The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 2959 Clears Republican

After Hitler read the Program of Andrian, he took a nodded: "This plan is very good, there is enough toxic."

The angle of Andrey is slightly leaving: "This is a section, mainly to break the way ite of Italy."

"China is very close, and Japan and China's relationship is very bad. I am worried that China will have a good job in Japan, and we must declare war to China. If you say something like this Things, what should we do? "Let's put down the file in your hand, Hitta.

"China is our potential allies, and our Germany is also in the past 20 years. I think the China will never be able to do it in Japan. As for the development of China, I don't need to consider it at all. Don't need to consider. Say a Japanese, it is three Japan's role in Germany, and there is no Chinese commence. However, we must also consider clearly, will not be cold, other allies. "Andrene thought about it again:" Now When I don't think about these things, the Chinese have a saying that the boat is naturally straight to the bridge. We don't have to worry too much, and you don't know how to develop. "

"Well! It is too far away." Hitler nodded, obviously agreed with Andrry.

"Now, we have to consider things in front of you. This is also the same today, I am here." Andrend.

"Is there any exact news?" I heard the things under Andre, Hitler lit up. I can't wait to ask.

"No, Xing Deng is already no longer. Although he now has some famous positions, we need to be more famous. As long as you want to see God, the Prime Minister will continue to serve the whole German military and political affairs. The rightness of the power is nominal. "Andrend.

Hitler nodded, and today's Germany has been controlled in the Labor Party, the Republic of Weimar is actually a name. Only the position of the president is still in the hands of Xingdeng, and the time is not mature because the timing is not rushing. It is always a step by step. Time is now mature, Xingdeng Fort will die, let Hitler are very excited.

"But some things can start to do." Hitler said faintly.

Andrid nodded and said: "It's ready, wait for Prime Minister to Directive."

Nowadays, although Germany is controlled by the Labor Party, some departments have also fallen in the hands of the Republican Party. What Hitler said, it is to remove some people. I used to look at the face of Xingdenburg. Now it is already a prosperous castle in the day, Hitler is not so polite.

The ambitious Hitler has always been thinking about Chen Shao, ** is his biggest obsession. He has achieved the goal of establishing ** with the help of the power already mastered. Therefore, when he took the prime position, the President of Xingdenburg announced that the discovery of the Congress will hold a new election. Hitler believes that he will reject the national political parties in the election, and establish a party rule system. It also enacted the "Protecting the German People's Law" to extensive restrictions on opposition, especially the promotional activities of the Republican Socialist Party in the campaign. Exception of Prussian Parliament to make Prussian ministers. Corin can take over the police station to create conditions for the Labor Party in Prussian **. Subsequently, the so-called "assistant police" composed of the members of the assault team, the party guards and the helmet, and took over the police sector from all over the region, and established a centralized camp in all major districts, and held thousands of Communists, socialists and other people. Anti-fascist warrior. On the other hand, Hillet also secretly pulled the national defense army and big capitalists to achieve their support and win the election.

In order to completely fight against his own strength, the Labor Party also made a lot of the Capitol cases that shocked at home and abroad, and married it in the German Communists, and set off an unprecedented anti-communist wave in China, resulting in the agencies of Germany Destroy, thousands of German cadres were arrested and were forced to transfer to the underground. In this incident, the arrested personnel also have socialistists and other famous people.

Hitler also promulgated "Protect People and National Law" called "Congress Act" after the incident, and authorized the government to take over the powers of the state. With the participation of the assault team and the Party Guard, he made the state, especially those who were not in the Labor Party. Since then, the sovereignty "integration" of the states, the legal system of Germany tends to solve the basis of the party rule of the Labor Party.

Hitler's "long knife night" incident in the implementation of Hemlai planning, Heiderich is responsible for the executive "long knife", and eradicate the head of the head of Rom and the former Prime Minister Schlece, the former force of the Director Burdo and other large numbers Pairman. Taking this big suppression and weakened the opposition within the party, he obtained the support of the National Defense Force and President Xingden, and consolidated its own forces.

