The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 278 Chapter in the Civil War of Su

The sky is floating with white snow, and the earth is white. The Mongolia is close to the surrounding geographies of Chakcha, and the human traces are rare. Because the Mongolous people are all moved around the Southern Cullen, leaving only a small village. When the residents moved away, even this village was abandoned, or the frontier defense troops picked up, and the village became the station, and it was not so broken here.

When the Sinova Sentinel in Zhongsu often meets, it will still be a grammar. Although the chicken dogs have heard, but the old death is not coming, the situation in this surprise is much more much.

The black cloud is filled, the snow is flying. The visibility is very low, even if the time has arrived at noon, but the sky is still gray. In a hidden whistle of the cutting edge of the Chaku, a soldier is roasting inside, eating lunch. On the ground, it was still a military dog.

The time to change your job is also early, this weather has no way to go out to patrol. The squad leader in the whistle, holding a telescope to monitor the snow in the distance.

Of course, there is also a military dog, and you look at the snow outside the house. When the nose is smelling a smell.

Have a satisfactory commemo to take the monetary work of Qiao Shu, and he soothes some stiff body, sitting next to the stove. I took the food that my comrades handed over and slowly eat. There is also a meat in front of the military dog. It has no hesitation, and it will bite the big mouth.

Take a bottle of burning wine from your pocket, you will have a bite, you will hand it to other soldiers. Although the army can drink, but to see the occasion, in such a place, drink some food warm, this is okay.

Uncomfortable, Joe book reached out into the military in the bag, took out a flat small iron box, carefully opened it, put many of the small pictures that were stacked and a two-inch photo.

On the photo, a girl holding a book, somewhat shyly face the lens, the girl is not particularly beautiful, but very well.


Although Qiao Shu is the army of junior high school, it is difficult to describe the feeling of the heart, and the shortness of the world can express his feelings in the heart.

"The squad leader, look at your wife?" Sniper, Zhang Fei, who was around Qiao, saw him and opened his mouth.

After lunch, Qiao Shu will do the same thing, take out the photo is detained, and other soldiers are used to. But every time, Zhang Fei is asking questions, in fact, he also wants home.

"It's another half a year, how can I not want it." Qiao Shu faintly.

As asked, Qiao Shu always recalled the time of the two times, and the girls in Qiao Shuhe and the photo were not married. The two of them were also a classmate. When Qiao Shu, Qiao Shui seized a soldier, and now it has passed five or six years. When the commitment to her is, Joe's heart is proud. "Waiting for me to fight, I will marry you with honor."

"Well, you said this one hundred times. I don't know what the opposite is what is opposite. It will start at any time. I will take a merits. When I will take a medal." Zhang Fei State I took my baby and the sniper rifle said.

"You said this." Qiao Shundao.

As a sniper, Zhang Fei, a lot of sniper, as long as he is not in battle, he is very tonging. It seems to be quiet when the sniper is maintained, and it will make it back when he is not war.

"Good words are not afraid, I think of the Soviets opposite the opposite, my hand is difficult, I can't wait for the war." Zhang Fei Guo raised a sniper rifle and facing the snow outside.

"It's itchy, my hand is also itchy, my baby is coming soon, I am rusted here." When the machine gun handed Liu Bo, he put the heavy machine gun in the ground.

Soldiers in the border, in addition to patrol, check weapons and wiping weapons to become their greatest fun. Especially this snowy weather, it is not suitable for patrol, and can only be used in the post in the post.

"There is a chance you have shot, don't see the Soviet soldiers soft." Qiao Shu took the photo.

"Hey, there is really war, it is better than the gun method than anyone." Sniper Zhang Fei said.

"It is not much more than the gun method. When you look at who you have a lot of people, you will lose a month of clothes." Machine gunman Liu Bo Road.

"Who is more than this." Zhang Fei has looked at the heavy machine guns in the willowo, and the mouth. The sniper is a fixed point to kill the enemy, where is more than the heavy machine gun, no need to know the results. "If you are more than the number of heads, I will bet with you."

"That's almost, I will try it for a few years later." Liu Wai shook his head. And sniper than the number of headers, he doesn't want to wash your clothes in winter.

Qiao Shu smiled slightly, did not insert it, and other soldiers were also in front of the equipment and listening to their conversations. These two are famous in the class, they are used to listen to them talking. For this kind of thing, the two are talking every day, especially the instructions, and will be able to fight with the Soviet Union, but also arouse the desire of two people.

