried for a while, and then cried even worse. He held Qi Haoran's hand tightly and shouted: "My lord, you are a good lord, it's a pity that you have been wronged like this."

No matter how dull Qi Haoran was, he could tell that the people in Qiannan were arguing for him. He twitched his lips. Can he tell them that he is satisfied with the result of this negotiation?

At that time, Fan Zijin's Flying Pigeon Passing Letter had just arrived, so he happily pulled Mu Yangling to drink some wine.

In five years, he has already arranged the frontier defense in the Southwest and trained a group of useful soldiers, so it is not a big problem for him to leave. Anyway, he and his elder brother agreed that it was six years, and now it is only in advance. Going back one year, if there was no war in Qiannan, he probably wouldn't come here again in his life, so what can he suffer?

Qi Haoran couldn't let his elder brother take the blame for him, so he pulled him up and said with a loud smile: "Why did the old man say that? This king has the emperor's brother on top, who dares to wrong me?"

The laughter was hearty, like a breeze blowing in the ears. The two old men looked up at him blankly, and saw that there was no trace of sadness on his face, and he did not seem to have been wronged.

Qi Haoran returned the Wanmin Umbrella in his hands to the two of them, and said with a smile: "This king has only done his own business, so he can't afford the Wanmin Umbrella. You all feel that this king is good because you have been exploited by the officials of the previous dynasty, but this king Except for official business, the king has never done anything for everyone in private, so let’s leave this Umbrella of Ten Thousand Peoples to those who deserve it.” After a pause, he smiled again: “Before I leave, I would like to ask you one thing. Hate greedy people, if there are corrupt officials in Qiannan, officials who eat the king's salary but do not perform their duties, everyone just appeals, and the emperor will definitely make decisions for you, and if there are good officials who forget their personal interests because of public service, you will take this umbrella of ten thousand people. Give it to him."

Qi Haoran turned around and got on his horse, and said with a loud smile to everyone: "I also know that you all respect this king. In the five years in Qiannan, this king dare not say that he has made great contributions, but he has done his duty. Everyone wants to set up a tablet of longevity for this king. The king is naturally happy, but don't forget about the Holy Majesty when he was established. Qiannan was able to breathe so quickly from the war, half of which was due to the Holy Majesty's tax exemption for three years, and the purchase of grain and agricultural tools for you, and the other half was due to your lordship and cooperation. You've worked so hard, if you don't mind the trouble, set up all the longevity tablets of your lords, hahaha..."

The two old men looked at Qi Haoran speechlessly, but they were sure that he was not wronged, but very happy. It seemed that this man was very happy to leave Qiannan.

Immediately, the two of them felt uncomfortable, and felt that their abundant feelings were wasted.

The common people kneeling on the ground and weeping bitterly also felt that they were crying for nothing just now, as if they were being self-indulgent, everyone raised their heads and blushed and stared at Qi Haoran.

Qi Haoran rubbed his nose, and was about to say something pleasant, when Xiaoxiong opened the curtain, leaned half of his body out, and asked curiously: "Father, how long are you going to talk, we still have to go out of town to ride horses. "

At this time, the previous friendly behavior of the masters of the palace had an effect. Everyone stood up one after another, selectively forgot what happened just now, and bid farewell to the little Xiong Xiaoan and the twins who were sitting in the carriage with tears.

Some people even gave gifts to the guards on both sides of the carriage, signaling them to give them to several children.

But more people looked at the princess sitting in the car through the opened curtain, knelt down respectfully and kowtowed to her again, the prince was right, half of their life was due to the wiseness of the saint, It was the Mingjun of the current generation who allowed them to recuperate, but half of the other half was because of the princess sitting in the car.

If it weren't for her Fengshou Grain Shop to help them all the way, to give them grain seeds on credit, and to stabilize grain prices, they would definitely not have the current life, so this kneeling, everyone is willing.

Different from howling and crying in the face of Qi Haoran, this time everyone quietly kowtowed three times to the carriage, first beside the carriage, then the front and back, and finally spread to the whole street, everyone was quiet He kowtowed three times to the carriage without making any noise, and he didn't even say his blessings, he just recited it silently in his heart.

Five years is enough for everyone to know how low-key the princess is. Apart from her frequent visits to Zhuangzi and the suburbs, she rarely visits the city. She is completely different from the little princes who go shopping every day. So at this time, everyone Don't want to bother her either.

Qi Haoran didn't bluff this time, but looked at A Ling in the carriage with a smile. Mu Yangling obviously didn't expect this, she was at a loss before she calmed down, she opened the curtains and said: "Everyone, get up, the ground Cool, I hurt my legs after kneeling for a long time."

When Qi Haoran saw everyone standing up, he raised his hands and said, "Let's go."

Liu Qing, who was waiting at the side, breathed a sigh of relief. He was shocked just now, and he didn't expect the people of Juzhou City to do this. He was trembling all morning, afraid that these things would spread to the capital. Let the officials in the court fear.

King Rongjun's prestige in Qiannan is already strong enough. It is not a good thing to go back with a Wanmin umbrella at this time. Fortunately, King Rongjun made a gag to get over it, and after today, the emperor's reputation in Qiannan will also rise.

Liu Qing sent the group of them outside the city, seeing the convoy drifting away, the stone in his heart finally fell.

At this time, in the carriage, Little Bear was expressing his great wish, "In the future, I will be like my father and mother, and let everyone respect and adore me."

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