The Red Alert Republic

The second chapter of the mushroom cloud in the northwest of the north (on)

There are fitated "small towns" standing in the Roboyi base.

It is said that it is a strange thing because of this "small town", and the resident houses and other facilities are complete, and there are poultry livestock, but no one has lived. And many weapons and equipment are placed on the air around the "small town".

From the China First Generation Aircraft Battle -1 to the Battle Eagle-2, and even the third generation is still in the fighter in the test. The bomber is also available, like a fighter, from the bomber in the third generation test. These aircraft are freely parked around the "small town".

In the weapons and equipment, the most is the tank armored car, from the initial first generation tank, to the Chinese tiger and Chinese leopard, and the third generation tanks that have been in the test. The armored car is also a five-flowers, what functions are, sweeping, infantry battles, armored assault vehicles, etc. Today's national defense army main armored vehicles, and there are also models of self-edible artillery, and army support artillery.

This "small town" looks a bit like a weapons and equipment exhibition event, but this exhibition is not a viewer, and these things are not here to visit people. They are only placed here as the test items so that follow-up data collected after the test.

In "small towns", there is a lot of live materials, and poultry livestock has a lot. In the middle of "Town", a high tower stands. Tower up to 100 meters, all of which are composed of iron steel, which looks unusually sturdy. At the top of the iron tower, a big round, the diameter of the ball is almost three meters.

The ball is the protagonist of this nuclear physics, the first nuclear bomb, code: emperor.

In the early morning, a armored vehicle came to this calm "town", and the armored vehicle came directly to the high tower. A researchers wearing white coat walked down the armored car and climbed the tower directly.

China's first atomic bomb is a way to explode on the tower. That is to first install the atomic bomb in the ground, can't insert up tube, and then hung to the top of the tower, fix, inspect, test, etc. After the completion of various work, finally insert detonator. In addition to the work of the mantilla, other work has been prepared before the day before yesterday. The test will be opened today, and the work of the mantil tube is also carried out today.

The "small town" in the tower is on the big Gobi of Robé, because the local multi-sand, the temperature difference in the morning and evening is very large, and the research technician is very difficult to work in the tower. In addition to harsh natural conditions, it is the natural swing of the tower. Under such difficult operating conditions, there must be a large number of thunderies in danger, and huge difficulties and psychological stress can be imagined.

Whether the atomic bomb can be explored, it will look at the last plotted tube. This is because the detonator can be inserted in the correct position according to the regulations, directly affecting whether the atomic bomb can be synchronized, otherwise the atomic bomb explosion test has failed.

At this time, in the control center of the Roboy, everyone gathered together. Chen Shao family, Zhang Lingpu, Mrs. Einstein and Nhali and his other physics researchers, plus all staff, and the control center has gathered nearly 100 people. They are quietly sitting in the chair and look at the research technician in the front display in the "small town".

The entire control center is silent, and there is no one person to speak. They are all clear that the experiment has reached the key moment. For more than a decade, it is at this moment.

After the scientific research technician has checked it, it has been confirmed to the camera with the gesture. After he slowly climbed the high tower, and took the armored car to leave. Everyone in the entire control center seems to be in the past, waiting for a long time. Especially in such a key moment, it seems to be a century in a century.

After the armored cars disappeared, the instruments in the control center began to take a drop in the monitoring.

"The control center and the emperor have been established."

"The data of the emperor is normal."

"Emperor's detonation work can start at any time."

... With the sound of the voice, the work of nuclear physics experiments has been fully prepared.

Chen Shao looked down and said on the Einstein around: "The nuclear test starts on time, there is an hour of time, and then check it again. I hope this is a perfect nuclear explosion."

For this highly meaningful nuclear explosion, Chen Shao is highly hoped, he doesn't want to see disappointment. Although the entire experiment process has been checked in numerous times, he still instead check it again.

"Well!" Einstein nodded, did not say anything to Chen Shao, he also wants to ensure that there is no loss.

"Our soldiers also have the right to know. Today is the time to let them know, let them know what is more than three years." Chen Shao said on Zhang Lingpu around him.

"Principal, you are planning ..." Zhang Lingpu Road.