"A situation!"

At this time, the sound of the observer was observed in the post.

After other soldiers listened, they ran together and ran toward the trenches outside the whistle. The post was built in the form of a dibrator, and the trenches were poured with cement. Only the shooting port of the Soviet border, a class of ammunition is stored here, the post is just where they usually live, just a small wooden house, the trench is their true battlefield.

After Qiao Shu came to the trenches, he added a telescope of the chest and looked at the distance.

In the snow, a tight figure is running towards the border of Zhongsu. Due to the snow in the ground, it is not very fast.

Qiao's wrinkled frowned, and the people wrapped too strict, plus snowflakes blocked the sight, found that the other party is, there is no way to distinguish between nationality.

At this time, a gunshot came in the distance. After listening to the gunshot, the soldiers in the trenches immediately launched the battle posture, and weapons aimed at the source of gunshots.

In the gun, there are still some snowflakes that are splashing by bullets. The man heard the gunshots and ran faster, and there was a beautiful beast behind the Buddha. That person sees the getting closer boundary line, revealing the color of the wings in the eyes. Looking back, I looked at the woods behind him and quickly run.

Just as a few tens of meters from the boundary line, the body after the woods came out of the Soviet soldier. These Soviet soldiers saw that he was about to enter the Chinese, and we have paired the arms. Without hesitating triggers, more than twenty of Mo Cinnana simultaneously fired, the snowflakes on the top trees in the Soviet soldiers were shocked.

I don't know if it is because of the relationship between the snow blocking, or these Soviet soldiers are generally general, with only one shot of twenty guns playing in the thigh of the person. The man directly squatted on the snow, his hand, his hand, wound, slowly crawling the border.

Twenty Soviet soldiers began to force to the person, and it seems to be caught.

That man saw the Soviet soldiers approached him, and his place was at least 30 meters from the border line, and a shot on his feet. There is no way to catch him before the Soviet Union caught him. The person is in an urgent, and the opening is called: "Save me, I am Chinese businessman." In fact, he only saw the post of the Chinese flag and did not see there is a Chinese soldier. The call for help is just a fight. As for if anyone hears it, you can only listen to life.

In the trench, Qiao Shuai and others heard the call of the person. Seeing all the warriors looking to himself, as the Qiao Shu, who is a squad, now it is to express myself. At this time, even if you are invoicing, you can see the Soviet soldier who is rapidly approaching the person, Qiao Shu understands, now it is the time you decide.

"Open fire, save the person, and kill those dog days." Qiao Shu said. He is very clear, this order means what, at this time, he has not thought of following the following questions. Anyway, I can't see the compatriots in front of my eyes, or take it away by the Soviet Union! Both do a choice, he is very clear what you choose. What's more, the Soviet soldiers shot to the border and have enough reasons to fight.

With the order of Qiao Shu, the soldiers did not carefully.

After the Soviet soldier's Zhang Fei is, it immediately bucks the trigger, sight, a sight, a forehead running in the front Soviet soldier is drilled, blood is mixed with white pasungal clothes. The body is unable to fall.

Zhang Fei has opened the first shot. The other soldiers did not fall behind, and the weapons in the hands were fired. In particular, Liu Bo, the trigger of directly bucking heavy machine guns, and there is no blink. The 12.7mm caliber slings whistling, shot toward the distant Soviet soldiers, and there are seven eight Soviet soldiers in the spot.

"If the snow is blocked, you can do it more." After seeing the record, Liu Bo said.

The semi-automatic rifle has also fired, and the twenty Soviet soldiers have fallen more than a dozen. Zhang Fei is once again shot, and the Soviet soldier will be done again.

The Soviet soldiers were hungry, and the instinct allowed them to kneel, but when they were all on the snow, they were originally 20 Soviet soldiers, and only five or six people were left. I was killed in three quarters.

At this point, these surviving Soviet soldiers realized that this is the opposite Chinese soldier in the fire. Here is the Chinese sent whistle, they all know, but they have never thought that the opposite China Army will open fire. The big idea is the culprit to bury their lives.

And that claimed to be a Chinese businessman, I looked at it. I just chased the Soviet soldier who was running around. After a while, I went to the Wang Wang. As for the king of the king, this is still two.


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