Chapter 142 142. The King’s Sword of Moonlight Campus: The Final Battle 1

“Oh, why?” Long Cheng asked.

“Because the other holy relics, holy skeletal cloth and holy nails are in the hands of the heavens, if they were them, there is no reason they would ignore them.

However, I personally think that [Twilight Spear] is the most likely. After all, it is the spear that killed the god. Legend has it that the god’s will reside in the spear.

The second is [The Holy Grail of the Secluded World] It is said that the blood of the gods has been in full bloom, and it has the ability to resurrect and heal all things.

[Jietai of Ziyan Sacrifice] I think it is unlikely. “Assasser analyzed seriously. As for the understanding of artifacts, besides the late God of the Bible, Assasser can be said to be the number one well-deserved, after all, he can develop the existence of artificial artifacts.

“…” After hearing Asacher’s words, Long Cheng summoned the Twilight Holy Spear.

“Wha… I didn’t expect the Holy Spear to be on your body.”

“My holy spear is not here either, so I shouldn’t be the person you are looking for.” Although Long Cheng suspected it was his own cause, he didn’t want to contact the heavens now.

“…Yes, those three gods do not know who the heirs are, maybe they are in Japan. And it is not ruled out that the artifacts of the holy nails and holy skeletal cloth will appear. You are unlikely, although it is not impossible. “Azacher thought for a while and smiled.

“Well, let me entrust it to me.”

“OK, to be honest, it’s fortunate that you commissioned me, otherwise even if you find it, it will be useless.”

“Then, I have completed the entrustment, and I will leave. Ah, I will ask you during the three-party talks.”


“Then, I will leave, bye~”

In the middle of the night, a phone call from Hyoto Issei awakened the sleeping three people.

“Hey, Ise. Do you know what time it is? If you can’t give a reason, you’re dead.”

“Master, emergency! Come to my house! I also want to notify the minister.” Hyoto Isei hung up the phone after hurriedly said.

Long Cheng heard Ise’s eagerness, so without saying anything, the two men with their changed clothes teleported to Hyoudou Issei’s home.

When Long Cheng arrived at Ise’s room, Rias and the others also went to Ise’s room through the magic circle.

I saw Ise sitting on the chair nervously, while Aisha used [Mother’s Smile] to treat a seriously injured girl on the bed, and it was Irina who went to chase Fred with Xenovia.

“What’s the matter?” Lias asked.

“It’s Fred, and there is a fallen angel with five pairs of wings. After he threw Irina to me, he told me that they were going to smelt the holy sword at the King’s Academy.”

“Five pairs of wings? It’s Cocabile! The big thing is not good, everyone prepare, we will go to school right away.”


“I will trouble you this time, Long Cheng-kun. But Kabil is not something we can fight against now.”

“give it to me.”

Then everyone sent the injured Irina to the president’s place. Thanks to the power of Asia, the worst situation of death was avoided.

“Senior Lias, the academy has already enveloped a large enchantment. As long as there is no exaggeration, there will be no harm outside the enchantment…” Saji walked over and said to everyone.

At this time, members of the Supernatural Research Department and the Student Union gathered in a park not far from Komao Academy. Only Kiba was not there.

The key of the student union is explaining the state of the barrier to Lias. Probably because of the impact of being spanked, he stood unnaturally.

According to him, after receiving contact from Lias, the president of the student union, Chi Cang Na, summoned all the members of the student union to set up a large-scale enchantment in the academy. This is to prevent leaks of what happened inside.

“This can only minimize the damage. To be honest, if Kekabile shows his true skills, let alone the school, the entire city will be destroyed. Moreover, he seems to have begun preparations. My servant saw it. He is on the playground and is gradually liberating his strength.” Cang Na said to everyone with a serious expression.

“In order to restrain the attack as much as possible, my family and I will position ourselves separately and continue to maintain the barrier. We want to keep the disaster to a minimum… Although it is difficult to bear the damage to the school, since the person who came is a cadre of the fallen angel, we can only Be patient.” Cang Na squinted her eyes and stared at the direction of the academy with hate.

“Thank you, Cangna. We will figure out the rest.”

“Lias, the opponent is a monster of a different level from ours?-Even if Long Cheng-kun defeated Lysa, he might not win. It’s not too late. Find your brother -”

Lias shook her head and denied, “Didn’t you also find your sister?”

“I…your brother loves you so much. If you go to Lord Suzex, he will definitely do something. So—”

“I have already asked Lord Suzex.” Zhu Nai on the side said at this moment.

“Zhu Nai!”

Lias made an accusation, but Juna rarely showed an angry expression: “Lias, I know you don’t want to cause trouble to Lord Suzex. After all, this is something that happened in your territory and your base, but The person who came is a fallen angel cadre. Although Long Cheng-kun is very strong, we can’t let our friends take risks for us. He has helped us a lot. The problem is far beyond what you can solve personally-we still borrow the devil The power of it.”

Lias seemed to want to say something, but she just sighed and nodded slightly. Then looked at Long Cheng apologetically.

“Well, don’t care. I do these things voluntarily.” Long Cheng comforted.

After confirming Lias’ meaning, Zhu Nai resumed her usual smile of Mimi: “Thank you for your understanding, Minister. Lord Cangna, Lord Szekes said that the reinforcements will arrive in an hour.”

“One hour…I know. During this time, our students will bet on the name of Xidi’s family members and continue to set up barriers.”

Hearing Cangna’s determination, Lias seemed to be enlightened and said: “…an hour. Alright, my demon servants, we have to take charge of the offensive. Charge into the academy in the enchantment and attract Cocabi. Le’s attention. This is different from the battle against Phoenix, it’s a deadly battle! Even so, I still don’t allow you to die! All of you have to come back alive and continue to go to school in that school! Also, I’m bothering you again, Long Cheng .”

“Yes!” The crowd replied vigorously!

“Hyoto! I’ll take care of you for the rest.”

“I know, Ji. You just have to take care of your butt injury.”

“Shut up! It hurts even more when you say that! What about your own ass?”

“Hahahaha, I have Aishajiangai’s treatment, the pain is gone for a long time.”

“Damn it! Envy! Anyway-Kiba hasn’t shown up yet?”

“Yes, but I believe he is okay, and he will definitely show up.”

“That’s right, I believe so.”

Hyoto Ise and Saji fist each other, praying for each other to fight hard.

[Leave it to me, partner. But Kabile. It is indeed a qualified opponent. Let him see it. Our strength. 】

“That’s right, Draig. Let him see how powerful the dragon is to fight with the devil and the gods.”

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