The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 275 Chapter of the Mushroom Cloud in the Northwest (below)

This sentence, causing resonance of other soldiers in the dormitory, in the task, only to increase the training intensity to paralyze themselves, and the province is always the relatives and friends in the family. The army has the discipline of the army. When they put on military uniform, they have intended to pay everything in this country and the nation. It is ruthlessly non-grass, even if it is a soldier who is rebellion, miss the far-reaching loved ones, it is the temperament of people, it is normal.

Before Chen Shao said, after the test, the person who gave the base was taken for a while. Only Zhang Lingpu did not immediately announce this order. He thought of the trial, then announced the news.

Now the soldiers in the base are already discussing this problem, although this is only the expectations of soldiers, but they are just their tricks.

There is another hour of the nuclear test, and the base has a command of Zhang Lingpu urgent collection.

"I am Zhang Lingpu, publish the latest command, special forces, and the officers of the officers to lightly loaded to the 1st hall."

Still discuss the soldiers in the discussion, immediately put down the movements on the hand, immediately ran out the dormitory. The elements of each series have been waiting outside, after the emergency collection.

"Note." Various rows.

"1, 2, 3 ..."

"Reporting is long, the total collection is complete."

"Turn left, the target No. 1 hall, run forward." Even the long shot.

In the base, a long dragon is slowly collected together, and is a collection of No. 1 hall.

The hall is the largest hall in the base, the next layer of the experimental weapon library, the next layer of the abbreviated weapon library. The Hall 1 is equivalent to the General Assembly Hall, usually as a soldier's performance, and the events of various activities.

After entering the hall, under the command of each of the elegance, the soldiers took out the portable folding stool from a small warehouse in the hall, and sat in the hall.

In front of the hall, the small town outside the base is in the eye. The picture is not separate, but a big screen that makes up with all the displays, it looks very clear, but it can be seen very clearly. After the speaker is connected, even the cold wind has blown through the small town and the small town. The sound can be heard very well.

Seeing this town, many soldiers are very familiar. Because many of them participated in the construction of this town, they originally thought it would build a soldier town. Only after the construction is completed, they have never been to.

After that, it was banned that the patrol also wanted to detour. Now I have seen this town again, and the small towns who have seen before and some have a heaters. In particular, those weapons and equipment around the town, let them touch their minds. Some soldiers were very confused, and there were many soldiers who had a feeling of realizing. Because these things are the individual soldiers layout, it is only prohibited from talking in the soldiers after the arrangement is completed.

Now these things are publicized, the topics of their previous discussion, the results are getting more and more obvious.

After all soldiers were over, Chen Shao, Xie Yuxin, Zhang Lingpu and others came in.

When the soldiers saw the first one of the people, they did not preview in advance. No organizers, everyone habitually stood up and salted a military ceremony, and walked: "Long live you old, the highest commander is long."

After you finish the special brigade, everyone was very surprised. Chen Shao did not know, Zhang Lingpu and others did not announce this. Zhang Lingpu wanted to give these soldiers a little surprise, and only the special soldiers of scientific research personnel and guarding bases were known to Chen Shao.

Surprised soldiers are very excited, Chen Shao will come to this place, visible to the empire attachment to it. They all felt that these three years of hardships, I saw Chen Shaoa, all values. As long as it is conducive to the Empire, it is nothing to keep three years.

In the eyes of the soldiers, only Chen Shao one, Xie Yuxin and Zhang Lingpu were ignored. Xie Yuxin doesn't matter, as long as she and Chen Shao to the military camp, she often is ignored by soldiers, all are used to it. Zhang Lingpu has some feelings, the principal's reputation in the soldiers, the whole empire is not available. The entire army is centered on Chen Shao. Zhang Lingpu also understood the soldiers' move, that is, he is the same, everything is centered on Chen Shao.

"The soldiers are fortunate, they are sitting down." Chen Shao smiled and pressed against the opposite.

Chen Shao walked to the on-screen podium, saw soldiers who were full of full halls, seeing they died to themselves, and they were proud of them. No matter which military camp he arrives, when all soldiers put their attention on themselves, the pride will appear silent.

Twenty-four years of storm history, now this step, Chen Shao can not pride. Even if he looks very light on some things, it is proud of people who have bluntly bloom in their hands. As mentioned earlier, people are ambitious, Chen Shao is no exception. However, his current ambition is very big, let China become the world hegemony, becoming the world's order.