After the Parliamentary election, the Labor Party received 43.8% votes, and the National People's Party received an 8% votes. Although the two rulings received 51.8% votes, but they did not receive 2/3, so they could not guarantee It is an extremely important legislation through some for them. So March 23 Hitler is hard and hard, and finally he has requested the authorization law. With it, Hitler has legislative power in the four-year term, you can take the Congress and the members, and do not allow them to ask. The authorization method is the so-called "legal" final step in Hitler in the road, and it is also the basis of establishing his "head of state". After Hitler has this authorization law, a series of regulations will be promulgated. Through the revocation of the administrative district of the state, he will construct a political organization other than the Labor Party to disperse the four aspects of the country's trade union, destroy the opposition, controlling economic and cultural in the Nazi sports, so that all fields have further implemented "integration" . In this way, Hitler has basically ended the ** activity from the top, and established a fascist-based rule of the Labor Party.

Just at this time, the age of Xingdeng is dying. This provides Hitler with a great opportunity to focus on its hands in their hands. Hitler immediately enacted a law to combine the two positions of the president and the Prime Minister. One, called the army and judges and officials to swear to him. As the heads and prime ministers, he has become a separate dedicated person of the national regime, integrating all political social institutions outside the army and church.

This action has made many things should be, and many people have found that the Weimar government of the German is that the Weiman government that has been realized. Replacing a ** Nazi government.

Afterwards, Hitler truly in the sense of German military and political power, no one can fight against him. The title of the head of state is also spread, and Hitler also pro-person to serve the highest military commander in Germany. Hitler, who has already wandered a large number of officers, and issued these bills, there is no resistance in the army, but the soldiers have also strongly agree.

Subsequently, Hitler announced that Germany has once again expanded to 300,000. Since the Germany will have seventy-thousand regular troops. The "Versailles Contract" has been torn, and Hitler began to let go.

This is not only a French protest. The country around Germany is the same, who makes the current Germany have threatened the entire European strength. However, the British attitude is still very unclear. On the name, it also called for Europe's peace and prosperity. There is no practical movement, and in the dark or consistently adopted a prospecting policy for Germany.

Original Hitler recruits 300,000, just try the reactions of countries. As a result, Hitler's expectations, especially the action of the UK, so Hitler's heart. This time, gambling is a gambling, the original Hitler is still planning once the situation is not good, it is immediately in the order of recruiting troops. The true eruption of war province.

Nowadays, I have seen that the British and Mi and other countries are only protesting in their mouths. After do not actually act, the ambition of Hitler is more expanded, and it also contributes to Germany's arrogance.

When Hanjing, Chen Shao, who truly mastered Germany's military power in Hitler, has been street.

Chen Shao is very clear, the Sino-German is two-profit, and the division is destined. To say that Chen Shao has been supported from Germany, there are many reasons for this. In the First World War, Chen Shao did not have a way to establish its business channels and other countries. It is mainly because there is still a US, and it is also very generous, weapon equipment is accounting. At that time, Chen Shao couldn't fight with the United States. Germans can only be sold.

There is another reason to make money. The world has no higher sales than the profits of selling arms. China has a waste of money, and it is official to officially need a big fund. Weapons trade, the money is the fastest, and it is still a gold payment. It can be said that China can now have such a fast development, and a large part of the profit is the profit of arms business.

The last reason is that China needs Germany to stand up, attract the attention of the world, calling them not to stare at China, but also pay attention to Germany.

Although Zhongde is very intimate, it is still the same, everything is interest. The country is in the country, and it can be sold for the benefit, only the value is not worth it. Italy in World War II is a good example.

So for Germany, Chen Shao also left a lot of backhand while supporting them. He is very clear about the truth of raising the tiger. At the same time as the British and Mei Su, the British and Mei Su, and did not relax the vigilance of Germany. Many secret chess pieces have been buried in Germany, as long as they come to a critical moment, these chess pieces will play their role.

Chen Shao is a lot of points to Hitler, but there are a lot of things, they are all until. The skill of the tiger is absolutely will never let the German know.


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