The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 257, the seeds of war

Chen Shao, who received an intelligence, didn't worry that the war would play, he didn't want the two countries to play so early, that would not meet the maximization of China's interest. Also different from Chen Shao's plan, this matter is still Chen Shao to make a ghost behind it.

Japan's Fuji Battleship delivers the Japanese Navy is just a primer, and China has provoked this dispute with the hands of Germany. Germany is to conclude that the Soviet Union does not invade the treaty, but in essence, Hitler still wants to do hand in the Soviet Union. The results of the Grand Plan, let Hitler are also very interested, he also wants to see where the bottom line of the Soviet Union. So there is only a contradictory situation in Stalin.

Hitler won't be played in Japan and the Soviet Union, and didn't look heavy. So this war is very difficult to play unless Japan is on the territory of the Soviet Far East. The current library page is not a guide for both war.

Hitler wants to test the Soviet reaction, and Chen Shao wants to wake up Japan, don't remember China's land. There are still a lot of resources in this world, and there are many goals around Japan. Inspire the contradiction between Day Russia, let the two sides are tight. For the war of the two sides, buried the volts, and province Japan is always facing the Chinese land, guiding the population of Japanese ambitions.

At the same time, Chen Shao is also intended to slowly relax to Japan's tightening. Open water to Japan, this is good, it can be cut off at any time. The export resource is given to Japan, that is also good to say, as long as it is the strategic material, it will not give Japan.

It is self-contained in the front to stop the wind in the front, and Chen Shao does not mind supporting Japan. As long as it is a war that is conducive to China, it is to send weapons and equipment to Japan. Of course, Chen Shao will not talk so much, especially for Japan, we must weapon equipment, can, take money.

Japan is unclear, and Germany has not said to Japan. In the beginning of this, there is only Hitler and Chen Shao. Hitler is not intended to all integrate Japan, because the current Japan and the United States are close. Hitler is not optimistic about the Japanese matter. When the day, Japan is standing on the English-French, in Hitler, today's Japan is also the same. However, this matter is still implemented under the three proposals of Chen Shao. Let Hitler feel very unexpected, Japan will soon agree with the requirements of German alliance. In this regard, Hitler is only happy. After all, there is more than one ally than one enemy. Anyway, Japan looks not weak. At the same time, I have more confidence in Chen Shao and he tells the confidence in the future.

Chen Shaohe Hitler is steadily sitting on the Diaoyutai, but other countries don't think so. The distant battle of the far East, it is indeed confused a lot of people. Even Lian Dalin is somewhat uncertain by Japan, but he does not order the troops to take the lead.

Japan is also uncertain in the Soviet Union, and it is also strict not to open the first shot. Japan just get more interests, not to die with the Soviet Union. It is now the first to prepare, develop industry, and reserve military materials in Japan.

When the eyes of the world are gathered in the Far East, Japan's Joint Fleet and the Pacific Fleet of the Soviet Union meet outside the Strait of Tartar.

Just when the two fleets were getting closer, the two fleets rang alarm. A sailor ran quickly to the battle position and adjusted his own weaponry.

However, although all the alerts have been pulled, they do not have the battle command. Instead, you will not ordered soldiers, absolutely can't open the first gun. Unless it is attacked, it cannot be hit.

On a cruiser in the Soviet Pacific Fleet, Arvoski and his comrades worked together with a 105mm double-loading deputy cannon, looking at the Japanese fleet. The solar flag fluttering in the fleet is very eye-catching. In particular, several aircraft carriers, carrier's mothers, and outstanding people. However, the carrier machine is not emptied, just prepares for boosting.

The fleet of the two sides is less than the five seas, this distance is very close. Both fleets did not take the initiative to stay away from the other fleet, but instead of the straight line. Anyway, as long as you don't collide it. However, this distance, once a sea battle, the scene will definitely be super lively.

The guns of the two fleets are aimed at their respective goals, but they all restrain, and there is no fire to fire. Even the aircraft carrier in Japan is not far away, mainly because the Soviet fleet has not been threatening to Japanese fleet in addition to the Kunlun Mount Battle of China sold to them.

"That is a Japanese new battleship, which is much larger than our Battles you purchased to China. However, the bridge, is too ugly, making it so high. You see our battleship, the brush bridge is beautiful, and very There is rule. "Arvoski looked at the Fuji Camader in the distance, and took a look at the main battleship in his fleet, said a comrades next to him.

