The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 229, put Liu Feiya home?

Although Chen Yun was very surprised why the teacher said, but she didn't say it directly.

"The rhyme is full, we have to say goodbye to the teacher, Dad takes you to play for an afternoon." Chen Shao did not pick up the hat and directly open the mouth.

"Well!" Chen Yun nodded and put down the chopsticks: "Thank you for your noodles, very delicious, I hope to eat often in the future."

I have heard them to go, I don't know what is going on, and Liu Feiya is a bit faint. However, the sentence behind Chen Yun, let Liu Feiya are inexplicably happy. It seems to be very polite, in her opinion, some other means.

"Teacher Liu, then we will not bother." Chen Shao said to Chen Yun: "said to the teacher."

"Well, the teacher worshiped." Hearing to play an afternoon, Chen Yun was very excited, hurriedly stood up, and Liu Feiya waved.

"Wait." Liu Feiya took out a paper towel to help Chen Yun wiped his mouth: "You wait for me, I am going with you, busy for half a year, just have to have a holiday at the end of the year, just relax together Relax."

Liu Fiya feels that he suddenly has a lot of big, although she stayed in foreign countries, wearing a more avant-garde in China, but her thoughts are still very conservative, mainly the relationship between family education. Like Xie Yixin, it is the book of Xiangxiangmen, which is similar in educating children. The avant-garde is the appearance, and the heart is still very conservative.

In fact, it is a holiday, but Liu Feiya has a lot of things to do, or it will not be in the school dormitory. Just see the father and daughter of his music, she can't help but say it.

"Okay! Teacher can play with us, I am so happy." Chen Yun heard Liu Feiya's words and cheered. If you go out with Chen Shao, Chen Yun also hopes to play with this beautiful teacher.

Originally, Chen Shao also intended to refuse, but she has not waited for him to say, Chen Yun's words have already come out. This kings did not refuse the reason, but I feel that I don't look at Xie Yixin from the home. I saw Chen Yun, which was lifted, Chen Shao could not reject it. At the same time that I feel some sorry for Xie Yuxin, Chen Shao is inexplicably producing a joyful thought. This kind of mood is only, but when I saw Xie Yuxin, I left the contact method before I left the way.

Feel the delight of your heart, Chen Shao did not intend to refuse this kind of mood, let it go. At this time, look at Liu Fiya, who is taking care of the tableware, see the exquisite figure, and the heart is inexplicably raised. For a time, Chen Shao was shocked by this idea. He said in his heart: I didn't think of the ban for arbitrarily. I saw a woman in today. I can't hold it. Chen Shao is too shameful! Take some self-sustaining.

Chen Shao was helpless in the dormitory, this is no way, people have to change clothes, the dormitory is so big, a big man is of course avoided.

In the inside of Liu Feiya, I dressed up, and I asked Chen Yun next to it, so I didn't look good. Even she did not know it, she is really like that. And next to Chen Yun is a good look, as beautiful as the mother.

After dressed up, pull up Chen Yun and walked out of the dormitory. Chen Shao saw a new Liu Fiya, and he also lost for a while, or Chen Yun pulled up Chen Shao's hand, he reflected it.

Then three people walked out of school, Chen Shao was gradually disappearing in the flow of people afterwards with Lei Ying.


After playing a whole afternoon, after Liu Feiya farewell, Chen Shao took his daughter back to the palace. After entering the palace, Chen Yun's mouth has never stopped. Today and Chen Shao and Liu Feiya have let her feel great happiness. The first time and the teacher went out, the joy in the child's heart didn't mention it, let alone my own father, these let Chen Yun happy, all day, she completely sprinkle the sex.

When I came back, I just had time to have dinner. I am happy, I am hungry, just returning to the palace, Chen Yun shouted. In fact, in the afternoon, three people had a lot of things when they were outside.

During the meal, Chen Shao just had a meal, and he didn't wait for him to spend our stay, Wang Jie came in. Helpless, Chen Shao can only leave it first.

"This is the case, but I have been very happy today, I don't have to be angry with him." Chen Yun said with his mouth, and the one in her mouth is Nature.

"Rhyme is going to play today with Dad?" Xie Yixin sat next to Chen Yun, smiled slightly.

"Isn't only my and my teacher, and our teacher? Our teacher can be beautiful, but the mother is almost very beautiful." Said, Chen Yun's intestment.

