The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 228 Andrer

34 years, the Prime Minister of Berlin.

In the Office of the Prime Minister, Andrid leaned on the sofa chair, with a leisurely, good, and in his hands. It is coming to China's tea, or a good Longjing, come to the Chinese royal family. He is unlike other Germans, it is real in tea.

China will not only train the German soldiers, but also spread their culture to the German. For East's historic cultural ancient countries, various cultures and customs, many Germans are fascinated. Some of chess, Go, Tea Department, etc. have representative cultures, which are more loved. I like it is a matter, but I have to master these things, but I can do it for two or three years. The chessman seems to be in the Germans, and the high-profile, the tea ceremony looks simple. Many people learn Chinese and began to pay attention to tea. Many of this habit is retaining when returning to Germany. On the land of Germany, the gradually floating tea, with time, tea incense is getting more and more strong.

However, the Germans also don't have a few real understanding of Chinese tea culture, more is to catch new trends, cattle chew peony. But Andrry is different from them, he is a real tea ceremony master. It is not to say that he is going deep into learning, but because his heart is really mounted in China and regards himself as a member of the Chinese.

As the high-rise in German politics, Andrer has always been a dedicated look. At the same time, he is also a good friend of Hitler, although there is no real friend in politics, but Andrer and Hitler have worked together for more than ten years, and its status, than Corin and others have high. The main thing, he is Hitler's thinking tank, Hitler's decisions are related to him.

When Andrey had just put down the tea cup, Hitler came in. Here is the office of Hitler, in addition to a few people can come in, others can't come in. And Andre is one of the few people and is free than others. This drove is still from Hitler, but many times, Andrry is enjoying.

"You are moving my Longjing, I know that this thing I will not drink every day, you are good, come to drink once, it seems that I have to put this tea next time." Hitler closed the door of the office, seeing Delhi brown tea on the sofa, and said it was uncomfortable. Hitler is not angry. Every time I see Andrea is coming here, I will say it once.

Andrer has become accustomed to Hitler, he is clear, Hitler is not angry. He knows Hitler's character, which has always been very generous to treat some specific characters and things. But I have never stopped in verbal.

"Oh, look at the tea here, help you consume consumption." Andrid smiled and said, after finishing, I also poured a cup for Hitler: "Sit down and have products, it tastes good."

"Of course, it is good, this is the top good tea in China, can't buy money." Hitler sat opposite Andrian, and the tea cup was gone, and a look is very enjoyable.

"After four years ago, the Prime Minister also liked the Chinese things, and the tea ceremony was like a life. After bitter, it was always accompanied by sweetness." Andre said.

"Your sentence reminds me of your encounter, I also remembered all kinds of people happened in the bar. In prison, I regret that I didn't listen to you. After you persuade me, use Chinese words. Said, Saire lost his horse to know the blessing. Your thoughts are verified by one, sometimes I am doubtful. You are not a prophet. It's just a few more than ten years. But your wisdom is talented, but The more I admire me. "Hitler took a tea cup and slowly opened.

Time retrospective, at the end of July 19, Hitler is ordered to go to Lisfel's shelter, and the German prisoners who have been captured during the war are tendency. In September, Hitler received an order from the Army Political Department, asked him to investigate a small political group who claimed to be "German Workers". In this way, Hitler has met with a special agent to say that only 56 (history is 54 people) at the time. This party's program is a socialist, nationalism and anti-odor hodgepodge. Due to Hitler, when he was listening to this small party, he had devised a remarks of Bavaria from Prussian and integrated with Austria. He immediately caused attention and interest in participants immediately. Two days later, Hitler suddenly received a postcard, inform him that he has been accepted at the German Workers' Party, and it began him to feel "yet again and fun."

However, after a deep thinking, Hitler decided to become the 57th member of the party and served as the seventh member of the party's Bureau. In that small meeting, Hitler has firmly realized some future German military political officers. And there is always a non-dewful Andrry, "inadvertently" showed his ability in front of Hitler, and immediately got the appreciation of Hitler. Over time, the links between the two were close. After that, Andrid became a look of Hitler.

In the conversation between many times and Andre, Hitler said his ideal. Already waiting to climbard on the side of the side, personally put it on the side, personally stratet it to Hitler, support him to transform this small Labor Party in accordance with his own opinions and goals, and then he knows his thoughts and frontline experience. Implementation in a political movement.

With the help of Andrid, Hitler gradually powerfully in hand, and the authority in the hand in the hand is large enough to further consolidate its position in the party, he re-arranged the party's daily management. Then, in the grass, the party's chairman, the tone is anti-Semitism, nationalism and "social requirements", which, in addition to Jews, almost everyone can get a little sweet. In order to attract the masses, he uses the nationalism and socialist trend prevalent in Germany, and the German workers' party is officially renamed "National Socialist German Workers Party", which is the predecessor of Nazi.

23 years of bar riots, Hitler thought that he saw the dawn of success. I didn't pay attention to the advice of Andrid, resolutely led 600 armed people, and attacking the beer can and the Bavarian government three giants at the time. This ** is finally ended in failure. When Hitler et al., Hitler remembered Andrry's advice, and the heart was very regretted to listen to Andre's advice.

Corin (Golin) and others also had a very far from Andria. At that time, the head of the work party was nothing to do. Afterwards, many people also understand the Ability of Andrry, and they also changed him as a ghost, and they also changed their minds.

"Those who have passed, we will look at the future. Nowadays, the axis is built. We look also have two powerful allies, and there is a potential allies of the Chinese Empire. But people must rely on themselves. You can't pin your destiny in those allies. "Andre said slowly.

"Oh, what does this mean, you are worried that they will be inverted." After listening to Andri, Hitler frowned.

"China and our interests are very deep, we can rest assured. But Italy and Japan are different, don't forget how Italian in the battle is performance. Italy nowly allocates, because of a battle The interests of the other country are uneven. Italians believe that they are a winner, but they can't get too many interests. After a war, they will hate the British and Japan and other countries, which leads to the Italian meeting and our alliance. For this wall In the grass, we must pay attention to and be vigilant. We can't expect him too much. "Andrid thinks again:" Japan is also similar to Italy, although the relationship between China and Japan is not very good, but Japan is more hated. US. The explosive of the economic crisis, the large number of products in the United States dumped into Japan, which caused the Japanese strong dissatisfaction. Only the Japanese is in China's blockade, so as long as we support, Japan Will join us, they want to borrow our hands, go to the US trade control. But for the Japanese nation, I think there is still no need to have more expectations. Mainly lack of resources in Japan, there is no guarantee for domestic demand, a lot of things It is necessary to rely on imports. And we have no strength to support Japan, but also be alert to Japan and be careful to make a million ships.

Andrene, Jetler didn't know how to say it. As sole that both the two allies in Germany were not seen by Andrid. If these words are saying, Hitler may be a windshield. And now these words are Andre. Therefore, this Hitler did not dare to pay attention.

"If this is the case, then our situation is not very dangerous." Hitler thought about it.

"What is the danger of the Prime Minister?" Andrea said.

"Once the war begins, it is the country where you can rebell it at any time. We don't get never aid." Hitler said.

"So before the war, the least want to decompose italy, Japan is a whirling, but Italy is around Germany. Once the Italy is inverting, then our situation is not wonderful." Andre said.

"What do we need to do? Take the Mussolini. Still monitors the entire Italy." Hitta.

"I don't have to be so troubles, I have a plan, but I need to get your consent. When you have finished reading this plan, you will know how to do it when you have it." Andre said.


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