Chen Shao's words made Zhang Lingpu were confused, and there was no such plan before. In the morning, he ordered all the soldiers to stay in the base, ordered to be out of anyone, and today stopped the post mission.

"The command is going down, all the staff in the base is an urgent collection, and the monitoring screen is received in front of everyone. I have to share this grand event with everyone." I haven't waited for Zhang Lingpu, Chen Shao directly ordered. In his heart, these soldiers are an indispensable member of this plan, they are also qualified to know these things.

"Yes." Zhang Lingpu stood up and respects the troops. Then I turned and left, and he agreped with this move. However, there is no such part of the previous plans, and he is not good to open the request. These three years of loneliness, Zhang Lingpu is very clear, he also wants all soldiers to know that these three years of loneliness is meaningful.

Zhang Lingpu is very clear that the base defenders are very disciplined on confidentiality. But for three years, they don't know what they are guarding, and they are absolutely unable to make a mice. The topic of the soldiers is: What do we do here?

Sun Xingzheng and his comrades are waiting in the dormitory, discuss why today does not have to go out patrol. Such orders have surprised them, because after the first day of their first day, it is 365 days a year, no matter whether it is a wind, it has not stopped attendance. Today's orders are still in the first three years, and everyone is not allowed to go out of the base. And now, all soldiers throughout the base are talking about today's strange command.

The base of the base can be said to be very strict, it can be said to be very loose. Especially on the chat topic, there is basically not much limitations, as long as it is not to reveal the news here. As for in the base, I want to say what to say, unlike other troops, there is no restriction here. This is also a point of compensation for soldiers and relaxed in the military discipline. After all, he is standing in this bird, every day is a boring life, and those who look at those people and the objects that are not familiar have been familiar. In some aspects, relaxing policies is also too bored by soldiers.

All soldiers were waiting at the base in the base, the soldiers' dormitory space is very large, and each dormitory can install a full construction step soldier, Sun Xing is a full of forty people.

"You said, how can you do today, such an order, I have encountered it once, not just let us not have to go to the mouse pit, even the other dedicated brothers don't have to go out, this can be rare enough." Sun Xing opened.

The mouse nest is the name of the warrior's shape. In the unpoprecious desert, nearly 100 kilometers around the base, the underground is not a number of observation of the post. In addition to the necessary patrols, the soldiers are generally a group of two people responsible for a viewing post, a day three classes. Today, all the posts are empty.

"It is estimated that there is something today, and there is a happiness of the base. It's rare to take a day." A warrior lying on his bed and puts his own weapons. The silver white pistol is flexible in his fingers, and a gun flower is drawn.

"To say, how can we know, what we know, even if we don't want to know, we will also know. Don't we know, inquire, I am not used, and another warrior is holding a piece of meat. Torn at time, torn a little one to feed the military dog. Braffled life, in addition to comrades, these military dogs as the best partners soldiers.

"Now I am most concerned, we can go home when we will go home. I haven't seen my loved ones for a few years." A soldier took out the photo in the bag.

"I think this is an opportunity. Maybe we can go back soon." A warrior repeatedly disassembled, assemble his pistol, every day patrol task and training, constantly disassembly organization weapons, already His biggest pleasure. A pistol in his hand, as long as a few breathing, you can turn into a bunch of parts, a dazzling, just disassembled parts, will become a pistol.

"How is this sentence explain?" When he heard his comrades, Sun Xing asked.

"The truth is very simple, I have been guessing, here is to study secret weapons. Today's move is the most abnormal, I believe that the secret weapon is almost, and it is very likely to test secret weapons, otherwise Where do we need to stay in the base, it is not allowed to go out. As long as the secret is successful, then our mission can relax a lot, then, we should arrange us to go back to visit relatives. "

Those researchers in the base can meet the soldiers every day. Since there are many researchers here, the secret weapons in the mouth of the soldiers are naturally not a hole.

In the past three years, the issue of secret weapons has been a topic of the soldiers to talk to the top of the meals. Some said that it is a super tank, and some is a super airplane, no matter whether it is right, wait for them to witness the historic moment.


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