The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 228 Does your father have any Na?

"Teacher Liu, do you think the Empire's education plan is still lacking?" Seeing Liu Feiya's thinking, Chen Shao did not want to expose himself, have taken the hat, there is no hat cover, so It is easier to see. Therefore, Chen Shao asked this question and transferred the opponent's attention.

Chen Sha's words interrupted Liu Feiya's thoughts. Now she is now, the more like, the more like that, but this guess she did not say.

"Mr. Chen looks very concerned about the educational problem of the empire!" Liu Fiya did not immediately answer the questions of Chen Shao.

"As an empire, you should care about your country. Education is the foundation of the country, plus rhyme is the golden age of learning, so I will take the liberty to ask Mr. Liu." Chen Shaoao. "

Liu Fiya thought about it: "The empire attaches great importance to the child's education. As Mr. Chen is said, it is the foundation of the country. The empire is doing well in this area, and the Emperor of the empire personally serves as the education minister. This is also It is enough to prove that the empire values ​​the empire's attention to national education. Just like our school, not only professor primary school students, every week, the evening and weeks, will also be open, let the senate nationals in society come in to learn cultural knowledge. Many of them are three Ten years old, now I want to come to read the book, for those who are sincere, our school has a special teacher, and the school students will implement all the free policies. Try to make more people to master multi-point cultural knowledge. "

"Will this will increase your school's burden? Is this a matter of your school?" Chen Shao was jumped.

"In addition to the loss of some teaching supplies, there is no other burden, education funds can be reached every month, does not affect students' eating and learning problems. Just suffering, every month must go to education The department, begging multiple points, it is quantified, and now there are two weeks, it is not enough every month. As for other schools, there is also this practice, but this time is fast, the school announced the stop. "Liu Feiya Road.

Liu Feiya's words made Chen Shao caught pensive. When I was in southwest, this is very common. At that time, many people were working at night during the day. Now I saw such a learning boom has spread to the country, and I am very happy. National is rich, cultural knowledge is also a strong part. Only the national quality of the country goes, the national national can say this strong word, because strong words are not strong, the whole country is powerful.

"Why can't you get a chalk, but also beg to ask?" For the principal of the paragraph in Liu Feiya, he could pay attention to Chen Shao.

"Hey! I listen to the principal and said that the whole Hanjing's big and small school counts, they are like our schools, the chalk is not enough, this thing is not enough. And the education department is also very strong, But the demand is still very large, every month is a lot of porridge, and Liu Feiya shakes his mouth.

Chen Shao directly stopped, how can this thing be missing? And why you have not received this chapter. Chalk This thing is not a complicated thing. There is no difficulty in manufacturing, don't say that the provision of a month of the country is a one-time manufacturing for more than a year or two.

I saw Chen Shao heard my words, Liu Feiya did not talk again, unconsciously watched the Thinking of Chen Shao. Chen Yun is also very well-behaved, look at your dad, then look at your teacher. A short silence in the dormitory.

For a long time, Chen Yun's stomach rang. Chen Yun said to Chen Shao: "Dad, I am hungry."

At this time, Chen Shaocai reflected it, raising his hand, watching his watch, now it is almost 11 o'clock. I have been playing in the street before playing, and I haven't known it until two or three hours. In the morning, I just ate the gray of porridge, jumping on all the way, and the stomach is not hungry.

Chen Yun's words made Liu Feiya back to God. I remembered that I have just stared at a man. The heart will not be thrown up quickly. I originally have a somewhat ruddy face, and I have become more red. However, when I saw Chen Shao, I didn't pay attention to her, and the heart of nervousness was also relaxed. In order to relieve the embarrassment in the heart, when Chen Shao has not opened it, Liu Feiya immediately opened: "Slightly, the teacher will give you the lower bowl of noodles."

After that, I didn't mean that Chen Shao refused, directly got up to a separate kitchenette inside, and the speed of walking is still very fast, it seems to escape here. In fact, she is afraid to be seen by Chen Shao, she can feel itself, my face is hot.

Chen Shao, who was sitting opposite, I was originally called. Now I saw Liu Feiya so kind, I didn't wait for my answer, I went busy, I was embarrassed to refuse for a time.