The ambition is also or dream, Chen Shao does not want to suppress such ambition and dream, because he has such strength now. As long as the nuclear test can be perfect, the so-called ambitions and dreams will be more near, and success is not far.

"For more than three years, everyone is on this desolate land. For the great cause of the Empire, stay away from the family to youth and sweat, you are fortunate." Chen Shao said that he is working, and has a standard for all soldiers and officers. Military ceremony. To express our respect for the soldiers.

Chen Shao's arrival is already affirmation to them, and now Chen Shaozhuang's solemn military ceremony, let everyone's eyes blurred.

"For three years, everyone may not know what he is guarding, and today, you will be in front of you. Similarly, I also hope that everyone can abide by the army confidentiality." After respecting the military, Chen Shao opened again.

"Strictly abide by military secret." When I heard Chen Shao, the soldiers in the hall shouted.

Chen Shao did not say too much. If there is no meaning, too much, there is no need to mention it in this occasion. Instead, go directly to the podium, with Xie Yuxin to give each soldier. Under the command of the officer, there is no confusion in the scene, and Chen Shao is shaking hands.

Time is lost in countless times, and the experiment has quietly arrived. When Chen Shao and the last soldier hold, it is only one minute from the start of the experiment.

Chen Shao did not leave the crowd, and soldiers sat together and stared at the big screen in front.

The lobby also sounds the sound of the undersiscies.

"There is another minute from the nuclear test."

"There is still 30 seconds from the nuclear test."

The screen of the screen is switched to the remote screen, the town on the display, is far from a sudden.

"Start counting down."

"10, 9, 8, ..., 1."

Chen Shao and many scientific researchers have followed down with countdown.

ZTE 11 years, November 11th, Hanjing time at 10:50 am, historic moments arrived, the technician pressed the key to the decision, after 10 seconds, the automatic control system entered the automatic control status, at this time Dicking from 10 to zero sequence. This 10 seconds is to buckle people's heart for 10 seconds, because at the start of the atomic bomb in 10 seconds, the explosives begins, the energy is focused, high temperature and high pressure compression uranium 235 materials, nuclear materials reach the supercritical value, neutron bombardment of the original nucleus, The atomic nuclei produces a fission and releases a lot of energy. I only saw it from zero point, the glare was shining, the sky roared, the huge mushroom cloud rolled up, straight to the blue sky.

The Chinese nuclear test was successful.

In white, the iron tower and the surroundings are dissolved in an instant, and the red flames are empty, and countless black smoke is mixed. The red flame and black smoke are constantly lingering, forming huge mushroom clouds, rolling straight for nine days.

Huge impact wave destroys the buildings that have not been exploded, and the entire town is in the breath, insisted in less than two seconds, and soiled. The weapons and equipment that placed around the town is not spared, in the shock wave, like the town, the bones are not available.

On the entire town, perhaps only those experimental animals hidden in the ground can survive.

The mushroom cloud is still rolling, the red flame inside has become orange.

When the explosion, the pictures in the base were shaking. When the mushroom cloud appeared at that moment, the researchers of the control center cheered, excited to hug and tears. Some people are more like. For more than ten years, this moment, all the payment has been returned.

In the hall, all soldiers opened their mouths and couldn't get up for a long time. Only Chen Shao one nodded. When he was a moment, he knew that it was already successful. For more than ten years, it is finally flowing out today.

For Chen Shao, I don't know how many times, I didn't know how many times, I didn't know how many nuclear bombs, and the explosive landscape did not have a way compared to the hydrogen bomb. But Chen Shao, today, this picture is more excited than any nuclear test video in later generations. Because this is the first nuclear bomb of the Chinese Empire, the first nuclear bomb in this time and space.

After a short silence in the hall, suddenly broke out, the military hat flew in the hall. Although they don't know what this is, I know that the power is enough, the military and morale reach the top at this moment, and the soldiers are consciously standing.

"Long live the empire, long live, long live."

"Long live the empire, long live, long live."

"Long live the empire, long live, long live."

In the entire base, everyone firmly believes that there is such a killing, China can be called the world.

After the nuclear test, Zhang Lingpu walked on the platform and announced another exciting news:

"According to the instructions of Your Majesty, all soldiers have rewarded a year of military, and they can get a holiday in returning to their hometown. And the entire base of the army, from today, form an empire's first nuclear weapon. For a while, new professional training will be launched. I hope that you will be able to pay attention to, keep in mind the mission, welcome new tasks and challenges, don't lose your expectations, no military uniforms and military rankings. "


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