Chapter 141 Chapter 141

“Okay, I’ve said about Kiba, and it’s time to talk about the two of you. Long Cheng-kun is not my subordinate, I can’t say anything—”

“Ah~haha~” Long Cheng grabbed his head and laughed awkwardly. He heard the resentment in Lias’ words.

“–But you, as my dependents, do not obey my orders as the master. This is a big problem.”

“Yes.” Ise and Kitty replied.

Just when Ise thought that he was waiting for him to be punished like President Cangna–

Rias pulled Ise and the kitten over and hugged them tightly.

“…Two idiots. You are really, you have been worrying me…” Lias spoke in a gentle voice and touched the heads of Ise and Kitty.

“…Minister. I’m sorry to make you worry about us so much…” Kitty said.

“I’m sorry, Minister. It’s great to be the minister’s servant.” Hyoto said with emotion.

“Wow——! Chairman——! The next door is over in a warm atmosphere——!” The next door Shirou Sajimoto looked at Ise and the others with envy, and at the same time gave a crazy hint to Chairman Cangna.

“Others are others, and we are us.” But our unselfish student council president, Cangna-sama, didn’t want to eat this set, and directly rejected Sajimoto Shiro’s suggestion.

“Flap! Flap!” Then he continued to punish him, and the magic power that seemed to be used increased.

“Then, Ise. Buttock up.” Just as Ise saw the punishment of Sajimoto Shirou and was feeling the gentleness of her master, Rias smiled and said to him.

“…Huh? Ministry, Minister, didn’t you forgive me…”

Rias smiled, her right hand wrapped around the red arrogance: “It is the master’s job to discipline the servant. You have to spank a thousand times♪”

“Hi-Minister, please be gentle.”

“It’s going on.” Lias said, and when the fight was about to go down, the kitten caught her.

“Minister, I am also responsible for this matter. Please let me share half of the punishment.” Said the kitten poked up his ass.

Lias looked at the kitten for a while, and then said solemnly: “Since you have decided, then I’m going to go.”

“Ministry, Minister…” Hyoto Ise wanted to persuade a few words.

“Lias…” Long Cheng also wanted to persuade a few words.

“Don’t talk about it, this is Kitty’s determination.” Lias said, and Long Cheng couldn’t say anything.

“Then, it’s going to happen.” A red arrogance appeared in Lias’ hands, and then she patted the kitten on the bottom.

“Yeah~” There was no cat crying, just a shy soft cry.

It turned out that when Lias took the kitten, the magic power in her hand had dissipated, and at the same time she also reduced her strength, which could only be regarded as a light stroke.

Lias hugged the kitten in her arms and said softly: “Kitten, you value your partner and your attitude of admitting mistakes. I decided to spare you this time. But I can’t do that next time, you know.”

“Hi, I know about Minister.” The kitten said blushing.

“Then it’s Ise’s turn.”

“Ah—yes, Minister. Please teach me severely, I know I was wrong.” Hyoto Kazumi saw Rias let go of the kitten, and thought that the gentle Minister would let him go, so he smiled. Said.

“Yoshi, hit a thousand butts, a little cat, and nine hundred and ninety-nine, it’s coming.” Lias said with a smile on the red magic power in her hand.

“Yes, Minister.”



On this day, Ise’s ass died. (funny)

After everyone said goodbye to each other, the kitten took Long Cheng’s hand and went home together.

“I am back.”

“……I am back.”

Long Cheng and Xiao Mao walked into the entrance of the apartment and said aloud.

Later, when he took off his shoes, Long Cheng noticed the clogs on the ground.

The kitten also pulled La Longcheng’s sleeve, and he whispered in his ear: “There is a stranger.”

Long Cheng knew who came when he saw the wooden clogs, “It’s okay, it’s someone I know.”

Long Cheng said to the kitten, and then took her into the living room.

“Oh, our Red Dragon Emperor of Otherworld is finally back.” I saw the handsome middle-aged uncle, who thought he had blond streaking hair and dressed in a brown kimono, drank a sip of tea and smiled and said to Long Cheng. He was the Governor of Fallen Angel. Asacher.

Orpheus was sitting on the sofa on the other side.

“Sorry, take the initiative, and used your tea.” Asacher said, holding the teacup.

“Azazel, what are you doing here?” Long Cheng said silently, no matter what, this is the residence of the kitten, which is regarded as the territory of the devil.

“Asacher? Governor of the Fallen Angel?” The kitten frowned when he heard the conversation between the two.

“Well, although he is the Governor of the Fallen Angels, he was not responsible for the Holy Sword incident this time. To be precise, the only Fallen Angel involved in this incident is Kokabile…So, Baiyin doesn’t have to worry.” Long Cheng explained to the kitten.

After hearing this, the kitten nodded, then left the living room and entered his room. She believed that Long Cheng would not harm them, so just let them talk about it by themselves.

“Hahaha, your kid is amazing, Valina kid, after coming back last time, but starting to practice crazy, Jinse really has a headache for this fighting mad brother, but he complained to me and Lavinia It’s been several times. Now [God Child Watcher] has been turned upside down.”

“Ahem, isn’t it? Okay, let Valli’s matter aside. Come on, what’s the matter when I come over this time?” Long Cheng was a little embarrassed when he heard Asathier’s complaint, and then changed the subject.

Hearing Long Cheng’s words, Asachel smiled and said, “Ah, this time I am looking for you about your commission. Although Michael and the others are a bit difficult, they finally agreed.”

“Eh! Are you done? Are Michael and the others so talkative? You are the Governor of the Fallen Angel.”

“Well, it’s not that I didn’t pay the price. It just asked me to find someone.”

“The person who makes heaven care so much? Who is that?”

“I do not know?”

“You don’t know? What do they want you to find?”

“It’s not without a clue. It is said that a few weeks ago, the Celestial Realm system suddenly worked normally, but it only lasted for a while. Michael and the others thought it might be related to the deceased god. According to the investigation, that person was in Japan at the time. , But the precise information is gone.”

“Ah, that’s the case. If it’s related to the God of the Bible, it’s no wonder. But what do you think caused it?”

“Well, there are only a few things related to the God of the Bible. The most likely one is the holy relic. I guess it may be [Twilight Holy Spear], [Seoul World Holy Grail], [Ziyan Sacrifice’s Jietai] These three kinds of gods have the most possibility.”

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