The Red Alert Republic

Chapter 279 Chapter Hua Shang Moon

"Continue to perform thermal pressure, you have two out of the injured Chinese to save the injured Chinese." Joe saw the pressed Soviet soldiers and said to the two soldiers around me.

After receiving the command, two soldiers nodded. Run out from the exit behind the trenches, through the snow cover, the cat is running with the Chinese people who are touched by the snow.

The bullet whistling in the ear, and the surviving Soviet soldiers did not dare to move on the snow, and they could only looked at the goals they chased by the Chinese soldiers. When their pace into the Chinese border, it disappears in the bunker. The Soviet soldiers are not asked for an accident. However, they didn't dare to get up, although they are all snowflakes now, but with the previous lessons, they don't dare to get up. It is directly on the snow and climbs the woods.

When all the Soviet soldiers disappeared in the woods, Qiao Shu and others stopped shooting. In addition to people who left alert, others came to the Chinese.

At this moment, the clothes of the Chinese wrapped in the body have been solved, and the exposed is indeed Chinese face. The medical staff in the class is giving him the wound to prevent excessive blood loss.

"Described by Dai Hong, thank you for the life of the life!" This name is Daihong's Chinese, and the tears look at the Chinese soldiers around you, full of excitement.

"I am the squad leader, my name is Qiao, I don't know how to run from the Soviet, and those Soviet soldiers chase what you do?" Qiao Shu didn't know why, for habits, open ank. Tao.

"Hey! This matter is hard!" Dai Hung sighed, and then said that he said with a resentment: "It is the sake of the Soviet mix egg. It is not to give me an espision, but not only deduct my goods. , I have to grab me. "

"You tell us more about things and us, we will definitely do for you." I heard the short sentence of Daihong, the brow of Joe wrinkled.

"I am a businessman, specializing in domestic transportation to the Soviet trafficking." Dai Hong said here, and took out his business certificates and identity prove to Qiao.

"Go to register." Qiao Shu took a prove to handle a warrior with you. Then, Dai Hong said: "Mr. Dai, you continue to say."

"Okay, things are like this, like us, today I pulled a batch of goods to the Soviet chart, I have also taken this way, there is customs clearance certificate and various documents, there is no out What can I know, this time, the Soviet soldiers who demonstrates did not check the goods and proof, directly seized my goods, and also grabbed me. From their words and deeds, they can be seen, they absolute It is deliberately to swallow my goods. Just when they are dividing my goods, I will take the opportunity to run out, behind you, you all know. My two guys are running with me, They were killed by the Soviet man. "Dai Hong said that it is already tearful. At this point he is also fortunate, or if he is saved by the soldiers of the motherland, maybe you will step into the two buddy. Dead in such a place, maybe there is no one who caught the corpse.

"Deceived too much, just shouldn't let the few people go back." Zhang Fei said a punch on the wall of the trenches and said a resentment.

The soldiers in the trenches also angry, or now the Soviet soldiers have been running away, and now they have the idea that all of them are all.

"Mr. Dai, here is not very safe, I immediately report your situation to the upper level, calling them to receive you after the treatment. You can rest assured that the empire will be the Lord for you, our army will also do the Lord for you. Never do it. All of them will definitely let the Soviet people pay the price. "Qiao Shu bite his teeth.

He understands why the Soviets do so, the two sides are already joining, and the Soviet soldiers also want to take the opportunity to get out of date. For them, this is not to make white do not earn.

In such a place, there is no evidence, but no one knows. Anyway, the situation between the two countries is very subtle, when the war starts, who goes back to more than these things. Only they lost their hands, let the Chinese soldiers have rescued a victim.

Since the overturned Tsar period, the Soviet Union has been committed to developing their own industries. However, the development of some of the heavy industry and the military industry, the light industry is very backward. The people's life must be a light industry, which gives many business opportunities brought about by China. Many Chinese businessmen also target the Soviet household product market and living materials market. In the past ten years, many goods have flowed into the Soviet Union through the Sino-Soviet Border, and many of the Far East Railways, transported to the Soviet European zone.

The Soviets are also very satisfied with the goods of Chinese, whether it is a toothpaste, or some of the carpet, such as an uspule, is what they like. Many times, as long as the goods arrive, they will be snapped up. And many men like tobacco and alcohol, sales are not for short supply. After the tariffs were taken, each Chinese businessman can make a big earn a big.