"The rhyme will be very beautiful, there must be a lot of people like it." Xie Yue trocked the hair of Chen Yun: "How old is your teacher?"

"I don't know, but it seems very young." Chen Yun wanted to reply.

"Your teacher is not single!" Xie Yuxin asked.

"Yeah! But your mother, how do you have a teacher. In the morning, the teacher still asked my mother's question. Now my mother is asking the teacher's question. You are so strange." Chen Yun shook his head.

Xie Yixin is slightly moved, there is something in this.

"How did your teacher ask you?"

"I said that the teacher is as beautiful as you, and then the teacher asked me a lot, asking if there is anything in our family, and what is the name of my mother." Chen Yun thought.

"Do you tell her what my mother is called?"

"No, then Dad came back, so I didn't answer." Chen Yun just finished, suddenly seems to think of what, just said: "Mom, you don't know, our teacher has been secretly watching Dad, Well, I have seen it several times. Dad also likes to watch the teacher, and the teacher is often red! "

If Chen Yun is placed in the later generation, it will definitely trigger a big earthquake, but it will be exactly the contrary here.

In this month, both husband and wife have no passime, because Xie Yuxin already has children. This kind of thing Chen Shao is not very understanding, cautious.

These days, every morning, I saw that Chen Shaoquan was increasing exercise strength, and it won't stop under the rain. Xie Yuxin is also a little bitter, after all, is his wife, or the queen of the empire, must be considered for his husband in life, and she doesn't want the reputation behind. After all, a big empire, other officials are three wives, the emperor's emperor has only one lady, which is too much not to pass. The royal family also has a scattering.

I used to Chen Shao, I didn't agree. Xie Yuxin had no way to force, but now I have heard some temples from Chen Yun, which is her most concerned issue. And this thing looks, Chen Shao is also a little in that, this is the most important, as long as Chen Shaosong has a mouth, everything is said. However, this matter needs to be clear, don't get a big Oolong, then you will lose your face.

"Your teacher is not single, that is, there is no husband's meaning." Xie Yixing thought about the opening.

"Well, our teacher has always been a person." Chen Yun nodded.

"Yun, you said that you should not call Dad to marry your teacher, when your mother is, it is a mother." Chen Yun's answer made Xie Yixin very satisfied, and then asked.

"Okay! This will play more people, it is best to renew some younger brother sister, I will not be bored." Chen Yun nodded, at this time, I used cheers to describe her is the best. " This morning, she is still awkward, at night, Xie Yuxin mentioned this, which made her very expect. At this time, she seems to see a group of brother sisters around him. When I thought here, Chen Yun couldn't help but laugh.

Seeing Chen Yun's smile, Xie Yixin was also very happy, then said: "That happen, rhyme, late, your father is back, you will talk to your father, how to take the teacher home."

"Well!" Chen Yun nodded, obviously agreed.

The picture is circulated, the royal study.

Chen Shao has a simple look at today's chapter, except for the emergency chapter of Wang Jie, there is no other urgent matter. After processing, the emergency chapter, Chen Shao did not leave immediately, but picked up other play.

Many plays now are the specific conditions of building Bohemia, and there are also officials of Borneo to appoint. Finally, Chen Shao saw a Wan people wishing a Ryukyu Islands, and many of the Indonesian people hoped that Ryukyu directly added to the Chinese Empire.

At this time, the Ryukyu did not formally confirmed that it was continued to be a Chinese empire country, or directly into the Chinese layout. It was previously determined that the territory is to make Ryukyu islands and Japan, and the security on the Ryukyu Islands is protected by the China Army. However, the Chinese Empire did not send officials to the Ryukyu Islands, and now the Ryukyu Islands also did not form a government, and there is no official. It is a local scholar to manage the entire Ryukyu Islands in a few months.

In the first two days, Chen Shao signed a command on the dispatch of police departments to the Ryukyu Islands to maintain security, in order to liberate the army from maintenance of public security tasks. After all, there are many malpractices, and soldiers also need to train, and it is impossible to manage the entire Ryukyu.

However, this command has caused a lot of repercussions in the Ryukyu Islands, and many Ryuanese people think that China is going to withdraw from the Ryukyu Islands. This is just rescued from the oppression of Japan, and the Ryuanese who seriously lack the sense of security is like a sunny day. Under the organization of local gentry, a big general choice was held, one is independent, as the country of the Chinese Empire, one is directly incoming into the Chinese Empire, everyone is a Chinese Empire. Citizen.


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