The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 269 Sweeping Toma

Just two hours in the Air Force 1st, a command quickly appeared in the hands of the Mongolian intelligence department.

This part of the order is very concise: arrest all Soviet staff.

As for the evidence that Chen Shao said, the intelligence department has mastered a lot. The Soviet Union is thinking about the bill, but can't.

Cullen City Center, Longteng Shopping Square. In a huge basement in the shopping plaza, dozens of intelligence personnel are gathered together. They are the main force of the Soviet agents, and they are not responsible for the arrest of their work. Their purpose is to carry out the road to the arrested police and armed police force.

"All the footsteps of the Soviet staff are determined to have it? They will not return to the gathering place in the evening." After all of the leaders, all people who have gathered, and take the lead in opening the mouth.

"I am responsible for the point of confirmation, according to the latest information, these Soviet workers gathered in this evening, discuss how to deal with the current increasingly worse situation. So, I have no problems here."

"Very good, other teams? Is there any confirmation?" Lead and open.

"I am responsible for monitoring, there is no problem. According to our nearly 20 days of investigation, it is already possible that these Soviet workers will come to my surveillance point every day. I believe that if there is no accident Nor did not cause the other party's alert, this arrested action will be smooth. "

"I have no problem in the point where I am responsible. When I come to meet, the Soviet staff is in the inside. According to the latest news, my observation point has not seen the Soviet staff coming out."

"I am responsible for monitoring the foothold ..."

... "While we are not directly responsible for arresting tasks, with other departments are our main responsibility. We must guarantee the foothold of each Soviet agent, the intelligence is accurate. You are all old means, very clear Don't bring any consequences of raising. This is not just the face, the most important, upper peak requirements, all grasped, and one is clear. "


"Very good, action time is 8 o'clock in the evening, you must understand the details of each drop point before the initial start of the action. Now you will prepare!"

---------- At the same time, Xia Mengyu personally came to the Office of the Ministry of Public Security. The two were only talking about five minutes in the office. At the time, a command was quickly conveyed to the Mongolian police department and the armed police department.

In the police station in Kurun, a policeman with only one hand is looking into the document. The monk's policeman called Xu Genbao, the director of the Kurang Police Department.

Xu Genbao was originally a breech in the National Defense Force. The injury of the arm is when the war of China, leaving. He belongs to the fourth army, and when he attacked Japanese Hongkou, the Japanese soldiers hiding in the house, throwing out the grenades blowing a left hand. And when he was fighting, in the injured person, his rank was the highest.

Although it has passed the past eleven years, the Secretary is also infinitely remembering the life of the soldiers. If it is not disabled, it is impossible to continue to stay in the troops. He is now absolutely one of the National Defense Forces.

After the injury, Xu Genbao can only choose to transfer. Police departments of the police department can also match guns, which is another battlefield. And because Xu Genbao's position in the army, it will be adjusted here. Here he touched the gun again, although it was not allowed to shoot, Xu Genbao is already very satisfied.

In Kurang District, Xu Genbao is still in the seven or eight years, and he also has a step by step to see the development speed here. It can be said that every month can be changed once, and the Mongolian is getting faster and faster.

At this time, the phone on the table rang. When he watched the phone, he heard a very important order, and Yan Xishan called.

"All police and armed police troops in Mongolia must cooperate with the Chinese special departments, combating the spies of malicious propaganda. At that time, there will be information directly to find you."

Xu Genbao listens to the command of the command, in the heart. In the past few days, he also known a twice, some people promoted Mongolian independent news in the Mongolia. Originally, he still wants to wait for this to figure out a little, and report it to the top. But he didn't think that the above is already known here, and there is already a response measures.

Special sectors, Xu Genbao did not care, Yan Xishan did not say, he now needs to have a task to make him active activities. When the Director, he sat in the office every day, he felt that he was so born.

In the conference room of the Cullen Police Department, Xu Baogen immediately held a meeting immediately after receiving the command.

