The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 270 arrested the policeman

The night is filled, and the three black bulletproof vans drive out of the main streets of the police station, turning into the Culen Central Avenue. Walking in the roadblock in steel molate. The speed is very urgent, when three vans sailed out of the city of Kurun, slow down. The car crushed several small snow piles, and the snowflakes splashed.

The front of the car suddenly turned sharply and took into a small road covered. The two vans behind also followed, and the snow in the trail was milled two small grooves. The distance has been faintly obvious to see the light, the lights are all extinguished, and the cars have slowed down speed. The sound of the engine is also reduced.

When there is about two hundred meters away from the light, the three cars stopped. The doors on both sides of the three vans were unscrupulous, and more than a dozen full armed police jumped under the charter.

Xu Baogen left from the first van's cab, as the intelligence personnel of this team, also walked under the chartered car. No one speaks, the scene is very quiet.

The intelligence person who will take the way out of the hunting flashlight, and it is very polite toward the far wood. Immediately, there was a little bright in the woods, and there was also regular flashes.

After reading the reply, the intelligence personnel took the reply, took a harmonic flashlight, nodded to Xu Baogen, who was a team, and put his finger to the distance.

Xu Baogen also nodded and schematically knew it. Immediately, the policeman surrounded by a dispelled gesture, and also pointed the finger to the light of the light.

Unplugged your own pistol, Xu Baogen touched his house with a dozen policemen. When they are only 30 meters from the residence, they can already be seen in the window and see the shadow of the light. But I can't hear the sound, obviously the people inside are very small.

Ten policemen and Xu Bauben are the same, the cat is moving, soon, I will survey this people. After a sharp whistling, the front-rear police have been prepared, and it is broken.

When five or six police officers rushed in, the four five Soviet workers inside have not yet been reflected, and the attack on the police hand has been aligned with them.

"Not allowed, raise your hands."

The Soviet government in the continuous drink is still shocked. In the face of this sudden scene, they have some reactions that will not react. When they are eager, they are reflected in the eyes of a black police uniform, and the dazzling silver emblem on the police hat.

Warning the sound and the cold muzzle, let people inside do not dare to move, excite some unnecessary actions, attracting the other's bullets.

The fire in the house burned "" ", the stove is still stewing the broth, and the room is a meat. However, people inside have no mood to manage this. After seeing the situation inside, the other people have also walked into the house.

Xu Bauben and the team of intelligence have come in.

"1, 2, ... 5, it is no mistake! You confirm it again." Xu Baogen looked at the target of the guns and asked the intelligence staff around me.

"There is no mistake, these five people are target characters, one is not less."

Get confirmed, Xu Baogen nodded: "All toned, bring back to the police station."

I heard the order, and Xu Baogen walked out of five police officers and walked over the five people under the muzzle.

The five people were sitting together. After the police came, all stood up and they were close. I heard the sound of the break before, and I saw the Chinese police. They are all clear about what is going on, and it is expected to have this day before, but they all think that this day will come so fast.

Seeing getting closer and closer police, more than two people look at each other. By having three people on the front, quietly put it into the pocket, pick up two wooden grenades from inside. The cover has been unshed and the lead has been exposed.

This is the backup they are prepared. It is now a crucial moment and intends to fight. China has a strict gun management. They have no way to get guns. These two grenades are not easy. They have not returned to China when Mongolia has not returned to China.

The two did not hesitate at all, and pulled out the lead in the moment. At the same time, I shouted with the three companions in front of the Mongolian: "Run."

Just when the two wanted to throw the grenade to the middle of the police, ", " two guns, the two men's head bones were opened, and the grenades who have already pulled out the leads down to the ground.

After a "bedding", a violent explosion in the room, in the quiet night, the sound of the cannon spread out. The surrounding residents have lit, walk out of the house, want to see what happened.

The smoke gradually dissipated, except for the two Soviet workers who were directly killed, the other three were too close to grenades, although they did not die, but also injured.

Other policemen stand up. Fortunately, in addition to the two relatively close police have been slightly injured, others are nothing.

