Chapter 117 Chapter 117

Another week later

After school, because the Supernatural Research Department was going to clean up, everyone gathered at the Hyoto Issei’s house, which is closer to the school, to have tea and chat together.

“Well, this is the performance this month.”

“Zhu Nai, fifteen pieces.”


“You Dou, eleven pieces.”


“Kitten, eight pieces.”


“Aisha, three pieces.”


“Then Ise, parts.”


“Eh-Ise, you are too dishevelled, even Aisha can’t compare to it. Hahaha.”


Well, although this is true. But when you say that, it hurts your heart. ”

“Ise, come on next month, I will work hard with you.”

“Oh-worthy of my Aisha sauce!”

Just as everyone was about to talk, Hyoto Ise’s parents walked in with tea and snacks.

“Auntie, okay, uncle,” everyone said.

“Ah, hello everyone, here are tea and snacks.” Issei’s mother Hyoto Miki said with a smile.

“In other words, I did not expect that my mind is full of desires. The child can make so many excellent friends and a girlfriend like Aishachan. I am so gratified. Ise must be taken care of by you a lot. Thank you so much,” Hyoto Ise’s father Hyoto Goro said with emotion.

“That’s right, the kid is his dad. Although Motohama-kun and Matsuda-kun are also good boys, their eyes are a bit nasty. Basically, the students of H will have a bad influence on Ise, and now Aisha-chan lives here. , You can’t let them come here casually, it will pollute the young girls.” Yicheng’s mother said.


“Okay, I won’t bother you. This is a photo of Ise when I was a child. You must also want to know Ise when I was a child. Then we will go out first.” Hyoto Sanki said and took Hyoto Goro out. .

“I… totally speechless!” After the two left, Hyoto Kazuma held out such a sentence.

“Ah! Why do you all look.” Hyoto found that everyone was ignoring him, turned his head and found that everyone was looking at his photo.

“Wow, Ise is naked and milk. So cute, Ise when I was a kid.” Aisha said with a photo of a six-year-old boy with his back to the camera, drinking milk naked.

“Oh oh oh, oh kawaii deduction of beans.” Zhu Nai said with a smile.

“Senior Yicheng, from the sexual harassment twelve years ago.” The cat grumbled blankly.

“Visual pollution.” Orpheus echoed.

Then everyone discussed the photo.

“Now, classmate Ise.” Kiba said with a gloomy face at this moment. In the photo, two children are happily playing with game consoles. The background is a Western-style room with a shield with a golden cross on the wall and a knight sword in a scabbard.

“What’s wrong, Kiba?”

“What is this picture?”

“Ah, this is a friend of mine when I was young. My parents seem to belong to the church, but I moved out when I was very young. I remember the name is…”

“I didn’t expect to see this kind of thing here.”


Kiba pointed to the knight sword in the photo and said, “This is a holy sword.”

“Holy Sword?”

“No, it’s nothing.” At this time, Kiba’s expression recovered, and he left the Houtou house after greeting everyone.

Long Cheng watched the conversation between the two in his eyes throughout the entire process, but he didn’t plan to intervene in this matter now. After all, this holy sword incident was related to whether Kiba could reach the forbidden hand and the liberation of his soul.

“哐——” “Boom——”

Under the clear sky, there was an echo of the metal impact, and then it was the loud noise of bomb blasting.

“Hey, Yicheng, you will catch me well. It’s rare for me to accompany you to train and play baseball.”

“Impossible, sir, did you play baseball or missile bombing? How could I be next? It doesn’t exist.” Hyoto Ise looked at the ground where a big hole had been blown out, and said silently.

“It’s a man, just pick up the ball silently for me.”

“Hi~” Hyoudou Yicheng took out the baseball embedded in the ground with a bitter face, and then threw it to Long Cheng.

Long Cheng handed the baseball bat to Kiba, then walked aside, and began to admire everyone’s baseball practice with the rest.

“Ise, next week will be the school’s technical meeting. We can’t lose in the club match,” Lias said majesticly.

That’s right, next week, Koomao Academy will start the sports meets that often appear in the Japanese Youth Campus Fan, but this time it is a football game, and there will be a Japanese special sports meet next semester.

In order to be able to win the game, everyone’s after-school life of drinking tea and chatting has been replaced by various ball sports. Today is baseball, and maybe tomorrow is basketball. One day is a kind of ball practice.

Long Cheng feels that since fighting with Lysa, Lias seems to have a certain persistence in winning. It seems that the first [ranking game] did not rely on her own to win a little bit of concern to her, but this is also a good thing, anyway, only Just control one degree.

“Okay, Aisha will come down and rest. Next, Yudou! It’s time to go!”

“Crack–” The ball flew towards Kiba.

According to Kiba Yuto’s reaction ability, catching the flying baseball was just a piece of cake. After all, it is characterized by speed and dexterity [Knight], but—

“Boom—” The baseball fell on the head of the wooden field in a daze.

“Hey, Kiba! Get your energy up,” Ise said from the side.

“…Ah, I’m so sorry, I was just in a daze.” Kiba turned his head around, looking unconscious, then he picked up the ball and threw it to Rias mechanically.

“Yudo, what’s the matter? You’ve always been in a daze lately, you don’t look like you at all.” Lias asked concerned.

“I’m very sorry, Minister, I’m fine.”


Then Lias picked up the baseball instruction manual and read it. Lias seems to like reading books. Long Cheng has seen Lias reading different books in the Supernatural Research Department several times.

“Ahhhhhhhhh, Long Cheng-kun, do you know?” Zhu Nai on the side found Long Cheng looking at Lias, and then she walked over and said in Long Cheng’s ear.

“Huh? What do you know?”

“Recently, the minister has read the love handbook.”

“Oh? A book of love? Does Rias have someone she likes?”

“Hehehe, the Minister does have someone he likes. But he doesn’t seem to be aware of what the Minister likes,” Zhu Nai squinted and said with a smile.

“Don’t she have anything to do with Lias?”

“Well, the minister seems a little shy and timid, so he dare not act.”

“Ha, Lias is such a beautiful and outstanding girl, why is she so unconfident, can’t she just go up in her usual style and it will be over?”

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