At the beginning of the meeting, Xu Baogen conveyed the command of Yan Xishan. And on the end, add a sentence: "I will bring the team personally to implement this task."

"Director, you should be in the overall situation, how can you go to the first line." I heard the Secretary who wanted to bring the team in person, and the deputy director stood up. Like Xu Bauben, the deputy director has already rusted rusted, and he also wants to have a good event.

"I am a director, I decided to." Xu Baogen did not move. He has already set up an idea, and he must personally bring the team, who is useless.

Don't look at him now, it is still very powerful. The average person, there are a few he not in the eyes, after all, the bottom is there. The so-called dead camel is bigger than the horse. At that time, you can explain that he is not simple.

"But the Secretary, if the peak knows, you will be a good job, then you can't afford it, I still take it!" Xu Baogen did not give up, the deputy director did not give up. This is a very rare opportunity, what do you have to work hard.

"I am responsible for it. I still don't know your mind, nothing more than going to add addiction." Xu Baogen has directly said the deputy director.

Just when the two were arguing, the two wearing a very ordinary person came in. The people did not have too many nonsense, took out their own documents: "The two we have started from now on your wizard, responsible for finding the target of the goal."

I was still in confused. How did these two people come in? After hearing them, Xu Baogen is also relieved, since it is a special department, it is nothing to enter here.

"We are going to all the way, or the soldiers are multiple roads." Asked the deputy director.

"There are many goals, so we hope that you can have a police officer as much as possible. The Kurang police station must form three police force. Two participation in action, the last one is a backup force. Where does I need support?"

If you come, let Xu Baogen and Deputy Director have to fight back. Now the two is asked.

------------- A house in the suburbs of Kulen, the night gradually covers the earth, and the fine snowflakes are floated.

Many people have gathered in the people. After a day of speech, everyone has some dry tongue. But now they have not thought of drinking water, and these days have encountered their determination to complete the task.

The people here are not listening to their speeches. These people are those who can say that they will say, and the cultivation of the Soviet staff is already a group of qualified policers. In order not to cause the rebound of the Mongol, these people who promote the promotion are Mongolians. In the Chinese one, he left Mongolia with these Soviet people. They all had some independent parts, and they wanted to make Mongolia independent. And when they are all afraid of China to clean them, and they calculate the general ledger. After all, these people are not clean.

They all thought that this time returned to Mongolia, the task should be very smooth, then how to say, in the first time, the minimum can be pulled out of a weak force. At that time, once the Soviet assistance, you can form an armed force. This can be confrogated with China, as long as there is a constant support of the Soviet Union, there will be more and more Mongolian responses. In this way, Mongolia is independent of the late morning. Many of them are fantasy. At that time they are the Kingdom of Yuanxun, absolutely visible.

The idea is very good, but the reality is very cruel.

Everything here beyond their expectation, although they have been investigated, but they ignore the desire of Mongolians to stabilize and happiness in life. The painting cake is full of true interests to be more intoxicated. So their actions are destined to fail.

These days, they have spent half, but they will drive the people. Many of them are because they look at the face of the Mongol, just drive them, some radicals, and it is also normal.

"Really unlucky, I was smashed in a few stones today. Fortunately, they are all small stones. Otherwise, they don't have to be killed by stones, and I don't know if this day is a head." A Soviet staff full of green purple Sigh.

"The same, if I run fast, I am now likely to go to the police prison." Another Soviet staff said. Recalling today's experience, he feels cold sweat. He didn't think of this situation at all, and he was chased by a few people on the back. I think of it, my heart is awkward.

"The most tragic thing is that people who go to speakers with me are not said. I was also sent to the police station. I estimate that we have exposed it now. It's really unlucky."

In the third person, the resonance of everyone in the house is caused. Now they are most afraid of falling in China, because they are clear, don't say that the previous generation is, it is now a movement, once it is caught, it is not delayed.

Just, they are still unclear, from them to the first day of Mongolia, they are the tool of the Soviet. Before you have dreamed of the spring and autumn dreams.


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