Dai Hong pulled the goods, there is not much life item, many of which are highly white wine and a variety of cigarettes. These things have been deeply liked by the Soviet man, let alone the army. For those Soviet soldiers, in the winter of Siberia, I can drink a high white wine, more important than eating, and smoke is indispensable. Therefore, Dai Hong's goods are being robbed, it is not a strange thing. Anyway, there is no one without endlessness, and China may have no chance to know.

"Thank you." When I heard the words of Qiao Shu, Dai Hong was in the heart of this moment. He struggled to stand up to thank them, but Joe was waiting to stop.

Qiao Book did not hesitate to come to the phone, grabbed the phone, report to the contest, and put Dai Hong's things and the news to the Soviet soldier. The boss of Qiao Shu also reported the situation immediately, soon, this news appeared in the hands of Su Ji.

"Before playing, all soldiers who duty battles. Ordered the whole army to prepare for the first-level war, bring the injured Chinese immediately to the rear of the field hospital for treatment. Tote the Department of Defense, notify the country, and strive for public opinion "Su Ji Sheng quickly issued the order.

In the Soviet Union, the Soviet frontier of the Chak map, a group of Soviet Union stationed here. At this time, the head of the Soviet Union and the political commissar are waiting to enjoy the wine and cigarettes in the house.

"Although this wine is so fierce, it is really good to have a good thing." Huilde's Soviet Union, I was able to give a bite to China's liquor, and said.

This kind of white wine called the knife is the favorite of the Soviet, alcohol content is more than 60%, and the general Chinese is hard to drink, but in the Soviet man, it is right. The application of new distillation techniques makes this white wine more a long time.

"Yeah! Drinking this kind of wine, drink Volga, there is not much meant." The Games Committee drank a mouth and opened his mouth.

"There is also this wine ghost peanut, beef, you can also eat this delicious in front line, it is a great enjoyment." The head of the head grabbed a bag of dried ghost peanuts, just fell to the mouth and chewing. The peony is like chewing, and then grasped a beef and dried into his mouth.

"Now I hope to come to a few Chinese businessmen. If these things go to the store to buy, I have to spend a big pen. Now these things are sent to the door, you can enjoy it, you are not worried about the lying in your pocket. Light. "The political commissar said his eyes.

"Chinese will always have some delicious things, I really want to turn these things into us so that we will not worry about it."

"Under the leadership of the great Stalin, these are things and early." The political commissar drank a wine.

"I really want to see the great Soviet Red Army in China, occupying a city, tank, crushing a little Chinese, using their blood telling the world, the Soviet Red Army is invincible." The head of the head said.

The political commissar also said: "This day will be very close, and Mongolia will be a great Soviet Union."

"Our group is the first troops, the first victory fruit should be taken by us, and we will become the hero of the Soviet Union, and the promotion of the official is our." The head smiled.

Just in his voice, the room where the two were in, a battalion hurriedly came into, and there were no two people asked, and they said: "The head of the head, the political commissar, big events, that Chinese The merchant was gone by the Chinese army on the border, and his two followed by our soldiers. And the Chinese army opened the fire, the soldiers of the two classes, only five alive came back. "

"What!" When he heard the length of the business, the two exclaimed and stood up. The two people have a hunch in their hearts, and they have to go out.

"Fast, I will pay the teacher, and the detailed situation of this matter is reported to the teacher. Order forces, prepare to fight." The political commissar thoughts turned, hurriedly ordered.

"Why do you want to tell your master, so we will die faster." The head of the government pulled the political commission. Besides, I have paid all the materials, isn't it busy?

"Your stupid is already unhappy. This matter is only true to the teacher, and these materials will be given to the teacher, and there is our live road." The political commissar looked at the partner just in the side, one The face is contempt. At this time, I still consider this Xiaomi, is this not looking for death? If the peak is pursued, then they still have a life, then say, make such a thing, do not honor the peak, can the peak will be happy? At that time, once the Red Army is known, then two suicides are the best results.

"To the right, hurry." Just still have some distressed to give all the materials to the head of the teacher, and at this time, it is not intentional. I also hurriedly said to the battalion of the side.


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