Xu Baogang has a sigh of relief, and a shot of the two grabbed is him, and another shot is the intelligence person next to it. The guns of the two are similar, and the two people behind are just high, but it is also limited. The two bullets wipe the scalp of the previous people and directly hit the head cover of the two.

"Thank you, it seems that I have time to learn to learn." Xu Baogen took the pistol and said to the intelligence staff around us.

"Don't thank you, this is what we should do." Intelligence personnel also put away the pistol.

When two people were opposed, the two of the two fell in the eyes of intelligence personnel. He is good at observation, and these two people are not willing to hit their hands and are brewing. Then he pulled the sleeves of Xu Baogen and took a pistol. Xu Baogen saw he pulled his pistol and launched his own sleeves and did not hesitate, and pulled out his own gun.

"Quickly run" is Mongolian, but for the police and intelligence personnel in the house, they should understand that there is no problem. After all, they are working here, very familiar with Mongolians.

And these two words have also become the signal of Xu Bauben two people. The two have no hesitation, no matter what conspiracy, it is the best way. Although it is to be caught in the command, there is no requirement to catch it. They all know how to choose to know more than the police of the police.

After standing more than three people heard the shouts of the two, they immediately ran away, two gunshots, they have not reacted. However, the moving figure also reveals the grenade, and under the light, you can also see the head of the grenades and waves.

Xu Baogency should not think more, his hand is broken by his hand, seeing the stuff, immediately shouting: "Relinking." I also pounce directly on the ground.

When I heard Xu Bauben, other policemen didn't have hesitized, directly rushing on the ground.

All this happens too fast, just two or three seconds, and the Buddha is two or three hours. All brains have not been turned, and the explosion sounds. Fortunately, the physical ability of the body reflects the reaction time of the brain, so, in addition to the relatively close people, there is no matter what others do. Thanks to it, it is timely, although this grenade is not very big, but it is easy to kill one or two people.

The most tragic is the three Soviet staff, they don't know what happened, from pull the lead to the explosion, time is only five or six seconds. And these are all behind them, they have no time to respond, and they are blown up.

The smoke is exhausted, and the three people are blood, fell to the ground mourning.

Xu Baogen first looked at the two policemen who were injured. The two were just scratched by the slice. In addition to the wounds, they were only skin injuries, and they did not live dangerous. The people helped them two simple bandaged wounds, stop the blood of the wound.

I saw the three injured Soviet staff, a blind, and shake his head:

"Going to the ambulance, it is really unlucky."

At this time, there have been many residents in the outside to visit. Xu Baogen walked outside the house, did not wait for him to open, there have been many people who ask him what is going on.

"The police brother, what is the just explosion? Is it that you are catching a prisoner?"

"Police big brother, what is going on, scare us a big jump."

"Police big brother, how so big movement."

...... Xu Baogen reached out the right hand pressure, indicating that everyone is quiet, wait until a variety of questions, the sound is small, he will open:

"We are ordered to catch a few poor and evil gangsters. When arresting, we have encountered a gangster's resistance. In order to refuse, the gangsters detonated two grenades. I brought a lot of inconvenience, this is our dereliction of delivery. But Now the gangsters have been uniform, and the folks can go back to rest first. "

"Then there is no damage, do you want it, I have medicine, do you want to come over."

"No, the ambulance will come over ..."

All the evening, the police and armed police around Cullen have been busy. All the policies of the Soviet Union have been captured, and they have a few people together, some are more than a dozen, some are only one. It is very smooth to catch the catch, and there is trouble.

Many of these Soviet workers have been harmonious, and many of them have a desperate idea when seeing the first eye of the police. In their view, it is also a dead in the hands of the Chinese government, it is better to fight, maybe there may be a chance to escape.

Only, their desperation is futile, and many people who participate in arrests are all armed police troops. Although their combat power has no active troops, they are not they resist. It is those policemen, they are not they resist. There is only one in the next place, that is, they can't see the sun tomorrow.


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