"Dad, don't we go back to eat?" Chen Yun Road.

"Since your teacher goes to the bottom, you will eat it first. We will not go back in the afternoon, how do Dad take you?" Chen Shao was decided to squeeze out a day of time to accompany his daughter, and hear it again. When I just Liu Feiya, Chen Shao decided not to go back at noon.

"What about mother? Just stay at home." Although Chen Yun was very happy to decide, but also care about Xie Yixin in his home.

"There is a little baby in my mother's stomach, can't accompany the rhyme to play, how do we let her rest at home? Waiting for you and the teacher, I will go out to call to inform your mother, tell her, Dad took you to play. "Chen Shaoao.

"Well!" Chen Yun nodded.

On the occasion of Chen Shaohe Chen Yun, Liu Feiya, in the kitchenette, recalling the face of Chen Shao Zi Si. I thought here, the red rose color on Liu Feiya has added some. In her heart, such experiences have been encountered for the first time. I originally wanted to see Chen Yun's parents, I suggested that they have some time to come out and spend a good time. I saw Chen Shao, but I just felt familiar, and it was very easy. When Chen Shao thinks, the focus is very majestic, and it has a fear of a fear of it.

However, these are not Liu Feiya's attention, she is concerned about that Chen Shao is exuded in the invisible. Even Liu Fiya did not know how to describe, very serious look, it looks very attractive. Although it looks very majestic, in her opinion, there is still a kind of can't help but get close to him, understand his feelings, very attractive.

After Liu Feiya came out, her face has returned a lot, and there is a lot of red and rain. A bowl of chicken egg noodles, plus a lot of green vegetables, it looks quite good.

Liu Feiya handed the noodles to Chen Yun's follow-up, and the chopsticks in his hand were handed over: "Chen Yun, you are careful, it is a bit hot."

"Well!" After picking up chopsticks, he carefully eaten.

"Teacher Liu, Yun Jia will take it here, I will go out and make a call. I will come back soon." Chen Shao looked.

"There is no relationship, Chen Yun is gave to me." Liu Feiya nodded.

"That is trouble." Chen Shao took the hat hanging on the hook, nodded to Liu Feiya, and walked out.

After Chen Shao went for two minutes, Liu Feiya thought about it, asked Chen Yun, who is eating noodles: "Chen Yun, what do you do?"

"Work!" Chen Yun replied, she knew who her Dad was, but from Xiao Chen, I would like to go, don't tell others what yourself do. Chen Yun is very smart since childhood, and these things are now slightly understood.

"What is the job, how is it so busy?" Chen Yun's answer is unclear, Liu Feiya has only continued to ask, she now wants to know what Chen Shao is doing, even her own Unclear this is why, why is it less than an hour man in a look?

"Just working in my family, I am very busy every day, I have been so big, I haven't accompany me to play several times." Chen Yun said to eat noodles: "The uncle of the special name, often in my father The rest time is bother, every time I have a lot of documents to sign my father, and I have been rushing every day, I have never seen him to rest. "

"Oh, is that person is your father?" Chen Yun's words let Liu Feiya don't understand what Chen Shao is doing.

"I know, it is my father's secretary. Every time he comes, I can't play with my father. Now my mother has a baby, every time I finish my homework, I am not bored." Chen Yun said Wang Jie Just tied up your mouth. In her impression, Wang Jie is destroyed. Every time she is happy with Dad, Wang Jie will come over, and I don't want to see Wang Jie now.

Secretary, this word makes Liu Feiya's thoughts are somewhat confusing. At this time, in addition to government departments, it seems that there is no such title. However, Liu Feiya still can't think of there, although this shows that Chen Shao is very like an empire emperor, but the name is the same, but she still feels just coincident. After all, an emperor who seems to be high on high, one is just a father of ordinary students, this is too much.

"Is your mother so beautiful?" Liu Feiya asked again.

"Well, as beautiful as the teacher." Chen Yun Road.

"Do you have a mother?" Chen Yun's words rose a inexplicable joy in Liu Feiya, but in the era of three wives, Liu Feiya asked again.

