Chapter 116 116.

“Ahhh? What’s the situation? Who am I, where am I, and what will I have for breakfast?”

These are the three philosophical questions Long Cheng can’t help but ask when he wakes up and finds two cute little Loli sleeping on him.

Long Cheng looked around and found that the three were in the game room, and then remembered what happened last night.

In fact, nothing happened, that is, Long Cheng was killed 18 times in a row while playing Street Fighter with the kitten, and then expressed depressedly that the heroine begs to let him go, and then he let Orpheus play with the kitten and sleep by himself.

Later, Orpheus and Kitten seemed to say something in a daze, and then he felt heavy on his body. He thought Orpheus had become fat. It turned out to be two people. Then he didn’t remember.

‘Damn it! Such a good time, I went to sleep like this? No, I will look at their sleeping faces again to make up for my loss. Thinking like this, Long Cheng looked down at the two of them.

Then a pair of golden eyes were reflected in a pair of black eyes.

Both were dumbfounded, and then the owner of the golden eyes raised her head and leaned forward. After a while, she stood up with a blushing face and ran out of the room.

‘Eh! What just happened? I must have not woken up yet, how could the kitten…’

“Uh…haha, Feifei, you are awake” At this moment, Long Cheng found two small feather-colored eyes looking at him.

Just as Long Cheng was thinking about what to do, Orpheus also raised his head and leaned forward, and then left the room likewise, leaving Long Cheng in a daze.

Since everyone was tired from going to the Demon Forest yesterday, Long Cheng did not go to train Hyoto Ise and gave him a half-day vacation.

“Ahhhhhhhhhh? Isn’t that a new transfer student, they are a couple. But why is Maojiang holding his hand?”

“Two boats on foot?”

“However, it seems that the relationship between the three of them is harmonious?”

“The transfer student still looks very handsome, although not as good as Kiba-kun.”

“I heard that the transfer student and Kiba-kun have a good relationship. There are rumors that Kiba-kun went to his class to find him.”

“Yeah~ Kiba and the handsome transfer student…”

Early in the morning, Long Cheng went to school with Kitty and Orpheus together, and the two of them held Long Cheng’s arm.

The girls from the same school were discussing Eight Trigrams along the way, and then the topic became more and more crooked.

Of course, the boys from Juwang Academy also found three people.

“Damn it, this transfer student is so enviable.”

“That is, it is not enough to have a girlfriend like Orpheus, and even the cat, the mascot of the campus, which has the same attributes, is also included in the bag.”

“Damn it’s life winner, it is said that there are rumors that the two transfer students are living in Mao Jiang’s house.”

“What, do they have… (harmony)? It’s so jealous.”

“More than that, it is said that she has an inexplicable relationship with Lord Lias and Lord Zhu Nai.”

“Unforgivable! No, let me purify this wicked winner of life with the torch!”

With his keen perception, Long Cheng subconsciously swallowed his mouth when he heard the discussion of the boys and the malice radiated against him, and led the two hurriedly into the school.


When Long Cheng walked into the classroom by himself and took a seat, Hyoto’s best friends Motohama and Matsuda ran over.

“Student Long Cheng~”

“Huh? I remember you are friends of Ise, Motohama and Matsuda, right? Is there anything wrong?”

The two looked at each other, then bowed vigorously, and said, “Student Long Cheng, please accept us as disciples!”

“Ha? Why?” Long Cheng asked suspiciously. ‘How could they want to be my apprentice, did Ise betray me? impossible. Forget it, just listen to them. ’

“Please tell us how we can become as popular with girls as you.”

“Welcome to girls? No, I won’t.”

“Impossible, but your feat this morning spread throughout the school. You even dated two girlfriends at the same time and had such a good relationship with the two big sisters at the school.” Motohama retorted disbelievingly.

“Moreover, not long after Ise called your master, he soaked in Aisha sauce. This must be your teaching from the master, so that Ise, who is not popular with girls like us, can make a girlfriend.” Matsuda went on Motohama said.

“Ah, are you two discussing the topic of H early in the morning? Or you plan to let Long Cheng-kun join you and become a member of the satyr trio (the trio has four that are not common sense ?” At this moment, a female voice came from the side.

“Tsk, Kiryu Lanhua.” Matsuda said with a tut.

“It’s none of your business, we just want to learn from Long Cheng-kun, no, the master has learned the secret skills to make yourself popular with girls, it’s not what you think.” Motohama replied solemnly.

“Ah, Long Cheng-kun is indeed very popular with girls. I heard about this morning too. Now, tell me, you and the first grade Orpheus sauce and the kitten sauce What happened in the meantime? Where have you been? Is there a fit?” Kiryu Lanhua raised his eyes and asked Long Cheng with their eyes shining.

“Fit!” x2

“He…fit.” Long Cheng repeated with twitching corners of his eyes.

“Too enviable, Long Cheng-kun, oh no, master, please tell us.”

“This…” Long Cheng was frightened by the fiery eyes of the three of Kiryu Lanhua.

Just as Long Cheng was thinking about how to escape, Hyoto Issei and Aisha came to the classroom and successfully attracted the firepower of the three.

When Motohama and Matsuda saw Hyoto Ise, their eyes glowed red, as if they were killing their father and enemy, they rushed straight up and knocked Ise flying with a punch. That strength is almost catching up with the kitten.

When Hyoto Ise was knocked to the ground, the two rushed up again, first with a strong man to lock the man, then another man with a man, and finally a double nirvana man with a man.

Just as the air was gradually burning up, Aisha successfully helped Yicheng to get out of the siege.

One minute later

Hyoudou Issei rubbed his swollen cheeks, and was surrounded by a few people and sat in his place.

“What the hell are you two doing! It hurts!”

“You still have a face to say! Compared to the small injuries you have suffered, the physical and mental trauma that we two have suffered is truly huge, it is horrible!” The two cried while beating the table.

“Where is the sacred Milutan you introduced to us? Do you know the mental pollution we experienced when we saw this two-meter-two magical girl covered in tendons?”

“This…” Hyoto’s eyes were guilty.

“What’s even more exaggerated is that he actually called several cos magical girls to the same friends, and they are still the same body. They surrounded us in the middle, and they shouted to become magical girl MILKY sauce together. Magical girl, your sister!”

“Damn it, when we were tortured by the magic brother, you guy must be doing this and other happy things with Aishachan. What about the unpopular alliance that you said? You just abandoned the organization like this? Unforgivable !”

“Ah, Aisha-chan, what did you do with Hyoudou this weekend? Did you fit together for a day?” Kiryu Lanhua was on the side to make up for the duo.

“Fit!” x2

“Fit?” Pure Aisha repeated suspiciously.

“It’s not a huge robot, how can it fit together?” Hyoto Kazue said blushing.

“Yicheng, your act of enjoying yourself and selling your friends is too much. As your master, I won’t help you this time.” Long Cheng said solemnly.

“that is!”

“That’s right!”

“Yes, so tell me quickly, do you two…”

‘Very well, turn their attention to Yicheng and I’ll be fine. Forgive me, GAY, oh no, my disciple of fish lips, this is to be a teacher, you just sacrifice once. ’

Long Cheng shrank to the side, watching Yicheng who was being frantically criticized, shed tears of crocodile.

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