"Even so, when will we have its own main battleship. The great Soviet Red Army, even a battles can't make it, you can see people in Japan, can create more than 50,000 tons of giant ship. If we You can also build such a giant ship yourself. Today is our Yangwei Yaowu. "Allowsky's comrades said. He didn't dare to say too much, and he was afraid that he was heard by the Political Committee. This speech is very dangerous.

"That is, look at the fleet of people, then look at our fleet, it is completely unparalleled." Arvoski looked around and did not find the figure of the political commissar, said to the whitening of the comrades around me. In fact, we can't care so care, because the political commissar of this cruiser has the devil's outer number, or it can be said to be a murder, and many times have a disaster, let all the people in the ship have to be careful.

The Soviet fleet is really not enough for Japan. In addition to a battleship from China, other warships are old ship, all from the Russian period to the current warship. Not single single fire, armor is far less than, the most important thing is to lack air defense firepower. It is because of this, the Soviet Union needs to purchase the Chinese battleship to fill the facade. Putting in the Far East, in order to determlect the Japanese Navy, it is necessary to pull to the North Sea. However, now, the Japanese Navy has already had Fuji, and it is not afraid of the Soviet battleship, and the deterrence is inversely deterred.

The strong country of land and the Navy are a contradiction. The United Kingdom is a navy strong country, but he is not a strong country, the same is true in Japan. France and Germany's ideas are almost the same, and they compete for the world's first Army throne, they don't forget to develop a powerful navy. Soviet Russia is also a strong country, but it is not a navy, and even the big country is not enough. Although Su Russia has always changed this symptom, the effect has been minimal. In addition to the total tonnage, Soviet Navy, in addition to the total tonnage, it can only become a second stream.

It's especially true. If you want the ship, you have to have professional equipment and technology. After the Soviet Union oversized the queen, even the big ship has never produced, how to build tens of thousands of tons of battleship unless the Soviet Union has a second Chen Shao.

"Do you say that will it be?" Avovsky's comrades saw the Japanese fleet guns and asked whispers.

"It should not be, I have to play, I have already played it, and I wait until now, and I'm still close." Avovsky shakes his head.

"Why is why gun mouth is right?"

"Our guns are not aligned with the Japanese fleet. What is strange, nothing is to be vigilant. Once the other party attacks, then it can quickly counterattack." Avovski.

"How do you say that we will open a gun?"

"Don't do a stupid thing, if so, we have to be buried in the fish. You didn't see the Japanese fleet, so much, the guns were equal to the war broke out, we will become an attack object in the first time." Alovs Running rushing, I am afraid that my comrades really cannon, and go to experiment.

As Avovsky said, the strings of both sides were tight, as long as there is a cannon, it is likely to lead to the fight against the two countries. Because as long as the cannon sounds, no matter who can shoot, no matter whether there is any casualties, you must fight hit, and then the other party is likely to be faster than you. The sea battle is grabbing the first machine, and it is active.

If China wants to provoke the two countries, this is the best time, as long as it comes to submarines, I will launch a torpedo here, regardless of that direction, the war will not be avoided. The continuation of the sea battle, the terrestrial war will also start. If you don't control, the scale of this war will be large.

However, once the Pacific fleet of the Soviet Union is eliminated, Stalin will not give up. Other military ships Mslin may not care, but the battleship, but now the Soviet Navy's heart meat. It is the first step in the purchase of the Slin East buckle the west buckle. It is the first step in the dream of the Navy's strong country. If this dream is broken by the Japanese, the Salin will definitely beat the beans. At that time, no matter whether it is not Germany, a comprehensive war will come.

This is just a hypothesis that the truth is that the fleet of both sides has passed. There is no shock to fire the fire, and the war has no coming.

When the fleet of both parties is getting farther and farther, the officers and men of the two fleets are relieved.

On the ground, the two sides confrontation has also slowed slowly in the heart, and the two sides did not think about it.

All countries in the world are in the face of such peaks, they are very unexpected. The two countries can't get up, many people are very disappointed, but they don't say anything.

This thing has passed, but the seeds of the war have been buried, and there will always be a root a day.


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