"No! Before going to bed at night, I often heard that my mother is looking for another one, but I have not promised every time my father." Chen Yun thought about it again: "My father's part of my father, everyone has Several wives, especially those that I know, they are all in the family. Calling to count, our family is the least. "

At the end of Chen Yun, the part of the words appeared, and the hearts of Liu Feiya also hooked, but she did not continue to ask these questions. In these questions and answers, she has got a lot of answers. Chen Shao's identity is not simple, it is very likely that government officials. There is also a man who loves his wife, in this wife, a group of society, can be alone, and there is no man who has no natellite. Especially Chen Shao, this seems are not like people who have no money, it is even more rare.

"Do you like your father and then find a mother?" Liu Feiya asked this question, even she was shocked, even she didn't know why she would ask such a problem.

"Though, I was very cold in the past. Now I move to Hanjing, the house is really too big, it is more cool. I really want my father to find one, so you can play more people to play with me, and some people Little brother, sister, this will not be bored. "When Chen Yun said, a face wing, as as seen in the same way. She has always been very envious of Kong Wenhong, and a lot of children in their family can play together. However, those children, they don't dare to play themselves. This makes Chen Yun very annoyed, always looking forward, there is also a bunch of little brother, little sister in his own home.

"Where did you live?" Liu Feiya was very surprised by Chen Yun's answer, which looks really not general.

"Nanning, there is beautiful scenery, the night street is a colorful neon light, and it is very charming." Chen Yun Road.

At this time, Liu Feiya can be determined, Chen Shao is absolutely the high official of the empire, but he has been too like the emperor, it is the same name, which makes Liu Fiya feel very strange.

"Chen Yun, what is your mother?" Liu Feiya thought about asking, even if she didn't believe that the emperor of an empire would put her daughter to go to school and other people's children, but after these conversations, face Due to more and more clues to Chen Yun, Liu Feiya had to think about it there. Now just confirm that Chen Yun's mother knows what is called, and it is very important, now the emperor of the empire has only one queen -

For the dialogue in the room, Chen Shao is unclear. After walking out of the school, Chen Shao will come to the anti-protection of the anti-protected guard, and they will not go back at noon.

After the ban, Chen Shao gave birth to a large number of schools. It seems that it is good, this is the first feeling of Chen Shao, just finished, the air can also. There is no feeling of the kind of dust in the later generation, and there is no exhaust gas of the countless cars.

In a few months, Chen Shao has never had time to pay attention to Hanjing's face. Today is his first serious observation of this empire capital.

Chen Shao slowly walked back, when I came to the gate of the school, I saw that the middle-aged man who was the legs was swept away.

When I went to the middle-aged, Chen Shao took out a pack of smoke from the pocket, and took out ahead of the middle-aged.

Lei Ying saw a smoke in front of him, but soon, he quickly reflected it, stopping the movement of his hand, did not smoke, open the mouth: "What is this is very interesting."

"So cold days, I have to look at the door here, and a smoke is nothing." Chen Shaoao.

Lei Ying nodded and said: "Thank you!" The smoke in Chen Shao said: "This later, how do you come out? Your daughter?"

"I came out, my daughter was still waiting for the teacher."

Chen Shao also took a smoke, squatted on his mouth and took out the lighter point. Immediately, deliver the lighter to Lei Ying, the latter took the past and gave himself.

Lei Ying took a sigh of saying: "Good smoke, what is the life, it looks very uncommon!"

"I am going to work in the company. This smoke is sent by people, and I don't know how to be bad." Chen Shao also sucked a bite, and the smoke, Chen Shao can have no, sometimes a few, will generally go I want this thing. Just habitually happily put it on your body. This smoke is special, Chen Shao is not a old smoke, and it can't feel good.

"Listening to the sound of the sound is the southerner! I am sorry, I have been born later, my surname is Ray, I don't know, I'm looking forward." Lei Yingdao.

"Thunder brother's ear is very good, I am indeed a southerner, surnamed Chen, I just came to Han Jing." Chen Shaoao.

"Since Chen's brother told me a thunder brother, I am also a few years old, called Chen La, will not be too ..." Seeing that Chen Shao is a person who is extraordinary, it is a big brother, and Lei Ying's heart is somewhat admire. Chen Shao's temperament. However, he is not a grinding person, and he has also accepted this title, but his words have not been finished, it is interrupted by Chen Shao.

"How to call it, you can call these things, everyone is good."

"When I used a soldier, I heard that the southerners didn't have a northerners, it seems that the words are not realistic. Chen's brother will be cool enough, can call my brother and brother." Lei Yingdao.

"Oh, I used to be a soldier before?" Chen Shao has never pays attention to these things for the latter people. When walking to the top of the right, it will not care about these things. This is not to say that Chen Shaotai is casual, and Chen Shao doesn't like these things. Although it comes to here for more than ten years, but some things, Chen Shao does not intend to change, it must adapt to the era, there is no way, those don't need to go It does not change. If there is too much rule, it will pull the distance from the world. What's more, Chen Shao is also a micro-service private visit, and it will not care about these things.

"Yeah! In a few years, the Northern Expeditionary, also participated in the operation of overthrowing full, but this leg made me have to bid farewell to the army, but also this job can support himself." Lei Ying touched his legs Some Regrettably said: "I have added the imperial army under some old people, but now I am sorry, I can't make the empire."

"Thunder brothers don't have to be discouraged, and life is sometimes necessary, and life is not a moment. Some things are strong, as long as you can heart, the imperial defense construction, there is not much in the troops." Chen Shao'an .

"I am old comrades, hehe!" Lei Ying somewhat , then he said half of it, sighed, appeared to be lonely.

"Why don't you talk?" Chen Shao asked some doubts.

"This thing is not going to say, I have a lot of disabled old comrades to now still eat food. After all, our injury is to fight civil war, and it is not so embarrassed to seek the help of the empire, just a lot more It's broken and a day. Hey! If the emperor is a few years, maybe we have the opportunity to go to the foreigners. "Lei Ying shook his head, perhaps, I saw that Chen Shao did not see himself because of his own identity, Lei Ying today There are more words.

"In civil war is not your fault, wrong in the warlord, the soldiers are innocent. I believe that after the Emperor of the empire knows your situation, there must be relevant policies." Seeing Lei Ying's expression, Chen Shao Want to say. In the past, Chen Shao did not pay attention to these issues. Today, Lei Ying's words caused Chen Shao. As Chen Shao said, the main crime is not on the soldier, even if it is unable to give them a compensation directly on money, it is still possible to give them some preferential policies in other ways.

Chen Shao also had a little emotion, I originally saw that Lei Yingyi dragged a legs in sweeping, a time, and chatted with him, did not expect this issue. This is what Chen Shao didn't think.

"Thank you, Chen's understanding, in fact, the empire did not pursue, we are already very satisfied." Chen Shao's words, let Lei Ying are very useful.

Then the two talked a few more words, Chen Shaoyi is going to go in, and Chen Yun has been waiting for a long time. Before walking, Chen Shao sent the smoke and lighter to Lei Ying. Lei Ying was still unwilling, but he was finally accepted in Chen Shao.

Just when Liu Feiya asked what Chen Yun's mother called, Chen Shao has gone in, and Chen Yun, who was originally to answer this question, closed his mouth. At this time, her noodles have been eaten.

"You are back." Liu Feiya said that he felt that his words were somewhat, as if the wife saw the greeting of the husband when she returned.

I heard these words Chen Shao also had some happening. Every time I returned home, Xie Yuxin's first sentence was this sentence. Now I have heard this sentence from another female mouth, Chen Shaozhen also has some subtle changes. I can't help but read Liu Feiya.

I was a little embarrassing Liu Fiya. I saw Chen Shao when I pay attention to myself, I climbed the cheek again.

"Yes, rhyme did not give you trouble!" Seeing Liu Feiya is sorry, Chen Shao also felt that he was a bit of Mengloy. The opening says the sentence to the atmosphere.

"I didn't have trouble, I just have been chatting with the teacher, let's talk ..." Chen Yun heard Chen Shao said, hurriedly opened.

"We have just talked about some topics of learning, haven't chatted, you have come back." But she has not finished, it is broken by Liu Feiya. Liu Feiya is also afraid that Chen Yun asked Chen Yun. The question says, I am sorry, if those problems have been known, especially the problem, it is estimated that she wants to find a hole.


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